Unmagical wedding

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I would reply directly to them, but since they said this is their last time on the boards, I guess I cannot.

Honestly, I am a bit suspicious. I know DFTW is not infallible. I know they screw up, however if you do a search on this persons e-mail address you will see that they are also in the process of suing/threatening to sue other companies. Further more, the contact information they posted on other websites leads to more complaints, threatened legal action, even websites they created hunting down people who owe them money.

If all of these things really did happen, then I feel very badly for the poster. But with such sketchy information and a past history of complaints/threatened legal action around the internet, I can only say use your best judgment.
I would reply directly to them, but since they said this is their last time on the boards, I guess I cannot.

Honestly, I am a bit suspicious. I know DFTW is not infallible. I know they screw up, however if you do a search on this persons e-mail address you will see that they are also in the process of suing/threatening to sue other companies. Further more, the contact information they posted on other websites leads to more complaints, threatened legal action, even websites they created hunting down people who owe them money.

If all of these things really did happen, then I feel very badly for the poster. But with such sketchy information and a past history of complaints/threatened legal action around the internet, I can only say use your best judgment.

Thank you Curiouser. I also just searched the email address listed "springwater125@yahoo.com" and the OP does appear to be involved in several lawsuits (with a health insurance company and several roofing companies to name a few).

While I would agree that DFTW definitely has their moments and can make mistakes it makes it difficult to step up and support you, the OP, given your apparent litigious nature. OP, if you are reading - is this your email address and are you involved in these lawsuits? If the answer is "yes" then it may be wise to step back a bit and really analyze what happened at your wedding - "Were the mistakes made by DFTW as egregious as you are remembering them?". If the answer is "yes" then I really feel badly for you because you've had a major stream of bad luck. Best wishes in resolving all of your concerns.
So, I've never posted on here before, I'm mostly just a lurker and future (hopefully) Disney bride, however, my thought could be that maybe this bride is a lawyer? She is looking for people that have not turned up and someone may have hired them as help. Just another perspective.

Also I feel terribly that this wedding wasn't magical for them, and I know from looking at the boards complaints can be upsetting for future brides. Future brides just take faith in the fact that many weddings have gone very well at Disney!
So, I've never posted on here before, I'm mostly just a lurker and future (hopefully) Disney bride, however, my thought could be that maybe this bride is a lawyer? She is looking for people that have not turned up and someone may have hired them as help. Just another perspective.

Also I feel terribly that this wedding wasn't magical for them, and I know from looking at the boards complaints can be upsetting for future brides. Future brides just take faith in the fact that many weddings have gone very well at Disney!

That is an excellent point!
I would reply directly to them, but since they said this is their last time on the boards, I guess I cannot.

Honestly, I am a bit suspicious. I know DFTW is not infallible. I know they screw up, however if you do a search on this persons e-mail address you will see that they are also in the process of suing/threatening to sue other companies. Further more, the contact information they posted on other websites leads to more complaints, threatened legal action, even websites they created hunting down people who owe them money.

If all of these things really did happen, then I feel very badly for the poster. But with such sketchy information and a past history of complaints/threatened legal action around the internet, I can only say use your best judgment.


No wonder they want to remain anonymous its because she wants to start a lawsuit! People are so annoying. I would go off into a tirade against this person but I dont want to be sued for deformation of character! :rotfl:
I doubt they even had a Disney wedding. Looks like they posted the first message, and came back after learning some lingo. I also searched the e-mail address; the only things that came up were threats of lawsuits.

It would be a black swan event for all of these to go so wrong in one night, bad DJ, food error, bus driver error, etc. I've not had my Disney wedding yet, working on the Disney proposal first this January!

At any rate, I am new to the forum, but being active on many forums, these type of trolls should be banned, and all topics and posts made by them removed.
I'm skeptical about this too. We had 8 guests with special dietary concerns including allergies and Disney fixed each of their meals perfectly. As soon as we mentioned the words "food allergies", it was like bells went off in their ears and they let us know that it was utmost priority to make sure there were no issues. The odds of EVERY allergy dish being messed up...? Kinda fishy to me.

If I'm wrong, I apologize, but something just doesn't seem right about this...
Aw, I really hope this person's wedding didn't got that badly! How terribly sad if it did :hug:.

The allergy thing does sound suspicious to me too - I remember working in a Disney restaurant how much care and attention they required you to take whenever you had a guest with an allergy...from constant hand washing (even moreso than usually required) to properly recording the allergy. I seriously doubt that if it was in their BEO that they would not have done the same in this instance.

Thanks everyone for providing your insight, I have a tendency to be rather naive and I think in this instance you were right to express some doubts. I guess these things do happen, but I certainly hope from all the evidence provided we can assess that on the balance of probabilities it's not likely that all of the things expressed went wrong. If so, I hope it all gets resolved and the OP does have some good memories of their day.
I don't know if this is true for all DFT weddings, but I know that my planner was there clear up until after dinner was served. If the planner was there, then I would like to know what her reaction to all of this was. I can't imagine them being unsympathetic. I also agree that the disregard for allergies seems a little fishy. Disney always takes special measures, especially if it's a health issue. The last thing Disney would want would be a horrible PR debacle. And for something to be bolded on a BEO, and then have the chefs (who would be specifically looking for these things, especially after numerous weddings) to just completely not pay attention to it? It doesn't make sense!

Also, it'd be interesting to see what exactly went wrong with the food. Was it just a side item, was it the type of meat that was served? Again, it seems weird that a kitchen who has that one event during those hours to completely disregard a written menu and cook something else. I guess they could have gotten the days mixed up? But, what's the most weird is that you haven't received any feedback. If your planner had witnessed these mishaps first hand, I guarantee she/he would be making amends right now.

I've heard of bad DJ's and wrong cake designs, so I know that Disney makes mistakes. They made mistakes on my day too, but nothing that ruined the day, and certainly not as many as the OP has stated. I would think that the planner would be mortified.

And you may be litigious, or you may be a lawyer, or trying to rally unhappy customers to create a lawsuit? Either way, since you clearly do deal with lawsuits then I'm sure you would have taken pictures of the food that was served as well as documented everything that went wrong so that you can present your case to Disney with confidence. They are usually accommodating, and with how many things supposedly went wrong with the OP's wedding I can't imagine no reimbursement.

I think one of the reasons we all love Disney is their customer service and how they go above and beyond what is required. So, if they are unwilling to budge on reimbursement then maybe things aren't quite as dramatic as you are saying.
Hmm... food allergies ignored, bad DJing, and transportation issues... sounds vaguely familiar.. ripped from a TR I've seen around here somewhere :rotfl:

I completely agree with Toni - Troll! :mad:
To me, being a paralegal, it sounds like an attorney or someone that works for an attorney trying to gather up unhappy people to create some type of class action lawsuit against Disney. What types of allegations they could come up with is beyond me.

I do not believe this person is a bride and is a troll. Why in the world would you come on an internet message board, give a vague complaint then tell people to email you and that you can call the to discuss the details?

Please people, yes Disney makes mistakes and that can happen anywhere. This person did not have any Disney wedding and has probably been looking to see what types of complaints people make in their TR's. Do not let this post discourage you.
I agree with Toni, seems like a troll. I am less then 3 months away from my DFTW and just as excited as ever. Don't let this discourage you:bride:
Thank you Curiouser. I also just searched the email address listed "springwater125@yahoo.com" and the OP does appear to be involved in several lawsuits (with a health insurance company and several roofing companies to name a few).

While I would agree that DFTW definitely has their moments and can make mistakes it makes it difficult to step up and support you, the OP, given your apparent litigious nature. OP, if you are reading - is this your email address and are you involved in these lawsuits? If the answer is "yes" then it may be wise to step back a bit and really analyze what happened at your wedding - "Were the mistakes made by DFTW as egregious as you are remembering them?". If the answer is "yes" then I really feel badly for you because you've had a major stream of bad luck. Best wishes in resolving all of your concerns.

After reading all this, I googled my e-mail address and it says I'm a stripper!
:rotfl: NO I'm not:rotfl2:!!!!! Everyone should try searching their e-mail. :laughing:

I think Meg Kate is right, it does sound like the issues she had with Disney.
To believe or not to believe:sad2:
Maybe we need a MOD to invesigate or kick them off the boards and erase this post?:confused3


The OP hasn't broken any DIS rules. However, those calling her names (troll) are breaking DIS rules.

Anyone who doesn't want to read her posts can put her on ignore. That way those of us that want to read her posts can continue to do so.

The OP hasn't broken any DIS rules. However, those calling her names (troll) are breaking DIS rules.

Anyone who doesn't want to read her posts can put her on ignore. That way those of us that want to read her posts can continue to do so.

B/C it sounds to me like they are trying to start a law suit and like others said get more people involved against Disney. If you look this poster only has three posts meaning she came on DISboards just to DIS disney weddings before taking it up with Disney and resolving her issues then tell everyone What happened and how it was handled if this is real.

I don't think it is right to come on the DIS boards and start stuff we are all family here and support each other, but not if your going to DIS disney weddings and not tell us details and how they handled it after you took the problem up with the right disney authorities.
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