SHIP OF FOOLS SISTERHOOD - Strong & Healthy in 2005!!!


DIS Veteran
Jul 21, 2003
Hello August 20th Ship of Fools Sisters! Want to get or stay strong and healthy in 2005? We need to be prepared to be with the LooneyHOODs in August - ROFL!!!

This thread will be dedicated to our sisters being strong and healthy. Join us with your wisdom and suggestions!


Try to increase your water intake. Suggested new beginnings =

1. 8 oz. of water immediately upon waking.
2. 16 oz. of water at lunch.
3. 16 oz. of water at dinner.
4. 8 oz. of water before bed.

Also drink water without counting throughout the day, and you will at least have your eight 8 oz. glasses of water per day, probably more!

Make this a new habit!!!

***Also, best wishes to our Fearless Leader Bmwdsny - Melinda on Monday! She takes on a new position in addition to her already 24/7 job of being a mom & wife and returns back to the professional work force on Monday.

WAY TO GO MEL!!!!!!!

The Ship of Fools Sisterhood are STRONG WOMEN!!!

Barbara ;)

If I drink all that water, I'll be spending more time in the bathroom than I did when I was pregnant with Haley!

Renee', you are too funny!! This may "seem" like a lot of water, but if you actually measure out 8 oz., it's more like the amount in one of those little sippy cups Haley drinks out of. Sixteen ounces is basically one of our "usual" glasses for beverages. You do run to the restroom more often in the beginning and that is a pain, but it will level out, I promise! The more water you have in your system, the better you will feel!

Happy drinking!

Barbara :)
Barbara, these are all good ideas. I have been doing Weight Watchers for about three years now. I have about 10 pounds to go to my goal and these are the kind of the things I need to focus on again. My goal is to be at goal by the May Repo cruise.

The biggest advise I can give is watch your portions. You don't have to clean your plate! Eat slowly and only eat until you are satisfied, not full.

Here's to a Happy, Healthy New Year! :drinking:
Barbara, thanks for starting this thread. I already drink 64 oz of water a day (and spend a lot of time in the bathroom!). I need help on eating less food!!!!

Melinda, good luck at work tomorrow!

That's my problem as well. Too much food and not enough good food. I do try to drink water during the day. Not sure I consume what you've listed but I'm going to try to do so now. If you could just come and put a padlock on my mouth, that would really help.
Oh Barbara, what a wonderful thread you started!!! First of all, thanks for the acknowledgment of me starting to work...AHH!! :eek: One great thing about this job is that i only work school hours. Thanks goodness i have weekend and summer off!! It will take me awhile to get used to the new routine but i i'll do it!!

This is a great thread to encourage one another. My DH is starting weight watchers at his work,..Bunch of teachers and Adminisitrators have WW together starting Monday at Bob's work in school. Wish i could join, but i am not employed there, (spouses are not welcome!! :guilty: :rolleyes: ) but Bob will get me info...I just have to lose a few pounds and get healthy again and get away from SWEETS!! Me, bad!!
Keep this thread up and encourage one another.
Good going Barbara!! ::yes::
Our group is Weight Watchers at Work. I am the coordinator for our office. Mel if you need any info, just ask me, I know the program inside and out :guilty:

The most important thing about getting in shape/losing weight, is to make it fun and/or easy. If you don't like what you're doing, you will not keep up with it. Maybe all of you and this discussion will get me going again. I got injured last June and still am not 100% so I haven't gotten back to the excercise. That has to start now!!
Hello Ladies,
I've just now found you here after reading "Ship of Fools" threads. Sounds like I found you just in the nick of time. I'm needing a little support with a wt. goal. I've never dieted before in my life! But with my newly developed "back fat", I've gotta do something soon! The new year is an appropriate start date. I'll be checking out WW since you all seem to think it's worth your while. I'm not an overeater , just eating the wrong stuff( pastas and breads) at the wrong times( before bed at 1:00 am). :charac2:
I'm turning 40 in March. I just don't process those carbs like I used to.
Oh well, enough about that.

To BMWDSNY, I am the same person with the 3 girls on the penpal list that you wondered about on the other thread. We don't get to hang out much on a computer which is why you and your DD didn't hear from me and mine.
I hope to run into you and all the other regulars at the dismeet in Allentown. Should be great fun.
Hello Ladies,
I've just now found you here after reading "Ship of Fools" threads. Sounds like I found you just in the nick of time. I'm needing a little support with a wt. goal. I've never dieted before in my life! But with my newly developed "back fat", I've gotta do something soon! The new year is an appropriate start date. I'll be checking out WW since you all seem to think it's worth your while. I'm not an overeater , just eating the wrong stuff( pastas and breads) at the wrong times( before bed at 1:00 am). :charac2:
I'm turning 40 in March. I just don't process those carbs like I used to.
Oh well, enough about that.

To BMWDSNY, I am the same person with the 3 girls on the penpal list that you wondered about on the other thread. We don't get to hang out much on a computer which is why you and your DD didn't hear from me and mine.
I hope to run into you and all the other regulars at the dismeet in Allentown. Should be great fun.
I need to make a lot of changes to my lifestyle, hopefully losing some weight before our cruise. Sometimes, it seems like trying to climb Mount Everest! :earseek:

However, focusing on just one thing to start might be a good way to go ... "I will drink more water every day this week" certainly seems more attainable than "I will lose 50 pounds this year" :D

My New Year's Resolutions kick in on Monday. (I have to finish up the holiday leftovers on Sunday, right? :flower1: ) A support site with people I know may be just the thing to get me started again.

Melinda - good luck at work on Monday. While starting back may seem scary, I know you're going to be great!

Arlene, I know this sounds harsh, but don't eat all the leftovers just to get rid of them. Throw them away. After Christmas dinner when my guests left and DH took his brother home, I threw away the cookies. Left a couple out for DH, but that's it.

Good luck everyone with whatever you do. I agree with Barbara, start with one thing small and then move on to the next thing. If you jump in and say "I will lose 50 pounds", you will get discouraged, especially if the weight doesn't come off quickly. The water will help a lot. For a long time I would have 12 oz of water upon waking and then get two large glasses at work (32 oz and one large) and by mid afternoon I'd refill one. Then I'd have one at night. I got out of the habit and the weight loss stopped. That's not the only reason, but it did help.
Thanks for the water reminder - it's easy to get away from when you are drinking flavored coffee, egg nog and other treats!
Ok i had the 8 oz water upon waking...Of course, that was at 11 am, just a 1/2 hour ago!!
Was up all night chatting with DenverVal!! :earboy2:
Great to hear from everybody on this thread! Congrats Tracy, that is awesome about being just 10 lbs. from your goal weight!!!

I’m with all you sisters and for cutting down the eating! I am a lifetime member of Weight Watchers but have been off the boat for too long - initially due to an injury and then just due to very bad habits.

What I notice is that the more I balance – water, exercise, the food groups (including fruits and vegetables), the easier it is to decrease the portions. And, the food cravings decrease when this all comes in to balance. There are some rough beginning weeks though, lol, at least for me.

Sounds like Tracy can be our guide and mentor regarding WW strategies. Thanks Tracy! It is really a plan that works and thus greatly improves all areas of one’s life.

Have a great week all! Most of us are back to work after having a good vacation.

Special hugs to Mel for her first day of work tomorrow!!!

Anybody remember how long it takes to make a new routine habit? Ten weeks?

Drink your water this week everyone!

Mom2Belle&PeterPan said:
Anybody remember how long it takes to make a new routine habit? Ten weeks?

Twenty-one days. That's better than 10 weeks! What we learned recently in WW was the easiest way to break a bad habit is to replace it with a good habit. For instance, if you always sit in your chair and do nothing after work, you should plan to do something else that will keep you out of the chair for a while, something you like to do.

What we have done, we used to work out in the morning (at an ungodly hour of 4:15). After I got hurt, we stopped. Now we just watch TV. Now instead of trying to work out, we watch TV. Last week I told Bill if we are going to watch TV, we must do it in the basement (where the exercise equipment is). That way we don't have to work out, but we have to do the hard part (forcing us to go downstairs and to dress for it) so why not try to work out. So far so good. We didn't work out one day last week, but we also didn't sit in bed watching the news! Went to work earlier instead!

Mel, I'll send you a PM with your info. Not sure how much, what info you need, but it's a start.

Ok Tracey sounds good...Thanks!!

Barbara, What is good about tomorrow that my kids don't go back until Tues..(Don't ask me why!! Private school) :rolleyes: and my parents are still here so it will be an easy transition tomorrow to work!! :cheer2:
Mel, sent the PM. Have a great day in the "working" world tomorrow. It's hard enough running a family, but working too!! Glad it's just me and DH. I can't even keep up with that!!

If anyone else needs specific pointers with WW or program help, PM or e-mail me.



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