Sick & confined to stateroom- Anyone else ?

Piglet- That is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO disgusting! Even seeing someone vomit would literally make me vomit. I can't believe that you yourself saw so many sick people. That is unreal. I could never eat dinner after watching someone throw up next to me. Never. I've been at the YMCA before and seen kids throw up and they clear the pool for an hour. I really wonder if people are too scared to go to medical for fear of quaranteen. If you just vomit, you are on your own to decide how long to stay in your room? Is that right? The only people who are forced to stay in their room are those who actually go to the doctor?
Yahoo is reporting that 250 passengers aboard the Sun Princess just came down with similar symptoms....

The story: here
monie516: Happy to see you made it back. I guess you had to drive, huh? Don't know if we saw the one of Chrissy by the pool, but bought one from Castaway Cay of her and another of TJ. Actually Chrissy is sick now. She had a temp. of 102, it is down to 99. No vomit or anything. she is just very blah. Took her to the doctor and it is not strep either, something viral. Hope she is better for school tomorrow.

KPGclark: yes, people do not want to be in their room for 72 hours, so they do not go to the doctor. Maybe they just hope it will pass and in a way I don't blame them since you want to make the most of your vacation. It is just not fair to everyone else.
When the boy next to us a dinner got sick, we were done eating and did pass on dessert. No one made a scene. They moved him as if nothing happened. The rest of their party moved to another table. I watched in amazement. You would think the "head server" who you must tip$6.50/pp would have requested we move as well. Just don't get it???
Oh no poor Chrissy! Sydney actually has a nasty cough. Think that was probably floating around too :) While waiting the 2 hours in the med center several people came in for cough syrup for their children. Wish I could confine her to her room now that we're home-lol.
I am really concerned for the people who got our room this trip. No way our "helpful" hostess cleaned it well enough! I pray they don't get sick too. Tried to contact someone onboard to have them check on them, but mo response yet.
Evertime I feel tempted to try a cruise, I read a thread like this and lose interest. I just wanted to add that as far as sick people keeping their germs to themselves, that applies in lots of situations. I've read many Disney trip reports in which sick people didn't want to waste their vacations lying in their hotel beds so they take their fevers into the parks, etcetera, touching things and breathing in the jammed and cramped spaces. Of course, this applies to sick people who feel the need to go to work or school as well. It's a shame, but what can one do?

You've never cruised before?
We've had several already and really enjoy them. Yes, people get sick and even we had to isolate ourselves for a while due to cold symptoms on our last cruise (that started at WDW our first night there), but our son never got it - maybe he is a better handwasher than we are!!!

I just spent a week caring for DS who started with a high fever and sore throat then a persistant, hard cough. Even with an MD note, his teacher said that as long as he didn't have a fever, he could come to class!! I was very surprised because I don't think ill children should be in class because (1) if they are sick, they can't learn, (2) their immune systems are already compromised and (3) others get ill.

Some people don't take precautions and that can spoil it for the rest.
But please try a cruise - they really are nice.

Do you guys think that the kid's clubs are the main breeding ground for this stuff? Maybe I should keep my guys out of there. What do you think?
I think the kids club could be where it starts. Our tablemates kids were the 1st to be sick. On Sat and Sunday there were no antibacterial wipes being "isued" in the kids club. Don't remember seeing them on trays at buffets either. On Sunday night each child and parent leaving kids club was given one to use before they left. Sunday late night the kids got sick. My husband started showing symptoms on Monday am. When I asked about this I was told the club was simply unprepared to hand out wipes until Sun evening- I found that hard to believe.
When my kids went to the club on Sunday, they were taken to the washroom immediatley to wash their hands. It seems they were asked to wash their hands everytime they were there. Don't know if thats where is starts but it is a good possibility. Someone could just be carrying it without showing symptoms and before you know it everyone coming in contact with that person/persons could get it.??
Sometimes I hear of stories (recently) if someone is diagnosed with gastointestinal illness and is isolated to their room for 72 hrs, that the passengers are given a choice to get off early in the cruise and given vochures for another cruise (since they left the ship early) or if you choose to stay on they provide all the room service, alcohol, VCR with movies, magazines (all free) and then you file a claim against your travel insurance for the days in isolation.

Your husband got sick on St Thomas and there was no place where you could leave the ship. Did you have travel insurance to cover the days he was in isolation and feeling better? It's a good idea to carry this ALWAYS, and now I understand the need. I feel for you for having to take care of a sick loved one on a cruise. If you leave him and have fun by yourself, you feel guilty. It's no fun. It's not the cruise you had planned all these months or almost a year. Your stateroom host definitely dropped the ball. He should have still continued to clean your room, but LAST in his routine so as not to infect the other rooms. Did he come in and spray the curtains and disinfect while your husband was sleeping? Did you have the "do not disturb" late in the evening so he couldn't come in to clean your room LAST in his evening routine. Did you call room service for food? Did you contact guest services after receiving the letter under the door for more clarification of options for procedures with room service for special food choices from the restaurants and not only the room service menu?

Sorry for all the questions, just trying to understand your situation and complaint.
Onour 12/7 cruise, there were some ill people but when DS went to the kids club the first thing he had to do was wash his hands. Now since he and I both had ear infections and I told him he could not go underwater until snorkle time in grand cayman he opted to stay out of the pool, DH and I did not use the pools either, used the jacuzzi once but I wonder if the pools is the culprit?
I know DH and I have commented that we see so many adults use the bathroom and never wash their hands. Easy to blame the kids but we adults should know better.

My son has spent a lot of time with the Oceaneer's Club children and never even came down with a sniffle. He told me that they had to sing a full song while washing their hands. Not a bad idea since it does take proper handwashing to combat germs.

This year he's been home a total of 12 days due to children coming to school sick (last week was a total of 5 days straight with a high temp, sore throat and cough). I know the "unwritten rule" is that if there is no fever, you can send them but I just won't do that. If he is sick, he needs to be home and not compromising his immune system or infecting others.

Originally posted by Hopkins
Your husband got sick on St Thomas and there was no place where you could leave the ship.

It sounds like maybe he was sick before St Thomas. They could have offered to send them home from there, if the 72 hours confinement was not acceptable. It sounds like that's what they've offered to others.
We put out the do not disturb but told our hostess she was welcome to knock anytime. We just wanted it as a safety measure since he was sick and sleeping or otherwise. That way noone else would disturb him- we ahd some roudy kids on our hall and hoped it might quiet them a bit. She never stopped by.
As I said earlier we were misinformed about the price of insurance and didn't purchase it. My friend also traveling w/ us discovered the error and did buy it, but forgot to mention it to me
:( until it was too late.
Spoke with guest services and voiced concerns they had no response and I was simply given a note with the corporate address.
Finally got him a vcr after 4 phone calls. That's my point really- no one went out of their way at all to assist us or put forth any effort to make things easier. The note said we hope that our crew have been sensitive to your situation and have made every effort to make your time aboard as comfortable as possible. Husband called for books or amgazines - never received anything.

The ultimate insult was when DD and I were attending the last show and a child was crying because the Hercules show wasn't on again. A cast member asked the mother I a voice loud enough for plenty of us to hear- "I'm so sorry would you like us to have the character come to the suite?" Several other parents nearby just shook their heads. Must be nice- we couldn't even get our room cleaned!
Gillian- I wish they would have made that offer. We would have taken them up on it. We opted to take the cat 11 to save some money since we wouldn't spend much time in the room-lol! In addition, our hostess just couldn't seem to find room to store ANY of our suitcases. The 10 (yes I counted them) from the people across the hall in a higher category were all stored). Imagine the hurdle jumping my husband did on his may trips back and forth to the bathroom. Several pieces of our luggage were too large to fit under the bed.
Don't let our bad situation influence your decision not to cruise. We have cruised before on another line and had a fabulous time. I agree with the person that said crew is simply hardened to the illness at this point. It's just sad to be the one sick now that they are so unconcerned about it.
Monie--While I'm sorry to hear that your DH was ill, it seems to me that there were other issues that you possibly brought on yourselves. First, the insurance. Regardless of the expense, when weighed against the alternatives, you should have taken it. You chose not to, and that was your decision. But IMHO DCL is not responsible for reimbursing you. Period. As the saying goes "Penny wise is Pound foolish" The issue should be with your TA, not DCL. I would see if there is something the TA is willing to do for you (Although I wouldn't count on it.)

As far as not getting the room cleaned, perhaps there was a misunderstanding between you and your steward. Most of them are ESL, and it's possible that she didn't understand your telling her to come by even though the do not disturb was out.

As far as the luggage, it sounds like perhaps you really overpacked. Last I knew DCL was teling people that they had to store their luggage in their own cabins. IMHO that should be the case across the boards. At any rate, is it possible that by the time you asked for your luggage to be stored, any available storage space was already full? At that point what would you like the staeward to do? Remove someone elses luggage to store yours? And I'm sure this won't be popular, but IMHO the higher the Category, the higher the service should be, including perks like luggage storage. Most people realize that there is a limited amount of storage and bring luggage that can nest inside itself, or that will fit under the bed.

Again, I'm sorry that your DH was ill, and I hope you'll choose to cruise again, but next time you'll be better prepared for the "what if's".

Monie: We were quarantined on the 1/19 wonder. I've got a lot of details in my trip report if you'd like to see how we were treated.

I am very sorry that your vacation was spoiled. In cruise chat Friday, I did mention that I was glad we were only on the 7 day, as our daughter was fine by Thursday morning when we got off, and we would have still been quarantined for another day and a half.

After we were quarantined, our regular stateroom host didn't come in again. We were told that a "special" host would be taking care of our room. Basically, it was someone who had extra training in handling the "infectious" waste. But I did notice that he wasn't nearly as nice as our regular host. He did make a towel animal for us, but only after our kids asked for it. Several times, we just stuck our heads out and got extra towels. They didn't take ours away with the regular ones. The "infectious" guy took them away. When we wanted them taken care of, we just called guest services and they sent that guy.

As far as compensation, we had the option for any food and beverage in our room, VCR and videos, etc. We also did have travel insurance, so we plan on filing for some refund.

Again, sorry for your difficulties. Lisa


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