The DIS Fit: 2019 thread. Join us in the New Hopes and Goals thread.

Shoveling done. It was a lot of work. Also did the back a bit. Which the dog promptly ignored and plunged off into the deep snow! Thought I was going to have to go rescue him. Expect I will have to go out again if the plow goes around. Also did a short workout. Now I'm tired! And there was a tweet from the school buses that they will decide on service tomorrow morning. Maybe I won't be working this week!
Went for my walk....left ankle is causing problems,,,(Top of foot outer side ) I did try to do some stretching exercises...I will keep moving along but I think the ankle needs some type of support. We need a pain smiley.....:headache:
I may also need to check in with the doc and ask for advice,,,I do have a fair amount of degenerative bones disease (aka arthritis).
I don't want to give up just yet and will look for solutions. I rested for 2 hours and the swelling went down.( I popped a advil extra strength too.)
Yes.... Yes.....Yes..... I know swimming is a great arthritis exercise but I really don't want to swim with my skin psoriasis and eczema,,sorry I know this is what the doc is going to recommend.
I wish the Hilton pool close to my home offered pay as you go swimming (pool is salt water and my skin is ok with it),,plus it's clean,,not a fan of recreation center pools.
I might try calling them tomorrow and see what they say,--never hurts to try right?
Well enough nattering on and on thanks for listening,,,
I did my walk to the store to get lottery tickets and it was wet. Sidewalks were wet but not too slippery on the way there but they were bad on the way home. I slipped on the walkway coming out of my Sobeys and you guessed it I fell down and got very wet. No injuries other than a scuffed knee and probably a bit of bruising. I fell right near a lady parking her car and she was kind enough to drive me home once she found out I was walking home. I was even being very cautious and used my brollie (umbrella) as a walking stick when I walked out of the store. Hopefully it is nicer tomorrow so I can go for a better walk. It will be even better if my Lotto 649 number win me something or I win on the scratch tickets I bought.
I did my walk to the store to get lottery tickets and it was wet. Sidewalks were wet but not too slippery on the way there but they were bad on the way home. I slipped on the walkway coming out of my Sobeys and you guessed it I fell down and got very wet. No injuries other than a scuffed knee and probably a bit of bruising. I fell right near a lady parking her car and she was kind enough to drive me home once she found out I was walking home. I was even being very cautious and used my brollie (umbrella) as a walking stick when I walked out of the store. Hopefully it is nicer tomorrow so I can go for a better walk. It will be even better if my Lotto 649 number win me something or I win on the scratch tickets I bought.

Ah Hon
I am so glad you didn't break something but yeah you will probably be sore and bruised,,,,,Ah Hon you deserve to win the Lottery,,BIG gentle hugs being sent your way.~~~Gentle healing hugs~~~~~
No more falls.
P.S it makes my heart feels so good when someone offers a random act of kindness--the world needs more of that.
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Shoveling done. It was a lot of work. Also did the back a bit. Which the dog promptly ignored and plunged off into the deep snow! Thought I was going to have to go rescue him. Expect I will have to go out again if the plow goes around. Also did a short workout. Now I'm tired! And there was a tweet from the school buses that they will decide on service tomorrow morning. Maybe I won't be working this week!

Congrats on all the snow shoveling,,,I looked at my driveway and just drove over the snow,,,now if it freezes up I will have a hard time...hoping it warms up a bit.
Rest well hon,you deserve it!
Congrats on all the snow shoveling,,,I looked at my driveway and just drove over the snow,,,now if it freezes up I will have a hard time...hoping it warms up a bit.
Rest well hon,you deserve it!

Thanks :) I had to clear the end at least. I'm on a corner and my street hill seems to be higher than the ones down the street. Down the street a guy was impatient to get out of his house so didn't shovel and got stuck. It took two people walking to catch the bus stopping to help him to get him out. If it wasn't for the pile of snow at the end I would have just driven through it.
Well, I'm not doing any major fitness goals just yet (I play soccer once per week), but I am on the weight-loss wagon.

Started on Jan 10 and have lost 2.8 lbs since then. My goal is 1 lb/week, so I'm doing okay so far. My realistic goal is 10 pounds before end of April, but my secret goal is 15 lbs! *prays on knees*
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Confession time. I haven't walked all week. Monday and Tuesday were way too cold. Yesterday was too snowy, but I did shovel the driveway 3 times. Today the road is covered in ice, not going to risk it even with my grippers (well it's raining too and the princess doesn't walk in the rain.

DH had to dig out my Mickey and Minnie Christmas blow molds in the back yard last night. At the beginning of the week the snow was up to their knees. Last night it was a few inches over their heads. It now looks like they live in a little igloo.

Next week is a new week. Maybe the walking will be easier. That or I'll convince DH to pick up a treadmill.
Well I am quite exhausted now. The plow did go around again and left a big pile of ice/slush/snow at the end of the driveway which was VERY heavy. I didn't even clear the driveway again, except a bit at the top near the garage door where it was mostly water and ice. I didn't want the garage door to freeze shut. Phew. That stuff was all very heavy. Hopefully I will do something later, maybe a bit of walking, but right now my arms are sore and I didn't do the best job so think I'll feel like I need to go do more later. I am not a winter person. At least I think I know who I'll be hiring to clear my driveway next year, only guys I've seen going around so far today!
Confession time. I haven't walked all week. Monday and Tuesday were way too cold. Yesterday was too snowy, but I did shovel the driveway 3 times. Today the road is covered in ice, not going to risk it even with my grippers (well it's raining too and the princess doesn't walk in the rain.

DH had to dig out my Mickey and Minnie Christmas blow molds in the back yard last night. At the beginning of the week the snow was up to their knees. Last night it was a few inches over their heads. It now looks like they live in a little igloo.

Next week is a new week. Maybe the walking will be easier. That or I'll convince DH to pick up a treadmill.

1. next week is a new week

2. your long-term health is waaaay more important than short-term goals. A few walks are not worth serious injury.

3. your husband is a good soul for saving those mice!
Well I am quite exhausted now. The plow did go around again and left a big pile of ice/slush/snow at the end of the driveway which was VERY heavy. I didn't even clear the driveway again, except a bit at the top near the garage door where it was mostly water and ice. I didn't want the garage door to freeze shut. Phew. That stuff was all very heavy. Hopefully I will do something later, maybe a bit of walking, but right now my arms are sore and I didn't do the best job so think I'll feel like I need to go do more later. I am not a winter person. At least I think I know who I'll be hiring to clear my driveway next year, only guys I've seen going around so far today!

You likely burned waayyyy more calories from shoveling than you'd get from a walk. Put your feet up and drink a hot beverage!
Would love to join in. I love to walk but once I get home from work all I can think about is my housecoat and the couch. So the pound have just crept on.
I have started the new year by tracking my calorie intake. Makes me think before I put something in my mouth. I am also going to sign up for a half marathon.
I don't run them but I can sure power walk them. I have done a few Disney ones in the past and nothing gets you moving like over paying and not wanting to be last. I'm not sure if this was mentioned earlier but I downloaded an app to my Iphone called Carrot. They track your movement and then set goals for you. If you meet them you earn point for scene card or aeroplan points. Plus some others.
Would love to join in. I love to walk but once I get home from work all I can think about is my housecoat and the couch. So the pound have just crept on.
I have started the new year by tracking my calorie intake. Makes me think before I put something in my mouth. I am also going to sign up for a half marathon.
I don't run them but I can sure power walk them. I have done a few Disney ones in the past and nothing gets you moving like over paying and not wanting to be last. I'm not sure if this was mentioned earlier but I downloaded an app to my Iphone called Carrot. They track your movement and then set goals for you. If you meet them you earn point for scene card or aeroplan points. Plus some others.

Our rewards thru Carrot have dried up since the last provincial election led to no more $$$ Here's the sad details from their website:

Effective December 8, 2018, this phase of support from our government partners in Ontario, for now, has come to an end. You will no longer automatically earn points for meeting your Daily Step Goals. However, members who level up to Carrot Plus, can earn even more, every day—up to 2X, 5X or 10X more.

Unless i want to pay to "level up" i don't get points for my step goals UNLESS i can convince one of my friends to enter into a challenge and if i do .. we never seem to complete it! I'm really frustrated by this because in less than a year i had earned 2,565 Scene points which was enough for one movie in a VIP theatre :(
Even the surveys have basically stopped and when they do pop up they are for a pitiful return compared to last year.
Wow you guys are all doing so good :) way to go guys!!
Speaking of that and I may have missed it as 2 jobs 4 kids solo can take up a bit of time ha ha how many of us are there ?.. did we do intro posts ? Goals etc or? Prob did but I totally missed it
My history and this is way personal but if more ppl know the stigma is ended and I can gain strength . History of eating disorder so I have to be really really careful BUT I just want to take the kids on a vacation and feel comfortable and enjoy them at the pool instead of coming up with excuses
That’s my goal #86moredays
I didn’t go as far as I wanted today as I couldn’t sleep again last night.. but I got 7kms 10k steps in to this point. I had a bowl of frosted flakes lol but I’m heading out later.. so Davi g calories for that
Anyways so proud of all of you and happy be here
Wow you guys are all doing so good :) way to go guys!!
Speaking of that and I may have missed it as 2 jobs 4 kids solo can take up a bit of time ha ha how many of us are there ?.. did we do intro posts ? Goals etc or? Prob did but I totally missed it
My history and this is way personal but if more ppl know the stigma is ended and I can gain strength . History of eating disorder so I have to be really really careful BUT I just want to take the kids on a vacation and feel comfortable and enjoy them at the pool instead of coming up with excuses
That’s my goal #86moredays
I didn’t go as far as I wanted today as I couldn’t sleep again last night.. but I got 7kms 10k steps in to this point. I had a bowl of frosted flakes lol but I’m heading out later.. so Davi g calories for that
Anyways so proud of all of you and happy be here
I hear you on needing to remove the stigma from any type of mental illness. We need to help people realize there is no shame in needing help and the first step to that is being able to share with others what we're going thru. I don't have an eating disorder but I spent time in hospital next to the unit for that and i was amazed at the strength those people exhibited as they moved thru the programme. I guess the only problem i have with my eating is that i constantly need to be aware of what I'm eating, how often i eat and to stop fretting over what a gastritis attack might do to the scale.

Don't even get me started on not sleeping! That is a constant battle for me, I swear i slept more when i had newborns in the house!! I didn't fall asleep till 5:30 this morning and was awake by 8 for the day ... I KNOW i need to sleep to keep my moods stable but then i just end up in a circle of being anxious that I'm not sleeping and then i can't fall asleep because I'm anxious and then i get more anxious about being anxious :crazy2: Good luck to you for a solid night sleep soon!

Frosted Flakes?!?!? Seriously my favourite cereal but i can't eat it anymore :(

Keep working towards your goal of going to the pool, that's a hard one for lots of people.
Wow you guys are all doing so good :) way to go guys!!
Speaking of that and I may have missed it as 2 jobs 4 kids solo can take up a bit of time ha ha how many of us are there ?.. did we do intro posts ? Goals etc or? Prob did but I totally missed it
My history and this is way personal but if more ppl know the stigma is ended and I can gain strength . History of eating disorder so I have to be really really careful BUT I just want to take the kids on a vacation and feel comfortable and enjoy them at the pool instead of coming up with excuses
That’s my goal #86moredays
I didn’t go as far as I wanted today as I couldn’t sleep again last night.. but I got 7kms 10k steps in to this point. I had a bowl of frosted flakes lol but I’m heading out later.. so Davi g calories for that
Anyways so proud of all of you and happy be here

thanks for sharing your experience and for joining in!

we all have such different goals and histories, and i hope our group is a supportive one for each of us. we all deserve healthy relationships to food and to our bodies. please tell us if the conversation is ever becoming dangerous for you or if there’s anything you need to feel supported in your journey towards health. :grouphug:
thanks for sharing your experience and for joining in!

we all have such different goals and histories, and i hope our group is a supportive one for each of us. we all deserve healthy relationships to food and to our bodies. please tell us if the conversation is ever becoming dangerous for you or if there’s anything you need to feel supported in your journey towards health. :grouphug:
What am amazingly empathic response! Thank you for being so supportive, it warmed my heart more than you'll ever know :hug:
Our rewards thru Carrot have dried up since the last provincial election led to no more $$$ Here's the sad details from their website:

Effective December 8, 2018, this phase of support from our government partners in Ontario, for now, has come to an end. You will no longer automatically earn points for meeting your Daily Step Goals. However, members who level up to Carrot Plus, can earn even more, every day—up to 2X, 5X or 10X more.

Unless i want to pay to "level up" i don't get points for my step goals UNLESS i can convince one of my friends to enter into a challenge and if i do .. we never seem to complete it! I'm really frustrated by this because in less than a year i had earned 2,565 Scene points which was enough for one movie in a VIP theatre :(
Even the surveys have basically stopped and when they do pop up they are for a pitiful return compared to last year.

It gets worse. You can't even purchase one of the levels anymore (2x, 5x, 10x). Carrot Rewards stopped the ability to purchase a level early in January. Now they are saying it was a "limited time offer" when that was not the case. All their original posts, emails, etc indicated they were going to raise the price in the new year - not cancel it.

I can do a challenge with you! I'm in a challenge right now with another friend but we will be finished tomorrow morning. If we add each other to Carrot Rewards and start the challenge before noon tomorrow, tomorrow's steps will count. If we start after 12 PM, then the challenge starts on Saturday instead. My Carrot Reward ID is danielleb9308.
After all the junk I ate today I decided I had better get a walk in, just 20 minutes but it was kind of nice. Hopefully I will get to the store tomorrow and get some better food in the house! That's the plan any way. PD day so kiddo will be home again...


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