Something funny but disgusting happened today with my wife

Not sure why the pp used that source or even what it says, as I don't go to sites like that but there are other sources to show that an awful lot of energy is being put into hating a piece of cloth that doesn't necessarily means all you think it means nor did it do what you think it did. Did it fly over slavery? Not exactly. It was a battle flag so actually it flew over a battle. And it was the fourth or more flag of the Confederacy. The flag that flew the longest over slavery was the good ol' red, white and blue of the USA. So you can't really say it represents slavery because it really doesn't.

Do you dislike it because it is thought to represent the south? So, does that mean you automatically hate the south? Why? Because of slavery? Well, might want to read up on that history too then. The south depended on agriculture. And they are the very wrong idea that they "needed" slaves. Now I agree that they were very, very wrong in ever having slaves to begin with and to continue to have them was horrendous but to sit there and pretend that it was only the south is a bit ridiculous.

Now if you are choosing to hate the flag because it is used by a certain hate group that most people agree is a really bad thing, well then there is another flag you have to hate too. Yep, again, the good ol' red, white and blue.

I don't know what any one certain flag means to any one certain person. I don't really care. But to assume it means the same to everyone is wrong because it doesn't.

I don't love that flag. I don't know anyone who "loves" it. But I think the hate for it is misplaced too.
so she was out with a friend and they were in north Miami grabbing a bite to eat for lunch. She was parallel parked in front of cafe. They were getting out and all of a sudden someone hits them from behind. Some elderly couple who probably should not have been driving in the first place confused the gas pedal with brake. First thing my wife does is call the police and start recording the damage to the truck. Keep in mind this was in front of a busy cafe with people eating outside. The old man tries to leave damaging my wife's bumper even more. The old man finally stops and gets out of car yelling at my wife to stop taking pictures. Her friend was also recording. The old man then begins to kick and punch my wife's car telling her to go back to where she came from. Thankfully the police are there within a few minutes (must have been someone in area). The old man was punching the car still when the cops got there and arrested him. He was yelling at the cop to check my wife's citizenship and that she is an illegal immigrant Come to find out this old man has no insurance but he was driving a $100k Mercedes. The old lady says they will pay for the damage. She says her husband has a lot of anger issues.

I'm really sorry that your wife had to deal with that guy! Hopefully the old man's driver's license will get taken away some time soon. You've got to have some really serious anger management problems if you're still punching somebody's car minutes after the police have been called.
Yeah nothing says trustworthy like a site that automatically downloads a .mid file when you go to it.
Do not click that link unless you want a .mid of Amazing Grace downloaded without your permission.
I didn't get a file downloaded when I read it.
I didn't get a file downloaded when I read it.

I did. I'm assuming the posters that liked my post did also. I didn't even know until I went back to reread something and I was asked if I wanted to download the file again and replace the existing one.
Anyways, If you want people to seriously consider your arguments you should get better sources. If you can't find better (less biased, more reliable, uses accurate information in context and cites original source) then you should probably reconsider your argument.
I did. I'm assuming the posters that liked my post did also. I didn't even know until I went back to reread something and I was asked if I wanted to download the file again and replace the existing one.
Anyways, If you want people to seriously consider your arguments you should get better sources. If you can't find better (less biased, more reliable, uses accurate information in context and cites original source) then you should probably reconsider your argument.

Actually, your comment was reason enough for me not to click at all LOL
Maybe in Missouri but here in MA, yes some tests do involve highways.

Maybe parts of MA, but ours doesn't ever go somewhere with a speed limit over 30 mph... and without requireing the licence tests to be really far away they will never go past 55 mph becuase it takes over an hour to get to a highway where I live.
We just had our 6 month old truck rearended. We were at dead stop on the highway. Everyone was stopped and the guy behind us just took his mind off of what was going on and rolled into us. About $1000 worth of damage.
Not sure where in MA you live but in my area less than 2 minutes to highway drive test always hits it. So depends on what part you are in.
so she was out with a friend and they were in north Miami grabbing a bite to eat for lunch. She was parallel parked in front of cafe. They were getting out and all of a sudden someone hits them from behind. Some elderly couple who probably should not have been driving in the first place confused the gas pedal with brake. First thing my wife does is call the police and start recording the damage to the truck. Keep in mind this was in front of a busy cafe with people eating outside. The old man tries to leave damaging my wife's bumper even more. The old man finally stops and gets out of car yelling at my wife to stop taking pictures. Her friend was also recording. The old man then begins to kick and punch my wife's car telling her to go back to where she came from. Thankfully the police are there within a few minutes (must have been someone in area). The old man was punching the car still when the cops got there and arrested him. He was yelling at the cop to check my wife's citizenship and that she is an illegal immigrant Come to find out this old man has no insurance but he was driving a $100k Mercedes. The old lady says they will pay for the damage. She says her husband has a lot of anger issues.
I have witnessed what could be this guy's son here in Houston. There was an accident that was his wife's fault. He was not even there at the time of the accident--showed up shortly after the police did. The wife admitted it was her fault. When the husband showed up, he started yelling that another driver was probably here illegally so it had to be that person's fault. WTH? So many people are angry and mean.
Not sure why the pp used that source or even what it says, as I don't go to sites like that but there are other sources to show that an awful lot of energy is being put into hating a piece of cloth that doesn't necessarily means all you think it means nor did it do what you think it did. Did it fly over slavery? Not exactly. It was a battle flag so actually it flew over a battle. And it was the fourth or more flag of the Confederacy. The flag that flew the longest over slavery was the good ol' red, white and blue of the USA. So you can't really say it represents slavery because it really doesn't.

Do you dislike it because it is thought to represent the south? So, does that mean you automatically hate the south? Why? Because of slavery? Well, might want to read up on that history too then. The south depended on agriculture. And they are the very wrong idea that they "needed" slaves. Now I agree that they were very, very wrong in ever having slaves to begin with and to continue to have them was horrendous but to sit there and pretend that it was only the south is a bit ridiculous.

Now if you are choosing to hate the flag because it is used by a certain hate group that most people agree is a really bad thing, well then there is another flag you have to hate too. Yep, again, the good ol' red, white and blue.

I don't know what any one certain flag means to any one certain person. I don't really care. But to assume it means the same to everyone is wrong because it doesn't.

I don't love that flag. I don't know anyone who "loves" it. But I think the hate for it is misplaced too.

It was a battle flag that flew over battles for a side that was battling to keep the institution of slavery. The south seceded because of slavery. To me, this flag represents that ideology. I cringe every time I see it. I don't hate southerners; I live in the south. But institutional racism in the south didn't end with the fall of the Confederacy, it still very much exists here. I'm not blind to the correlation between having a pride in southern heritage and a tendency to be racist.

I don't see northerners needing a flag to celebrate their northern heritage.
Not sure why the pp used that source or even what it says, as I don't go to sites like that but there are other sources to show that an awful lot of energy is being put into hating a piece of cloth that doesn't necessarily means all you think it means nor did it do what you think it did. Did it fly over slavery? Not exactly. It was a battle flag so actually it flew over a battle. And it was the fourth or more flag of the Confederacy. The flag that flew the longest over slavery was the good ol' red, white and blue of the USA. So you can't really say it represents slavery because it really doesn't.

But even if you remove the entire question of slavery, it is as you said a battle flag. Of an army that attacked our country, their own country, committed treason in the most literal sense possible. I can't think of another example in the world today or in history where so-called patriots and even local units of government fly the battle flag of a failed insurrection against the country in which they live.


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