Shingles vaccine and timing


DIS Veteran
Jan 24, 2016
I am supposed to get my shingles vaccine this afternoon. An important meeting came up at work tomorrow so I have to be in the office for at least two hours in the morning. Should I reschedule the vaccine? How bad will I feel?
I just had some arm soreness, maybe a little more sleepy. It’s a 2 part vaccine spread out with a couple months for the 2nd shot.
I am supposed to get my shingles vaccine this afternoon. An important meeting came up at work tomorrow so I have to be in the office for at least two hours in the morning. Should I reschedule the vaccine? How bad will I feel?
First shingles vaccination was a piece of cake. Very minor soreness in my arm

Second shingles vaccination - not the same story. That one I got a big (about 3-4 inches across) red, hot, welt on my arm, and body aches all over. Also, super tired and fell asleep for a couple of hours that afternoon.
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It's so hard to know how people will react - everyone is different. I had no issues other than it developed a large, warm, red spot on my arm that was sore - it responded to icing and Advil though. Other people have been flat out sick for a few days.
My mom and husband got the shot last week and only my husband had a sore arm for the first night. They were both advised to be careful of the second one though!! My husband was told he shouldn't plan anything for the next day.
I felt feverish and achy the day after my shot, but more later in the day. So, I wouldn’t put it off, especially if your meeting is in the morning and not too long.
My husband & I both had the series last fall. We heard all the horror stories. Nothing but a sore arm that you get with any shot for both of us, with both the first & 2nd shots.
I saw my doctor on Friday, and asked about the shingles vaccine. She told me to put it off since I could feel bad for a few days, and I'm travelling on the 17th.
I saw my doctor on Friday, and asked about the shingles vaccine. She told me to put it off since I could feel bad for a few days, and I'm travelling on the 17th.

I've rescheduled it more than once because I don't have that kind of time open. I've had shingles once in my 20s so my doctor really wants me to get it ASAP.

Thanks, everyone. I think I'll reschedule to next week. I spent last week at Disney so I can't really miss more work for now.
Funny you bring this up. I got my first shingles shot, no problem at all. With the second I felt pretty awful for 2 days

We met friends for dinner Saturday night. The first thing my friend asked is if I had the shingles shot and how it went. I told him. He had gotten his second the day before and was feeling like crap.
First shingles vaccination was a piece of cake. Very minor soreness in my arm

Second shingles vaccination - not the same story. That one I got a big (about 3-4 inches across) red, hot, welt on my arm, and body aches all over. Also, super tired and fell asleep for a couple of hours that afternoon.
The same with me. The first shot was easy, the second was not. BUT ... I'd previously had a mild case of shingles and that was enough for me to know I didn't want it again. Even if I knew the second shot was going to be bad, I'd still do it.
It really is interesting How peoples experiences vary. The first shot was really tough for me, but the second was no issue at all although I did time it for a Friday so I could rest over the weekend if I needed to.
My first shingles shot was pretty bad - fever, achy, really sore. I was not productive for a couple of days.

But, you might be fine. It's hard to know.
Yep - this. The second dose was the one that kicked my bad that I reported for Covid testing at a government facility. I was sure something was seriously wrong. I’d not get the shot before an important event. Plan it for a Friday afternoon before a slack weekend, just to be safe.
My dad never reacts to vaccines. But he reacted pretty strongly to both shingles shots. Fever, extreme fatigue, chills, overall flulike symptoms. If he HAD to be somewhere, he could have done it, but he wouldn't have been much good for anything. He also reacted to the three-shot combination he got recently: RSV, high-dose flu, and Covid booster. We're guessing it was the RSV, since he got the other two together just fine last year.

My general rule of thumb for any vaccine I haven't had before: Do it right before the weekend. If you don't react, great! But if you do, you have time to recover.


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