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We can do it! -Disney bride weight loss group

I am definately struggling. I have had really bad headaches these last few weeks so have kinda been comfort eating, but this is my 3rd day back on the diet so I'm gonna really try this time. About to go on my elliptical trainer and get it out of the way. Has anyone thought of trying the Atkins, I just need a boost, I'm sure once I see results I'll be spurred on to do more.
WOW! You have lost 17 pounds! That's so great! Congratulations!! ANd congrats to everyone for any weight lost, and for taking control of your lives!

You know what, everyone? I have lost over 75 pounds, and because I have worked out throughout the weight loss, most people think I have lost over 100 pounds.

Along the way I left a terrible, destructive marriage, picked up a degree-- and met the man I have waited my whole life for. (And he is HOT !! LOL)

I have had times when I struggle (still do!) and I have had times when I have "blown it" and times when I have gained back 10 pounds, only to fight it back off. The thing is that I have never given up--and don't you all. When I blew it I just picked myself up and got on with things again. I am going to lose another 20--at which point I will be THIN--maybe for the first time in my entire adult life.

And if *I* can do it, trust me: anyone can.

Big things I learned: It starts with an attitude. I didn't start out to lose weight for an event, like a wedding. I determined to get healthy, and that meant changing my lifestyle. Being overweight is a lifestyle CHOICE, and I CHOSE to leave my fatty lifestyle in the dust--one day at a time.

One day at a time--means just that. Each day determine to make the choices that bring you closer to your goal. Be patient with yourself, and don't allow negative thinking to self-sabotage. You become your thoughts. Guard them.

Exercise is essential. If you find yourself dreading it, try another activity. Movement should be fun. fInd ways to add movement into your lifestyle. Park further away. Take the stairs. Start taking long walks with your DF instead of eating out at restaurants on dates. There are days when I drag myself to the gym--I don't always *love* it--but it is what I do, and overall I like it. I certainly like the results. On days when it is harder than normal to be there, I begin to thank God I can move, stretch and lift, when so many others can not. I work out where there is a large military facility and there are men in there missing legs from IEDs in Iraq. I think of them, and the ones that didn't make it back-- and then I stop whining. In a hurry.

Food is fuel. That's it. It is not our mother, best friend, or psychiatrist. Start treating it like fuel, and stop giving it power. It's just protein, or it's carbs. Period.

Atkins is okay, but IMO it is too high in bad fats. I cutback/eliminated all the whites--white flour, white sugar. I eat very little bread or crackers, and more lean protein. Lots of salmon because it is so great for my skin.

Overall I recommend Bob Phillips "Body For Life" as the best book out there.

Good luck to all of us! :grouphug: WE REALLY CAN DO IT!
I agree with kimnkel - the Body for Life program is fabulous for people who have never really followed an eating AND workout program! THat's how I lost my weight the first time... I will lose my 8 lbs by the time the wedding comes around and I'll be fine. I'm just disappointed in myself and how I always seem to crave that sugary sweet each day... but so far, so good. I stocked up on yogurts and fruit and a great Vanilla Chai protein drink I found in the produce aisle. It's a bit sweet, so I cut it in half with some soy milk, and it tastes fabulous!! Plus it has like 20 g of protein in each serving. Can't beat it! :cool1:

Good luck ladies. Keep your chin up!! We can do this!! :teeth:

Congratulations goes out to you!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

If you don't mind, and I completely understand if you don't want to, but anyway you could post some before and after pics? :confused3 That would be great!

From your post it sounds as if you just did plain old diet and excercise to get ytour results, did you follow any weight loss plans?

Also, what kept you motivated when things got tough?

Sorry for all the questions, just curious cause I want to lose about the same amount that you have lost! :goodvibes
Wow Kimnkel :thumbsup2 , that's an amazing weight loss. I'm not sure about the Atkins either, I started off on the GI diet and I really liked it and lost 35 pounds, but then I got comfortable and put 14 pounds back on again. The GI diet is really good for you, only cuts out the bad carbs and I know they are my personal enemy. It's quite amazing what even a little weight loss can do for you. I have a pic where I was 14'6 (202 pounds) I took a pic last week at 13 (182 pounds) and I myself see a huge difference.

Ideally though I want to lose another 40 pounds or so, not only for my wedding, although that has spurred me on, but mainly for my health. I think I may go back to the GI, at least I knew that was healthy and I always had the energy to exercise on that.
Thanks, you all. I appreciate the :goodvibes ! Most of the following remarks are not directed to anyone needing to lose 5 or ten pounds, but those with more serious weight issues.

I really like the GI (glycemic index) diet. I am a believer in blood sugar levels being the key to weight loss. When I started out trying to lose weight I had tried and failed sooooo many times to lose weight I had pretty much figured I was hopeless, and just destined to be overweight.

WRONG WRONG WRONG ! I just didn't have enough information, and was eating things that acted like poison for me--causing me to store fat, get SO hungry I thought I was going to die, and have irresistible cravings. I used to be addicted to bread, cookies, sweets. I used to joke I could hear Oreo cookies calling my name. French fries were a food group for me, and of course I washed it all down with diet soda! :crazy:

I was tired ALL the time, felt terrible, my self esteem was nil, and I had puffy eyes, complete with dark circles. Then my lovely mother was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Then my dad was diagnosed with the same terrible thing....and I saw the writing on the wall. Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle disease, and it is deadly. My parents were dead within 5 years of being diagnosed, and my poor dad had both his legs removed before he passed away. Such an indignity for such a once strong, vibrant man. And they were relatively young...too young!

So, if I am a little zealous on the topic, please forgive me--but being overweight is not a joke--and it has serious health implications.

I initially read and followed the eating plan in "Sugar Busters", and I was strict. I needed to be, so that I could break the cycle of fatigue/craving/binging. Within a month my energy had gone up, I dropped ten pounds, and was walking a half hour on the treadmill. And finally I began to feel like I COULD do this!

I have gone from a size 22/24W to a 10/12 misses. My waist went from 42 to 28 inches. I can bench press 85 pounds (still working on improving my upper body strength) do 45 minutes of serious cardio 4 times a week, walk my dogs for an hour every day, and can leg press 800 pounds! Yes, I am in the gym a lot, but my fiance was a gym rat when I met him, and he and I work out together. :yay:

I would love to post before and after pics, but here is the thing: I never let anyone take my picture. I hated the way I looked so much that if a camera came out I ran the other way, and if someone did manage to take my picture I would tear it up. :guilty: So sadly pathetic. One of the biggest WOW-EEE moments was when I realized people treated me differently because of the weight loss. It's not right that people do that, but it is the absolute truth. People treated me like I was stupid, and men treated me like I was invisible.

...And then last night we my DF and I went out to dinner, and he actually got a little jealous because of the looks I was getting when I had to walk through their bar to use the ladies room. HA! Him! Jealous of *me*!!

I am telling you all this not to brag, but just really to honestly say that if I can do it--you can do it! There is no greater gift we can give ourselves and those we love than our health--it is a precious thing we need to appreciate, nurture, and protect.

Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now. But if I can help even one person not live like I did for so many years then it will be worth risking you all wanting to :badpc: just to shut me up!

:grouphug: Don't give up! You all deserve to be happy, healthy, and fit...and all this talk of Prince Charming and happily ever after is fun, but the truth is we shape our own destiny, and we make our own happily ever after--one good decision at a time!
Summer, try this: instead of saying, "ideally I would like to lose another 45 pounds" say, "I will lose another 45 pounds, because I have a plan and I will follow that plan. I am in charge."

I had to really change my "self-talk" and now when I set goals I don't give myself an "out" with ambiguous language. and I never say "I will try." Like a wise man once said, "There is no try. You will either do a thing, or not-- but there is no try."
kimnkel said:
Summer, try this: instead of saying, "ideally I would like to lose another 45 pounds" say, "I will lose another 45 pounds, because I have a plan and I will follow that plan. I am in charge."

I had to really change my "self-talk" and now when I set goals I don't give myself an "out" with ambiguous language. and I never say "I will try." Like a wise man once said, "There is no try. You will either do a thing, or not-- but there is no try."

I wish I had a recording telling me that every day. I need to go get off my butt and exercise. Thank you for your encouragement!
kimnkel......did you quote yoda? :cool1:

For the GI diet which one did you follow? The one by the Powell guy? i am gonna give it a shot because your before story sounds identical to my current story! I am hoping in time i will be able to share a story of success like yours.

I am so proud for you!
Tinkbride: Yoda, or else it was from that movie "Castaways". Maybe it was Yoda talking to Luke Skywalker.

Yoda to Luke: "May the force be with you, Luke--and don't give me that 'I'll try to save the universe crappolla! Do you think Darth Vadar is talking about how he is going to try to dominate the world?!? Hmm?'

Or maybe it was Tom Hanks speaking to Wilson, "What do you mean you will try to get us back to civilization, Wilson? There's no trying, here! I am supposed to get married at WDW! Now help me pick out a cake flavor!"

Didn't Tom Hanks once say, "Are you trying? There is no trying in baseball!!"

Or was it "crying"? There is no crying in baseball? Hmm.

And yes, I am a little weird--it's not just your imagination. But if you saw these movies you won't think I am quite as strange.
Yoda says to Luke "No try not, do or do not, there is no try" other words dont expect results if you do not try......

He says it to him in front of the cave.....

No I am not a SW ex was obsessed with the whole SW thing, I even ended up at the Star Wars convention and met George Lucas..... :rotfl2:
Thank you kimnkel for your encouragement. I think I am going to do the GI diet again, by Rick Gallop. Like I said before I lost 35 pounds on that diet before in several months and I didn't even fell like I was dieting, I was exercising about 3 times a week too.

BTW it was "are you crying, there's no crying in baseball" I am the Queen of Quotes, my own title :rotfl: I am a movie geek, I must confess.... :happytv:
Woo hoo I have lost weight this week. I was beginning to think it was impossible, I just seemed to be hovering at the same mark. I have decided to weigh myself once a week only! Before I was weighing myself every day, not good, I was getting discouraged if my weight hadn't shifted that day.

I am still to exercise as much as I had hoped, but I'm hoping now that the headaches are subsiding, I'll be able to get stuck in and exercise properly.

How is everyone else doing?
GOOD JOB, S-C!!! :cheer2: CONGRATS!! I know it isn't easy, but it is soooo worth it!

22 pounds gone!!! That's fantastic, SC.

I am still doing okay--still losing, slow but sure. One thing I noticed is that when I get overtired I tend to want to eat all the wrong things. Bah!

Once a week weigh ins are often enough.
WOW!!! We have lost some momentum, so how about pulling this out of the archives? ;)

Anyways I have a New Years Resolution x 2

January 2009 I am going to run the Disney World 1/2 marathon.

I am going to take 2007 to lose the weight, and then 2008 to train. Then january 2009 i will show off my success by completing the half marathon!:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

If I do this, I will know that I have truly overcome my weight loss battle! Plus.......just another reason for a Disney Trip! :cloud9:

What have you all been up to? :upsidedow
Sorry just another post to get my 400th post! :rotfl2:

Check out the post before this, that was my real post!
Excellent goal Tink! I did the WDW 1/2 this past January and it was tons of fun ....definitely worth the time it took to train for it! You will have a great time! :cheer2:
I am going to lose 40 pounds before the wedding but I am having a hard time getting myself ready to do it....I am starting fresh next Tuesday and I have 15 months to get there. Thanks to your support I will be able to acheive my weight loss goals. I took your advice Kimnkel and said I was GOING to do it!
I was reading this thread earlier today (I have super dreams of a Disney wedding!!) and I guess you all inspired me...because when I was talking to my DBF about an hour ago, I blurted out "You can NOT propose to me until I lose 50 pounds!!!" eeek!!!

I actually have a weight loss goal of 92 pounds...and I've lost 12 so far. So I figure 50 is a good goal! I've had a lot of awesome things happen in my life lately...but what has kept me down is looking at pictures from all these events, and seeing that I am not having as much fun/ enjoying myself like I could if I felt more confident in my body. I also always wanted to wait to be married until I felt happy and independent..and like I had most areas of my life under control. I kind of feel like this one area is something that I really want to work on over the next few months. The funny thing is, I think I said that to my DBF because I need both the motivation...and it seems like a pretty neat reward in the end! :)

Anyways...anyone mind if I drop in on this thread a bit? I'm not losing weight for a wedding....just a proposal! :) And I'm not even the one asking! Anyone else ever feel like this? Good luck to all of you as you work hard to lose the weight for your wedding day!!! :)


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