Something About Nothing............ #14

Carole - Nom plums, what type. Partial to the black ones.

Victoria.......very sweet and much juicier than usual from what we’ve sampled so far........although I can’t eat too many of, I’m trying to forget they’re sitting there!!! Will cook some down later tonight. The majority of them go to the farmer next to us........she’s a treasure!

Love a black plum too......not too common over here, but some farm stores have them.
:wave2: Quick lunch hour stop in.

Lynne - I hope that moving the daughter goes smoothly for you. It's always an exciting time.

Schumi...your breakfast without the bacon sounds wonderful too lol. Heck...I just like breakfast!!!! Whether its just a plain piece of peanut butter toast and a cup of tea or coffee ( with Bailey's in it ;) ) or a full out meal with yummy carb overload with some bacon or sausages or left over steak!!! Maybe I should eat...I must be hungry lol

Keisha...the vacation sounds like it will a great time. People need to learn to keep their comments to themselves. I had a teacher tell me it was NOT a good time to take my son ( who was a senior ) to his sister's wedding in Mexico in May because he has finals coming up in 4 weeks. I promptly send her a VERY curt email back...stating that if he didn't know the content by now, he probably wasn't going to know much more. By May...they were in review mode anyways. I also told her...that this was not pulling him out of school to just go to a regular vacation. We had 35 people from our side alone going....It was an important milestone and we had numerous people who have different careers...and this was the best time for everyone to go. How dare you tell me NOT to take my son to his sister's wedding. I was very angry :furious: In the big scope of things...this was not even a blip on a radar.

Rapstar...I wish I could do that. I can have a short little nap...but that would about it - or else I will be up most of the night. It's great you can do that. I have to drag my butt until it is time for bed...or a little earlier. I am one of those lucky people who very rarely has trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.

I think that fall is now starting to creep in here. I can just feel the coolness in the air, and my skin is now needing more moisturizing :( It just makes me sad. I'm really hoping that we might be able to make a quick little winter get away...but I'm not holding my breath for one. It will be a long winter. Hopefully we get some nice warm fall days yet. But it just makes me sad that the season is turning already.

We decided to go out for an anniverary dinner last night to a restraunt and recently opened. It was good...and I was glad to see that chain finally come here. I'm not sure what I would compare it to in the US. If they can keep up the quality and service, they should do well. It was a pretty good meal. We ate...went home, made plans for the weekend, then they hubby went to bed ( he gets up for work at 5:00 ) but I was lucky enough to get spoiled with a big bouquet of roses That doesn't happen every year. This probably only the third time in 26 years :laughing: but I'll take them when it does happen lol.

Hope everyone has a great day!
@Pumpkin1172 Awes! Well, it's the thought that counts. Since it happens so rarely I'm sure you were surprised. It sounds like you both had a good time.

I wish fall would creep faster here. The heat is unbearable to me. I always can't wait for winter in FL, considering it feels like it's only two months out of the whole year if we're lucky to have either freezing, or what I consider comfortable weather. I wish it was below 70 all year round.
:wave2: Quick lunch hour stop in.

Lynne - I hope that moving the daughter goes smoothly for you. It's always an exciting time.

Schumi...your breakfast without the bacon sounds wonderful too lol. Heck...I just like breakfast!!!! Whether its just a plain piece of peanut butter toast and a cup of tea or coffee ( with Bailey's in it ;) ) or a full out meal with yummy carb overload with some bacon or sausages or left over steak!!! Maybe I should eat...I must be hungry lol

Keisha...the vacation sounds like it will a great time. People need to learn to keep their comments to themselves. I had a teacher tell me it was NOT a good time to take my son ( who was a senior ) to his sister's wedding in Mexico in May because he has finals coming up in 4 weeks. I promptly send her a VERY curt email back...stating that if he didn't know the content by now, he probably wasn't going to know much more. By May...they were in review mode anyways. I also told her...that this was not pulling him out of school to just go to a regular vacation. We had 35 people from our side alone going....It was an important milestone and we had numerous people who have different careers...and this was the best time for everyone to go. How dare you tell me NOT to take my son to his sister's wedding. I was very angry :furious: In the big scope of things...this was not even a blip on a radar.

Rapstar...I wish I could do that. I can have a short little nap...but that would about it - or else I will be up most of the night. It's great you can do that. I have to drag my butt until it is time for bed...or a little earlier. I am one of those lucky people who very rarely has trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.

I think that fall is now starting to creep in here. I can just feel the coolness in the air, and my skin is now needing more moisturizing :( It just makes me sad. I'm really hoping that we might be able to make a quick little winter get away...but I'm not holding my breath for one. It will be a long winter. Hopefully we get some nice warm fall days yet. But it just makes me sad that the season is turning already.

We decided to go out for an anniverary dinner last night to a restraunt and recently opened. It was good...and I was glad to see that chain finally come here. I'm not sure what I would compare it to in the US. If they can keep up the quality and service, they should do well. It was a pretty good meal. We ate...went home, made plans for the weekend, then they hubby went to bed ( he gets up for work at 5:00 ) but I was lucky enough to get spoiled with a big bouquet of roses That doesn't happen every year. This probably only the third time in 26 years :laughing: but I'll take them when it does happen lol.

Hope everyone has a great day!

All is well in a world with bacon........

Autumn is settling in here too....very cool in the evenings and early morning more breakfasts in the garden or sitting out in the evenings with a glass of wine. And yes, thicker moisturiser!!!!

We don’t have a lot of chain restaurants big town has some, not American ones of course, but we have lots of individual local pubs and restaurants who all serve wonderful’s nice though when you find somewhere you sound lovely! We’re in Orlando for our anniversary this flowers then......but think I can live with

Just left work and this is what I saw.
View attachment 428215

The wind is picking up. I’m expecting a nice storm soon.

That is quite the picture Charade! Very impressive but ominous sky!

It’s dark here already.........around 8.30.....lamp in this room went on just after 8pm. Yep, autumn has arrived.......

Watching Manifest.......very addictive show.........
Home from work and can do a proper post. Not much worth posting about today. I think the temperature dropped about 10 degrees between the time I left work and the time I got home.

Very hot day, with rain at times, is our Thursday. And move in day. Starting to put the stuff in the car, so all have a great Thursday.
Good luck with the move in. Hope all goes smoothly.

Y'all I was so tired when I got home from work, I literally passed out when I got to my bed. Then I woke up about 4 hours later and had a small dinner and played on my phone for a bit then went back to sleep. I feel so much better.
Is that Chip and Hilde from On the Town? I’ve seen the movie, but not the stage version.
I wish I could sleep like that, but if I nap in the afternoon I will be up most of the night.
Will try again tomorrow......supposed to be a heatwave this weekend......we’ll see if it transpires!
Just the opposite here. We are supposed to get cooler temps this weekend.

I usually do not have this particular issue. They either are helpful, or I can take care of myself and suffer in silence :-)laughing:). At most, I had one teacher that while I didn't wait forever to reply, but still seemed to wait awhile only to gave me vague answers.
Most of my professors were good, but had a few that were annoying. I am married to a college professor, so I often have to listen to him complain about students.

On the flip side, yes, I got a cruise in Oct! A friend of mine is getting married and she only has a maid of honor, my other friend, and they got the idea of us three going on a cruise, so it's kind of a very appropriate bachelorette type of event, I suppose?
Sounds like fun.

One of the moms looked horrified and said that was such a terrible idea. Then went on to say she was already ‘training’ her daughter to be ready to go to bed at 7 pm so she would be ready to start school at 9 am.
When B was in elementary school I had no problem keeping her out of school for a vacation. It was a lot harder to do once she got into high school, but you may recall she got permission to take her mid terms early a couple of years ago so we could be at Universal for my birthday.

I think that fall is now starting to creep in here. I can just feel the coolness in the air, and my skin is now needing more moisturizing :( It just makes me sad. I'm really hoping that we might be able to make a quick little winter get away...but I'm not holding my breath for one. It will be a long winter. Hopefully we get some nice warm fall days yet. But it just makes me sad that the season is turning already.
We are such opposites here. I can’t wait for fall and cooler weather.

We decided to go out for an anniverary dinner last night to a restraunt and recently opened.
Happy anniversary.

I wish fall would creep faster here. The heat is unbearable to me. I always can't wait for winter in FL, considering it feels like it's only two months out of the whole year if we're lucky to have either freezing, or what I consider comfortable weather. I wish it was below 70 all year round.
I lived in Miami for 6 years and always looked forward to the times when the heat and humidity would drop.

That is quite the picture Charade! Very impressive but ominous sky!
So far we have dark clouds, thunder, and wind, but no rain yet.

I think I may try to take a little nap since I don’t have to be anywhere in the morning.
Move in went great, as we were after the early ones and before the afternoon ones. Perfect timing. A couple of tears, from me, but happy for her. And when she got in, a couple of upper classmates that know her, said they’re coming over to check her room out. They already also told her, they are taking her out to dinner for her birthday next week. I hope her roommate is a good fit, as we did not see her, but from seeing her side, we are pretty sure she is not from our area.

Did some shopping, as had a coupon that I used to get older one a dress shirt. While he has dress pants and good shoes, I told him a collared t shirt would not work for the wedding in October. Score, as was also at a good price, made better with the coupon.

A what for dinner. Apparently, our gas line to the house was replaced, so the gas company has to come in the house to bleed the lines and relighting our stuff that uses gas. Well, they came yesterday, and did either guy let them in to do that? No. Neither heard the knock on the door. So, who’s job is it to call and reschedule? Yep, and was told they will come up until midnight. Still not have heard from them, and really hoping it will not be too late. Hence, no use of the stove, means maybe take out. And older one took me out for lunch, so we have some to nuke to eat later.

And it is back to routine tomorrow. Then a short week, as hey. a 4 day weekend is certainly needed. 😎

Oh. And thanks for the birthday wishes all, Robo included.

Finally, yum I do like fresh plums and pears. Picking the, then eating them sounds yummy Schumi.
@Charade67 Oh, no, married to a professor! Just kidding. I friended a few of my old HS teachers on FB who were cool with me and they do it all the time. It's quite amusing to be honest. Mr. Professor, by the way, did actually post things on his online class now, about an hour ago. However, things are still not specific enough so I had to email him again, as much as I didn't want to (I'm shy with a combination of anxiety so I feel like I'm pestering people when I ask for anything).

Also, I can't believe you survived Miami for six years. My dad did it when he was a kid. One time he told me a story of how they went house to house to sell things for the school in order to get an air conditioner in the 70's. I was like, "How can you survive Miami without air conditioning!?"
One last episode of Manifest then bed I 3 to watch tomorrow night........
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Anyway, who volunteers that sort of mom shaming/unsolicited advice in a group setting? Several of the moms in the group were elementary teachers who shall we say, unanimously, took the mean mom to school :teacher:in only a way a teacher can pull off lolololol

Nice to hear teachers came to the rescue.

Stir fried duck in spicy plum sauce for us tonight.......stir fried noodles too.....maybe a plum crumble for dessert

Sounds yummy.

11 days till we leave for our’s creeping up

Seems like time is just flying will be here before you know it.

Robo......yes, plans are all sorted. And bit of a near glitch......he said he was going to ask Kyle if he wanted to go drive a few circuits around the track with the sports cars Saturday.......I told him Kyle had plans then.......hope your tree survives and weather improves!

He will love the party. Will be here in 2 sleeps. Then you all can enjoy celebrating the birthday fella with good friends, food, drinks and of course lots of pictures.

Met with extension person today. Spoke with her about Ash tree and property overall. We are going to get soil samples and get them sent off and she is going to make visit to the house and have a look around at trees, shrubs and grass etc.......will see what comes of it.

We decided to go out for an anniverary dinner last night to a restraunt and recently opened. It was good...and I was glad to see that chain finally come here. I'm not sure what I would compare it to in the US. If they can keep up the quality and service, they should do well. It was a pretty good meal. We ate...went home, made plans for the weekend, then they hubby went to bed ( he gets up for work at 5:00 ) but I was lucky enough to get spoiled with a big bouquet of roses That doesn't happen every year. This probably only the third time in 26 years :laughing: but I'll take them when it does happen lol.

Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby Pumpkin


Move in went great, as we were after the early ones and before the afternoon ones. Perfect timing. A couple of tears, from me, but happy for her. And when she got in, a couple of upper classmates that know her, said they’re coming over to check her room out. They already also told her, they are taking her out to dinner for her birthday next week. I hope her roommate is a good fit, as we did not see her, but from seeing her side, we are pretty sure she is not from our area.

Lynne I know that had to hard. Sounds like she has some nice friends to look out for her. I hope her roommate works out.
Happy Anniversary Pumpkin :flower1:
Slow day, did some cleaning around the kitchen, stovetop, all the stainless steel appliances etc. In prep for Saturday. Then went over to the church to help fold the bulletins for Sunday. Our secretary is off sick. Stopped in the high school to pick up oldest daughter’s transcripts. She’s decided to go back to school to get her ECE certificate (early childhood Ed). Just as one finishes other decides to go back.
So tired, didn’t get hardly any sleep last night. Hopefully will tonight.
Hope everyone had a good Thursday!

I’ll stick with my ocean view ::yes:: I have a mountain view here at home!
Happy anniversary to pumpkin!
26 years and one day is a good number of years of wedded blis

Lynne, damn you got lucky!
If we had cooking gas and it went out, I would use that as the reason for hitting more restaurants.....

Charade, since you are off work tomorrow you can be a night owl on the SAN tonight

Hey to all the homies I did not address
Hope all have a great evening
Not as hot today as it only hit 92

I’ve adjusted to the heat as when we hit November I’ll whine that it’s too cold
Mid 60’s is coat weather for me
Happy Anniversary to Pumpkin. Nice to enjoy a dinner to celebrate.

And still no gas update. Sigh. Hope no cold shower tomorrow.

Way too hot today, but back to a cooler 80’s tomorrow.

Hope your storm was not too long, Charade.

So glad it will be Friday tomorrow.

Hello Homies!

Ready to curl up in my room and relax since Thursday is my one day of work in my semi-retirement. Lightening knocked out our phone system and made our computers weird and everything was a cluster. I am too old for this.

It was a gorgeous day here weather wise. 73 and not humid. Of course I was single handedly had to man the office today. Sigh.....

Lynn I look forward to more pics to get me excited for my trip.

Bethany- I can so relate. I was a working mom for with young kids for 23 years. Balancing everything nearly requires a bit of “magic” and a wand would have been very helpful at the time.

Charade, good for you encouraging DD to pursue new friendships.

Schumi, I wish I could have take you up on the Thursday rum deal but had to work. Also, If you ever have a chance to taste Travelers One barrel or Three Barrel rum from Belize, give it a try. It is a dark , caremelly rum made in the Caribbean and not found many places. Our eclectic liquor store in small town WI does carry it.

RAPstar...sleep is underrated. I love sleep.Melatonin is my friend.

Monykalyn....having spent some serious time reading another message board to which I belong under another name...did I see YOU liking a particular post?

Happy Anniversary Pumpkin!

Charade..what became of that ominous storm cloud?

The whirlpool tub will feel really good tonight. Any SANS people awake I suspect I”lol be awake a little longer.
Success, finally. He was lucky I was not in bed yet. Well, without hot water. After he left I was getting ready for bed, and smelled smoke. Ran into kitchen screaming at older one do you smell smoke? We found out, when he moved the pot on the stove to light the burner, so that if a big flame shot up, would not scorch the pan, he placed it on the counter where it pushed down the toaster button. So all the time, the toaster was cooking away. Well, got so hot, was heating up the plastic on it. We promptly unplugged it, and I made older one put it near our trash cans, but away from all on our driveway. Guess my purchase this weekend will be a toaster.

Agavegirl, eek, resetting our stuff at home after power out is bad enough, sorry to hear office was such a headache. Deserve a nice whirlpool dip.

Light on for the rest of you night owls. Hot shower and bedtime is calling.

And for Agavegirl, Mummy fun:

Mac, only 92 :rotfl2:

Lynne that’s scary! Lucky you smelled something before you went to bed! Great Mummy pics. One of my fav rides.
Well, I was asleep for a little while, but now I’m awake again.

Move in went great, as we were after the early ones and before the afternoon ones. Perfect timing. A couple of tears, from me, but happy for her. And when she got in, a couple of upper classmates that know her, said they’re coming over to check her room out. They already also told her, they are taking her out to dinner for her birthday next week. I hope her roommate is a good fit, as we did not see her, but from seeing her side, we are pretty sure she is not from our area.
Glad to hear that move in went well and she already has people at school that she knows. Hope the roommate situation is good.

Oh, no, married to a professor! Just kidding.
It’s not too bad, but I do have to listen to a lot of complaints about students and academic bureaucracy.

Also, I can't believe you survived Miami for six years. My dad did it when he was a kid. One time he told me a story of how they went house to house to sell things for the school in order to get an air conditioner in the 70's. I was like, "How can you survive Miami without air conditioning!?"
I could not have survived Miami without AC. The heat and humidity can be brutal there. I stayed indoors as much as possible.

Charade, since you are off work tomorrow you can be a night owl on the SAN tonight
Hope your storm was not too long, Charade.
Charade..what became of that ominous storm cloud?

We never got a storm in my part of town. It rained a little, but that’s all. I heard that it was a lot worse in other parts of the city.

Success, finally. He was lucky I was not in bed yet. Well, without hot water. After he left I was getting ready for bed, and smelled smoke. Ran into kitchen screaming at older one do you smell smoke? We found out, when he moved the pot on the stove to light the burner, so that if a big flame shot up, would not scorch the pan, he placed it on the counter where it pushed down the toaster button. So all the time, the toaster was cooking away. Well, got so hot, was heating up the plastic on it. We promptly unplugged it, and I made older one put it near our trash cans, but away from all on our driveway. Guess my purchase this weekend will be a toaster.
That’s a little scary, but glad you didn’t have a fire. I guess replacing a toaster isn’t too bad.

I guess I’ll go see if there is anything worth watching on TV until I get sleepy again.


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