So, What Happens If You Drink Sour Milk?

Ok, I just walked in the door after a two day flight from East Coast to West... accidentally picked up the wrong cup and drank a big sip of soured milk in the 9 day old cup of coffee that was sitting on my kitchen counter. What now?

Welcome to the DIS.

A 2 day flight from East coast to West, did it need to stop in Australia on the way?

OK, zombie thread, but.....

I do remember when I used to take my coffee with half and half. I didn't use so much that I would completely use a half quart before it went sour. And boy did it go sour. It would typically start separating too.

Still - sour milk could conceivably have food poison.

Have any of the posters who drank sour milk 10 years ago been back? I'd like to know their fate ;)
Ok, I just walked in the door after a two day flight from East Coast to West... accidentally picked up the wrong cup and drank a big sip of soured milk in the 9 day old cup of coffee that was sitting on my kitchen counter. What now?
.... update... just had a bit of a sour taste in my mouth with a bit of indigestion. Nothing else. However, it scared me so bad that i took a teaspoon of Bromelain (Pineapple enzyme) right after it happened to increase my stomachs chances of digesting it fast and quick so that I would not get sick. Thanks~
OK, zombie thread, but.....

I do remember when I used to take my coffee with half and half. I didn't use so much that I would completely use a half quart before it went sour. And boy did it go sour. It would typically start separating too.

Still - sour milk could conceivably have food poison.

Must have finally killed the OP as she hasn't posted since Oct of '15. ;)
Welcome to the DIS.

A 2 day flight from East coast to West, did it need to stop in Australia on the way?

Have any of the posters who drank sour milk 10 years ago been back? I'd like to know their fate ;)
Actually, the flight was a nice one. Except for two extra long waits after boarding. The first one caused me to miss my connecting flight and made my luggage ride solo. However, they put me up in a really nice full suite hotel room with stove, fridge, dishes, large desk, 50 inch cable tv, couch, dining table, microwave and dishwasher. So I was clean and rested!
What's weird (could be cuz it's a Zombie thread) is Jevs when I was writing my 'OP must have died' post, BCLA's post was the only post on which is weird as you posted a good few minutes afterwards!! :crazy:
Zombie thread or not, print & post this checklist on your fridge door:

Food Spoilage Tests For Dairy Products

Milk is spoiled when it starts to look like yogurt.

Yogurt is spoiled when it starts to look like cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese is spoiled when it starts to look like regular cheese.

Regular cheese is nothing but spoiled milk anyway and can't get any more spoiled than it is already.

Cheddar cheese is spoiled when you think it is blue cheese but you realize you've never purchased that kind.

You’ll probably be fine, maybe a little stomach upset if it’s actually “bad,” unless you’re one of those idiots who buys non-pasteurized milk.

Hello, pasteurization came about because it SAVES lives. The granolanaturedodos pushing unpasteurized products today are bringing disease and death back when it’s completely preventable. Gwyneth Paltrow needs a swift kick in the head with an iron boot and her unscientific nonsense company needs to die a public desth. She’s a menace to public safety.
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