The DDA Trouble Free Zone Part 22

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Speaking of the tornados in GA, do we know where they were in relationship to Denise and Lynn?
so we had parent teacher conferences for Abi after work. Told us nothing new....we all knew she was brilliant. :rotfl:

Then we headed to the mall for supper and to see if they had shoes for me and pick up Jim's gift certificate he won.

Welllllllll: After almost $90 I got a pair of brown and black shoes.


Usually only Eurostep's fit so finding another brand that fits is wonderful.
This is one of the downsides of only having one pair of every color of shoes (other than CROCS!!:goodvibes )
Those shoes are really nice!

So 59 days to go and it's a new ball game. I have planning to do! Arrangements to make!! Trip stuff. Woo Hoo!!:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Happy Planning!!!!

Thanks for letting me take up some space....cheaper than a therapist I guess. :worried:
:grouphug: So sorry to hear this. I too like the idea of Phil reading these for you so you don't need to see them!

Katrina's luggage arrived just before midnight last night! We are all good to go now. We didn't end up going to Downtown Disney as Katrina crashed after dinner. She was asleep by 9:30. We are off to Animal Kingdom and Epcot today. Talk to you later.
:woohoo: Have a great day!

Question for you guys--i went to target looking for the postcards so i can print--couldnt find them--where did you all get yours?
I got mine at staples or walmart:confused3 -its been a few months.;)

WOOHOO! I'm the proud owner of a Sorcerer Pal Mickey! Thanks for the PD!
:woohoo: Enjoy him. Will he get a name? I haven't named mine yet.

My eye is just a mess today! The upper lid is more swollen now than it was earlier in the week despite being on drops all day yesterday. I have that very stylish "Quasimodo" eyelid thing going on.:rolleyes:
:eek: Hope you get relief soon.
Are any of the DDA involved in the bus accident with the baseball players from Ohio? Airtran is offering free airfare for the families to get them to Atlanta. This is beyond heartbreaking. Between this and the tornado hitting the school, the news just couldn't be sadder. My heart is just breaking with all this bad news.....

:sad1: :sad1: :sad1: :sad1: :sad1:

I was thinking the same thing this morning...the little I caught on the news.

Prayers for the families involved in everything the last couple of days. :wizard:
OK - a quick update... I did not book the airfare. Something inside me is hesitant about this trip and that is NOT like me at all. Bob came home early from work and we decided to let it ride for a couple of days. As he said, $50 will not make or break my ability to go and there may be a reason I am feeling this way. So... for now... no April/May trip.

I am out of here to go teach and then Bob and I are going to spy on... I mean go out to eat downtown. ;) See you all later!
OK - a quick update... I did not book the airfare. Something inside me is hesitant about this trip and that is NOT like me at all. Bob came home early from work and we decided to let it ride for a couple of days. As he said, $50 will not make or break my ability to go and there may be a reason I am feeling this way. So... for now... no April/May trip.

I am out of here to go teach and then Bob and I are going to spy on... I mean go out to eat downtown. ;) See you all later!

Have a nice evening with your hubby. (And a little pixie dust that you run into some friends ;) and can do some reconisence (I know, it's spelled wrong).
Speaking of the tornados in GA, do we know where they were in relationship to Denise and Lynn?

I was thinking the same thing this morning...the little I caught on the news.

Prayers for the families involved in everything the last couple of days. :wizard:

From what I know of Georgia, the two tornadoes that touched down were not near Denise or Lynn. Lynn is northeast of Atlanta by about 20 minutes or so and Denise is in a suburb of Atlanta too. The two twisters in the news are 50+ miles south of Atlanta.

That does not mean they didn't have some nasty weather. Let's hope not. :grouphug:
From what I know of Georgia, the two tornadoes that touched down were not near Denise or Lynn. Lynn is northeast of Atlanta by about 20 minutes or so and Denise is in a suburb of Atlanta too. The two twisters in the news are 50+ miles south of Atlanta.

That does not mean they didn't have some nasty weather. Let's hope not. :grouphug:

Thanks, Elin. That's what I was thinking, but wasn't entirely sure.
OK - a quick update... I did not book the airfare. Something inside me is hesitant about this trip and that is NOT like me at all. Bob came home early from work and we decided to let it ride for a couple of days. As he said, $50 will not make or break my ability to go and there may be a reason I am feeling this way. So... for now... no April/May trip.

I am out of here to go teach and then Bob and I are going to spy on... I mean go out to eat downtown. ;) See you all later!

Have a nice evening with your hubby. (And a little pixie dust that you run into some friends ;) and can do some reconisence (I know, it's spelled wrong).
You guys are too funny.
Hi, everyone. Just popping in to say hi. Lynn and I aren't anywhere near where the tornados hit in GA. Americus, Columbus, and S. GA were affected. And then we had that horrendous bus accident on I-75 today. That's all that is on our news. It is just so sad.

Anyway, we're all good and just wanted to say hi! Have a good weekend!
OK - a quick update... I did not book the airfare. Something inside me is hesitant about this trip and that is NOT like me at all. Bob came home early from work and we decided to let it ride for a couple of days. As he said, $50 will not make or break my ability to go and there may be a reason I am feeling this way. So... for now... no April/May trip.

I am out of here to go teach and then Bob and I are going to spy on... I mean go out to eat downtown. ;) See you all later!

Yeah Elin,

Have fun tonight checking ...ummm, spying....ummmm, scouting out...ummm, taking pictures???? :rotfl:

Enjoy your evening out:goodvibes
Hi, everyone. Just popping in to say hi. Lynn and I aren't anywhere near where the tornados hit in GA. Americus, Columbus, and S. GA were affected. And then we had that horrendous bus accident on I-75 today. That's all that is on our news. It is just so sad.

Anyway, we're all good and just wanted to say hi! Have a good weekend!

thanks for updating us!!
Ok, I admit I haven't read the DDA thread in a long time. Anyone care to do Cliff Notes and catch me up? Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I forgot to say this yesterday:

Abi was on the front cover of our with her Girl Scout troop. She's adorable:goodvibes . But I couldn't find an online link to show you all. :sad1:
Ok, I admit I haven't read the DDA thread in a long time. Anyone care to do Cliff Notes and catch me up? Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll try:

Jen is student teaching in a kindergarten classroom and is gaining confidence daily.

Jennifer is getting some help in trying to have another princess or prince.

Lindsay is on her way to WDW (we hope) work keeps her busy and some extra stress is going on in her personal life. She needs this break.

Tammi has found a guy....after a toad tried to kiss her!! We are all thrilled with her.

Elin is keeping busy with teaching classes and singing. One of her daughters is mad at her right now for telling her "no, you can't go to England on 4 days notice".

We have a new DDA princess due in July thanks to Robin and her DH. She's healthy but very busy!! in WDW right now but when she comes home has been asked to head up a long term committee for work.

Becky has decided to drop one class and hopefully find some me time...she needs it!!

Tia is very busy with Terra and is loving being so near family now.

Janet is on her way to Europe with just her hubby. We hope she makes it there safely and takes lots of pictures for us enjoy.

Channon is getting ready for her wedding in '08 and keeping busy being the DDA travel agent.

Elizabeth is a newbie (hard to believe she hasn't been here from the beginning!!) that is in Texas and is in the process of figuring out where she belongs jobwise.

Beth has three great kids who are busy so that makes her busy.

Deb is having "issues" with the new pack leader...she's right, he's wrong. She is also going to try her hand at waitressing. Chris (her DH) is now posting regularly.

Stephanie, Deb and Heidi all haven't felt really good for quite awhile.

Stephanie is getting excited for her trip with her grandbabies coming up soon.

Terry has had health problems too....I hope everybody is on the mend.

There are a bunch that are trying to go to WDW the same weekend.

And I know I am forgetting somebody!!! Hope they will chime in!!
Tia - My advice is to have nothing to do with this guy. I wouldn't even open the emails. Just delete them. That way you don't have to deal with the guilt. This has trouble written all over it. He has major issues. I know he was once a very important person in your life, but now it seems like his friendship can only mean trouble. :grouphug:

Well said, and I totally agree! I'm sorry this is coming up, Tia! :hug:

Katrina's luggage arrived just before midnight last night! We are all good to go now. We didn't end up going to Downtown Disney as Katrina crashed after dinner. She was asleep by 9:30. We are off to Animal Kingdom and Epcot today. Talk to you later.

I'm so jealous! Have fun :goodvibes

Did any of you Disney Cardholders get the flyer in the mail with the Peter Pan bookmark? Isn't it adorable??


OK, this is weird... I posted a question concerning where everyone is staying in April/May and it is not showing up. At least, not for me. Has anyone else seen it??

I don't see it... but we're staying at BCV! 2 months from today :banana:

WOOHOO! I'm the proud owner of a Sorcerer Pal Mickey! Thanks for the PD!

Hooray! And thanks for reminding me to keep an eye out for one! :goodvibes

I can sympathize with you, Heidi. I have sinus and allergy issues as well. Now with spring soon here I'm going to have to start popping my drugs to ward off any infection that I might get.

Ugh... I have definitely been dealing with this same crap this week! I didn't take anything soon enough, and I got 90 minutes of sleep last night between fever, coughing, etc. :wizard: that it stays away from your family!

OMG! You aren't going to believe this. I got a Ding for SW for my return flight in May......$29!!!!! So, I canceled and rebooked both legs, because the flight down was a bit cheaper too! I now have a $263 credit that I can use toward my October trip! So airfare for 3 of us for our May trip is $381!

Holy cow! That's awesome. All of our dings this week have been around $100 one way :eek:

I hope you have fun tonight!! If you happen to see Tinkerbell disgused as Elin...just ignore her. :rotfl:

I'll try:

And I know I am forgetting somebody!!! Hope they will chime in!!

Not a bad recap at all. :wave1: Denise! We miss you around here. How is your class going? How about the kiddos? Are they still loving school? Visit us when you can for as long as you can. We love to catch up with everyone when they have the chance.
In case you haven't seen it, it looks like the Tour Guide Mike issues are being resolved. This was posted elsewhere on the DIS:

Hi everyone!

Please accept my sincerest apologies for this 2-day downtime. Fortunately,
there is nothing wrong with our server -- the mechanical device that stores
our web sites -- nor have we been hacked for personal information. We didn't
discover until late last night that someone entered our server through a
direct account set up years ago, not a "TGM AVP" account like all of you
have, and removed the internet address files required to display a web site.
We can see that they tested their own access to the server a week ago, and
then at 3:45 p.m. 2 days ago, went in and removed the specific files that
would shut down completely. They also took the extra step of
removing key files from the server's Windows software so that it would have
to be completely reinstalled.

So ... that's the technical stuff as best as I can openly describe. That,
and I'm anything but an IT specialist, so if I said something above that
doesn't make complete sense to more knowledgeable people than myself, know
that it's accidental. All that I care about is if our database used for my
TGM guests had been accessed -- no -- and was anything done to remove
updates or files from the database to affect the site's content -- again,
no. We should be exactly where we were when the site went down at 3:45 p.m.
2 days ago as soon as we're back online.

It appears that the only goal this individual had was to remove from the internet and nothing more. In a weird way, I'm
thankful, and we should be back up in a few hours from now (I'm typing this
at 1:22 p.m. on Fri, March 2).

I know everyone worries about their credit card information when they hear a
commerce site has gone down or been illegally accessed, and please know that
we never store anyone's financial information anyway. We had that as a
prerequisite for running an online business years ago when developing the
business plan for because at the time, around 2001,
hacking was receiving more and more press. We use Verisign to encrypt the
purchase page, one of the Internet's most recognized and respected companies
for that purpose, and Authorize.Net to approve your credit card purchases.
Once your purchase is authorized by your own credit card company or bank,
everything but the last 4 digits and your card's date of expiration is
removed. Even I do not have access to this information -- nor did I ever
want or need that responsibility.

For the record, I just received an angry email from someone stating that
they have not been able to access the web site "all week." This simply is
not true. We transferred to a new server hosting company several
months ago and this is actually the first downtime we have experienced
beyond a few minutes here and there. However, if anyone out there wants a
refund because of this downtime, or for any other reason, please use the
"Contact Us" link that's at the bottom of every page, public or while logged
in, on the entire web site. Again, I sincerely apologize for this
inconvenience, and I do completely understand how frustrating it must be --
especially for those leaving yesterday or very soon, and please know that we
are taking every measure we can to ensure this does not happen again.

I hope everyone has a great day today, and I also appreciate your support
with this matter. Thank you!

Best regards,

Mike Hewell

a.k.a. TourGuideMiKE
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