What days to tip Mousekeeping

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DIS Veteran
Jul 16, 2016
Do you tip mousekeeping on the day you check out? I have envelopes all made up and want to make sure to get the cash ready and I dont want to miss a day. We check in at 3pm 20th check out the 26th early so I would leave tips for 21-25th right?
Truth be told, check out day is the day they clean the most, spend the most time "cleaning up after you" so to speak. So if you want to get real technical about it, they should get a tip that day, more than most. If you equate tip as "gratuity for services performed". While you aren't the direct benefit you are the direct cause. If that makes sense. Or am I the only one that looks at it like that?
Truth be told, check out day is the day they clean the most, spend the most time "cleaning up after you" so to speak. So if you want to get real technical about it, they should get a tip that day, more than most. If you equate tip as "gratuity for services performed". While you aren't the direct benefit you are the direct cause. If that makes sense. Or am I the only one that looks at it like that?
That is exactly how I look at it as well. I actually leave a bit more on checkout day
I leave a tip each morning before heading out for the day. Last trip I left $5 each morning and wrote on the writing tablet “thank you mousekeeping”. Our cleaner (same one each day) would in turn write back to us and say “thank you” and also she wrote short Walt Disney quotes, so cute. The “If you can dream it, you can do it” one stuck with me... It made me think she was working hard to make her American dream into a reality; I wouldn’t be surprised if she ran the entire place some day ::yes::
I ended up leaving her $20 on the day we left bc I think like @AngiTN and I wanted to give her something extra.
I don't know if tipping has anything to do with this but on our last trip (French Quarter) I left my normal $5 a day. On day 3 or 4 (cannot remember) I left a note asking for extra shampoo. When we got back there was about 40 little bottles of shampoo and conditioner sitting in the sink area.
Truth be told, check out day is the day they clean the most, spend the most time "cleaning up after you" so to speak. So if you want to get real technical about it, they should get a tip that day, more than most. If you equate tip as "gratuity for services performed". While you aren't the direct benefit you are the direct cause. If that makes sense. Or am I the only one that looks at it like that?

This is how I look at it too, and I always leave extra on our check out day.
Its definitely up to personal preference with all the controversy regarding 'housekeeping' and security lately, but I personally have decided to only tip a small percentage of what I previously would have before the series of bad policy changes by Disney. It still depends on the length of stay and if there was anything particularly crazy that made their work harder than normal, but on a typical 3 day stay now I only leave a couple dollars and a note explaining (if this is the case) That I appreciated the service, that I was satisfied with it, and would normally have tipped ___ dollars. However, since I am so strongly against the poor implementation of the 'do not disturb'/housekeeping as security daily 'room checks', I do not think its appropriate to tip excessively for something that I do not want, and lowers the quality of my stay at the hotel and Walt Disney World in general.

I know in general it may not be the housekeeper who is getting the tips fault, but the policy is still effecting my trip, and I won't pay for the 'privilege' of getting barged in on, treated like a security threat, etc. While I doubt the policy in general will change, maybe eventually if enough guests are upset about the terrible implementation, and enough cast members are also upset about the terrible implementation, Disney will sit down and actually figure out a way to do what they think they need to do in a way that doesnt upset guests and is consistent with the quality most people have come to expect with Disney.
Its definitely up to personal preference with all the controversy regarding 'housekeeping' and security lately, but I personally have decided to only tip a small percentage of what I previously would have before the series of bad policy changes by Disney. It still depends on the length of stay and if there was anything particularly crazy that made their work harder than normal, but on a typical 3 day stay now I only leave a couple dollars and a note explaining (if this is the case) That I appreciated the service, that I was satisfied with it, and would normally have tipped ___ dollars. However, since I am so strongly against the poor implementation of the 'do not disturb'/housekeeping as security daily 'room checks', I do not think its appropriate to tip excessively for something that I do not want, and lowers the quality of my stay at the hotel and Walt Disney World in general.

I know in general it may not be the housekeeper who is getting the tips fault, but the policy is still effecting my trip, and I won't pay for the 'privilege' of getting barged in on, treated like a security threat, etc. While I doubt the policy in general will change, maybe eventually if enough guests are upset about the terrible implementation, and enough cast members are also upset about the terrible implementation, Disney will sit down and actually figure out a way to do what they think they need to do in a way that doesnt upset guests and is consistent with the quality most people have come to expect with Disney.

Maybe a more effective thing to do instead of writing your housekeeper why you are decreasing her tips when she has nothing to do with it is to write to Guest Relations.
I tip daily. I'm not super high maintenance, but often ask for things like extra towels, tp, shampoo, etc... So I leave a note with the tip. I also tip if they bring something by, like extra pillows, towels, hangars, etc... I know tipping is optional, and most folks don't do it, but I feel that the person that affects my vacation the most is the housekeeper! I love coming back to a freshly made up room.

The last time we were at Pop, our housekeeper was so kind (she was assigned to us all but one day, and we met her several times) that I wrote guest services after we got home about how kind she was (we had a late flight home, so after dropping our bags with RAC and lunch, we relaxed in the room reading so my son could rest, as he's medically fragile, and she came by to clean the room as it was after checkout time. She saw we were relaxing, so said she would go service 4 other rooms and let us stay and rest). She also stocked us with extra towels for her day off (we had a VIP medical cleaning). I actually got a call back from Disney, and they said they'd let her supervisor know! She was an older woman, think her name was Celia or something.

Sorry that was off topic!
What is an appropriate tip for daily “mousekeeping” (knowing that it is a personal preference)? I find tipping for these situations difficult, because of the fact that it’s not always the same person each day (for example, if you are very satisfied with your room cleaning, you would tend to tip more, but the person that gets it the next morning might not be the person that did that excellent cleaning the day before). We are only two people in our room, if that helps for tipping suggestions.

I have an idea but I am curious to see if my thoughts are similar to others here. I don’t want to start arguments because this is definitely a personal preference question!

Livelovedance,. I tend to leave a dollar per person in the room per day. So, this week that is $3 per day. If we are extra messy, like spilling cereal on the floor, I will leave an extra buck or two. But, I pre-clean for housekeeping so it is usually not that much work to do our room.
What is an appropriate tip for daily “mousekeeping” (knowing that it is a personal preference)? I find tipping for these situations difficult, because of the fact that it’s not always the same person each day (for example, if you are very satisfied with your room cleaning, you would tend to tip more, but the person that gets it the next morning might not be the person that did that excellent cleaning the day before). We are only two people in our room, if that helps for tipping suggestions.

I have an idea but I am curious to see if my thoughts are similar to others here. I don’t want to start arguments because this is definitely a personal preference question!


Yes, it is pretty much personal preference. But for us, I leave $5 in the morning, either 3 or 5 for turndown. We are 2 adults, keep all our personal items organized & out of the way, used towels in 1 pile on the edge of the tub & try to use only 1 garbage can. So only 1 bed to make, 1 garbage can to empty, couple of towels to replace along with whatever sink & tub cleaning they do. I usually even bring my own shampoo & body wash so don’t even need lots of toiletries replaced.
We used to leave five but I'm bumping it to ten every day on the next trip.

Someone posted in another thread that they stopped making towel animals, is this correct?
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