Random WDW Info - I Never Knew!

WDW Poly Princess said:
I recently read that it costs $35,000 to do Illuminations each night, and $85,000 per night for Wishes!

We were told by an Illuminations Cruise Captain that Disney spends $100K in fireworks every night, but that they sold enough turkey legs each day to cover the expense!
cindyfan said:
they used to be pretty strict about not letting the costumes "cross over" into another "land".... but not so much anymore.
the CMs do use the Utilidors, but they can still walk around to the other lands in their costumes. This is a change I have noticed over the last 5 -6 years.

Unless there is an emergency, no CM is allowed to walk through a land they are not wearing the costume for. The only other "exception" is duing parade times where they will come out of specific doors that may not be in their land in order to set up. This one is in particular to Fantasyland CMs that I have seen come out of a Lib Sq door with poles and ropes for parade.
EEyorelover22 said:
Drummer71 said:
I know that one of the Green Army Men was a female.

I'm sure there are plenty of female toy soldiers, but there's also alot of women in the millitary too. But I'm 100% possotive that a TinkerBill does not exist.
Since Walt Disney died before he could finish planning the layout of Magic Kingdom and the rest of Disney World, the imagineers were left with nothing but a blank page. So they went after the layout of Disneyland without Walt's guidence. So if Walt Disney hads till been alive when they were building Disney World the MK could have had a whole different kind of lay out.
Drummer71 said:
EEyorelover22 said:
I'm sure there are plenty of female toy soldiers, but there's also alot of women in the millitary too. But I'm 100% possotive that a TinkerBill does not exist.
How do you know this? I have heard here and on other messageboards that the KTTK guides tell them that it has been Tinkerbells and Tinkerbills!
Tigger22 said:
- Speaking of the MK garbage cans, Walt originally wanted all the garbage cans to be "bottomless"....like a vacuum system that would draw all the garbage to one location so they wouldn't have to be physically emptied. I can't recall the exact reason why they couldn't do.
At the time, they couldn't figure out how to regulate the suction needed throughout the system; if the system was kept constantly pressurized to pull trash from the farthest point, the intermediate cans and/or pipes would have collapsed!
I know people who have worked in costume at both WDW and DL, and they have told me that for head-covered characters, they can be male or female. One of them told me he played Minnie and Daisy on several occasions when he worked at DL several years ago . . . the WDW employee was too tall and was the bears mostly. ;) If your head is covered and you have the build for it, you can play any character. I'll have to ask them about Tinkerbills.
BlindTyldak said:
If your head is covered and you have the build for it, you can play any character. I'll have to ask them about Tinkerbills.

Sometimes your head doesn't even have to be covered. A male friend of mine used to appear in disney parades as one of Cinderalla's ugly stepsisters. Cute guy but as a woman...he was perfect as an ugly stepsister. :rotfl:
Tigger22 said:
-The hidden Donald is in the HM in MK. It's in the white design of a red armchair.

This is true. But as of Sept. that chair is MIA because it is being refurbished. Does anyone know if it has come back? I really love that chair would hate to see it go.
This would be useful for anyone who is thinking of taking the Disney Vacation Club tour. They will pick you up at any of the DVC kiosks throughout the resort. We were told to do the one in Epcot WS if it works out. So, we did. It is right by the American Pavillion. We spent our morning touring FW and started on the WS. We set up our appointment for 3. We were just getting to America at about that time. So, it was a great break for us to be picked up there. But, the best part about it is that you get to see behind the scenes at Epcot. They take you out a back entrance. Definitely nothing you'd get on a tour, but a fun part of Epcot you don't normally get to see. If you have children with you they warn you that they might have to duck if a character comes out of a trailer. Sometitmes they aren't wearing a head! We returned to the exact same spot after the tour and got to finish our tour of Epcot refreshed.
The entire outside of the ball is smooth, it just LOOKS like the triangles are sticking out all over the place.

BTMRR probably means "Big Thunder Mountain Rail Road." Man, all the initials people use sometimes drive me up the wall. Why can't people say what they mean, instead of using all those initials? Hoo Ha!
I don't know if anyone mentioned this already since I just skipped to the last page, but teh Main Street Bakery doesn't pump the smell onto Main St any more. They used to and have now stopped because of environmental purposes. Did you know that Main St is slanted toward the train station. This helps make the castle look farther away and the train station closer. They do this because you are full of energy in the morning and exhausted by the end of the night and wont want to make that long walk.
tn_disney_addict said:
We were told by an Illuminations Cruise Captain that Disney spends $100K in fireworks every night, but that they sold enough turkey legs each day to cover the expense!
Funny, A friend of mine talked to one of the lead techs who happened to be standing next to him at Illuminations one night and he told him it was around only $3,500. Disney is the largest purchaser of fireworks in the world and thus gets a good price.
GrimGhost said:
Funny, A friend of mine talked to one of the lead techs who happened to be standing next to him at Illuminations one night and he told him it was around only $3,500. Disney is the largest purchaser of fireworks in the world and thus gets a good price.

We were told the $30,000 number for IllumiNations. We took the cruise and that is what he told us.


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