The Flippant Trip - (new TWILIGHT TR update 11/16/09 bottom of pg 29)

Team Edward here...........
I saw the movie today (& it was cool going oh yeah I saw that in Melissa's pictures) & am about 2/3 of the way through with Eclipse.
It's become a sickness.:rolleyes1

What did you think of the movie?? Kinda hoakie and sappy but overall, I enjoyed it!

I love Edward *sigh* He's SO dreamy! :cloud9:

Bella can have Jacob, I'll take Edward. :lovestruc

Have you read Midnight Sun?
I liked the movie Melissa. I don't understand some of the changes they made :confused3 but that's the movies I guess. I thought Bella & Edward were both cast pretty well, althought I think the most spot on casting might have been Alice. She was just like I had her pictured. All in all an enjoyable movie but the books are always better.
I'm still reading it.... have you read The Host?

No I haven't. I saw it in the store last week and I wanted to get it, but didn't really have the money. I was thinking I would see what other people thought before I read it.
The movie was definitely better the second time around... It was easier to appreciate when I didn't have to try so hard to NOT compare it to the book. It was easier to pay closer attention to some of the details - and even enjoy them.

I'm going to be a Cullen in my next life... :laughing:

Wendy - I agree, I'd like more opinions on The Host before I buy it.
No I haven't. I saw it in the store last week and I wanted to get it, but didn't really have the money. I was thinking I would see what other people thought before I read it.

The movie was definitely better the second time around... It was easier to appreciate when I didn't have to try so hard to NOT compare it to the book. It was easier to pay closer attention to some of the details - and even enjoy them.

I'm going to be a Cullen in my next life... :laughing:

Wendy - I agree, I'd like more opinions on The Host before I buy it.

Jenn, isn't it great to relax and enjoy. It seems alot of us had that same reaction.

The first bit of The Host is difficult to get into but..... after you do it's GREAT!!

I hope you will both read it. It had me laughing and crying. It's very thought provoking, IMO.
That's good to know. I can deal with the romance stuff as long as there's something to keep me entertained. Besides that I'm a strong believer that a prince should have to fight for his princess. It's that whole sword of truth and shield of virtue thing.

there is more action in subsequent books with Eclipse having the most... I have read all 4 like 5 times each...I liked New Moon the best #2 but I'm in a minority as most have said that was thier least favorite..but i think it tells an important part of the Twilight saga and makes it easier to follow the following 2... go ahead and read them!!!

And I also have visited the sites of the movie as Kalama is 10 miles south of me and St Helens is 20 miles south i grew up here and it was fun to see the movie and recognize these sites.... my daughter and I hope they film the other 3 here also....would be fun to take a side trip while they are filming!! :)
would be fun to take a side trip while they are filming!! :)

I'll say!! :thumbsup2

How cool to see your old stomping grounds on film... and in a movie you were so interested in, to boot! Thanks for sharing that with me. :)

Keep me posted if you hear any details or make any "trip plans"
Hey Melissa! Tiggerfan1 here. Now that I've finished your TR, I can post my comments here instead of on my recipe thread. I'll pick up where I left off. Here are more of my thoughts:

Congrats on getting to ride the Lilly Belle. You guys were so lucky! Great pics, too! Even though I've been to Disneyland several times, I didn't know that you could ride in the kaboose. Hopefully, family and I will be able to do that when we go to DL again.

Too bad about the food from Bengal BBQ. I've never been there, even though it's right near my favorite attraction-- The Indiana Jones ride.

Ooooh! The Tiki Room! I love that attraction, too! It scared me when I was little, though. :laughing:

Wow, I can't believe that your DL trip report has come to an end. :sad2: It was really fun to read. Great job!! :)

That's awesome that you got to go to a Twilight party. I must confess that I've never read the books, but I still think it's cool that you got to see where they shot the movie. Awesome pics!!

Great Thanksgiving pics with your DDs! They looked so adorable in their old-fashioned dresses.

Hey, thanks for advertising my recipe thread. You rock! :hug:

I'm looking forward to your San Diego TR! :woohoo:

So happy to see so many Twilighters..
New here to DIS.. .. just a lil intro..
HI. .from PDX.(Portland) Daughter is a extra in Twilight.. Cafeteria scenes.. heheheh.. ya know when Edwards says "what if im not the hero...." the apple falls.. Edward gets it.. .. flash to Bella.. flash to Edward.. etc.. well.. standing behind Bella. is my daughter... she is wearing a pink/white shirt...

We watched to movie.. and actually counted seeing her 8 times... .. only one was where we could see her face.. whoot......

Anyone out there that .. has access to printing??/ I want to make her a Twilight shirt... with the crest.. or something. but .. have it say . Twilight Extra on it..

will post some pics of my trip to Forks when i am able to post pics..
The night of the Movie.. actually Thursday.. she started her line at the theater.. 830am.. first in line. haha
second group of people that arrived.. about 1pm.. actually was a girl holding space for her friends. who also were extras in the movie.. once they started to trickle in .. the energy of the line .. wow.. chatter of .. oh what scene are you .. ohhh .. doesnt Rob smell so sexy .hahahah...
There was in line a girl that .. you can see in the first part of the movie.. Charlie..and Bella driving in town.. Forks.. (actually was Vernonia) people crossing the crosswalk.. one of the girls was there.. .. also .. we had one of the guys that was in the attack scene.. .. and one of the Indians.. ya know .. the three when Jacob stands there.. at the beach.. .. .. everyone was having a ball.. ...
we borrowed a Edward cutout for Suncoast.. and decided to hold a raffle for a new one... .. for three hours or so.. we allowed people to pose with the cutout.. giggle. and just have a blast....
the energy of the show was sooo electric.. given the fact of such a large group.. about 30 or so.. connected to the movie.. .. seeing the movie for first time.. the movie show was sooo noisy.. eveytime someone saw someone they knew. it was . cheers in the audiance...
I kinda felt sorry for those that had no clue .. what was going on....
That was tursday/Friday .. movie started at midnight.. Saturday morning. we headed to Tacomma Wa for the New Kids on block concert.. then my suprise for my girls.. side trip to Forks.. whoot.. pics to come....
ok can post a few pics...
DSCF3261.jpg daughter and a fellow Twilight Extra..
..the line forms...




There was in line a girl that .. you can see in the first part of the movie.. Charlie..and Bella driving in town.. Forks.. (actually was Vernonia) people crossing the crosswalk.. one of the girls was there.. .. also .. we had one of the guys that was in the attack scene.. .. and one of the Indians.. ya know .. the three when Jacob stands there.. at the beach.. .. .. everyone was having a ball.. ...
we borrowed a Edward cutout for Suncoast.. and decided to hold a raffle for a new one... .. for three hours or so.. we allowed people to pose with the cutout.. giggle. and just have a blast....

AHhh how cool! I don't remember if I posted here about that "werewolf" extra but when I was at the Prom at the Viewpoint Inn I was making chit chat with the bartender and I asked him if he was there for the shooting and he said he was but that they shoo'd him out during the actual filming.

He said he knew a guy at PCC who was a "friend of the vampires" LOL Hmmm, I said..... "the vampires don't have any friends" then he told me he was native american and I was like A HA! "He's a friend of the WEREWOLVES!" :lmao:

It was so cool just to make chit chat with people who were around. How SO TOTALLY COOL to have SMELLED EDWARD!!! That is so awesome and cute!!!

Lucky you guys. :cloud9:

Thank you so much for coming by and posting .... I do want to let you know that there's a Twilight thread over on the community board of the dis if you want your posts/pics to reach a wider audience. But you are more than welcome to post here anytime you like.

Somebody over on the dis was telling me that when they went to go see the Twilight movie a second time that during the prom scene somebody said, "Ohh... I saw pictures somebody on the interent who went to the place where this was filmed and went to a party there!"

LOL there may be other "prom posters" but... I think it might have been me. :lmao: Too funny!

I love all your stories. I'm still interested in going to Vernonia and taking pics there. I want to have a complete Twilight TR. LOL


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