Toddler "leashes"

We used one with DD when she was 15mos and again at 19mos when we went to CA. We had one for DS when we went to Tampa in Feb. I will use one again if he needs when we return. We also use it around town. THis kid will not stay by me.
If it keeps your kids safe, do it!

I mean, when they're older, then it may be degrading (but then they'll be old enough to understand rules and the consequences of breaking them!), but young children aren't going to even notice :flower:
I've considered using one on my husband, particularly at Best Buy and places like that. Do you think that would be degrading?

Oh, wait a minute, WHO CARES?? :cool1:
I've considered using one on my husband, particularly at Best Buy and places like that. Do you think that would be degrading?

Oh, wait a minute, WHO CARES?

HA HA! I need one for DH at WDW, everytime I turn around he disappears , even DS 3 is better at staying put.
If Disney sold them at the parks and they had cute Disney characters on them, half the folks there would have them on their kids.

If it makes you comfortable, don't worry about what others have to say. I used one on my DD when she was little.
I have 2 year old twins and I plan to use mine when we go in FEB 2006. People have given me looks when I've used them at the mall, but I'd rather have my children in harnesses than on the back of a milk carton. Really, if you think about it, the harness is less restricting than strapping them into a stroller since they are able to walk around. (I WILL be using strollers also ;) ). I think people are just not used to harnesses because they haven't been around and used for that long. I've finally gotten to the point that I really don't care what other people say/think about children's safety and happiness is more important.

So, if you want to use the harness, GO FOR IT! :cheer2: I would definitely use it for a few weeks before you go to get him used to it, though. I bought the Elmo ones others have mentioned. Mine can remove the wrist straps, so I have to use the actual harness "vest"....they don't seem to mind it at all. I think they enjoy being able to walk when we're out and about.

Have fun on your trip. :flower:
You should have told that guy that you would treat him like a dog and stick a muzzle on him. :pug:

I used a harness on my 22 month old DS at WDW and we both enjoyed it!

MemoryMakers2669 said:
I got this comment at the aquarium once....where strollers are NOT allowed. I had 2 two year olds with me, so use the cute little teddy bear harness'. Some man gave me the treating them like dogs.

I asked him if he had a dog...yes! Do you put it on a leash...yes! Why do you do keep him safe! Because you LOVE him?!...yes! Then SHUT UP!
MemoryMakers2669 said:
I got this comment at the aquarium once....where strollers are NOT allowed. I had 2 two year olds with me, so use the cute little teddy bear harness'. Some man gave me the treating them like dogs.

I asked him if he had a dog...yes! Do you put it on a leash...yes! Why do you do keep him safe! Because you LOVE him?!...yes! Then SHUT UP!

You shouldn't have stopped there.. You should have had each of the two year olds take a nice chunk out of the calf of his leg... :rotfl:

How could ANYONE be that rude? Safety first - arrogant, rude people, dead last!

Good for you! :flower:
I too, used to think that they were horrible and could not believe someone would leash their child like an animal. Then I had my oldest. When he was 18mo I lost him for about 10 minutes at the zoo. My sister-in-law found him just as I finished screaming for someone to call 911 and was about to pass out from grief.

They are nice for situations when you have your hands full and can't hold a little hand. (When I lost my son I was carrying a tray of food from a concession stand to a picnic table and the area was very crounded. He was following me and I kept looking back and saying "follow Mommy" and then I glance forward for one second so that I won't knock into someone and when I look back (not even 1/2 a second) he's gone, that quick. After that, I always carried one in my purse and only used it in a few similar situations when I could not hold a hand.

My kids just preferred holding my hand though...but I know alot of independent little ones that need more space and freedom, for them I think the leash is an awsome invention.
jill9072 said:
thank you, btw, your son is goergous!! I am going to lay it out now. I dont care to carry him some, but i think him walking to will be good for him.Plus we will get him on and off ride so he wont be totally confined. In the baby stations, do they have play rooms? I didnt think to look last year, went there for a diaper change and was in and out.


I think that all of the Baby Care Centers, with the exception of MGM, have playrooms for kids. My daughter played for a while in the Epcot playroom and the one at Animal Kingdom was great too.
Feralpeg said:
If Disney sold them at the parks and they had cute Disney characters on them, half the folks there would have them on their kids.

If it makes you comfortable, don't worry about what others have to say. I used one on my DD when she was little.

I'm not entirely sure, but I think that the Baby Care Centers did have harnesses for sale.
I don't have any children but have worked at police departments in the 9-1-1 center for 10 years.

Leash....very good about it from a child's point of view...would you want to walk around with your arm stuck up in the air holding onto an adult keeping up with those huge adult people steps!

Yep....leashes are good things.....
i say, tie em all up!!!!!keep them on a short leash!!!!i've used the harness before on my now five year old and it saved lots of screaming and stress. watch out for others though, quite a few times we wrapped up an unsuspecting victim in the leash and almost tripped a stranger
We used to harness our daughter whenever we went out in public at night. We live in a very big city and I couldn't imagine listening to an outdoor concert on a hot summer's night and having to worry about her getting away from us and being seperated for even a minute. It allows both parent and child to be much more relaxed. Most children do NOT want to get seperated from their parent/s, at least not at 3.....:) that happens when they are 14....:)

We always used it in Disney too, I cannot remember anyone ever saying a thing to us. I have never thought twice about it but then my very 50's mother used to put us out in the yard to play harnessed up until we were 5 or 6 years old. It was VERY common back then.
I used to be one of those people who would have given you looks (sorry). I did think they were degrading, until I had my youngest (he's 2) who will not sit in a stroller. He cries, screams-- if it isn't a 5 point harness (which his isn't anymore)-- he'll get out of it (he's a little peanut and very wiry). Last summer we were shopping in the Disney Store, and he got out of the stroller (got up to the point where if I didn't unstrap him, he probably would have gotten hurt-- he gets so mad he'll slam his head against the back). It was a weekday morning, and the store was empty, so I thought it would be ok if he walked with me and my 5yo. He's fast, and in a split second he got away from me, and the display's are so tall, I couldn't see him when he turned a corner. For 3 minutes, I couldn't find him. I immediately went to the exit/entrance of the store, and basically screamed begging people to look for him (I didn't want to leave the entrance in case he hadn't left the store yet). I thought the employees would help, but they just stood there staring at me. After 3 minutes one of the employees asked "boy or girl"-- but basically did not to help find him. I was in tears-- I ran back to my oldest (who was watching the movie screen) to get him, so we could leave the store in search of Danny-- and found my youngest with his big brother doing jumping jacks. I was relieved beyond words, and after that 3 minutes of hell (which felt like an hour), I don't question people with harnesses any more-- at all. I do admit though once I saw someone yank on it, and I did think that was mean. But, as long as you're gentle with it, and don't yank your child around-- use that harness!!!!!! The people who give you looks, probably just don't realize how bad the alternative (losing your child) is-- or they had kids like my oldest who were perfectly happy to sit in a stroller. My mom told me I should try the kind with the wrist straps since I've never been with the harness before, but I'm afraid he'll wiggle out of it.
I didn't have time to read through all the posts in this thread, but just wanted to mention a different type of harness. The part that goes on the child is a fanny pack. Most kids like having a place to keep their little treasures!
We also use the "safety harness". I found for me and dd it was more comfortable, without it I would have to crouch over to hold her hand.

I also think some places need "children leash" rules, some people control their dogs more then their kids.
Just please don't get the ones with the long, curly cord. And don't let the harness make you feel the child is any safer than without it. It's a false sense of security - they can still trip and fall, they can be overlooked by someone in an ECV, they can get knocked down by someone who trips over the cord.

I saw two accidents involving harnesses - both were due to the long cord, and the parent's inattentiveness. Once, the child got far enough away from the parent that a stroller was able to fit between them, and the child was knocked down. Second time, (different child) a person walking down Main Street got between the child and parent, and dragged the child down.
I used one for my dd when she was almost 2. It was just 2 of us at the mall at Christmas time, so you can imagine the crowds. I put it on her and was waiting for the moans and groans from other people. It took about 2 minutes for someone to come up to me and ask me where I found it because she really wanted to get one for her child! It made for a VERY pleasant shopping trip because she could have a little more freedom than she was used to. No matter what, you do what you feel is the best for your family and don't worry what anyone else thinks. There will always be someone with a different opinion and usually they're people that don't have children!


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