Three Things...Gratitude Thread

Yellow ...I'm grateful for the sun. It hasn't exactly been sunny today, but it has been dry! Yay!

Green ...Lots of leaves on the philadelphus already. When the blossom is out, it'll smell gorgeous.

Blue ...My Chilly's water bottle. A friend gave it to me ages ago and it's still going strong. It's especially nice to have chilled water in the summer.

And the gold at the end of the rainbow... :D

Good Wednesday Morning :wave:

No rainbows by me today, but we will have snow showers :headache: 👎🏻

#1 - Yellow - Daffodils. I have none in my yard, but I like looking at them in other people’s front yards. I really should plant some bulbs this autumn (I say this every year)
Snow showers! 😮 Mind you, we had some overnight sleet last week. Hope it warms up soon.

It's become quite a thing around here to plant daffodils in grass verges, so there have been a lot to brighten up rainy March. I love them planted in grassy areas (I like a more natural, less formal garden), so planted some in a small area of lawn by a window. Loved them!
🌈's have always been special to me. To me, 6 have always been a reminder to me that God is forever with me. Dad's late friend Cynthia silk screened a rainbow for me when I was born. No matter where I've lived, the rainbow has always been on my bedroom wall. Not the best picture perhaps but one I could capture easily while sitting here in my recliner chair. I remember as a child, I may have shared this before, wanting to live in the middle house because it was sheltered between the other two homes. I understand more fully now as an adult that by my faith no matter where I am, God has me forever. How blessed I also am that he gave my dad, other family and friends, and each of you!:grouphug:

Red to me brings instant patriotic thanks. Red, white, and blue. Dad's favorite color is red while mine is pink, a shade of red. Of course, red is also a Valentine, Christmas, and even ::MickeyMoand pooh:color. Dad's current car is red. My last car which once belonged to my beloved grandma was red.

Orange brings memory of a preschooler named Peter whose favorite color as a 2 year old was orange. Peter will be 21 in July! I pray he and his family are safe, happy, and well. Orange was also the favorite color of a late dear friend named Dean, who brought so much joy to me, and many others, including kids at church camps.

Yellow is such a joyous and happy color. Light and life, sunshine, and joy. Hope, too.

Green has always been a favorite color of mine. Christmas trees, especially Evergreen. Spring and Christmas, new growth and possibility. My eyes are also green.

Blue I am smiling in thanks to God for entrusting me to learn from and love so many of His precious kiddos over the years all of whom loved blue otter pops. Dodger Blue, too.

Indigo, I just Googled, looks like a deeper, darker blue. Not my favorite color but one similar to the navy-blue robe I was so blessed to wear as a member of God's choir at church.

Violet, purple is the favorite color of someone God extra blessed my life and dad's with as extended family in His Name.


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Good Morning!

#1 - The Finding Nemo ride at EPCOT - there’s never a wait, almost always a walk on. DD20 and I always go on it more than once because poor Nemo gets no love - LOL! We love this ride!

#2 - CDs - I love my CDs and miss having a CD player in my car. I think I’m going to buy a portable CD player for my car. Streaming is great, but not everyone wants to stream music all the time. I really wish CD players were still put in cars.

#3 - Coming Soon - I need to think about a third
This is a hard one !!

I think resale items - think garage sale - used items - lots of people look down on it - nothing wrong with it - doesn’t have to be brand new to be great !!

Shelter Pets - I’ve had tons !! I’ve got some really awesome pets from a shelter !!

Cooking from scratch- not a mix or box - when I was younger I hated it but now that I’m older I prefer it - was never allowed to buy a mix if you wanted it you made it from scratch now it’s just what I do and I don’t care for the mixes - I’m grateful I can do this
Shelter Pets - I’ve had tons !! I’ve got some really awesome pets from a shelter !!

That's a great one! I'm a former shelter volunteer and I was always amazed by the misconceptions most people have about shelter animals. I spent about 2.5 years at my first shelter and we had a training program so that we could show people that shelter dogs could learn just as well as any other dog. While I don't think it made a huge impact, we also had resources to educate people on what makes a reputable purebred breeder and how purebreds in shelters are often the result of unscrupulous breeders. OK...I will step down from my shelter soapbox 😄
Good morning friends:grouphug:

Kids of all ages especially God's youngest can never be shown enough unconditional love and support. Similarly with animals.

I love what you said WDWEPCOT about yard sale items. Reminds me once again how I often prefer the simpler original version of a product.

Libraries and the blessing of them all around.
Needing more love...

Earthworms! They're so good for our gardens. I'm in the process of clearing out a bed and I'm trying really hard to save worms, as I go (which I can't see when I'm digging).

Farmers I know I've said it before, but for a profession so important for our basic survival, they do seem under-supported and under-appreciated.

Teachers Not all teachers are equal and many are subjectively liked/disliked - but the role of teacher could do with a lot more love, respect and appreciation.

And, I hope this extra one doesn't come across as corny, but I suspect that most, if not all, of us could do with appreciating ourselves more.

:love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

ETA: I'm loving all your answers, too! Home-cooking, libraries, shelter pets, used/older items and CDs. I totally agree with all of them.

It's made me think of all sorts of artisan and practical skills, too - shoeing horses, basket-weaving, map-reading, furniture restoring, clock and jewelry restoring, metal working etc. etc. etc..
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1. Walking - That's not to say that people don't appreciate a good walk, but there are a lot of people out there who are running snobs that are very all or nothing...and they're not shy or delicate about sharing their feelings. Some are runners who look down on the people using the popular run/walk/run method as "not real runners." Some haven't even laced up a pair of running shoes for decades, but they're the first ones to judge. Some people, in general, look down on people who also walk some of these longer walking is a lesser endeavor and 13.1 miles doesn't mean as much if you "just" walked it. Don't even get me started on pace. There are some people who look back on their 1-mile time in high school and think that's what you should be doing in a distance nobody ever taught them that a 5 minute mile is probably not sustainable over the course of 10+ miles (or even less). I can't tell you how many times I've been excited about besting myself just to hear someone else say "so, you're still basically walking." Even the other day, I put in about a 4.25 mile walk with a decent uphill stretch on the back end...and someone sitting on the couch all day said "but did you run any of it?" So, this is for all of the walkers and run/walkers who are underappreciated in the fitness and running world, among other places.

2. Doing Nothing - As I sit here debating if I want to drive into chaos on Monday to try and see totality for this eclipse, I'm reminded of how nice it is to just have nothing going on. We are always so busy and I feel like there's so much pressure to fill in every day and minute with something. It makes it that much harder for my brain to wind down and sleep. While I don't want it back to peak Covid kind of nothing, I think under normal circumstances, we need to give more love to those times when we've just got nothing to do. Too often, people are even quick to judge when you say you've got nothing going on. Embrace the nothing! Get some rest where you can take it!

3. The journey - I love a big road trip and I love getting to see all of the big destinations I've planned on that trip, but the journey often doesn't get as much love and excitement. It should. You're seeing things that never would have been visible if you arrived by plane. You're seeing things in sort of way that our predecessors did, when everything was land travel. I always make sure we get pictures of the journey. If I'm driving I hand off one of the big cameras to the kids or "nicely" ask them to use their phones. Sure, there's a lot of randomness, but there's also seeing how the landscape changes as you approach something like Monument Valley, or how you're approaching the Rockies from the plains and suddenly you go from flat to hazy snowcapped peaks ahead, or how Iowa looked just like what you thought it would...until it didn't, etc. I even take a similar approach at destinations. When we're at Disney, I have all of these "walking" pictures. This way, it's sort of a little flip book of the view along the way since it's nice to take in the little details when you're going from Haunted Mansion to Big Thunder Mountain. It's looking promising that we're going to get a little Disneyland time in July because of DD15s softball schedule and I can't wait to photograph all of the little details I missed in our 2015 holiday trip. I was so caught up in the crowd and sticking to a plan that I didn't get to enjoy the journey as much.
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Walking ❤️ good one ! I enjoy it !!! Running is bad for your spine per my bone dr much prefers walking !! Well he prefers swimming but I can’t swim 🤣🤣

Swimming is supposed to be great for getting a full body workout without as much joint stress and impact. It's not without issue though. I used to try and swim daily laps when we had a pool, but the chlorine really messed with my skin, hair, eyes, and sinuses. I also look at pools as a place to cool off. It's such a bizarre sensation to feel hot when swimming for fitness.
Leggings - so comfy !!!!! Better than sweatpants because I’m short hard to find sweatpants that don’t have a waist that go all way up to my neck 🤣🤣

Sweatshirts or long sleeve shirts - love wearing them ! Again so comfy

Sweaters - may have issue here own way too many but love wearing them - from fancy to everyday to ugly Christmas I love sweaters !!!

Bonus - my Disney clothes I have a bunch shocking I know some of my most favorites are my jackets so grateful for those got them on trips that got a little too cold in FL and wear them now one of them is almost 30 yrs old ❤️❤️❤️ my Disney dresses are another - but only wear them at Disney !! ❤️❤️
God's extra blessing to me and my dad that we have clothes period. Added grace to have a variety and means to do laundry, too. To be able to donate clothing in some way at times has been a privilige. I pray to be used in however a teeny way to help all of God's children human and animal alike have safe, faith filled, warm homes of unconditional love and necessities including clothes.

Memories of wearing a choir robe at church bring extra joy to my heart.

My pink hot chocolate print fleecey pajama pants that I am wearing right now give me warmth and cheer.

Dad, on Sunday, wore his Eggs-tra special dad T shirt, he sure is :)

God willing one day a new Disneyland T shirt or sweatshirt to come.
Compression leggings/shorts with thigh pockets - I prefer the full leggings, but it's so darn hot here for so much of the year that the shorts are also a must.

Old Ski Sweaters - I have some old heavy sweaters from the 80s that are still in great shape. They weren't cheap, so it's good to know we paid for durability as well as style.

Grandma's Fur Coat - Obviously, fur isn't embraced today like it was back in the 50s and 60s, but I inherited my grandmother's mink. I don't wear it out, but it provided warmth when we lost power during the 2021 TX freeze.
1. Definitely sweaters! I have a December birthday, so as a kid I always had way more winter clothes, but that was ok, because I loved sweaters!

2. The coat I had for the past season. I've never really been a coat person but mainly because I didn't have a coat that I really liked. I got one at Costco last year and I love it.

3. Capri pants in the summer - I feel like you can dress them up or they can be super casual, which I love about them!


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