Tagliarchy Island Part 2

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Originally posted by cadburysmom
ohanafamily Hi there!:wave2: So sorry about your AC problems. Tell RRBB to stop prancing around in a wet t-shirt or she's never gonna get those guys to fix it....just a good reason (or reasons :eek: ) for them to keep coming back :rotfl:
Ahem... EXCUSE ME!!!!! I am NOT prancing around in a wet t-shirt for the AC guys. (I am fully dressed, thank you very much.) And I ONLY prance around in wet t-shirts at our pool/post parties. Otherwise the only time you'll catch me in one is when the AC is out and I have to sleep - yes SLEEP - in one.
billysotherdad, thanks. I've never heard of her, but I thought she was really good. I'm not a big country music fan, but I liked all the songs from the special. Is her CD country-country or pop-country? I just bought the new Beastie Boys CD today! It is for DH for father's day. He is going to be so excited. :hyper:

a |PiX!e |)uSt, Welcome to the TAGLIARCHY!

[COLOR=66FF00]iluvtink[/COLOR], I am so sorry. Prayers to the Young family. How sad.

Well, I'm gonna feed the monkeys & take DS-Josh to swimming class.

Check ya later...

RRBB I would never believe you'd prance around in a wet t-shirt-NOT!
Good morning...oops afternoon for us East Coasters.:D

I am not "drinking the water" for a long time :p .

Iluvtink --I'll keep the Young family in my prayers. :(

Welcome to a |PiX!e |)uSt and edcrbnsoul :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :wave2:
Originally posted by deadheadbelle
billysotherdad, thanks. I've never heard of her, but I thought she was really good. I'm not a big country music fan, but I liked all the songs from the special. Is her CD country-country or pop-country? I just bought the new Beastie Boys CD today! It is for DH for father's day. He is going to be so excited. :hyper:

It is some pop, some country sounds. There are one or two songs that have a nice country sound to them, but there is a poppy sound to the rest of the album. Especially "Perfect" a real fun, cute song, that should be on all the top 40 pop stations. There is no reason that "Perfect" is not a cross-over hit. I think I'll start a movement for it!! Buy it. It's good. You'll be surprised, if only because she has a really good voice.
<img src="http://i-squad.com/public/webtools/webtool/1607">
Originally posted by a |PiX!e |)uSt
thanks ohanafamily! :hyper: I think i may have had too many chocolates already :hyper:

TAGLIARCHY Sacrelidge... you can never have enough, or too much, chocolate......
Hello all. :wave: And a warm welcome to EDCRBNSOUL (did I get that right?) and APIXIEDUST (oh come on! you guys know I'm too slow to figure out how to type that. ;) )

ILUVTINK, what a horrible story. My prayers are with the family. :(

I'm looking forward to hearing from BILLYSOTHERDAD after he talks to SUZIEINNYC.

I need pixie dust too. DH has decided to save on gas money and not go home for lunch so often. So right now he's in his office eating God knows what--something REALLY REALLY loud. :rolleyes: :mad: Tortilla chips? I'm about to get up and go outside--I'm that annoyed. :crazy2:

Yup, that's it. I'm outta here! Be back in ten minutes.

QOTD: What annoys the heck out of you.

You guess mine. Noisy eaters. ::yes::
You can never have to much coffee either!

See you guys tomorrow.
Oops. I got so excited there that I forgot to hit "submit reply". :o I'm back. Did you miss me?

DH is done eating, and life is good again.


I just don't know how someone can bite down on a cornchip that hard!!! He should do one of those obnoxious Dorito commercials. ;)
Originally posted by a |PiX!e |)uSt
Bichon Barb- I will send ya some pixie dust too! :teeth:

Thanks PIXIE--I'm just hoping that it doesn't have any sound to it. ;)
OK I really am leaving the office but for the QOTD:

When my kid acts up, which I admit can be often, but a lot of times he is having a sensory/OCD issue. And I get the look from other parents like can't she control him. Or what a brat look. Never guessing that maybe he is really having a hard time.

OK I've stepped off the soap box and really am leaving.
Originally posted by s&k'smom
OK I really am leaving the office but for the QOTD:

When my kid acts up, which I admit can be often, but a lot of times he is having a sensory/OCD issue. And I get the look from other parents like can't she control him. Or what a brat look. Never guessing that maybe he is really having a hard time.

OK I've stepped off the soap box and really am leaving.

OK, What was the question? PD to you and to Barb...

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