Shape up before you sail!

Add me to the list. I'm hoping to lose 30 lbs. I can't believe I just typed that!! I hate that number! For those of you w/ MIL issues, mine pulled out a scale one Christmas to see who weighed more, me or her!! She even called my mom and told to watch what I was eating. I was very, very tiny when we married, I know I'll never see that again. I'm just hoping to want to be in pictures again. We actually get along now and no more comments about my weight. It definitely gives me hope to know I'm not the only one struggling w/ these issues. Good luck to everyone!!:thumbsup2
I have been using Light & Tasty cookbooks. They're great because they have some affordable recipes and some easy ones!!

:rotfl2: :rotfl: I actually laughed out loud...I can't believe your MIL pulled out a scale!!!! I think I would hate her for life!

I have lost 7 lbs in the last two months, but have been less than motivated lately about my eating habits. I'm doing Zumba at the Y 4 days a week and love it, but I've only got until March 28th to get this weight off. At this point, I would be jumping up and down if I could lose 10 more before my cruise. So.....add me to the list. Maybe this thread will help me stay on track.:cheer2:
I started WW online in December. The original plan was to loose 25 lbs by the time of my cruise. I have been working out at Bally's about 5 days a week. So far I am down almost 20lbs but want to loose another 20 by March 22nd.
I am hoping my swim suit isn't too big by that time!
I think this is great! I'm going to check this thread daily to help motivate me to stay good on the food part while I am recouping from the surgery. My doctor says that I can start mild exercise around the first week of March. That will give me almost 9 weeks before we leave for WDW May 1st.
:thumbsup2 Congrats to all you 'losers' - winners:cheer2: I still have 15 lbs to go, tough to stay motivated on cold, snowy days that make me want to cook big 'comfort food' meals?! I think I'll have to do about 100 spin classes in the next 2 weeks! :crazy2:
OK- I'm onboard. LOL I need to lose alot of weight, but before my cruise which is in June, I want to try to get down about 20-25 lbs at least. That's about 1 lb. a week- DH and I belong to the Y- so we are trying to go 3-4 times a week. I have already lost about 8 lbs. so I feel better, but will continue to keep up.:thumbsup2 Good luck everyone!!
I am trying to lose another 10(lost 13 last year). I just got a DVD from Jillian of Biggest Loser called Shred. WOW is all I can say. I actually don't care for her, but heard this was a great dvd. The workouts are just 20 min, but you will definitely feel it. I am at the end of my first week.

My main problem is portion control from 3-6pm... can't seem to get my eating under control then.

Wish I were on a cruise right now, this january weather isn't helping any!!!!
My main problem is portion control from 3-6pm... can't seem to get my eating under control then.

That is my worst time, too. I can make the 4 hours from breakfast to lunch just fine. But the 5 - 6 hours from lunch to dinner is nearly impossible, even though I have a snack in there. I always want MORE! :confused3
Yeah! I'm so glad I'm not alone in the "oh-my-goodness-I-have-a-cruise-coming-up-and-I-look-like-this" panic!!! Something about the ship makes me feel bigger. I blame the slightly smaller hallways, lower ceilings, etc... Maybe it's the fact that I'm never far away from my bathing suit! If I can meet my goal I'm going to treat myself to a massage. I've never had one and can't think of a better spa start with!

I've done 2 miles of power walking today (one this morning and one this afternoon). I'm going to try and Wii Free Step tonight during Grey's Anatomy.

Let's keep up the momentum!
LOL....and I always feel a little smaller in big, bulky winter clothes, then trying on bathing suits & shorts in late Jan is really scary! Treat yourself to a massage anyway, they are heavenly and your working so hard for it!:cheer2:
Ok, I am convinced -- I am pulling the Wii Fit out of the box (got it last Friday) and starting to use that! I am working with a trainer now once a week and started swim lessons last night (yes, I admit it, I am not a strong swimmer).

I want to lose weight for the cruise but also need to lose weight so I will have an easier time doing the triathalon this year (did it last year -- took me FOREVER).

I guess it is time to Hula Hoop on the wii fit!!! Ok, off to go walk with the neighbors (I am so motivated now!).
I have had love handles for a long time now and I've been trying to find different work outs to help them go away and also watching what I eat but it's not helping. Anyone that has had success on their love handles please let me know.

I just lost 12 lbs and am leaving on Saturday....and yes, I lost it for the sole purpose of gaining it back next week. :rotfl2: I can't wait to eat a carb!
I have had love handles for a long time now and I've been trying to find different work outs to help them go away and also watching what I eat but it's not helping. Anyone that has had success on their love handles please let me know.


I have a 10 Minute Solutions Pilates video that I use. I was really surprised at the workout I got after just 10 minutes. Back when I was using the video 4-5 times a week, the abdominals work-out really whittled away the love handles! (I was also walking 1-2 miles at least 3 times a week.) Unfortunately I didn't keep up with it and with all the eating I did during the holidays, I really need to get back on track!
I just lost 12 lbs and am leaving on Saturday....and yes, I lost it for the sole purpose of gaining it back next week. :rotfl2: I can't wait to eat a carb!

My dh swears that he gains a pound a day on the cruise. Great. I won't think about that now though...
I have a 10 Minute Solutions Pilates video that I use. I was really surprised at the workout I got after just 10 minutes. Back when I was using the video 4-5 times a week, the abdominals work-out really whittled away the love handles! (I was also walking 1-2 miles at least 3 times a week.) Unfortunately I didn't keep up with it and with all the eating I did during the holidays, I really need to get back on track!

What is the video called? Can I get it online? I really would like to try this out if you say it works. I've tried a lot of things and they don't seem to be going away. Thanks for the advice. I cruise on the March 8th wonder maybe I'll get to work and hope they are at least less visable. Another question how long do you think it took to start noticing a change? I know they won't be gone by the cruise but at least less visable.

Started WW Two weeks ago....and doing a walking dvd 5 x's a week...hope to lose 10-15lb...

Just got to keep going.....
I wasn't really thinking about it until I pulled out the scrapbook from our last trip and saw a pair of jeans I haven't worn in a while :sad2: ! Of course that trip was three years and a baby ago but still... So I'm hoping to drop at least a size. I've started power walking with resistance bands and playing on the Wii Fit every day. I should do something like wieght watchers but I don't have babysitter to watch my kids so I can't do anything that has meetings. That's my problem with gyms too...

I started WW in Jan also, i joined online....
SOme one may have already said that but i have not read everything.

I started at 150 last i weghed in i was 143....
My goal is 130 but secretly woudl like to be at least 125.

I have a hard time because i am a Manager of a bagel shop and it has become habit to not eat until i am starving then the easiest thing to grab is a bagel.....OF COURSE.
What is the video called? Can I get it online? I really would like to try this out if you say it works. I've tried a lot of things and they don't seem to be going away. Thanks for the advice. I cruise on the March 8th wonder maybe I'll get to work and hope they are at least less visable. Another question how long do you think it took to start noticing a change? I know they won't be gone by the cruise but at least less visable.


There is a whole series of "10 Minute Solutions" videos. Mine is the pilates workout. I bought mine at Wal-Mart several years ago. You'll probably be able to find a used one online! LOL! Also, I would think any pilates workout that targets the abs will give you the same results...

I'm not sure how long it was before I noticed the time I was also really watching what I ate and walking regularly, too. Maybe a month????


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