Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

The banana bread was cooling and DD was making dinner. I had resisted a hot slice earlier so that I could enjoy dinner, as it doesn't take much to fill me up.

Just went in the kitchen and DD is roasting some potato wedges and pan frying some fish. There's a missing slice of banana bread. Hmmm. She said she was starving, lol.

I'll have mine with some hot tea later.
Hello Quacker friends.

Just stopped in and saw Don was in the hospital. More prayers from me too Lynn.

He's 70 today
Oh my, he's still a young guy! I say this as I will turn 71 in January.
That's was I was going to say too. I was 70 last February.

We always had the pepperidge farm stuffing from the bag.
Had to comment here. My mom used this and I still do too. And now DD is.

I'm very grateful to have family that will do this now as I get older. It's a lot of work as I could never just keep things simple.
I agree. DD is hosting dinner for us and her in-laws. DS is going to his in-laws. I will have both kids Friday for dinner with something other than turkey, probably baked ziti.

Hope all are doing well. We are busy planning our next trips. Two already booked and two in the works. And have to watch the littles grow and try to see often. Plus yoga twice a week, Bible study, and volunteer work at church.

Have a grateful Thanksgiving.
Just went in the kitchen and DD is roasting some potato wedges and pan frying some fish. There's a missing slice of banana bread. Hmmm. She said she was starving, lol.
Many a time have I been "too hungry to cook"! - Sometimes you have to grab a quick snack to muster up the energy to make healthy food for everyone else. 😆
Lynn Prayers for you and Don today.

Judique Warm banana bread sounds so good. I have a new blueberry banana oatmeal muffin recipe I want to try.

Carol Good to see you drop by.

Good morning. Today will be colder than the weekend, around 50. I am fighting a cold that I know I got from one of the grandkids as he was coughing yesterday. I was up coughing part of the night and finally took some Dimetapp. Very tired today. Trying to work should be interesting. Thanksgiving day I will be at the condo myself. Kenny works and Jeff and family go to Aimee's family. I have had 3 people invite me to their dinners but I am not going to do that. We are getting together on Friday. I will spend time making a couple of desserts for Friday. I found a pecan pie recipe that does not use corn syrup and gets great reviews. I think I will try that one along with my usual chocolate cream pie.

Have a good day.
Happy Monday!🍂

Back to work finally after being sick for 2 weeks. Thankfully I'm feeling much better.:thumbsup2

Met up with the kids yesterday morning for breakfast at Cracker Barrel. I was just wanting to meet up with them since I don't see them much but they considered it my birthday outing so they brought my present. They got me a new baseball hat that I wanted and a grill cover for the new grill (which I really needed). Mia's birthday is Wednesday but I won't see her again until her party on Saturday.princess:

I was off all weekend so the dogs were very happy about that :dog:🐶. Boomer's paw is doing much better so the medicine helped. He split his toenail and wouldn't put any pressure on that paw for about 5 days. After just a few days of the medicine, he was walking normal.

Got all my Halloween decorations 🎃 put away on Friday and stacked my deck furniture in the corner and covered that up. Hopefully the grass can get by with just 1 more cut this week.

We're trying to decide what to do for Thanksgiving 🦃. Jacob & Livia go to her parent's for dinner so I said everyone can come to my house for brunch or we can go somewhere. I'd rather just make brunch at home and whoever wants to stay for the football games are welcome to stay. It would be cheaper for me to go out but for the kids it would be $60 (2 people).

I didn't go back to last week to catch up so sorry if I missed something from each of you. If I'm slow at work today I might scroll back.:surfweb:

Have a great day! :wave:
Good Morning Friends,

Mercy of Christ, I slept much better night. Such an extra blessing indeed. I am in some pain already this morning. So frustrating! I just got disconnected after waiting forever to talk with someone about healthcare options. I had been transferred to customer service when this happened. Oh well I shall try again.

:grouphug:Lynn along with many new morning prayers and love.

Snowysmom:hug:please take care my friend and feel better. Chocolate pie sounds tasty!

Footballmouse:cheer2:and praises extra to God indeed. I am so glad you are finally feeling better. PLEASE take care of yourself! You are constantly on the go and do so much for others. Slow down my friend and take time to rest and for you!

Hugs of course always to you as well dear PollyannaMom.

Have a good Monday everyone. I will check back in later.
I slept much better night. Such an extra blessing indeed. I am in some pain already this morning. So frustrating! I just got disconnected after waiting forever to talk with someone about healthcare options. I had been transferred to customer service when this happened. Oh well I shall try again.
So glad you’re making headway with this. 🥰
Oops, saw your update. Hang in there! It’s always a pain trying to deal with people on the phone!
Summer and I didn't get home until 8 pm. We were there from 9 am. The update is not good. They couldn't do the procedure because of bleeding, and they aren't sure if the very small sample they got will be enough to biopsy. His left lung is completely collapsed and the mass they thought was on the esophagus, is actually in the lung and coming out. They had to put him on a vent to do the little they did, and left him on it, in intensive care because he's having such a hard time to breathe, they want to try tomorrow to take him off.

All I can say is it doesn't look good, and if it's what they think, our options are very limited. I want him to be able to make his own decision if possible, but I'm not sure that's going to be possible at all. I'll write more when I can think straight. I'm exhausted and angry, sad, mad at the world and some of the people at the hospital. We got nothing but a run around and conflicting information all day. Things that weren't told to us, incorrect things that were told to us etc.

I'm preparing myself for the worst.

Will update tomorrow after we meet with the intensive care Doctor and Ben and Luke come down again and I have a meeting with them and Summer. We need to be on the same page in case he can't make his own decision.

Thank you all for caring and asking how he is. It means a lot to me
I figured it was a rough day. 😮‍💨 I’m glad he’s vented tonight so he can be comfortable and you can get some rest knowing he’s not having difficulty breathing. Praying tonight that tomorrow is a better day, that you can get some clearer answers, and that you can find someone there who you trust and can help you navigate this difficult course. 🙏🏻
Know we’re always here to support you and keep the candle burning. 🕯️ :grouphug:
All my love dear Lynn❤️Prayers beyond you get some rest tonight. I totally agree with Pea and Bobbi's posts. Just adding my own XO and care. May indeed you wholeheartedly know God is with you throughout and beyond. Of course, He is with Don, too. :grouphug:

Thank you, Pea:hug:I pray to have a better rest tonight again. More tomorrow.

Love to all.


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