Something About Nothing............ #14

Oh, I do drink coffee, as long as it is not bitter and bites me. Good coffee I drink black. Lesser, lots of cream and sugar. That is how I usually add to Dunkin’ and Starbucks coffee. I add vanilla syrup to Starbucks instead of cream sometimes, instead.

Otherwise, I am a tea fan. Hot and sometimes cool. Black tea is my favorite, though I do Earl Gray. Last time I was in England came hone with a tin of tea. No Timmy stores anywhere near me, but we did enjoy when in Niagara Falls, NY.

Neat wreath. Charade. Nice gift to a friend who’s a fan.

Little one called, dealing with school issue we are helping her with. She was mad the lady was no help with what she had to go to her for, and the office closed at 1 this afternoon, so little one was in a foul mood. Did say her roommate is chill ( I think that means good) and is an art major. Quite the opposite of little one, but seems like they will get along fine.

Yay, Keisha, for tickets and great priced dress. Have fun! Seems like a fun show to see in person.

Surprised older one is not asking about dinner yet. Grilled cheese is my menu on this rainy Friday. Then maybe some shopping, as I need to find a toaster. Oh, and more bread, as barely enough left for the sandwiches.
Reminds me to move up my amazon order of Tim hortons :), one of the brands I like. Kona on top but good kcups of it are difficult to find.

sounds like you did good with the drop off Lynne, hang in there. I got nothing for the lack of interest as to the gas line other than saying “men”. Hope u get that mess straightened out.

Spent day shopping for an appropriate dress to meet the requirements for the America’s Got Talent show I scored tix to next Wednesday. Need to make some major alterations but did love the dress, marked down almost 90% woot. Now to dig out a pair of flats, no sandals allowed. Surprised regarding the rules for the audience as to dress code.

Survived the afternoon a Chuck E. Cheese. Most school districts already in session, was relatively dead, yea!

Need to drag out a (gasp!) sweater & jeans for the first Friday Night Lights of the season. It’s a bit chilly today. If one more person feels the need to mention that fall is only 30 days away to me, I just may do murder. What’s the rush people? plenty of pumpkin whatever already out in force.
Wow, I had no idea they have audience dress codes! What are their rules for dresses?
Busy week since we got back. Oldest back in her apartment, all set up and decorated. She got her mattress delivered today, so she left this morning to be there in time. Got the usual email from university about the welcome back to school care package-usually do a finals care package, but as I didn't this past spring as she left the minute finals was done and didn't need more stuff to haul home I held off. Should keep her and roommate supplied in snacks for a bit.
Stormy here too. Rain off/on with peeks of sun, and mostly cooler weather for now. And another hen not feeling well-think she has an ingrown feather by her pineal gland (oMG i've learned more about chickens than I ever wanted to know!). Still eating,drinking and pecking the youngsters but moving very slowly and only if she needs to. May have to find a vet that takes chickens to help her. HATE thinking she's in pain.
French toast on menu for tomorrow-bowl full of eggs on counter and 3 dozen in fridge. Neighbors may get deliveries this weekend...

Good on the teacher!!! Mean mothers always needed putting in their place!!! That is incredibly early to bed for kids that age.........and as for kids coming home from vacations and starting school next day......pah.....they’re kids, they’re fine.......some folks need to learn to button it.......yep, she wanted some wine time!!!
Yeah and I let kids skip or pull out for various things as needed. I am sure she'd think awful things about me LOL! after all we are disguising our HHN trip as a "college visit" :rotfl2: Although we really do have a tour set up...
Just left work and this is what I saw.
Cool pic! Looks like something out of Stranger Things!
I hope her roommate is a good fit, as we did not see her, but from seeing her side, we are pretty sure she is not from our area.
Hope it works out. Move in day is so exhausting. My DD's freshman roommate has roomed with her all this time-along with others. They did the match per university and it worked well. In fact they get along so well they decided it's best to just have the 2 of them and no others this year LOL.
Monykalyn....having spent some serious time reading another message board to which I belong under another name...did I see YOU liking a particular post?
Mmmm probably! I follow some trip reports on another sight, and spent 3 days getting caught up reading about the "controversy" LOL. I worked at WDW in the DCP during Eisner's golden years and "disney decade"-in fact still have all the material promoting all the expansion they told us about in Traditions.
Mummy fun:
Cool pics! Mummy has to be one of the top attractions in Orlando
I texted B and asked how her week went. She responded about an hour later with "Good". I eventually got her to elaborate a bit more and she said that she likes her classes and professors, and saw some of her friends from the theater department
Sounds like she is off to a good start!

Just for fun I looked at a quick weekend getaway for me and the boy when DH and middle are hunting...4 day cruise and airfare for $800 total? MUST RESIST! Just got to thinking how long it's gonna be from September til next May...Especially if DH is even partly serious about Orlando in January.

Glad I can sleep in tomorrow!

Have a wonderful evening in our new home all you lovely peeps! Enjoying your choice of view with beverage of choice I'm sure :)
Happy Friday! (Now that is almost over)...

I just cleaned today.

Lynne...your fire story sounds so scary! And special thanks for the “mummy dust”.

Charade, good to hear you were not subjected to “weather”.

Disxuni, good for you! That professor and class are a true college nightmare.

Pumpkin, it really is hard to focus on a Friday. I am also very low maintenance. As my own financial advisor, I have a pretty good idea of where I can save and what categories are untouchable. Go ahead and keep untouchable categories.

Schumi, DH and I somehow stumbled upon meeting friends this evening for happy hour drinks on a local patio bar overlooking the river. Awesome impromptu get together that lasted way longer than expected. I get it. Lovely friends and lovely weather.

Sue M, I am also not ready for summer to be over. A dress code for the audience of AGT??? Maybe a few minor requirements but that is strange.

And Charade, it is a very pretty wreath but I am not ready for those colors in my decor quite yet. Are those Virginia Tech colors? I have no clue...
Closing up the old house tomorrow

Gonna lock the front door since our new place is sweet and so much better

Haul your toys out tomorrow so they don’t get locked into our old house

We made great memories in that old house didn’t we!

I’ve been under the weather today so was not around much
Doing better now

Keisha........I solemnly swear not to mention how fast our trees are changing to autumn colours and there’s a chill in the air early mornings and evenings....... :rolleyes1 yes, some very odd rules there, and quite a list of demands!!

Lynne.......always milk or cream in coffee....regardless of quality, never sugar either......but tea unless it’s Early Grey which is a no milk tea, but breakfast tea is always hot, brewed correctly and just milk. I tried someone’s tea with sugar in it once......almost threw it back up! Never quite got the iced tea thing.

Yes, I gather chill is to hear they’ll get on.

MonyK.......glad daughter is settling back in! And your weather picks up too........yes, we took Kyle out of school and college before he went to University at so called important times........well, he still graduated from University with a First in a Masters Degree in Chemical Engineering......not bad for missing a so called crucial time. Everyone knows their own kids.......if we didn’t think he’d have managed we wouldn’t have......and yes, “that” thread on the other site was hilarious......not sure if I was more confused before or after reading

Agave......sounds like a lovely evening .....and impromptu evenings are the best!!! And yes, usually last longer than you’s so lovely to catch up with folks like that.........

Mac.....yes, much prefer this new the higher standard here ......and my staff are just hope you’re feeling better today.

I’m surprised we managed to get this far without my husband guessing there was something going usual cleaning schedule isn’t out of the ordinary so he didn’t wonder why I was cleaning things again.......

So into town this afternoon for Kyle’s eye test......then home!!! Looking forward to that........

Gorgeous day here too.......sun is shining and it’s warm.......

Hope everyone has a good Saturday........
Yesterday afternoon wasn’t on the boards like usually
A storm came through and lasted maybe 20 minutes
Power went out and my phone I had not charged up yet
So had to conserve what phone usuage I did have until last night for the most part
Had the phone charging and tried to limit my usage until I could get a full charge once power came on
House temp went up to 80 .....miserable inside and still hot, humid and muggy outside and eventually inside
Used up most of the cell power making calls for our outage report
This does not happen a lot but when it does it makes me remember what it was like when there was no central air

Summer weather might be gone for some of you but it is still holding strong in the south
Think we will have upper 80’s next few days but back to 90 later in the week

Ac is a good thing as long as power does not go out

I’ll catch up here today as I will read back to what I missed

Hope all have a laid back weekend!
Sunny day, time to rock those shades. Mom, we need food in the house. Sigh, food shopping is not my idea of a way to spend my morning. Oh well, I am sure we will pick up some snacks for little one. She’s coming home to pick up some forgotten stuff, and I am sure some of not food shopping is on tap. Seems the backpack she has been using for years, and loves, is beginning to show its age, and the zippers are not behaving nicely at times too. Hence, a trip to where it was purchased may be requested, to see if new is acceptable. In between that, wash is being done. Two loads of sheets and towels and some clothes, the remainder will most likely be tomorrow.

A lovely Saturday is here, and a perfect cup of tea is next to me. Older one is sleeping, so I will make some eggs and home fries, as o wake him. Then I think little one’s train will be arriving, so need to get the wash put away and cook before I pick her up.

MonyK, hope that hen gets better soon. Sending it well wishes. I too hate to see my pets in pain.

Agavegirl, sounded like a perfect way to spend a Friday night.

Mac, sending well wishes and lots of mummy dust you feel better today. Yep, like my room in this place too. The tea is just right, and the view, yep, nice.
Morning everyone :wave2:

Having my morning coffee and looking at the Dis :coffee:.

I have never had Tim Hortons coffee or tea. Sounds good. I really like Starbucks and Archer Farms organic coffee.





Mac sorry to hear you were feeling bad yesterday and you lost power. Hope today will be better.

We had storm come through yesterday also. Woke up this morning it’s 63. Unbelievable. It has been in the 90’s here too with terrible humidity. So I will enjoy this reprieve while it lasts. High today is supposed to be 78.

Great to see you posting have waited a year for this vacation. I know you are excited for it. Soon you will be in Orlando having a great time.


We promptly unplugged it, and I made older one put it near our trash cans, but away from all on our driveway. Guess my purchase this weekend will be a toaster.

Lynne hope you find a new toaster you like.

We got our magic bands yesterday and I realized that the trip is less than 3 weeks away...I still haven't lost the 20 lbs I needed to so I'll just be fat and happy. I looked at my work schedule for the week of our vacation and realized that I will have 13 days off since I got the day before the trip starts off too! getting your magic bands. One step closer to realizing your fun vacation you have planned. You are a hard working lady and deserve a good vacation. You look great as you are Tink. We women are far to hard on ourselves were the weight thing is concerned. So celebrate the curves.

Vicki you`re lovely as you are...…:flower3: I`ll join you though in the fat and happy...

I’am with Schumi I will join you girls in the fat and happy too :dogdance:

I slept in a little later than usual and then went to pick up a wreath a friend made for me.

Pretty wreath charade.

I had our financial advisor once try to tell me to NOT stop everyday and take my tea from home because it would save me about 450.00 a year - which is a little chunk of change. I looked at him and said....HMMMMMM let's look at this. I said...I don't drink ( very light drinker ), smoke, do drugs, rarely eat out for work lunches, I don't spend much money of clothes, I don't have a shoe orpurse/bag collection. I go get my haircut maybe 4 times a year...and I color my own hair at home - I'm a hairdresser by trade and use professional color - not the drug store stuff. I don't wear much makeup, get my nails or eyebrows or eyelashes done.

WoW !!!!!!! really bold of financial planner asking you to give up your hot tea from your fav place in the morning. Good for you that you found someone else. You need to treat yourself.

Happy birthday to Schumi hubby. Have a great time celebrating your husband at his party today.






Monyk hope you are able to find out what is ailing your chicken.

Son and daughter in law bought me a gift certificate to a fun cooking class place for Mother’s Day in May. This place has fun classes during the year. It’s like a upscale William and Sonoma. They pick a theme for the lunch or dinner. Told my daughter in law to pick a date and theme. So it’s today for lunch. My daughter in law and granddaughter are going too. The theme is farmers market finds. Really looking forward to the lunch with the girls.

Went to hairdresser yesterday so the gray streak that was peaking out is gone.

Did some organizing yesterday in kitchen. Lots more to do. Will get to it though.

Keisha has trip coming up. Safe travels and have a great time.

Have a great Saturday everyone.
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:bday: For Tom, Schumi’s main squeeze

I thought Tom’a birthday was Sunday but the party is to be today for him

Glad I saw Robo post!
Would not want to be late for birthday wishes

Hope Tom has a great birthday and celebration
Happy Saturday everyone. I woke up at 7:00 this morning, said nope, and went back to sleep. When I woke up again it was 10:15. Unfortunately, I woke up with a headache.
Temps are supposed to be much cooler for the next few days. It will be such a relief from the 95 that we had the other day.
I plan to finish up laundry today and then have nothing else on the agenda.

Spent day shopping for an appropriate dress to meet the requirements for the America’s Got Talent show I scored tix to next Wednesday. Need to make some major alterations but did love the dress, marked down almost 90% woot. Now to dig out a pair of flats, no sandals allowed. Surprised regarding the rules for the audience as to dress code.
I guess this explains why some shows have nicer looking audiences than others.

Survived the afternoon a Chuck E. Cheese. Most school districts already in session, was relatively dead, yea!
I have never been in a Chuck E Cheese. Somehow I managed to not live near one when B was little.

Need to drag out a (gasp!) sweater & jeans for the first Friday Night Lights of the season. It’s a bit chilly today. If one more person feels the need to mention that fall is only 30 days away to me, I just may do murder. What’s the rush people? plenty of pumpkin whatever already out in force.
I’m happy about fall arriving, but can do without all the pumpkin spice overload.

Did say her roommate is chill ( I think that means good) and is an art major. Quite the opposite of little one, but seems like they will get along fine.
I think that’s a good thing. Hopefully they will get along well.

Got the usual email from university about the welcome back to school care package-usually do a finals care package, but as I didn't this past spring as she left the minute finals was done and didn't need more stuff to haul home I held off.
I actually got an order form in the mail about ordering care packages. I thought the prices were a little high. If B wants finals week snacks I’ll just bring her what she requests.

And Charade, it is a very pretty wreath but I am not ready for those colors in my decor quite yet. Are those Virginia Tech colors? I have no clue...
Yes, Virginia Tech has an odd combination of maroon and orange. I wouldn’t have put those colors together, but It seems to work for them.

.....I solemnly swear not to mention how fast our trees are changing to autumn colours and there’s a chill in the air early mornings and evenings....... :rolleyes1 yes, some very odd rules there, and quite a list of demands!!
Sounds beautiful to me.

Sigh, food shopping is not my idea of a way to spend my morning. Oh well, I am sure we will pick up some snacks for little one. She’s coming home to
Ugh, I hate grocery shopping.

The best part for the new house is daily cleaning service for each room

Do you want me to hire a private chef for the house?
Yes, please!

We had storm come through yesterday also. Woke up this morning it’s 63. Unbelievable. It has been in the 90’s here too with terrible humidity. So I will enjoy this reprieve while it lasts. High today is supposed to be 78.
It was 65 when I got up today and supposed to go up to 75. I am going to turn off the AC and open up all the windows in the house.

I wish Universal would offer a meal in the Hogwarts Castle like this. It would be so cool,
I would do a meal like that. Would they split us into houses first?

Happy birthday to Tom!
Got my shopping done before noon
Food City ( cat food) and Publix and both stores had zero crowds when I was there

Been living down here long enough to know the stores start getting Saturday crowds around 1:00
So I go way before then

Cat food was the majority of today’s shopping
Frozen dinners was second

Lots of excitement waiting for the dates everyone is going to hhn

Mummy dust for all to have a great relaxing weekend!
Hope Schumi shares bd party pics of Tom being surprised

(I hope she was able to pull this off as a big surprise)

Has everyone here have had a great weekend so far?

Hope so!

My day has passed quickly and just zoning out in front of the tv now

Keisha, I’m sure you are packed now
Soon you will be heading out West early Sunday
DH has to work all weekend so I’ve been cooking, cleaning and doing laundry. Pretty dull but the roast in the oven with fresh rosemary smells wonderful.

I also went to the grocery store for a few things. Unlike some of you, I love to grocery shop. So does DH. Of course we spend way too much on our cooking hobby but it’s cheaper than eating out. There was a great sale on sashimi grade tuna and I needed the rosemary so that was my excuse.

I’m also looking forward to seeing pics from Schumi’s party. I know I could never pull it off.

I would love a themed dinner at Hogwarts Robo. My mind is racing with the possibilities.

Back to the pork loin roast with applesauce glaze and rosemary aromatic herbs....
Very lazy Saturday. The thing that hit the middle child Tuesday, and the boy yesterday got me today-not as bad just feel 'bleh' with stomach hurting. An excuse for laying around while it rained all day anyway.

Big :bday: to Tom!! Hope the party was smashing success!!

I am all for private chef, cleaner etc. Is there room for my feathered pets? They can provide all the fresh eggs we need. Used the bowl of eggs for french toast this am.

Think the hubs is going to get pizza for dinner.

Yeah Robo! have a similar countdown!

I thought the prices were a little high.
They are a bit high but kinda a no brainer for me lol!

Why does Saturday fly by so much faster than work week??
Good evening. Just finished dinner - sort of a mock Cincinnati style chili. I don’t know where the day went. i did a couple of loads of laundry and took an afternoon nap. I guess I’ll be the night owl again tonight.

My day has passed quickly and just zoning out in front of the tv now
That’s our plan for tonight too. The 2 college football teams that dh hates the most are playing each other tonight, so he has decided to watch something else.

I also went to the grocery store for a few things. Unlike some of you, I love to grocery shop. So does DH. Of course we spend way too much on our cooking hobby but it’s cheaper than eating out. There was a great sale on sashimi grade tuna and I needed the rosemary so that was my excuse.

We eat out way too much. Hmmm....I think we have found our SANs house chef.

Very lazy Saturday. The thing that hit the middle child Tuesday, and the boy yesterday got me today-not as bad just feel 'bleh' with stomach hurting. An excuse for laying around while it rained all day anyway.
Oh no, hope you feel better soon.

I am all for private chef, cleaner etc. Is there room for my feathered pets? They can provide all the fresh eggs we need. Used the bowl of eggs for french toast this am.
I’m sure we have room for a state of the art chicken coop.

Time to find something to watch on TV tonight.
MonyK, hope you feel better soon too. Yep, family sharing of not so nice stuff. Hope your stomach is right again by tomorrow.

Just a watch whatever night. Shopping for food and other done. New backpack found, so very happy kid. And mom happy, as on clearance, at a price I was good with.

Yeah, day just flew by.

Tomorrow is a bit more food shopping, finishing the wash, and will drive little one back, rather than on train, as she has enough to carry, and plus , she forgot to get a round trip ticket. I will buy a pack of them on my day off, so that when she comes back next weekend, I will give them to her. That way, when she goes back on the weekends, and the train office is not open, won’t be a problem.

Hope all have a peaceful night and a good night.


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