Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

@lynxstch Can you get a wheelchair ramp? Sometimes a high school woodworking or construction class likes a project like that to help the community. (DS did a few projects like that in HS.) Maybe talk to the shop teacher(s) or principal, etc. It seems like, going forward, it’s going to be something you’ll need. We had to put in things for Mom, to, like a railing for her to walk from her car to her apt, when she was walking. She was small enough, fortunately, that we could lift her up in her wheelchair onto the front porch when needed. We had an ultralight wheelchair that was a Godsend for a long time. I know that won’t be an option for you, so the ramp may make the most sense.

ETA I was just looking on Amazon and they have some wheelchair ramps that seem relatively affordable, too.
@lynxstch Can you get a wheelchair ramp? Sometimes a high school woodworking or construction class likes a project like that to help the community. (DS did a few projects like that in HS.) Maybe talk to the shop teacher(s) or principal, etc. It seems like, going forward, it’s going to be something you’ll need. We had to put in things for Mom, to, like a railing for her to walk from her car to her apt, when she was walking. She was small enough, fortunately, that we could lift her up in her wheelchair onto the front porch when needed. We had an ultralight wheelchair that was a Godsend for a long time. I know that won’t be an option for you, so the ramp may make the most sense.

ETA I was just looking on Amazon and they have some wheelchair ramps that seem relatively affordable, too.

We tried the PT guy's ramps the other day. While I could back it down the steps on them, hubby is too heavy for me to push back up. And this is no light weight wheel chair either. It gets stuck at the little sill step going into the kitchen. I had asked about the ramps when he started rehab PT, and they told me that it probably would only make it harder on them. I am going to talk to our handyman as soon as he calls me back..and see what the thinks..if he thinks it will work, it will make his to do list that much longer, lol. He already has to put down our new kitchen floor, replace both the inside and outside back door, replace a few receptacles (thanks to a cat that likes to pee on them..ick), put down a new piece of plywood going up to our shed, and a few other things. He does metal roofs as a main job..so I have to wait till he has a week or so off (when weather is bad, etc) to come and start them.
Praise God for a wonderful report from your ortho visit, Lynn! Proud of Mr. L. How very kind of Luke and his SIL, God Bless them both. I am also thrilled to hear that your SIL and niece are going to Walmart for you! Please rest this afternoon, both of you! Oh my to $800! That is crazy! Did PT mean it would make it harder on them to progress with your DH? I hope not! A ramp or possibly better yet a scooter so your DH would not need to be pushed by you at all, seems to me like a much better solution! I do realize, of course, scooters may not be covered by your insurance. Just a suggestion, my friend.

Safe travels home to your DH and DD, AuntieMe3! Michaels wouldn’t cut it for free. Dad did not want to pay $10 for a wire cutter just for that! He said he may have something in his very own toolbox that would work. He did get some nice pink ribbon :) I was so sorry both you and your DD had to deal with Covid! Prayers that is long behind you both!

Beautiful rose picture, Pea! Prayers there will be no tornado! That’s a great suggestion about a wheelchair ramp.

Yikes, Carol. Sorry you were awakened like that. That is good to keep in mind with elderly folks and the volunteer fire department. Years ago, I perhaps could have used such a service a couple times for my Grandma. I did have to call 911 once when she had fallen in her bathroom.

I hope all of you are having a good afternoon.
QOTD: What's your go-to potato salad recipe?
This is my mom's. I've made it at least once but not more than twice. My mom's always tasted better than mine.


I love potato salad and don't hesitate to try someone else's when I get a chance. My BIL makes his mom's potato salad, it has pickles in it. It's pretty good. Wal Mart has a deviled egg potato salad that's pretty good too.

QOTD: Have you had a Covid test?
Yes, many of them. I had to have one every week last Fall so I could visit my mom in the nursing home. My last one was in January.

We got some good soaking rains the last couple of days. Today was 91 and it felt like 101. We're back up in the 90's now for awhile.

Lou Lou wore her Elsa dress to the grocery store today. She got a lot of attention. They've brought back the kid size grocery carts. I could do with out that but she had a grand time.

Dinner was girl's night with a couple of friends at Christina's, a mexican food restaurant. I had chicken fajita tacos with guacamole, rice and pinto beans.
Good rainy morning all. Its raining lightly, don't think its going to amount to much but its muggy and sticky out there. Hubby finally fell asleep around 2, with the tv on some religious channel. I got up and turned it off and he never moved. His legs were so tired last nite from all the attempts to get in the house, that he couldn't even do his walk into the kitchen to do his exercises at the sink. Will have to do them 2x today. PT and nurse both come today,,he wants PT to help him see if he can get into the bedroom and in and out of bed. I am still so tired that I need to go back to bed for awhile

@kirby,that is almost exactly my Mothers potato salad recipe..but we use way more than 4-6 tab miracle whip..I can't stand a dry potato salad. I tried that Devilled Egg Potato Salad from Walmart,,and it's just 'ok' by my standards, lol!

Mona..glad your Dad was able to get the chain off your cross for you!

Have a nice morning all ,,will be back later to check in

We had a good amount of rain yesterday (leftovers from "Fred") and the news now says we are to be hit Sunday and Monday with more (from "Henri"). - Wish I could share with those of you who need it!

I have my yearly mammogram today, and might do some shopping while I'm over that way. Then I have to make vet appointments for the cats (I got those little reminder cards in the mail) and figure out something interesting for dinner.
We need some rain our west. I think CA is always in a drought but this year has been much worse and they are calling for another dry winter so next year will bad. DH and DD made it to Santa Fe, NM last night. They could be home late tonight but DH said they'll probably take their time today and stop one more time. I enjoyed my alone time but last night I was a little lonely. LOL

We're having our septic tank pumped today....I feel bad for the guys doing it. It's hot out there and we have some hard dirt they need to get through to the tank....at least it's in the shade for them. The dogs are going crazy knowing someone is out there and they can't go out to play with them. :laughing:

Supposed to go to a Scentsy party tonight but not sure if I will or not. I have like 6 different friends who sell it so I already have a ton. LOL

@Allison Joy so happy to hear your test was negative....such a relief for you. Your name and avatar reminded me of this pic of my niece talking to Joy in California Adventure on Monday. :lovestruc

Don't mind her dirty shorts....lol She was eating a Mickey Bar and the chocolate melted all over....you should've seen the front of her shirt. :laughing:

@Kirby my daughter used to wear her costumes everywhere. LOL She probably wore those more than her regular clothes. 😆
The nurse and PT have both been here and gone (both at the same time actually). I think nursing is ready to discharge him from their portion of home care. PT noticed we had a set of steps Mr L had built for the cats in front of the kitchen window..and pulled them over by the kitchen sink and had him practice just putting one foot up on it, then the other. He is going to bring a set of kids steps he has at home next week so Mr L can actually climb up them. The cat ones are too narrow to get his foot on all the way. But PT and myself both noticed that Mr L is getting up from his chair to the walker, from the walker to the commode, and from the wheelchair to standing with no assistance. So he IS getting stronger, despite his claiming he isn't. Forgot to mention yesterday that when they took the xray at the ortho office,,the girl pretty much just yanked that arm sideways and held it while the other girl took the xray..and today hubby is saying the pain level is only a 1-2 instead of a 3-4..so maybe what she did helped it..lol. ITs sunny and 83 out,,but they just gave us a flood watch warning,,when there is only a 15% chance of rain?

@AuntieMe3 I have a lot of Scentsy products too,,but I find them to be way too overpowering for me . I can't leave them on for long or I get a headache. I keep passing on all the parties I have been invited to recently lol
Good Morning at last! 🐥

We had modem trouble earlier that resulted in nothing modem connected working. Grateful for cell phones that allowed dad and I to be in touch while he's at the laundry mat. Landline is useless (not a true hard-wired into wall just via cable modem) during any sort of outage. I have one friend that still has the old fashioned phone jack hookup. She's definitely keeping it!

I did enjoy reading the book version of Miracles from Heaven! Thank you Pea and PollyannaMom especially for the recommendation. I'll watch the movie version this weekend. I also need to still watch Miracle of the Cards.

Will check back later. Wishing all of you a lovely day :)
🐥 We had fun yesterday hitting a couple of our favorite mindless shopping haunts. Picked up a few things for fun.

Saw these, which I didn’t get, but probably should have, as they make me smile.



I also contemplated getting these for work, lol.


DD noticed this yesterday. It made her happy because she loves fall. Seems a little early to me!


DD started her first online graduate course and she’s enjoying it! Challenging material that is making her think outside the box and research things she hadn’t really thought of before. Asking me questions which I can give some feedback on, as well. Glad she‘s liking it so far. DS is working an insane amount of hours, not really by choice. Probably good to have a job like that when young so as to appreciate other, better jobs later on. At least he’s able to save some money. They found someone dead sitting on a bench the other day and it was really sad. Going to be a while before the boat can get in the water as the RMV and Environmental Police offices are closed due to Covid! 😬 We’ll be detailing it, though, so it‘ll be in good shape for spring. DS and DH still go fishing in their waders off shore so it’s not a total loss.

Wishing everyone a good weekend! 🌻
We have this to look forward to this weekend - Henri. Right over us early Monday.



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