We can do it! -Disney bride weight loss group

I'm so annoyed. I just went over to Spark and was very motivated and excited to go through the meal plans for the next two weeks and adjust them to things that I like. I sat here for an hour and did the next 2 weeks and had it just right and was actually excited about eating right!! I checked the boxes after I finished and when I went back to today to print the grocery list for this week about 1/2 of the things I changed were back to their original. When I changed them I was still within my limits for calories, fat, protein, and carbs (healthier than the original option a lot of times actually.) Now I'm frustrated. Does anyone know why that might have happened?
SRUAlmn said:
I'm so annoyed. I just went over to Spark and was very motivated and excited to go through the meal plans for the next two weeks and adjust them to things that I like. I sat here for an hour and did the next 2 weeks and had it just right and was actually excited about eating right!! I checked the boxes after I finished and when I went back to today to print the grocery list for this week about 1/2 of the things I changed were back to their original. When I changed them I was still within my limits for calories, fat, protein, and carbs (healthier than the original option a lot of times actually.) Now I'm frustrated. Does anyone know why that might have happened?

hhmm...never had that happen, but I'm so sorry! you can always send an email to support@sparkpeople.com I think is the address. I hope you figure it out!
heatherlynn444 said:
hhmm...never had that happen, but I'm so sorry! you can always send an email to support@sparkpeople.com I think is the address. I hope you figure it out!

Thanks! It's really not that big of a deal. I was just frustrated, that's all. I didn't know if anyone had had it happen before and maybe I forgot to click something special to make it save it.
I'm just starting my weight loss (well this past Saturday) and my weight has the roller coaster effect so I've already lost 2 1/2 lbs but I haven't done to much different. I need lots of help and ideas to go with. I'm not big on the health foods but I'm trying. Any great ides, recipes, or places to check out?!? My future hubby and I are doing this together but I need ideas.
For recipies I recommend Kraftfoods.com.
You can search for all different types of recipies....even low fat ones!!
I also love their shopping list feature. All you have to do is add the recipe to your shopping list function and you can print it out when you are all done!!
Easy as an apple!!! (hey I"m keeping it healthy!)
This thread is starting to slow down! You guys aren't slacking on me are you? :sad2: I need your support, so you can't leave and give up!

I started WW this past week (my fifth time :guilty: ) But, the GOOD NEWS is i have lost 5.2 pounds in my first week!! :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2: :banana: That really motivates me to move forward and move my tush more in general!

You can do it ladies, it is rough to start on any diet, but it will pay off!

I was watching 28 days last night (sandra bullock movie), and i heard this motto and thought "wow, that could work for any obstacle" so here you go for your reading pleasure...........

"It works, if you work it, it is worth it!" :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
Congratulations!! :thumbsup2 You are definitely not alone. I just restarted WW too (2nd try) ....but I am much more hopeful that I'm actually making progress this time. My weigh in is tomorrow, but I think I'm down 5 lbs....:woohoo: :cheer2: Hope I'm right :)
I am still here too! I have been very active at sparkpeople.com and so far.......I have lost nine pounds :goodvibes :sunny: :woohoo: Just keep the mindset - my clothes are already feeling much better !!
I'm still here too! Just not posting very much. :) I have lost 15 pounds and I feel great!! :teeth: I'm trying to get to the gym 3 times a week and doing weights. I'm also trying to eat healthier, take a vitamin and all that good stuff. I have 20 pounds to go and I feel so great about myself. My clothes are looser, I have more energy and today, I bought clothes two sizes smaller than before!!

It takes a little at a time (I started s l o w l y making changes back in June) but its worth it!

Also, as a tip, I bought the WW cookbook. I don't do WW (am winging it on my own) but the cookbook is soooo well organized and it has great quick & easy recipes. Just my rec. Also, I try not to deny myself anything because then I go crazy on everything! Smaller portions works for me. Hey, this might help - can you ladies offer a "sample menu" of what you eat during the day?

I'm so excited to lose weight with y'all! :Pinkbounc (and way toooo wired for past my bedtime on a work night.....) :crazy:

Let's keep it rolling!

I' still here too! Just a really busy time with work I am down 12lbs. and just bought an eliptical trainer for home because I am too far away from the gym:guilty: I have already used it twice in 2 days and feel so much better! I will try to blog on a regular basis! Glad to hear everyone is losing the weight!
May I join this group?

I am getting married at Disney in 3 months, and my goal is to lose another 15 pounds by then. But you know, the closer you get to your goal, the tougher it seems to get.

I have adopted a FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION mentality.

But sometimes avoiding doing any of this popcorn:: makes me a little :crazy:
Just Joining...

My wedding is just under 2 months away... I am feeling the crunch of it getting here... and me needing to knock myself into shape. I am 5'1'' and weigh a little under 125lbs. I would ideally like to lose 10 or 15. Any suggestions for doing that in 2 months?

Im starting to feel theres no hope left.. unless i wanna go on the absolutely not so healthy cottage cheese crash diet (where im gauaranteed to add the weight on afterwards- but wont i look so nice in those pictures?). What to do?

Any suggestions?

Great Body Guaranteed is really good (8 min abs, etc.... has abs, legs, thighs, stretch and arms)
Check out www.sparkpeople.com

It has done wonders for a lot of people on this thread, me included......

We are also big on buff brides that has a 6 week crash course i believe, i got mine at Borders, but I am sure you can find it on amazon.com or places like that
soontobewed07 said:
I' still here too! Just a really busy time with work I am down 12lbs. and just bought an eliptical trainer for home because I am too far away from the gym:guilty: I have already used it twice in 2 days and feel so much better! I will try to blog on a regular basis! Glad to hear everyone is losing the weight!

I have an eliptical in my house too, and it is so much more convienent. plus, when i try to talk myself out of working out b/c I dont feel like driving to teh gym...well, no more excuses! :Pinkbounc
That too funny. We just bought an elliptical for the same exact reason. No more excuses about driving to the gym in the snow or rain or it's too late, etc. It's right in the other room. No excuses. I did notice that it is a million times harder and just works your body differently than the regular ones that most gyms have. Has anyone else noticed this with at home ellipticals?
I agree the one at the gym is much easier I can workout on that for about 45 Mins. at home after 15 or 20 mins I am dead!:snail:
I find just in general, working out at the gym in front of other people keeps you so motivated that you work harder and longer. At home, there is no one watching so you can slack off, quit sooner, or feel less motivated. I have also met people who are afraid to work out. They know it's a lot of work, and they are afraid of putting in all that effort and it not working or the opposite. Some people are afraid that it IS going to work. They hang onto their extra fat like a thick outer shell that protects them. When trying to lose weight, motivation and support are the most important things.
jojoandhb said:
Some people are afraid that it IS going to work. They hang onto their extra fat like a thick outer shell that protects them. When trying to lose weight, motivation and support are the most important things.

That's me! I developed VERY early and was 'taken advantage' of a lot by guys at a very young age. Not THE thing, but just gawked at and comments made, teased endlessly, etc... Ever since then I have been on a downward weight gain spiral and my mom thinks it's because I'm afraid of being gawked at again if I lose weight. I lost about 65 pounds 5 years ago and went through the same thing again, so I gained it back. I'm more comfortable being unhappy with myself than I am with being an 'object.' It's my inner battle every day.
I've heard that from people before. You get treated differently when you are overweight. I, too, have gotten a lot of unwanted attention from guys. All my male friends at one time or another professed their undying love for me. One got really bad, and I had to cut him off. In college, I had a stalker. He was an older man, and he would leave me presents which were adult movies and clothes he bought me. It was creepy.
That said, kepping extra weight on, is not the way to protect yourself. It's actually very self-destructive. You cannot be the best wife. mother, and woman you can be if you are overweight. It can and will lead to so many health problems in the future.


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