traveling with multiples!!

llp479 said:
How far along was everyone when you found out you were having twins? We were 24 weeks before we knew, even though DH and I both had dreams about having twins, and he even asked the MD first time we heard the heartbeat if he was sure he only heard one!

Holy cow, that was far along at 24 weeks! I can't even imagine the ones who don't know until delivery. I was 20 weeks pregnant before I found out. Went for the routine ultrasound and completely shocked us. When the sonographer said it was twins, I burst into tears! On the way home from the office, I had to pull over to the side of the interstate and throw up! I had a 25 month old and not quite 13 month old and this was an unplanned pregnancy...

To this day when I look at the 9w sonogram, I swear I can still only see one little jellybean in there! But I promise, I wouldn't trade the world for any of them now! :love:

They were born at 39w1d, 4 days before my scheduled induction. I felt the first contractions at about 1:00 p.m. and headed for the hospital; got to the hospital at 2:04 p.m. and the first one arrived at 2:23! He weighed 6lb10oz and she arrived at 2:38 at 6lb6oz. All happy and healthy and home again less than 48 hours later.

Being a B/G set, they're obviously fraternal, but I have a question about genetics. Perhaps some of you with more knowledge may have an answer. I assumed fraternal twins were always on the mother's side (i.e. the female releases two eggs). But my FIL has B/G twin siblings (DH's aunt and uncle) and just this past year my SIL (DH's sister) had B/G twins. So is this a huge coincidence, or can fraternal twins run on the father's side? How could it make my body release two eggs?! Of course, I've always blamed him anyway, accusing his overeager sperm of finding an empty fallopian tube and abducting a second egg from my ovary! :mad:
skent10 - I also found out during the routine sonogram! I was very upset. The DR asked if I wanted some counseling! I went in to the appoint. with a normal preg. and then all of a sudden they are talking to me about all the risk of having multiples. My boys came out early but they were 5'4" and 5'9" and breathing fine.

I agree with the lack of info for older twins. I went to the twin club meetigs when they were babies but after a year or two the info just repeated. It seemed really focused on babies.
I found out at 12 weeks and I too freaked out. I was starting to show already and my dr thought I was crazy when I told him I was POSITIVLY only 12 weeks along. In fact I knew where we had concieved even. We had tried to have another one for 4 years and had given up but keeping track of your OC becomes kind of a habit after awhile.
I thought my DH was going to faint when we told him.;) My DD was 4 at the time and she had been telling me I was having 2 babies all along so that was kind of strange in its self.
I had them at 37.4 weeks. They were 4.12 and 4.14 healthy no breathing problems- Kennedi Maxine and Kortnei Alaina
Great Thread!

I just found out we are expecting twins in July!

I can't read enough of this!

Disney Fanatic said:
Great Thread!

I just found out we are expecting twins in July!

I can't read enough of this!


congrats...This is th thread to come to with all of your questions..we are here to did you find out you were having twins???
Mine when they were born were five pounds eleven ounces and six pounds two ounces and both were 18 inches long....Mine are obviously fraternal... I knew that I was having twins at five weeks since I was going through IVF treatments..But I was totally shocked about it to say the least...They told us the risks were high but I was just happy to have a postive prg. test..Let alone have two wonderful babies..They were orginally trips.. but at seven weeks the thrid sack was empty.....

I agree the twins clubs were helpful when they were younger but the older they got the less helpful I found them to be...

I love hearing all of the stories about your twins...

Happy new year to glad that we found one another...

Have a great time on your first trip to WDW... It is not hard since they are four now it has become so much easier than when we took them and they were babies....I highly recommend still bringing a stroller with you....
I have 2 year old twin girls. They were born at 29 weeks and weighed 2.7 and 3.1 pounds. They spent nearly 2 months in the NICU. We just took them to WDW for the first time in December. It was an excellent trip!

Here they are at MGM. We brought our own double stroller, which reclined for naps.

At Mickey's house
I am amazed every day by the things that mine do, I know that you all must feel the same. I will never forget the first time Kori got down on all fours so Kenni could reach the light switch. All of that without ever being shown. Now that they are getting older they way that they talk to one another and comfort each other is a trip.
Holly said:
I have 2 year old twin girls. They were born at 29 weeks and weighed 2.7 and 3.1 pounds. They spent nearly 2 months in the NICU. We just took them to WDW for the first time in December. It was an excellent trip!

Here they are at MGM. We brought our own double stroller, which reclined for naps.

At Mickey's house

Oh my gosh are they cute.,..Mine wore minnie costumes too the first time they went as well....
kikakeko said:
I am amazed every day by the things that mine do, I know that you all must feel the same. I will never forget the first time Kori got down on all fours so Kenni could reach the light switch. All of that without ever being shown. Now that they are getting older they way that they talk to one another and comfort each other is a trip.

Your girls are too cute...Forgot if you said they were identical..the older they get the better they are...At almost four mine are wonderful but at the same time they can be terrible to one another...they always find comfort in one another as yours do..they truley are one anothers best friends.....
Disney Fanatic, congratulations and welcome to the club! :wizard:

All of your children are beautiful, I love seeing all the pictures! :goodvibes

I found out at 4 weeks, mine were also born with the help of IVF. I remember being sick as a dog going for that first ultrasound. From my position on the table I saw my DH looking at the screen with tears rolling down his face. I'm trying to figure out what's wrong when the tech blurts out, "you've got two in here"! :earseek: I sat bolt upright, looked at the screen, and immediately got the shivers all over my body, my knees started knocking uncontrollably. :rotfl2: DH and I were not natural "baby" people, so to find out we were having two nearly sent us over the edge! :rotfl: Sometimes I think DH still hasn't recovered, LOL, but in fact they are the best things that ever happened in our lives.

Ours were born one day shy of their 40 week due date at 7lbs4oz and 7lbs10oz. :faint: (we'll save the rest of that story for another time :teeth: ).

My "two sets of twins", babies are 5 weeks old, boy on right, and girl on left.

oh my gosh what a story...
see that you are probally home on new years like the rest of us...Snowing so bad here in Ct where in mass are you...My Dh works for a mass based company...

We would love to hear the story of how they were born please do telll....
Happy New year..
yes they are identical. My girls will be 4 in Jan and yes they can be awful to one another too... misery loves company. My twins are growing up so fast though I think that has to do with my dd age 8- they watch all of her shows now... no more barney or little kids shows for them. And she hates the fact that they are into ALL of her business.

Ok IYHO what is the single most thing you could not have lived without when yours where babies?

Mine was my car seats- I had the Fisher Price ones that strapped over your shoulders, I could strap one one way and the other opposite and was very balanced :)
kritter said:
see that you are probally home on new years like the rest of us...Snowing so bad here in Ct where in mass are you...My Dh works for a mass based company.
Waiting for our Chinese food, pretty busy tonight I guess. :teeth: We are on the South Shore of MA. It's snowing pretty heavily right now. Sitting by the fire here but the kids are out on the deck in just their pjs and boots kicking around the ball with the dog, LOL. Oh well...

kritter said:
We would love to hear the story of how they were born please do telll....
Well I don't want to scare Disney Fanatic or anything ;) so let's just say I was pretty swollen :earseek: and my body was done, but the babies wouldn't come out. Spent 5 nights in L&D on pitocin and such trying to move things along, but nothing. CSection was dangerous because I had HELPP Syndrome and no platelets for blood clotting. Needless to say, I had to have a CS because the babies had to come out, I was so sick, and bled pretty badly afterward. Came close to needing a hysterectomy, but luckily, after 3 weeks at home and blood transfusions, I stopped bleeding finally. We found out later that the two placentas had fused into one big one, and one of them was a placenta accreta, which was growing right into my uterus, and hence left a big hole when it came off. I was told later that another pregnancy would risk a uterine rupture from the weakness in the wall that that leaves, so when our two were born, that was it for me.

Which leads me to another story that I hope you might be able to appreciate as mothers and some of you, fellow IVF-ers. It's a little difficult to talk about because it's so unusual and sometimes others are quick to say they would never do such a thing, but none of us really know how we would deal with a situation unless we experience it ourselves. It's been on my mind a great deal and I get emotional when I think about it, so I hope nobody minds if I talk about it here.

We had 5 embryos still frozen because I became pregnant on our first try. For the past 9 years they've been lingering in a freezer in our IVF clinic and I really didn't know what would become of them. The options they gave us were to destroy them, donate them to research, or donate them anonymously. I didn't like any of those options, since our own children came from that same frozen batch. Feeling stongly there must be another option, I went online and found an adoption agency which has a branch which deals with the adoption of frozen embryos. We researched it, and in 2002 we applied to the program. We found a couple this spring that we liked very much, who've been trying without success for several years to have a child. We chose them, and then they in turn chose us. Well they received our embryos this summer (which was a miracle in and of itself since they traveled, frozen, to the opposite coast, and indeed survived the thaw). They placed three of them into her this fall, and I'm happy to report that she is pregnant with one baby. :sunny: It's wasn't an easy decision but we felt it was the best choice for us and our family seeing as we were faced with this situation, and now I see it as a win-win situation. The couple will send us letters and pictures once a year, and any more than that is up to us as families. We'll see what happens, right now we're letting the dust settle. I know it will be emotional to see a child which will presumably look like ours do, and to explain all this to our own kids someday (have already started a bit) but I think the better good will come of it, and we'll be able to share in this family's joy from a distance. :sunny: Thanks for listening.
I understand that totally. I had problems getting pg but we had our twins with out treatments. I have PCOS and just by a miracle had these two like I said we had tried again for 4 years. I felt pressured by everyone to have my tubal. By everyone I mean DH, family, friends and Dr. But now I am still fairly young (28) and financially stable for the first time since we have been married (10 years) and I am really considering adoption in our future.
Pea-n-Me said:
Waiting for our Chinese food, pretty busy tonight I guess. :teeth: We are on the South Shore of MA. It's snowing pretty heavily right now. Sitting by the fire here but the kids are out on the deck in just their pjs and boots kicking around the ball with the dog, LOL. Oh well...

Well I don't want to scare Disney Fanatic or anything ;) so let's just say I was pretty swollen :earseek: and my body was done, but the babies wouldn't come out. Spent 5 nights in L&D on pitocin and such trying to move things along, but nothing. CSection was dangerous because I had HELPP Syndrome and no platelets for blood clotting. Needless to say, I had to have a CS because the babies had to come out, I was so sick, and bled pretty badly afterward. Came close to needing a hysterectomy, but luckily, after 3 weeks at home and blood transfusions, I stopped bleeding finally. We found out later that the two placentas had fused into one big one, and one of them was a placenta accreta, which was growing right into my uterus, and hence left a big hole when it came off. I was told later that another pregnancy would risk a uterine rupture from the weakness in the wall that that leaves, so when our two were born, that was it for me.

Which leads me to another story that I hope you might be able to appreciate as mothers and some of you, fellow IVF-ers. It's a little difficult to talk about because it's so unusual and sometimes others are quick to say they would never do such a thing, but none of us really know how we would deal with a situation unless we experience it ourselves. It's been on my mind a great deal and I get emotional when I think about it, so I hope nobody minds if I talk about it here.

We had 5 embryos still frozen because I became pregnant on our first try. For the past 9 years they've been lingering in a freezer in our IVF clinic and I really didn't know what would become of them. The options they gave us were to destroy them, donate them to research, or donate them anonymously. I didn't like any of those options, since our own children came from that same frozen batch. Feeling stongly there must be another option, I went online and found an adoption agency which has a branch which deals with the adoption of frozen embryos. We researched it, and in 2002 we applied to the program. We found a couple this spring that we liked very much, who've been trying without success for several years to have a child. We chose them, and then they in turn chose us. Well they received our embryos this summer (which was a miracle in and of itself since they traveled, frozen, to the opposite coast, and indeed survived the thaw). They placed three of them into her this fall, and I'm happy to report that she is pregnant with one baby. :sunny: It's wasn't an easy decision but we felt it was the best choice for us and our family seeing as we were faced with this situation, and now I see it as a win-win situation. The couple will send us letters and pictures once a year, and any more than that is up to us as families. We'll see what happens, right now we're letting the dust settle. I know it will be emotional to see a child which will presumably look like ours do, and to explain all this to our own kids someday (have already started a bit) but I think the better good will come of it, and we'll be able to share in this family's joy from a distance. :sunny: Thanks for listening.

First of all I hear you with the Help syndrome my sister in law had that both times she deliverd my nephews..It is terrible and she was very swollen adn you are lucky to be alive with that....

Secondly, I think you and your family should be appaulde for what you have done...such a brave thing..we always talked about what we would have done if we had had left over embryos....I think what you did was heroic and you gave a baby to someone that might not have been able to have gave this couple such a miracle..I appaulade you and your husband...congrats....'
I think what you did was awesome.....thanks so much for sharing it with us..means a lot...

It is snowing here too bad and we got chinesse tooo must be the night...

How far are your from the cape?? we go there in the summertime...
kikakeko said:
I understand that totally. I had problems getting pg but we had our twins with out treatments. I have PCOS and just by a miracle had these two like I said we had tried again for 4 years. I felt pressured by everyone to have my tubal. By everyone I mean DH, family, friends and Dr. But now I am still fairly young (28) and financially stable for the first time since we have been married (10 years) and I am really considering adoption in our future.

we have been married for ten years. I am adopted and think that would be a wonderful thing for you guys.,...
We have triplets (ggb) and I am excited to see a post here on multiples. Have you ever gone alone with the kids to Disney? DH will be in a convention for some of the time & I am thinking of taking them to MGM without DH. DH does not like MGM. Our trio is 6.

WElcome welcome,

I have taken mine to MK by myself while Dh was working....But you have one more than I do..I think since yours are six it would be dooable.....

when will you be going??? As long as it is not to busy I think you will be ok...Are they good about staying right with you???I also would dress them in bright colors that are easy to reconize..

My friend has triplets that are four...i applauade you have your hands fulll...
I took my three 8,3,3 to the beach this summer alone- 8 hour car ride one way... I survived but I was exausted when I got home but it made for a great memory Good Luck


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