Steph's journal (Posters Welcome)


Don't dream it, be it
Feb 17, 2002
Okay, this seems like a great way for me to keep track of my exercise. I was looking around for a notebook last night but couldn't find one and was gonna pick one up on the way home from work but now that I've found this I won't need to buy one.

Since I've been keeping track since friday I'll include that in my first post.

Fri - 30 min walk, crunches
Sat - 30 min walk on beach, bicep/tricep work
Sun - 1 1/2 hrs on the boardwalk, crunches
Mon - 1mile walk on the treadmill (25min), bicep/tricep work

I also bought an exercise ball last night b/c I've heard its better for my crunches and I got an exercise band since my free weights aren't so effective for my biceps anymore.

Tonight it will be hard for me to get my walk in since I work until 7 tonight. Hopefully I will have energy to walk at least 20 min and do my crunches.
Well my prediction was right - I didn't get to walk yesterday but I did my crunches. I'm not sore at all today from them so i'm not sure if i did them right. I used my exercise ball since i read that was a better way to do them rather than laying on the floor. Oh well - I felt it when I was doing them.

I didn't get home from work until 7:30 and by the time dinner was over it was 9:30 and I had no energy to do more than my crunches. Those 10hr days are killers. I have another one on Thurs but Dan works that night so my dinner should be quick enought to allow me some workout time if I'm not too tired.
Okay got my 1/2 hour walk in on Wed and did weights. Its a good thing I walked before dinner b/c I was so darn tired afterwards. I was ready to go to bed at 8 but somehow I managed to stay awake until 9. I have really been tired lately for no good reason. HOpefully exercise will help me get some more energy.

I only had to work a half day today so once I get motivated I'll take a walk and do my abs. I'll probably end up eating dinner first.

Well I got my walk in - 30mins, 1 1/3 miles. Ab work after dinner. I'm starved now.
I did get to my abs last night but I didn't really feel much. I must be doing something wrong.

I got up early today and could have taken my walk then but I didn't have enough time to walk and take a shower afterwards b/c I always get sweaty. I'll have plenty of time later today since I'm only working til 1 today.

I'm so happy, my biceps actually feel like a muscle! And my tummy looked a little nicer today (okay I was still sucking it in, but it still looked better) - maybe it was just me.

I did finally get to my walk, only 20 mins though in my living room not on the treadmill and I did work my arms. Hopefully I'll be more motivated tomorrow.
I got my walk in already today. I needed stamps so I walked to the post office that is about 8-10 blocks away. It was a 30min total which is what I would normally walk on the treadmill. I may walk a little on the treadmill today too if I'm in the mood. Just have to be sure to do the abs today.

I might start working out more of my upper body too. I've just been doing biceps and triceps. I'm not sure what else I can do though. I have 5lb free weights and one of those strech exercise bands. ANy thoughts???
Here's an update from the weekend. I didn't get around to abs on Sat so I jsut did them Sun along with my arms. HOwever I didn't take a walk sun either. I was just so darn tired from 8 1/2 of work outdoors. That sun really makes me sleepy. I'm gonna try to walk doulble today or at least get to 2 miles which is close to double.

So far I walked for 20 mins in place while I watched some tennis. Hopefully I'll get to the treadmill after dinner. I walked another 27mins (1.25) miles on the treadmill. Still haven't gotten to my abs yet but the night's not over. I drank so much water today and I'm still so darn thirsty.
I didn't get in any exercise yesterday - well maybe a little walking at the office but nothing really to count but I didn't expect too. Tuesdays are a tough day for me cause I work two shifts. I did get in a 30 min walk outside tonight and I plan on working my arms and abs before bed.
Okay haven't posted for a while so here's what's been going on.

Thurs and Fri - I did nothing. Not a surprise for Thurs and since I had to pick up an extra shift on fri at the orchard I was beat.

Sat - walked 25min at 3.0. THat was the first time I pushed it that fast. I usually start at 2.5 and then go to 2.7. I thought it would feel much faster but it didn't so I'm going to try that speed again tonite.

Sun - walked to CVS, it's about 20 min each way. I know I didn't walk as fast as I do when I'm on the treadmill but I'm sure I walked at least as far as I do when I'm on the treadmill and boy was I tired when I got back - lots more tired than when I walk the treadmill. I also worked my arms.
I walked 1.5 miles (30min) today and worked my arms, adding an extra set to my biceps.
I really wasn't motivated to walk tonite at all so instead of the treadmill I went outside. It had cooled off a bit so I took a different route than I took last time I walked outside. I ended up getting a little lost but that was okay since I ended up walking 35-40 min without getting too tired - I could have walked longer but I had use the potty. I'll get to abs before I go to bed.
I did nothing on Thurs - needed a day off after 10hrs of work. On Friday I worked arms and walked only 15mins but I did do a bit of walking at the mall fri afternoon. Hopefully I'll be back to a half hour today.
Yesterday, Sat, I walked a mile and worked my arms. I really didn't feel like walking since I had been really busy at work and was tired and sunburnt but I did it anyway. I haven't noticed a change in my clothes fitting better or anything yet and it's been two weeks but I do feel better in general. Hopefully the clothes change will come soon. I also find that I am craving my water more. If I don't drink about a gallon a day I'm always feeling thirsty.

Today I walked for about a half hour around the neighborhood.
No exercise for Tues as usual. If anyone has ideas for quick and easy exercise (I don't think there is such a thing) for when I'm kinda tired from 10 hrs of work.

Today I did the 8min TaeBo tape - what a workout and about 10/15 min of a legs and butt tape (only got through the calf work). I also did abs and arms again. I might go and walk on the treadmill for 10 mins to make it feel like I got in my normal amout of exercise for the day. Usually at least 20min walk.

UPDATE - I went and walked 10min on treadmill tonite. Now I feel like I've really gotten my workout in.

I can't wait til my WATP tapes and my Richard Simmons tapes come in. Never done WATP before but everyone raves about them. I also love Simmons with the oldies and broadway music - I love to sing along while I work out and I like seeing people of all shapes and sizes. His videos also seem to do some good spot work (ie arms) along with the aerobic workout.
Hi Honey!!
Just took a look at your postings. Wow!! Keep it up. The weight training is great to do. You may want to add some chest presses-3-5 lbs. weight are all you need. I found that presses and push-ups make a big difference on my chest area-which has always been big. Also, I have been doing some back strenghtening. It really makes a difference in my overall posture. Of course, it seems that no matter how many or how often, the abs are still there!!

Well they didn't get there overnight, so I know the abs will be the last ot go for me.

Keep moving !!! It is the best thing for you.

Yesterday I walked a mile on the treadmill. I was so tired that I didn't think I would make it but I feel much better knowing that I didn't skip out on the exercise.

Today I'll definitely get in at least a mile and do arms and abs. And thanks to Nezy I think I'll try some chest presses. By the way Nezy, what type of exercises do you do for back strengthening? I think that is something I should look into since I often have pack pain from sitting at my desk for so long.

I walked about 25min outside, at least a mile. I've done my arms but I'll wait for abs until after dinner. Will my calves and hips ever stop hurting every time I walk?!
I went for a walk this afternoon, sort of like my normal one but a bit shorter b/c I didn't realize how hot it was and didn't bring water. I figure I walked 1.5miles b/c I walked about 30mins and when I'm outside I usual can do the route that I know is 2miles in aobut 40 mins so I figure 1/2 mile every 10mins of walking. No weights today but I may try out the thigh portion of my sculpting tape - but I don't have a "step" :(
I walked for almost 30mins, probably 1.5miles today and worked arms and chest. I did abs yesterday so I'll probably give them some time off today.
My WATP tapes finally came so I did the 1mile and 15mins of Broadway. I also did arms since i did abs last night before bed.
I'm so proud of myself - for those of you who read my journal you've seen that I generally don't exercise on Tuesday b/c I'm too tired from my 10hr plus day. Well I did WATP 1mile. It seems so much easier (not necessarily physically easier) to do that instead of hopping on the treadmill for a mile when I'm kinda worn out. I'm going to try to remember to do abs before I go to bed.


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