The Running Thread - 2019

I know we did something similar long ago, but how about a little round of "would you rather" for today's QOTD?

If anyone has been "lurking" or hasn't participated in the thread for a while, be sure to jump in today!

QOTD: Would you rather run...
1. Without a watch or without music/podcasts?
2. A race with 20 people or 20,000 people?
3. In a cotton tshirt or cotton socks?
4. In 110F or -10F temperatures?
5. In high humidity or high winds?
I’m a couple days late, but I want to answer!

1. Without music. I do it regularly these days because I still don’t have wireless headphones and my headphone cord bothers me so much.
2. 20,000 people - more support and motivation being surrounded by other people. Even if it is frustrating when people are in your way. Haha
3. Cotton socks
4. -10F temperature. I’m a northerner and I hate heat.
5. High winds
I earned some big a** bling today. Longer recap over in my training journal.

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I am reading this as I have trouble sleeping. Not because of my DD race tomorrow, not because of the rock concert outside, not because I have a huge training run to fit but because one of my fore leg itch like crazy! I so lightly brushed past a plant on my way to the train last Monday but those two spots itch so much. So now, I am looking at your long socks thinking that if I ever do a trail, I am wearing those! Great idea on your part!
Late in (and back after a long absence), but my answers to the Would You Rather QOTD:

1. Without music/podcasts, for sure. I've been getting better at just being in my own head over long distances. I have not been getting better at feeling like I'm on track if I don't have data from my Garmin!
2. 20,000--that took some deliberation. Biggest race I've run in was 2,000, smallest was 100. Love both for different reasons...but I can't see a race smaller than 100 having the kind of support and energy I like in a race.
3. Cotton shirt, hands down.
4. -10F, since I've actually trained in that and know how I'll perform in it! Would not wear the cotton shirt for it, though.
5. High humidity, but I may eat my words when I actually run a Disney race in Florida and find out what it's like. I've had some training runs absolutely ruined by high winds, though.
I'll throw in my answers to the Would You Rather:
1. Without music. I only listen to anything if the run is over 2hrs and I'm very dependent on my watch.
2. 20k. 20 people total would be too intimidating for me.
3. Cotton shirt. I'm kinda obsessed with my feet being good. If your feet aren't ok then nothing is ok.
4. 110deg. I live in FL. I'd have to buy all new clothes to run in the cold.
5. High humidity. See #4, it just what I run in all the time.
Race recap: Bridge to Bridge 12k.

Bridge to Bridge likes to call itself "America's Most Beautiful Run". I gotta say, I wasn't overly impressed for the first couple miles, but after we got out past Fisherman's Wharf, it was indeed really beautiful.

The race course is mostly flat except for one hill at about 2.5 miles. You start at the Ferry Building, near the Bay Bridge...

Bay Bridge.jpg

Run to the foot of the Golden Gate...

Golden Gate.jpg

And then turn around and come back to Marina Green. (There's also a 5k, which just goes to Marina Green and stops.)

I knew going in that getting a PoT time (1:31:00) was almost in reach, but probably not quite close enough.

Turnaround is at about 5 miles, and looking at my time, I thought it might be doable if I could pick up the pace a bit. wasn't there. I just didn't have the faster pace in me.

Final time, 1:33:38. Missed PoT by under 3 minutes. But, it's a PR for 12k for me. I'll take it.

I have been off the boards for months. I hope that everyone out there is doing well. It has been a crazy few months for me and I pretty much let all my social media items drop off. But I often think about the Running Thread and just wanted to reach out and update. First, @LSUlakes please pull me off all my races for the rest of the year, until Dopey. I re-injured my ankle back in late spring and am just now getting back into running form and no where near ready for the races I thought I would be when I signed up last winter. Good news is I am going to hit 100 miles this month for the first time in a VERY long time and I am starting to get my running legs back. I am going slower and taking more recovery time and continuing my third round of PT but I am running! I am setting my sights on Dopey and then we will see after that.

Congrats to all those out there racing and running!
I have been off the boards for months. I hope that everyone out there is doing well. It has been a crazy few months for me and I pretty much let all my social media items drop off. But I often think about the Running Thread and just wanted to reach out and update. First, @LSUlakes please pull me off all my races for the rest of the year, until Dopey. I re-injured my ankle back in late spring and am just now getting back into running form and no where near ready for the races I thought I would be when I signed up last winter. Good news is I am going to hit 100 miles this month for the first time in a VERY long time and I am starting to get my running legs back. I am going slower and taking more recovery time and continuing my third round of PT but I am running! I am setting my sights on Dopey and then we will see after that.

Congrats to all those out there racing and running!

Glad you're recovering and starting to get back to racing form.
I did a quick little unofficial tally of our answers. It seems like we like our data, running big races, "cotton is rotten" (great quote btw!) and summer has been long:

On The Dis Running Thread, We would rather....
1. Run with no music/podcasts (77%)
2. Race with 20K people (93%)
3. Run in a cotton shirt (57%)
4. Run in -10F temps (67%)
5. Run in high winds (57%)

I would be interested to see if our temperature and wind answers would change this winter after "forgetting" what heat and humidity feels like after a few months.

If you didn't answer, feel free to still chime in. Would love if someone would jump in with a new QOTD tomorrow. :)
I did a quick little unofficial tally of our answers. It seems like we like our data, running big races, "cotton is rotten" (great quote btw!) and summer has been long:

On The Dis Running Thread, We would rather....
1. Run with no music/podcasts (77%)
2. Race with 20K people (93%)
3. Run in a cotton shirt (57%)
4. Run in -10F temps (67%)
5. Run in high winds (57%)

I would be interested to see if our temperature and wind answers would change this winter after "forgetting" what heat and humidity feels like after a few months.

If you didn't answer, feel free to still chime in. Would love if someone would jump in with a new QOTD tomorrow. :)
Okay. Pulling this one from recent experience.

QOTD- do you feel guilt for long times spent training away from your family?

Attqotd:yes, heavy guilt. That’s one of the big reasons I backed off further long races for a while. I also think it had started to interfere with my weight loss, too.
ATTQOTD: Nope. My kids are out of the house and I started running seriously when my wife was the principal of a charter high school. That meant she was getting home late most nights of the week and wouldn't have been home during my training runs. Also, I am very aware that I am a happier, more contented person when I am running consistently which benefits the family almost as much as it does me.
ATTQOTD: Yes and no! I used to feel way more guilty when our kids were younger but that has become better over time. I try really hard to schedule long runs when we don't have anything going on or rearrange my schedule as best I can. Like @camaker said, I think I am more pleasant to be around when I am able to consistently run. Plus I also think its important for my kids to see that I value taking care of myself as well as taking care of them. People have given me crap for going to Disney without my kids or even my husband, but I just respond with that its okay for moms to get away too.
ATTQOTD: No guilt when it comes to training. Fitness is a priority for my DH and me. We just make sure to work it into the day and around the different activities other commitments. I got up at 4am on Saturday to fit my 9.5 mile run in so I could leave by 7:15am for my DH's powerlifting meet. It's not always easy, but we make it work. I did hate the time away from my family when I ran Dopey this year. I had a fantastic time time, but it was hard on my DH. My daughter is super easy, but my autistic son requires quite a bit more attention (online high school classes in addition to driving him back and forth to his physical classes, therapy, tutoring.....). I dropped down to Goofy for 2020 just for that reason.
No guilt....but then again, I didn't start to run til the year I turned 50 (seemed like something to do!) By then, my daughter was in college, my son in high school. Plus, the next year I decided to retire, so yeah....I'm an outlier on the distribution.

As for trips to Disney...the running ones are for me. I earned them, I paid for them. So no guilt whatsoever. Disney is not my DH's thing. And I still remember taking myself to Disney for my 40th birthday during early days of Food & Wine. Such fun!


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