VWL Groupies & Lovers Thread (Special Collectors Edition 2.0) updated 21 June 2023

Looks like it is a 2 year deal for Iger. It seems like they are looking for him to right the ship and set up a new strategic direction for the company. On his way out, Disney pretty much damned Chapek with faint praise.
It may be ridiculous but I could cry. I'm feeling so hopeful now. I hope he can reverse some of the damage Cheapek has done.
The train went off the tracks. It needs an experienced leader to get it back on and guide it though a new path being set.
Iger can do that. I hope he selects someone with creative vision for his replacement.

Betting we will see stock prices go up in the morning.
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It's being reported everywhere. I have seen families of castmembers confirm it and saw the letter posted.
Yep! WSJ just sent out a notification.

The train went off the tracks. It needs an experienced leader to get it back on and guide it though a new path being set.
Iger can do that. I hope he selects someone with creative vision for his replacement.

Betting we will see stock prices go up in the morning.

It had crossed my mind to pick up some Disney stock last week but failure. NOT that I ever saw Iger coming back but I was feeling like Chop-ek was going to be shown the door in the near future. Too many on Wall Street calling for his head with the tanking of the stock. I never could figure out why the board gave him the contract extension this summer. He must have talked a good game to them. 🤷‍♀️ Of course he was supported by Iger too, until he wasn't. Anyway it should be interesting.
I never could figure out why the board gave him the contract extension this summer. He must have talked a good game to them. 🤷‍♀️

The board is definitely part of the problem too. They approved all the moves made by Chapek these past few years, and probably pushed him for more. Iger is probably the only person they could bring in who could lead with vision instead of solely focused on short term profit increases. As Corinne stated, this move at least gives us HOPE. I’m. It sure where the parks will fall on his priority list, but at a minimum he should question some of the direction things have taken lately.
Just remember that most of the things Chapek was blamed for....were actually created under Iger's watch. IE...genie+ just to name one.

I told my DH last year that this was going to happen. Chapek was the cleaner, the fall guy. He was put in place to take the blame for all the unpopular things that Disney wanted to do.

I'm waiting for Iger to reverse something, anything but only one thing, that came in during Chapek so he looks like the knight in shining armor. I'm hoping it's park reservations or the stupid surge pricing for park tickets that they announced recently.

We'll see.
The board is definitely part of the problem too. They approved all the moves made by Chapek these past few years, and probably pushed him for more. Iger is probably the only person they could bring in who could lead with vision instead of solely focused on short term profit increases. As Corinne stated, this move at least gives us HOPE. I’m. It sure where the parks will fall on his priority list, but at a minimum he should question some of the direction things have taken lately.
I agree about the board as well Granny. For the short term it is probably the best thing they could do but many of the things that aren't working were started under him and them. Iger's big wins were in acquisitions for the company that helped support the things that were failing vs really turning them around. Plus he was able to play the political game better which turned into a big issue for Chapek. Unfortunately Iger proved more than once he is not great at preparing a successor. A couple of decent candidates were eventually run out by him. I'm kind of thinking the parks will be considered a division not requiring much attention. Iger also used the US parks to prop up other failing divisions. Wall Street will be happy for a time. I'd like to be surprised about what this means for the parks but it's the same board and now same person back in charge. I'm watching with interest, staying hopeful, and recognizing this may mean more for stock price than park experience.

If they get rid of the reservation system I'll consider it a win though. :laughing:
Just remember that most of the things Chapek was blamed for....were actually created under Iger's watch. IE...genie+ just to name one.

I told my DH last year that this was going to happen. Chapek was the cleaner, the fall guy. He was put in place to take the blame for all the unpopular things that Disney wanted to do.

I'm waiting for Iger to reverse something, anything but only one thing, that came in during Chapek so he looks like the knight in shining armor. I'm hoping it's park reservations or the stupid surge pricing for park tickets that they announced recently.
Park reservations seems to be a good candidate for elimination. I'm not sure what benefit Disney really derives from it now that capacity limitations have been completely lifted.

My vote for the "one thing" would be to start selling season passes again.
I vote for APs coming back followed by park reservations going away next.

I think y'all knew where Paychex stood with me. As a stock holder, glad he is gone, as a park goer and DVC owner, glad he is gone. I feel the board knew what was going on when they gave him the 3 yr deal, knowing his days were numbered. Im not trying to be political, and not being judgy, but the board, or at least a couple bd members have an agenda they are pushing that I dont agree with. This is a family entertainment business, lets keep it that way! I got grands that I want to be able to share the magic with and little eyes and ears take it all in, good, bad and indifferent.

Stepping off the box now:duck::teeth:

Casey says he is seeing now where Iger is already ousting some of Paychex proteges and its probably a good thing he is doing so.

I think we all can agree, we look forward to what these changes will do, hopefully make the company stronger, hopefully listen to its CMs in the trenches and to us, its adoring fans.

:drinking1Cheers to yesterdays good news, to today, and, to the future
Hello VWL groupies. Some of you may recall who I am. It has been a very long while. Our last trip to villas at wilderness lodge was Christmas 2020. We walked out without a word. Left four nights early. We had sold out all our DVC points earlier. Disney stopped being fun for us as little magic remained.

I heard the news! IGER IS BACK!!! Maybe dreams do still come true. And maybe. Just maybe I’ll go back there again. So many wonderful memories of the lodge.

I thought of you folks when I heard the news. Wishing you all the best and hope you are doing well. Happy thanksgiving and a blessed Christmas to you all

Hello VWL groupies. Some of you may recall who I am. It has been a very long while. Our last trip to villas at wilderness lodge was Christmas 2020. We walked out without a word. Left four nights early. We had sold out all our DVC points earlier. Disney stopped being fun for us as little magic remained.

I heard the news! IGER IS BACK!!! Maybe dreams do still come true. And maybe. Just maybe I’ll go back there again. So many wonderful memories of the lodge.

I thought of you folks when I heard the news. Wishing you all the best and hope you are doing well. Happy thanksgiving and a blessed Christmas to you all


Greg...great to see you dropping by again! December 2020 was right in the middle of the peak COVID flare up of 2020, if I recall correctly. That had to be a tough time to travel there as masks/social distancing had to be in full effect I would think.

We are all hoping that Iger improves what has been happening in the parks. We are on a wait and see basis right now as he will have his hands full with all the various Disney companies. Hopefully he doesn't leave the parks on autopilot.

Have a great Thanksgiving!
Hello VWL groupies. Some of you may recall who I am. It has been a very long while. Our last trip to villas at wilderness lodge was Christmas 2020. We walked out without a word. Left four nights early. We had sold out all our DVC points earlier. Disney stopped being fun for us as little magic remained.

I heard the news! IGER IS BACK!!! Maybe dreams do still come true. And maybe. Just maybe I’ll go back there again. So many wonderful memories of the lodge.

I thought of you folks when I heard the news. Wishing you all the best and hope you are doing well. Happy thanksgiving and a blessed Christmas to you all

Hi Greg! Nice to hear from you. Thanks for stopping in. Have a great Thanksgiving and don't be a stranger!
Hey Greg!
Once a groupie, always a groupie, as we say around here. Always welcome here

We too took the venture in Feb 2021 and masks(even outdoors) and the whole distancing thing were still in place at WDW. It was not the best trip. We stayed the whole time, but we all agreed, we would not return until things changed. Our recent trip in Oct was far better and we hope things get even better with Iger back


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