Welcome to the Ya Ya Club Med!!!

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....TAH-rah, my bad!! Please PM me with your address; I TOTALLY forgot to send you the $$ for that pin :blush: !! (silly ME!! :confused3 )
Yikes, bottom of page two!

Night, y'all!

(told ya that nap did me in!)
:sunny: Mornin'!!!

Wow - the sun was out and shining around 6:00 am - but it is darn near frigid out there!! :cold:

Will Spring ever come??????? :guilty:
Morning all... too cold... wanna move south...

Lily, that is interesting... I suppose it doesn't make much sense to me why you would do it that way, but oh well. It is intereseting the different ways religions are practiced.

Hi Kimmar & Suzanne!

Pam, rumor has it that in a couple of months it will warm up :rolleyes:

I really don't feel like being here today... I'd rather be all curled up in bed with my kitties. Oh well...
Totally blanked on saying this earlier... just did my rounds on the Angel thread so had to stop in here... amazing how doing work can make you think of things... anywho...

Alan, I hope your youngest has a wonderful day! So a very Happy Birthday to Abigail :bday:
It's :cold: cold HERE too!! HOW many days till' spring???!?!?!? (at least the clocks go ahead 1 hour on April 2!! Yippee! :banana: )
I'm with you all doing the cold dance. BRRR is it cold!!

Happy birthday to a young AA!!! :bday:

Mommy news....Ethan has learned two signs now. He raises his arms in an attempt to sign all done and he claps his hand together to sign more. I know it is the sign for "more" rather than patty cake because he has learned to open his hands flat and get a good smacking sound out of patty cake. He also said "mo" the other day!!

Jarrod on the other hand is becoming quite proficent at lying. everything from saying he has washed his hands when he hasn't to telling me has eaten when he has really thrown the chicken finger in a bag in the office (not a trash bag...a bag with stuff in it!!) Oy vey!! This kid is going to be the death of me!!

Hope everyone warms up today!!

tara :teacher:
kimmar067 said:
It's :cold: cold HERE too!! HOW many days till' spring???!?!?!? (at least the clocks go ahead 1 hour on April 2!! Yippee! :banana: )
Okay, every year I whine about it... I HATE DAY LIGHTS SAVINGS TIME!!!!!!!!

There, I said it!!! But living in Ohio, I think it is light early enough and stays WAY TOO LIGHT TOO LONG!!!! I don't need sunlight at 9:30 PM.

Done ranting ;)

Tara, how cute!!!! So cool that he is learning the signs already :)
Morning!! Finally got both of my computers fixed.......yeah! We will see how long this lasts!!! Hopefully the virus protection will take care of all the icky stuff!! Gotta love technology!!

Not much is new here with me. It is pretty much the same old, same old! Visit with mymom was OK....it seems short visitswork out best for me. We had a nice lunch and took them to the airport...worked out perfectly! Now they are home safe and sound......and about 1500 miles form me. Perfect!

Got on the scale this morning, and I am back on track for losing weight! I am downa pound from where I was when my weight would not budge. Changed diets and am doing quite well on weight watchers!! That puts me down 15 pounds.....whoo hoo!! Funny thing is, you can really start to see that my face is thinner. And people actually notice that I am losing wieght!

Anyway, a total eieio post here!! Gotta get to the post office as I have a package that NEEDS to get in the mail before the 17th!! I will let you all know for sure when that package makes it to the post office!!

Hope you are all having a great day. Still cold here.....but above 30...I will take it!! But add me to the list of those who really want spring to make an appearance sooner than later!!

Off and running........more later! :love:
Yes...I love it when its light out til 9:30.... :rolleyes1

Tomorrow is the big day to book our character breakfast....
I think I'm gonna try for CRT for lunch...
Now if I can just get Amanda to agree on a excursion on our cruise...wanna snorkel real bad... :rolleyes1
Meriweather said:
Happy Birthday, Abigail!!

Headed home today.....see ya all later :wave2:
How'd did you blow past me on posts so quick???
One chatty person...
We will expect pics to be up as soon as you get home... :teeth:
Happy Birthday Abigail!
That is a lovely name.

Morning Ya Yas!

Sun is shining! Life is great! Brrrr! though!

Yea! Todd, booking your breakfast.

Will you take the kidlets in tow on the snorkel excursion? I read from someone on the cruise board that they did that. They said it was a great experience.

Liz, glad your 'puter is feeling better!
:cheer2: :Pinkbounc :banana: Go Liz! :banana: :Pinkbounc :cheer2:
Glad to hear of your weight loss too!
Good to hear that you found a way to "enjoy" mother's company. At least you can speak to each other for a bit.

Suzanne, sorry to hear about the meltdown.

Tara, I find that interesting about baby Ethan and his signing abilities. That is fantastic! Do you communicate with Jar in Sign as well?
Sorry about that not telling the truth thing and the young 'un. We all have gone through it I think. It was disappointing to me in a major way when I first experienced this part of child rearing. I figured it out eventually.

Elaine, You wanna move south too! Well geeze, Ya Ya land will be in the south then. We all wanna go there!

Kimmar, Not sure having Spring here will help warm up the weather at all. It seems as if it will never get going.

Gotta get. Later...
Tiger Lily 03 said:
Happy Birthday Abigail!
Will you take the kidlets in tow on the snorkel excursion? I read from someone on the cruise board that they did that. They said it was a great experience.

Not sure if Cassie will be old enough..
Not sure if Amanda wants to go either... :rolleyes1
3 days isn't going to be much time on the boat so we're in limbo right now...
Happy Birthday Abigail!

Todd--Crossing my fingers for you that you guys can snag CRT. If not maybe try the Princess one at Epcot.

Tara that is so great Ethan is learning some signs. I would love to find a class around here and send the boys (and myself) to it.

Sorry its still cold for you guys. I guess no one wants to hear that it was sunny and in the 80's here yesterday :rolleyes1

Liz glad you comp is fixed!

Sorry about your day Suzanne.

Hi Nancy, Lily, Elaine, Kimmar and Pam!
Good morning Y'all!

Sure, everyone move South, so you can offically be the Y'all-Y'alls! Krista, you can use that anytime ;)

Thank you for the birthday thoughts for Abigail. Her name is Abigail Rose :)
Rose is Mrs. AA's mother's name and we just liked the name Abigail.

She is going with her mother and grandmother to get shots today :eek: and then out to the zoo.

We had her party Saturday and it was a gorgeous day. She did a Tinkerbell theme and it was just family and a few kids in one of the classrooms of the church. (Very convienent for set up and clean up). They ate cake, opened gifts, and then went outside to play on the playground.

And then I had the joy of putting together a Disney Princess Magic Sounds kitchen (oven). Ah, it's good to be Dad :teeth:
Alan--glad you had a good day for her party...so, how long did it take to put the disney kitchen together..??

Deena--enjoy your wonderful weather..supposed to get up to 51 i think on sunday, but i'll be watching basketball.... :rolleyes1

Liz--aren't computers great? :banana: ..glad yours is fixed...
Ok, now that I am caught up I have no time left! :sad2:
Sorry ya'll are so :cold: . All I will say is it is very overcast here today :teeth: .

My package went to the post office at lunch. It is winging it way..............
oh somewhere. One very lucky Ya Ya is in for a treat ;) . Just be sure when you open the box to stand back. :rotfl2:

later gators.................
Nancy hope you have a safe trip home. Yeah, pics please.

AA, sounds like a fun time was had by all. A Disney Kitchen, well I'm sure she will be just the best cook then!

Deena, I know you are enjoying the weather now. We won't talk about later for you. I don't think I could live in the oven.

DH's cousin called yesterday to say they are enjoying 80's in weather too. They are in MS just the other side of Memphis,TN. Sigh, we are trying to put together a visit there, but can't seem to coordinate our dates, I don't really want to go in the heat of the summer, but will sacrafice myself if it must be.
I've got the dreaded physical this afternoon. Off I go soon, la la la la la!
Liz, glad the visit with your mom went well. And yay for a bug free computer! Oh and double yay on the weightloss!

Todd, good luck getting all your PS there! And if you can't get CRT, don't forget they have Cindy at GF as well. My cousin went there and loved it!

Safe travels Nancy :wave2:

Todd, I know for ours, the kids had to be 8 years old to snorkel. Even then there was an 8 year old who couldn't keep up with the group. If you want to know what I disliked the most about our trip, it was honestly the snorkeling. Probably would've liked it more if I hadn't been stung so many dang times by jellyfish! I was glad to do it once, but once was enough for me!

Hush it Deena ;)

Alan said:
She is going with her mother and grandmother to get shots today :eek: and then out to the zoo.
If it weren't your adorable daughter here, I would've had a little fun with teh shots & zoo comment...

Rose Mary... enjoy the cloudy day... at least we have sunshine here :teeth:

nope that didn't really make me feel any better.

Trying out a Bowl Appétit from Betty Crocker... can't decide if I like it or not.
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