Something About Nothing............ #14

Well, we tried to walk, but the skies opened up and the wind was cold, so we gave up after a mile, well half a mile as we had to walk back to the car.

Our gardener cornered us when we came back in and wanted to show us what he’s organised for this time of year, important time of year for planting apparently, he’s the expert, we’ll trust him. He showed us where he’s planting some new lavender plants, chilli plants, chives and he’s going to start some tomatoes off. First time we’ve grown them, well, he’ll have grown them ::yes::

Close to the lavender he’s going to try some dahlias, but he’s not sure they’ll take, but this is the time to plant them. I do love it growing around us, beautiful scent.

But, it was freezing wandering around with him!! How he does it I don’t know, but he loves the outdoors in all weather.

Had some tea to warm us up, then had lunch.

Pork fillet for dinner tonight with a marinade/dressing of honey, hot mustard, soy sauce and garlic……will serve with a selection of steamed veg and some mushrooms.

I‘m ready for spring……. :sunny:

Robo, so good to hear from you. A very happy birthday to you. What a great looking lamp. And some nice time, gifts, and meals to celebrate. Hope your DH cataract surgery goes well. Sending good thoughts his way. I know they can help save vision, as two of my extended family had it done, years ago now. And jealous of that beautiful and hot weather. But there are times I like our four seasons. Just long enough weather, I can complain of the hot and cold. Lol. Cooler day, and overcast is my current weather.

Was drizzling to give us a bit more rain total. But it stopped about 15 minutes ago. Just in time for older one to not use his wipers on the way to work.

A what for lunch. Will be wearing my lightweight winter jacket for my lunchtime walk. Will get to do it bit later today, as training for hour at lunchtime. Sigh. But don’t care. Later lunchtime break okay with me. Will ask little one if she wants a deli restaurant’s matzo ball soup for dinner tonight. I like almost all the food at the two we like to eat at. Even breakfast for dinner I do sometimes. Guess no Taco Bell meal, as without those fries, it’s a no eating there for little one.
Good Tuesday Morning everyone :wave:

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Thank you Lynne.

Thank you Carole. She has really been through it. She is such sweet, strong woman.
She is a wonderful wife, mom, grandma and daughter.

Thank you, we are praying that when he has his test on Friday that he will be able to hold off on surgery till things are healed up a little more. It will be a better outcome.

It is so sad when you hear of such atrocities.

Ok….LOL…what naughty thing did you come up with for Lent.

So glad you had a relaxing weekend you are a busy lady. That down time is a balm to the body and soul for sure. Glad to hear you are feeling better.

I looked up the k-18 conditioners. Looks like they have quite a few products to choose from.

The quilt pattern is beautiful.

Looks like fun and yummy breakfast for your granddaughter. That smile is your seal of approval for sure.

Great to hear his chest X-ray shows he has cleared up. The lingering cough hopefully with abate soon. Glad to hear the Doc ordered him some prescription cough medication to help him.

Hubby and have the same PCP. It makes a lot of since to have the same Doc.

Thank you Janet. Praying all goes well.

Happy belated birthday to your son.

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You sound like a proud mom and you have every right to be.

buckeev sounds like a busy, but fun time. Glad to see you post.

Sounds like accountant is a keeper. Especially when they find money you are owed.

It seems that everything we new about the Resorts have changed a bit since covid as far as reservation times and Resort costs. Everyone who was cooped up during Covid shut down is ready to get out and travel. I thought that would settled down by now, but I guess not.

Cute countdown meme.

We had a bad thing happen not far from here in a housing community just about 5 miles away. A large Alligator said to be 11 feet long and over 700 pounds killed a 85 year old woman. She was walking her little dog at the edge of community waterway and the Gator went after her dog and got her instead.

On internet it was posted that the folks knew about this large Gator in the community and had even nicknamed it. I’am at a loss why on earth the folks in that community would not have demanded that Gator be removed. I‘am guessing there are far more details that came into play in this situation.

Once the gators have reached a certain length they can be trapped and removed. A fellow neighbor who saw it happen and called for help and tried to help her form the shore to no avail. I feel so sorry for that poor lady and her family and neighbor.

It is well known that if you have any type of small waterway in your area you will eventually have an Alligator in it. We have had a couple trapped in our community in the past few years. It is a content reminder that we have to be aware of our surroundings.

Have been a tad busy lately. Guess that is not bad. The sun is shinning this morning and it is supposed to be a high of 87 today and 90 predicted on Saturday.

It has been a fairly warm winter in our area of the Sunshine State. Had a few colder days in January, but non since then.

Hubby and I had our MD appointments Friday. Got the results of CT. Still have a couple of nodules in right lung post covid from last year. They haven’t grown so good news on that.

One of my fellow Rockit Sista‘s and I went to KSC last week on Thursday. It was mobbed with people. Glad to see KSC is getting more popular with folks it is really a wonderful place to visit. We didn’t stay long. I took her to the Vineland Outlet Mall and to Mall at Millenia. We then had dinner at Cheesecake Factory. It was a busy fun filled day.

Hubby and I went out for my birthday on Sunday and enjoyed some cocktails and steaks. The family called and we had some nice visits on the phone.

My Rockit Sistas took me out for ladies night out for dinner yesterday evening and we had to step outside to see the SpaceX Rocket go off. It had been scheduled for earlier in day, but finally went off at 6:13 pm.

We went back to my friends house for cocktails and a movie. They were so sweet and bought me some nice gifts. Getting a year older is not bad after all…LOL

My sister and brother in law sent me a Hogwarts lamp to go with my WWOHP collection. It is really cute.

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Hubby is having his first cataract surgery Thursday he has been putting this off awhile and researched some local eye surgeons here so he found one he liked. This has been in works for a month. I’am impressed at how thorough they have been leading up to the procedure.

Son is having test done on Friday. Should know something then. Praying that all goes well.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Need to get scootin today.

Have a wonderful Tuesday.

I saw that video of the lady with the dog the alligator killed. One of the things that shocked me most was the video was playing up until it grabbed her....truly horrific. Poor lady.

First person we met who knew it was our first visit back in 07 told us, if the water is bigger than a bath tub, there could be an alligator in it. We always remember that.

Good luck to your husband on Thursday, hope his procedure goes well and continued good wishes for your son and daughter too.

Well, the anti lent thing :laughing:....... it is a family site, so maybe I shouldn`t say :)

Sounds like you had some lovely meals out for your birthday......and love the lamp!




Have a great day.......:wave2:
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It's that taco Tuesday feeling.

Quiet night. No practice packing, but I did find some travel liquids for us. I think we should be able to do it. Starting to get excited now! It will be great to have a very short break from all of " this" going on here - weather and full-time job wise. The full-time job is a complete circus right now....but onto other things :rolleyes1

It's overcast and lightly snowing again today :sad2: It's not cold...but I NEED some sunlight, and green/warm ground again. I have been struggling the last few weeks ( Feb/March) are the months I struggle with the most with this issue. 3 more sleeps.

@macraven I wish I had your problem!!! I don't know where your quote went. Enjoy those temps!!!! You also spent years freezing when living in the north. You have paid your dues...and are living cold free ::yes::

The kids had bought me a Lego flower bouquet for Christmas. Little one decided tonight would be a good time to build it for me. Can’t wait to see them. The kind of flowers I can keep in my home. Gave her a glass vase I got out of my china closet. Should look nice on my bureau.
How cute!!!! My boys still love lego at 20 & 22
Despite the rain and cloud we did get a bit of clearance last enough, enough to vaguely see the Northern Lights a little. It`s the first time they`ve been as far South for a long time, we have seen them before though down here, last time was a few years ago, but again, very vague
I know that the light chasers here are it's prime season for them here as well....and it's been overcast for so many nights, they can't get any good pictures.
We had a bad thing happen not far from here in a housing community just about 5 miles away. A large Alligator said to be 11 feet long and over 700 pounds killed a 85 year old woman. She was walking her little dog at the edge of community waterway and the Gator went after her dog and got her instead.
That is crazy! We are always aware of our surroundings when near water when we travel in scary. I guess alligators are like our bears. If you are outside of a city....always be aware and carry bear bangers - period! Especially in spring.
My Rockit Sistas took me out for ladies night out for dinner yesterday evening and we had to step outside to see the SpaceX Rocket go off. It had been scheduled for earlier in day, but finally went off at 6:13 pm.

We went back to my friends house for cocktails and a movie. They were so sweet and bought me some nice gifts. Getting a year older is not bad after all…LOL
Happy Belated Birthday! Sounds like it was a perfect way to spend your birthday.
Good luck to your dh and ds. I hope they continue to get positive test results - and that the procedure for your dh goes well.

Well, I should track down some papers. My tea is long gone...and I sure could use another. I might have to brew up another mug.

Have a great day everyone :wave2:
Well, we tried to walk, but the skies opened up and the wind was cold, so we gave up after a mile, well half a mile as we had to walk back to the car.

Our gardener cornered us when we came back in and wanted to show us what he’s organised for this time of year, important time of year for planting apparently, he’s the expert, we’ll trust him. He showed us where he’s planting some new lavender plants, chilli plants, chives and he’s going to start some tomatoes off. First time we’ve grown them, well, he’ll have grown them ::yes::

Close to the lavender he’s going to try some dahlias, but he’s not sure they’ll take, but this is the time to plant them. I do love it growing around us, beautiful scent.

But, it was freezing wandering around with him!! How he does it I don’t know, but he loves the outdoors in all weather.

Had some tea to warm us up, then had lunch.

Pork fillet for dinner tonight with a marinade/dressing of honey, hot mustard, soy sauce and garlic……will serve with a selection of steamed veg and some mushrooms.

I‘m ready for spring……. :sunny:

Carole, I love flowers too, but we have a long, long wait til we can dream about and buy our flowers/plants. At one time I had 7 flower gardens in our yard, but have cut it down to 5! It's so special to do the planting in the Spring, as we wait a long time for warm enough weather. Usually we plant end of May or first of June!. We take
care of the gardens ourselves. Last year, Roger built an elevated garden and we planted green beans, onions, and flowers in it. It worked okay but needs tweaked a bit this year. It was nice not having to bend down to take care of the plants/veggies.
We have 2 crab apple trees in the yard and one cherry tree. The bears climbed one of the apple trees last year and broke off some branches. We have tried everything to keep them off the apple trees, and I hope we don't have that problem this year. We don't eat the apples, but let them fall for the deer who come to our yard.
The cherry tree is probably 25 years old and is at least 35 feet tall. It gets covered with fragrant blossoms and white flowers, and it is the favorite part of our yard for me:) Well, you got me thinking about gardening, and now I am daydreaming of ours. But it is a ways away. sigh.........................When the cherries are ripe, we get the wax wing birds who gorge themselves on the cherries and they fall out of the tree drunk, no lie, but fly right back up. It's hilarious to see these birds (which are bigger than robins) get tipsy,but they somehow flutter back up to the tree.

Your gardener won't plant for a while will he? He's just organizing the plants? Just wondering how it goes over there.
Carole, I love flowers too, but we have a long, long wait til we can dream about and buy our flowers/plants. At one time I had 7 flower gardens in our yard, but have cut it down to 5! It's so special to do the planting in the Spring, as we wait a long time for warm enough weather. Usually we plant end of May or first of June!. We take
care of the gardens ourselves. Last year, Roger built an elevated garden and we planted green beans, onions, and flowers in it. It worked okay but needs tweaked a bit this year. It was nice not having to bend down to take care of the plants/veggies.
We have 2 crab apple trees in the yard and one cherry tree. The bears climbed one of the apple trees last year and broke off some branches. We have tried everything to keep them off the apple trees, and I hope we don't have that problem this year. We don't eat the apples, but let them fall for the deer who come to our yard.
The cherry tree is probably 25 years old and is at least 35 feet tall. It gets covered with fragrant blossoms and white flowers, and it is the favorite part of our yard for me:) Well, you got me thinking about gardening, and now I am daydreaming of ours. But it is a ways away. sigh.........................When the cherries are ripe, we get the wax wing birds who gorge themselves on the cherries and they fall out of the tree drunk, no lie, but fly right back up. It's hilarious to see these birds (which are bigger than robins) get tipsy,but they somehow flutter back up to the tree.

Your gardener won't plant for a while will he? He's just organizing the plants? Just wondering how it goes over there.

We have some cherry blossom trees they only flower and don`t yield fruit, shame as I love cherries.

Things like Chillies, you can sow them in January if you have a heated propgator, we don`t, so you can sow them outside in March....apparently, same with chives and so on......March is also the optimum time for sowing things like dahlias, half hardy annuals, sweet peas or fast growing perennials. He has a cold frame built for some of those I believe in case of frost....I just admire them when they`ve grown......I do not have green fingers!!!

But, yes, many things are planted now, and some can be sown earlier from what he says. Our winters are nowhere near as bad as you get. By May/June our summer could already be

We do have lovely spring flowers popping up already aside from daffodils, we have little flowers near the trees that I have no clue what they are......

Tomatoes are the first food he`s wanted to do for us, I`m tempted to try things like onions, but if he ever left gardening we`d live in a wild area lol.....

Thankfully we don`t need to worry about bears!!! Foxes in the woods around us are our biggest concern, and they don`t really bother you if you leave them alone, occasionally a deer or two which we love seeing them, and not an animal but we do have a lot of owls around which are stunning to see.

We give our fruit to the farmer next to us, they send a farm hand over to clear the trees, we do keep some plums if they give off an excellent yield which is every two years. They make pies, jams, chutney`s with the fruit and so on....we do get some chutney`s and pies back as a thank you.

I wish I was keen on gardening.....we`re more the type to sit out on either the patios or grass on a lounger with a

Your garden sounds lovely though Ruth, and well cared for.
quiet day at work today. I think I have everything ready for me to take my days off from here. I"m at my health care job Wed/Thursday...with me filling in and completing time sensitive work yet. Friday we are off ✈️

Got some paper shredding done today....and reading some trip reports ::yes::

Well, off to find a couple more things to do until it's home time. I forgot to take out some meat to defrost for supper...soooooooooooooo it could be an interesting night meal wise
Hey all:wave:

WV partially lived up to it’s billing for GD (wild and wonderful), again #2 overall…she tries harder;)

Robbie - good luck to your mr on the surgery!


Oh, that video (even cutting away at the actual moment) was just horrific. appears they are still fishing out more gators from that lake. Poor woman, what an awful way to pass. So ironic tho that her dog survived.
I got a notification this morning that our flight to California had changed. I was a little annoyed until I noticed that we have been put on nonstop flights. It will be nice not having to deal with chaos of a flight change.
That’s a win! Glad you caught the mr needed his seat arranged too. National news today stated cancellations are supposed to be rampant (again) this summer. At least, so far, earlier than 2022 played out as far as I can tell. We had our fight to FLL changed later for 2nd time this weekend. DiL & GD had their flight home after the april disney race cancelled outright by Frontier. They just started flying to MCO from our burg. She was the test track dummy for booking them. Ouch. Was lucky to be able to find a decently priced replacement flight on another airline.
we always have Worcestershire sauce.......and you get brownie points for spelling that correctly!!! Love some of the pronunciations though of that place though!!
hmmph, I’ll have you know I was my school’s 6th grade spelling bee champion. Think I reached my peak there :p

Now, I’m hungry for a brownie
but nothing like opening the windows to get a blast of fresh air in the home. Yes, even with the heating on.......folks think I`m crazy but I`m still warm, but we have fresh air circulating.
Yep, being slightly removed from the old country, a window gets cracked every day, even in :cold:weather…to kill the germs. Drives my mr :crazy:

he’s also been nosing around his seeds & equipment. Might hit 70 degrees here tomorrow, he’s just itching to get out there but, ground is far to wet. Never did fully freeze over. We have a large basement section that becomes his grow room. I do love the LED grow lights he transitioned over to that put out such a pretty glow…reminds me of an old skool disco lol
quiet day at work today. I think I have everything ready for me to take my days off from here. I"m at my health care job Wed/Thursday...with me filling in and completing time sensitive work yet. Friday we are off ✈️

Got some paper shredding done today....and reading some trip reports ::yes::

Well, off to find a couple more things to do until it's home time. I forgot to take out some meat to defrost for supper...soooooooooooooo it could be an interesting night meal wise

It`s this Friday you go??? I had in my miind it was later in the month......always an exciting time before a trip.

Hope you got something rather lovely for dinner last night.

Hey all:wave:

WV partially lived up to it’s billing for GD (wild and wonderful), again #2 overall…she tries harder;)
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Robbie - good luck to your mr on the surgery!

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Oh, that video (even cutting away at the actual moment) was just horrific. appears they are still fishing out more gators from that lake. Poor woman, what an awful way to pass. So ironic tho that her dog survived.

That’s a win! Glad you caught the mr needed his seat arranged too. National news today stated cancellations are supposed to be rampant (again) this summer. At least, so far, earlier than 2022 played out as far as I can tell. We had our fight to FLL changed later for 2nd time this weekend. DiL & GD had their flight home after the april disney race cancelled outright by Frontier. They just started flying to MCO from our burg. She was the test track dummy for booking them. Ouch. Was lucky to be able to find a decently priced replacement flight on another airline.

hmmph, I’ll have you know I was my school’s 6th grade spelling bee champion. Think I reached my peak there :p

Now, I’m hungry for a brownie

Yep, being slightly removed from the old country, a window gets cracked every day, even in :cold:weather…to kill the germs. Drives my mr :crazy:

he’s also been nosing around his seeds & equipment. Might hit 70 degrees here tomorrow, he’s just itching to get out there but, ground is far to wet. Never did fully freeze over. We have a large basement section that becomes his grow room. I do love the LED grow lights he transitioned over to that put out such a pretty glow…reminds me of an old skool disco lol

Congratulations again to your little superstar 🏆

She really is a star in the making with her abilities!! You must all be so proud of her!!

lol....yep, your spelling is top notch!!! I thought of our conversations about Charcuterie when we went out for lunch last week.....the restaurant which was higher end, did not spell it correctly on the menu......that grates on me!!! We can all make spelling mistakes, but on a professional should never happen. The had "Charcouterie" on the menu........made my teeth itch!!!

I like the idea of a grow room......basements aren`t a thing over here generally, we have greenhouses (we don`t have a greenhouse) and that`s what most folks use for seeding when it`s colder. You should get things planted soon.....

lol....drives Tom nuts too when I have every window in every room open....and the heating is on blasting out heat......he shakes his head a lot when I do that:laughing:.......

The only time I don`t is if the wind is incredibly wild.....I get that part!

Hope you enjoyed a brownie!!

Grow room….yea I had something like that back in the 60’s
Had the best tomato’s

Keisha, still swear your g-daughter is a mini me of you.

I do remember with joy my dad`s tomatoes he would grow way back in the 70`s and 80`s.....the smell when you went in and popped one off was delightful. And so full of flavour. Over here you have to pay through the nose to get decent store ones taste of nothing usually, farm stores are where you have to go to get decent ones.

Even wetter and wilder than yesterday this morning.....woke up to heavy rain and a decent wind blustering around us, so no walking today for us.

Have had two quite large lamb shanks marinading in red wine, garlic, rosemary, stock and pepper overnight, will pop the slow cooker on around 9am and they`ll simmer away all day, just going to have some veg with it tonight, no potatoes. Did that with the pork fillet last night, we didn`t miss the carbs. So, the smell is going to be gorgeous all day.

As we`re in all day, will get the bedding done and some other bits and bobs done around the house, it`s one of those days where pootering around the house is ideal, definitely do not want to go outside today.

First day of March and St David`s Day for those in Wales.




Have a lovely Wednesday :-)
Morning 😎🌻, if i squint would swear we’ve sprung. Won’t be fooled again, figure we are due at least one big ❄️ storm this season.

I’m such a grandma, thanks for putting up with me:flower1:

carole - long as you don’t see “cooties“ on the menu, you are golden. Autocorrect is helpful on devices, however, there is a generation here wherein many can’t adequately spell or write cursively.

Our state is one that a doesn’t require it in public schools. The ones in our area still include it at the elementary level. Believe only 20 or so states still have it in mandated curriculum :bitelip:


Speaking of fungi, any one else watching The Last of Us? Really enjoying the inaugural season. a few companies grow mushrooms in the old coal mines here. Accordingly, we always have them reasonably priced in the store.

Grow room….yea I had something like that back in the 60’s
Had the best tomato’s
LMAO. there’s grow rooms, then there are “grow rooms”. My middle DS was still working as a police officer when he stumbled across ours.

We were out of town and he was watching the house. got a phone call, initially panicked, thinking we had decided to become entrepreneurs…until he realized everything sprouting was legal. Did say it was one of the best set ups he had seen :laughing: far out, man
What a way to start this month. Laptop wanted to reboot for updates, and messed up my sign in. Only way to fix such is to go into office and have tech reset. Ugh. Tech not on the same early start as me. But as the early bird was first one to be helped, back to not commuting today. And ack, had to scrape car windows as was 25 degrees when I left. But saw a glorious sunrise as left work, and had to wear my sunglasses. A nice day. Even with a cool start, in 50’s this afternoon.


And yep, camel enjoying that mostly sunny day, ready to remind all not only it’s the beginning of the month of March, it’s a hump of a feeling day, as two more sleeps for that fabulous Friday feeling.

Wonderful that GD got placed so high, Keisha. She’s a great gymnast, and enjoy seeing her picture.

Hope all have that most amazing wonderful Wednesday, and that color green for the month of March.

And my youngest niece this Friday, follows my great niece two weeks ago, who had turning 9 years old then. Yep, I have a big family. Soon to be a 9 year old niece and second oldest great niece just turned 9.
Morning 😎🌻, if i squint would swear we’ve sprung. Won’t be fooled again, figure we are due at least one big ❄️ storm this season.

I’m such a grandma, thanks for putting up with me:flower1:

carole - long as you don’t see “cooties“ on the menu, you are golden. Autocorrect is helpful on devices, however, there is a generation here wherein many can’t adequately spell or write cursively.

Our state is one that a doesn’t require it in public schools. The ones in our area still include it at the elementary level. Believe only 20 or so states still have it in mandated curriculum :bitelip:

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Speaking of fungi, any one else watching The Last of Us? Really enjoying the inaugural season. a few companies grow mushrooms in the old coal mines here. Accordingly, we always have them reasonably priced in the store.

LMAO. there’s grow rooms, then there are “grow rooms”. My middle DS was still working as a police officer when he stumbled across ours.

We were out of town and he was watching the house. got a phone call, initially panicked, thinking we had decided to become entrepreneurs…until he realized everything sprouting was legal. Did say it was one of the best set ups he had seen :laughing: far out, man

lol....the daffodils that popped their heads out last week are regretting it now! Spring is not here yet for us either.

You have every right to be a proud Grandma, your little one is a proper superstar!!

I get annoyed at folks that say we don`t need cursive....I thought it was a joke when I first heard some places were getting rid of it!! Spelling and writing should not be lost arts so it really makes my teeth itch when I think of it.

Auto correct is another issue

Never heard of that the story of the grow

What a miserable day here!! Perfect day to bimble around the house doing little jobs here and there......made us a nice little lunch and one of our friends popped in as she hadn`t seen the new decor, she liked it!! And stayed for lunch....well, she is one of the Wednesday lunch couples so she didn`t like to miss out!! Nothing fancy, just shrimp with salad, coleslaw with some cornbread.

And it`s still raining......

Although we had a good lunch, all we can smell is this lamb......added a jar of cranberry sauce to the cooking liquid and it smells even better now. But boy they`ve shrunk!! All good though it`ll be gorgeous.

Called our car service to book our Christmas trip dates, told her our flight arrival in May had changed to a much later time than we had told them......there was a silence, seems we hadn`t booked!!! I`m sure we gave them our dates, but seems we hadn`t, so I`m glad we checked as they do get busy and fill up quickly. But, all booked in now.

Love days like this where we have nowhere we need to go and nothing that has to be done in a hurry....... :hug:
Good you made that call schumi…
now you are set up for your travels!

I have too many days in the 🏠
Not much to do in a small town except church and grocery shop

We do always give them a call a week or so before just to confirm, we really never need to check as they are so professional, but we are so glad we did call yesterday as if we had waited they would have been filled up for our dates.

Yes, there`s only so much church and shopping one can do really. I`d suggest moving, but where you live is so beautiful, it would be hard to give up.

I think the rain is finally off......ground is soaking wet though so it could have been on all night, I wouldn`t know as I went to bed so early last night and zonked out straight away and slept right through.....

After that we`re out into the middle of nowhere to a farm store we like a lot, then back to do regular grocery shopping. It`s going to be dull and miserable all day, so I doubt we`ll go far after that. Hope we see a bit of sunshine at some point.

Going to do chicken for dinner, still to decide what to have with it, might do some pepper sauce or I have plenty of seasonings to opt from, might have some Nashville Hot on them. Lunch is whatever we decide on at lunchtime.

Enjoying a lovely pot of tea right now, will keep me till we have breakfast.




Happy Thursday :sunny:
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Ooh maybe I saw the headless horseman as drove in a very thick fog. Warm though, we didn’t go much below 40 in the overnight, and was 43 on the outdoor thermometer as I exited the door. But as there’s always some traffic, quick commute and into office without an issue.

Still very dark out. But as the news said as I woke up, in regard to weather, the fog should be gone by mid morning, then glorious sunshine with, yay, 60 degrees this late afternoon, as the high temp. Woot! No scraping car windows this morning.

And, though still a week day routine morning tomorrow, it’s the hour shorter, and twice as much time for lunchtime break. If do have to not be lazy on a Friday, at least it’s a better schedule than today. Plus, teleworking tomorrow, unlike today.

Though have to say, at least this Thirsty Thursday means you can sip, drink or gulp a drink, with a smile, knowing this day is the day before having a most fabulous Friday feeling.

Good morning from this very dense fog weather homie. She’s got a smile, as not only is it Friday tomorrow, she gets to drink tea from a bottle all day. And that bottle is close to my office, so no need to refill a tea pot. Woot! It’s the first Thursday in March.🍀
Another best laid plans day……

We visited the farm store about an hour away…….should have checked first……they have closed for 3 weeks!

It’s a nice drive out there though and we did find another place that was lovely. Then popped into a couple of stores for top ups on cleaning products and so on, dropped in to pick up a book a friend had for me and now home……making a very fresh and boiling hot pot of tea to go with our roast beef and mustard sandwiches for lunch.

Finished the book of the month for our book group last night……The Scarlet Letter…….what utter drivel and the ending annoyed me and every other lady in the group…..we did get a laughing “sorry” apology txt from the lady who chose this months book.

Time for lunch…….always look forward to a fresh pot of tea, very British!
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A bit of fog this morning which surprised me when i got up this morning but it should burn off soon.

Mr Mac and cats went back to bed this morning and I was able to get the weekly laundry done with out all my helpers .

Went to Taco Bell last night but they had an unexpected closing
No problem as hit a real mexican restaurant just blocks away from the interstate.

Tonight I cook red meat as we both like steak.

Drop on by to my place and will be looking for you!
Bring your appetite!
Another best laid plans day……

Physio appointment changed to tomorrow, so we visited the farm store about an hour away…….should have checked first……they have closed for 3 weeks!

It’s a nice drive out there though and we did find another place that was lovely. Then popped into a couple of stores for top ups on cleaning products and so on, dropped in to pick up a book a friend had for me and now home……making a very fresh and boiling hot pot of tea to go with our roast beef and mustard sandwiches for lunch.

Finished the book of the month for our book group last night……The Scarlet Letter…….what utter drivel and the ending annoyed me and every other lady in the group…..we did get a laughing “sorry” apology txt from the lady who chose this months book.

Time for lunch…….always look forward to a fresh pot of tea, very British!
Sounds like you had to do a change of plans, but glad it worked out.
Today, I was going to go to town by myself!! and have a nice time out on my own. Roger usually goes with me since he's retired, and I am not used to that at all. So, I was really looking forward to going to different stores and browsing at my own time. I said "was", because I went to one store, HObby Lobby, and when I came out to the car the low tires light came on. Grrrrr....... So, I cut it short and brought the car home for Roger to fill the tires up.
Oh well, there's always another day.
I don't know if I told you, but I make doggie blankets for newly adopted Bichon Frieses dogs. It's the breed we had and I love them. I have fun making the little blankets and sending them off all over the US. But I really miss my Scruffy:(.

We had roast beef sandwiches for supper last night and they were good. I just didn't feel like fixing a big supper.

I always wondered what book clubs would be like. I don't think it's for me, because I'm kind of set in my ways and I only read suspense/detective stories that have quirky characters. I read a lot of Karin Slaughter because I love her characters.

Enjoy your tea, and take care,



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