Toddler "leashes"


WDW is truly a magical place!!!!
Oct 27, 2004
Do you ever see parents at wdw with children on those harness'? We have a very active 19 month old, he will ride in the stroller fine for a while but then likes to walk, he likes to run off, so would it be bad to use one of those harnesses and keep him happy or will i get disgusting looks? I just dont want him to be confined to the stroller all day with no exercise for himself. and would love to find a litte spot for him to run without running into the crowds.

thanks, Jill (mom to a wild little boy)
We've used one at Disney World and lots of other places with no looks or comments. (Heaven help anybody who did say anything!) We also have an active little guy who happens to be very small for his age. Walking around bent over holding his hand while his little arm is stretched straight up over his head just isn't very comfortable for either of us. He loves using his harness and it gives him a great break from being in the stroller! I'd definately say to use it. If he isn't used to it, get it out and get him used to it before the trip.

I'm sure there will be some debate and somebody will say you're "treating him like a dog". :rolleyes: Whatever. Do whatever makes your little one safe and comfortable and happy.
thank you, btw, your son is goergous!! I am going to lay it out now. I dont care to carry him some, but i think him walking to will be good for him.Plus we will get him on and off ride so he wont be totally confined. In the baby stations, do they have play rooms? I didnt think to look last year, went there for a diaper change and was in and out.

Thanks! We think he's pretty cute. :lovestruc

As for the baby care centers, I don't think they have play rooms. I could be wrong, though. Despite the fact that we've been three times for very long vacations since Paul was born, we've never seen the inside of one of the baby centers! :rotfl: He's always been breastfed, so we never needed to make bottles or anything and we always just nursed on benches, in rides, in shows, etc. And, it never seemed worth it to hike back across the park to change his diaper, so, I really don't have much info. on the baby centers!

We've always just found a quiet, out of the way little corner or spot where Paul could get down and have a bit of freedom. Little overlooked places like that aren't as hard to find as you would think, if you keep your eyes open! And, like I said, the harness has really been a lifesaver.
WDW is one of the only places that I've used a harness on my kids. And, yes, I did get comments...all of them positive! :goodvibes In Disneyland, when DS was 18 mos., many people stopped me to say, "Wow, what a great idea!" and "Where did you buy that?"

We have a chest-style harness and have found that it works great for us in crowded situations with an active child.

Yes, there are folks who have complained here on the boards about getting caught up in someone else's harness. And those who complain that parents are treating their child like a dog. If you're using a harness as part of your responsible parenting (as opposed to using a harness so you don't have to "watch" your child), then just ignore such comments as they don't apply to you.

Enjoy your trip!
I seem to remember this has been a hotly debated subject on the DIS boards before. I honestly don't have any personal opinion about them - I can certainly see the need if you have an active toddler, and if it gives you peace of mind, why not? But I do have a funny story...

Both of my daughters (ages 11 and 17) were startled to see these on a recent trip to Disney. They didn't think it was weird to use them, but they had never seen them and were intrigued with the concept. Instead of saying to each other, "Hey! There's another kid on a leash!" they decided to make up a "code". So if you hear two teen girls behind you saying, "Look - it's a 242!" please know they are my daughters pointing it out to each other!!!!!

BTW, 1 is the code number fior "There's a kid crying", which is a response to our family rule at WDW - "There's no crying at Disney World!!!"
We bought an Elmo harness for our last trip and dd was almost 3. I was concerned with the crowds but fortunately the crowds were low. So, I was able to keep my eye on her more easily. We used the harness once though I would use it with a smaller child like yours. At least bring one just in case!
GEM said:
I'm sure there will be some debate and somebody will say you're "treating him like a dog". :rolleyes: Whatever. .

I got this comment at the aquarium once....where strollers are NOT allowed. I had 2 two year olds with me, so use the cute little teddy bear harness'. Some man gave me the treating them like dogs.

I asked him if he had a dog...yes! Do you put it on a leash...yes! Why do you do keep him safe! Because you LOVE him?!...yes! Then SHUT UP!
MemoryMakers2669 said:
I got this comment at the aquarium once....where strollers are NOT allowed. I had 2 two year olds with me, so use the cute little teddy bear harness'. Some man gave me the treating them like dogs.

I asked him if he had a dog...yes! Do you put it on a leash...yes! Why do you do keep him safe! Because you LOVE him?!...yes! Then SHUT UP!
:rotfl: :rotfl: This is what i say to people!!

I used a leash on my oldest and he turned out just fine....he seldomly drinks from the water bowl on the floor anymore and he is carpet trained!! :rotfl: If it hadn't been for one of those things I would have kept him tied to his stroller or ripped his arm off trying to get him to walk with me.

We are leaving in less than a month and I plan to have the baby on one as well. I have been using it at the malls around her to try and get him used to it. He still tries to run off from me and gets a little shock when he runs out of rope. But I think he will be used to it by the time we leave.

Go for it, use it and don't worry about what other people think (just stick your tongue out at them when their back is to you!! :teeth: )
isyne4u said:
I used a leash on my oldest and he turned out just fine....he seldomly drinks from the water bowl on the floor anymore and he is carpet trained!!

Well, Paul DOES drink water from the bowl on the floor, and he is NOT carpet trained . . . but then again, he's two, so I'm not sure that has anything to do with our using the "leash" on him . . . :rotfl2:

Seriously, I once had someone on one of these threads tell me that those things were "degrading to children". Yes, I'm sure my poor darling is wandering all over the zoo, Disney World, the mall, etc. feeling terribly degraded. He may be laughing and smiling on the outside, but I bet he's crying on the inside from degrdation and humiliation. The poor brave little soul. :rolleyes:
thanks you all, you have eased my mind greatly. I used this harness, the elmo one, on my oldest ds(8) when we went to chicago years ago, and he was 2 at the time, but this is our 4th trip to wdw and i coulnt remember anyone using one. plus it will be dec 1-9 and crowds will be lower.I am a big safty nut so i will just ingnore the looks and snicker at the parents chasing thier kids and gettting worn out!!! Zane is very active, but being at disney hopefully will mellow him out a little. thanks again all.
I have used them before and love them. I found one at wal-mart that is not the "harness" type. it is an elastic band with a loop on both ends (one adjustable w/velcro). put one end around the childs wrist and the other end around yours. worked like a top. i will be taking one in december on my trip for my 3 yr old daughter who is always walking around in her own little world - very unaware of her surroundings.

Hey, I'm glad I stumbled onto this thread. I hadn't thought of the harness. I've only used one once before...going through the Frankfurt airport with my toddler...and that was years ago. Now I have another toddler, far more active, and I will pack the harness (as soon as I find it).
For what it's worth, we've tried both kinds and VASTLY prefer the kind with the chest harness. The wrist one was more trouble than it was worth. Paul spent the whole time pulling on it, messing with it, trying to get it off, etc. With the chest harness, we put it on and he pretty much forgot about it. It wasn't nearly as obvious to him. Plus, it just seemed more comfortable for him.
I used one on my ds the last time we were there he was 3.5. I too had the attitude "go ahead say something!" Use it if it makes you feel safe, to *ell with what others say.
I used to be one of those people who didn't like seeing small children with leashes.....until I had my own child!

I bought one and she seemed to like being in that way more than holding my hand. I think she felt free because she wasn't holding my hand and walking right next to me or DH.

I'd say use on and forget what others think. It's better to keep him safe.
Hey another parent here who has used the harness at WDW. We also got a few comments but they are all pretty positive - certainly no "dog" comments. Like GEM, heaven help them if they did! It was actually pretty great because he's the type of kid that thinks having you chase him is a game and WDW just isn't a place I want to play that game with him. When he had the harness on he had the security of knowing we were always right there with him and he also didn't try to run off because he knew he couldn't. :) We were also able to keep him from falling several times. This is another reason why the harness is better than the type that attaches to the wrist. I didn't have to worry about dislocating something if he pulled on it too hard.

I kept my dd on a harness at WDW until she was 4 years old. It saved my sanity and gave her just enough freedom to keep her happy. It is a real lifesaver when you are standing in line because those little ones can easily duck under the ropes or bars and will get far away before you can elbow your way (politely of course) out of line. The only comment I have ever received other than "wow, what a great idea" was from a cast member :confused3 at Spaceship Earth who said it was "just terrible" to do that to our child. I was so taken aback that I didn't reply, but if it ever happens again, I plan to say that she is a lot less upset about wearing her special leash than she would be if she got lost. I might also mention that without fail, at least one tired and frustrated parent would offer to buy it from me.

By the way, my dd REFUSED to wear the darn thing until her aunt told her how cool it was. After that we couldn't get her to take it off. Really, she used to sleep in the harness part (we took off the strap part so she would choke on it in her sleep)! We never used it anywhere except WDW, so she always knew where we were going when she saw it go into the suitcase!
When I worked at TDS a few years ago I almost died laughing when I saw a woman come in with a 2 or 3 year old on a wrist leash and then later saw mom looking at something while tied to a rack and the kid running to the back of the store!! :rotfl: It was loud enough in the store that mom didn't hear the cherub undoing the velcro and wrapping it around the leg of a rack!!! Mom was shocked to say the least when she went to walk away and found she had been tethered!!!

So I decided I liked the chest ones better! I could see my own kids doing that to me!!
isyne4u said:
When I worked at TDS a few years ago I almost died laughing when I saw a woman come in with a 2 or 3 year old on a wrist leash and then later saw mom looking at something while tied to a rack and the kid running to the back of the store!! :rotfl: It was loud enough in the store that mom didn't hear the cherub undoing the velcro and wrapping it around the leg of a rack!!! Mom was shocked to say the least when she went to walk away and found she had been tethered!!!

So I decided I liked the chest ones better! I could see my own kids doing that to me!!

HAAAA!!! :rotfl2: My dd would do that to me too!


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