Surgery update 6/12 post #69~ Prayers for my DS please


<marquee><font color=009933>Triple Chick</marquee>
Oct 26, 2004
My DS, Rees, is special needs. He has a plethora of medical, psychological, and neurological issues. When he was born, he had reflux so severely that he was hospitalized for months at a time, had a g-tube and a j-tube, and finally a Nissen Fundo at 18months. He was FTT and 100% tube fed until age 3. It took daily feeding therapy and tons of sheer dumb luck to get him to eat finally. He has done so well since age 3 and is now up to 40 pounds (will be 6 in June).

About a month ago he started waking up in the middle of the night telling us his tummy hurt, and would point to his chest. He also started burping again. So we called the GI doctor and went back on Prevacid. Well, the meds didn't work, and he had a horrible episode of reflux 10 days ago with vomiting acid, arching his back, screaming bloody murder for over an hour. It was just like the old Rees and heartbreaking to watch. They have doubled his dose of Prevacid (he is on 45mg per day now), and he is scheduled for an upper endoscopy and Bravo pH probe this Friday at our local children's hospital. Depending on what the GI finds, he will likely be scheduled for surgery to redo the Fundo. Rees had the original surgery open (has a 7 inch vertical scar), so it would have to be open again. The hospital stay would be 5-7 days with a 2 week recovery at home, and they'd put a g-tube back in for venting/feeding.

Needless to say, this has been a very rough time for us. The reflux literally almost killed him as an infant. Watching him go through this again is tearing us up. Please keep my Rees in your prayers. I really appreciate it. I will keep you posted on how he is doing.
Looks like I am following your posts around today Denise:)

I'm so sorry Rees is going through this again...I'm sure it must be so hard on your entire family.

I'll be sending plenty of prayers and pixie dust your way for the testing and if they need to re-do the surgery.

Good luck to all of you and please keep us posted on how he does!
BeccaGrace said:
Looks like I am following your posts around today Denise:)

I'm so sorry Rees is going through this again...I'm sure it must be so hard on your entire family.

I'll be sending plenty of prayers and pixie dust your way for the testing and if they need to re-do the surgery.

Good luck to all of you and please keep us posted on how he does!

Thanks, Sara. Looks like we're having our own private posting party!
I am sending lots of prayers and pixie dust ~*~*~**~*~~**~*~*~**~
and hugs for all. :grouphug:
I am so sorry that Rees is having a tough time. I will keep him and your family in my prayers!
:grouphug: I'm sorry to hear that Rees is having such a hard time. I'll keep Rees and family in my thoughts and prayers
:grouphug: :grouphug: I'm so sorry to hear you're going through it all over again. I'll keep your entire family in my prayers.
So sorry to read of this for your son and you. We just started down the GI road this year after 14 years of nueological, orthopedic, and nephrology disorders still no diagnosis. We are on the verge of needing a g-tube placement but have somehow avoided it with drinks thickened to the pudding stage and tons of encouragement for constant hydration. We also do occasional NG drops to make up the difference but for the time being we are avoiding the G-tube placement. DS is aspiriating all liquid he drinks for some brand new unknown reason.

I can only imagine how hard this time must be for you. My thoughts are with you guys for the quickest and least painlful solution.:grouphug:
I'm so sorry your little guy is going through all this! You will definitely be in my thoughts. :grouphug:
i am so sorry that you have to go through all of this again.. good luck! :thumbsup2 i will most definitely keep your son in my prayers. we're all cheering for him! :cheer2:
Sorry to hear about his tough time. I'll be sending prayers and pixie dust too.
DD was also FTT from birth to about age 2.5-3. We never went to a feeding tube but she was in the hospital a lot for dehydration. It was just terrible to go through that once, I can't imagine what you and your family are dealing with having to go through it twice.

My thoughts are with you and Rees during this difficult time.
Prayers said!! I remember passing your family somewhere at Epcot (still can't remember exact place!) back on my December trip, and I remember seeing your triplets in their orange t-shirts. I didn't know your adorable DS was ill and been struggling since birth, he looked pretty good when I saw him. :) Sending pixie dust for healing. :grouphug:
You are an amazingly kind person. I will keep Rees and you whole family in my thoughts.
I pray right now that the Lord would give you strength, the doctors wisdom, and your son peace, as you go through this frightening time. Don't forget the power of faith!! I pray that Rees will be completely His name!!!!


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