Prince Charmsalot to Accompany the Damsels This Trip But You Must Pose w/ Princesses

Whoo hoo your trip is almost here! I always am enough around like a crazy person the day before getting nails done, last minute shopping, and cleaning around the house.

Hi Lori. Yeah.... what you said is pretty much why I haven't been on the Boards much the last few days. Too much to do! :worried:

Sounds like a lovely pre-trip prep day! You have to look nice to see Mickey!!! :rotfl2:

Thanks! And yes, I agree that I need to look nice to see Mickey. I seriously don't want him talking about me behind my back "did you see those split ends?" :rotfl:

Yay for 7 days! Love the new 'dos!! We leave Saturday to fly to my sisters so even though it is 11 days til Disney, it is only 6 til the start of our trip so I spent the weekend organizing the packing and making lists! Only a few things to still purchase and we will be set!

Yay for pre-WDW trip to see your sis! Actually your countdown until vacation is 4 more sleeps as well! :banana: Glad to know that someone is more organized and prepared than me!

Wo-Hoo!! for 7 days!!!!

You both look Fabulous!!

I have a pair of B'vlgari sunglasses! mine are prescription though! (I had lasik 4 years ago and my eyes are starting to deteriorate again.. I've gotten prescription sunglasses but stayed away from regular glasses. Thinking of getting a pair for my trip though :worried:)

You are so right that we all wish for everyone else to get back from their trips so we can here all about it but our own trips we hope the days go at a snail pace!

Hi Paula! I remember when radial keratotomy was all the rage and then lasik was the new and better option... I'll probably be ready for the next new age eye correction surgery as I age. :laughing:

I've gotta make it over to your PTR and get caught up. I've been working a TON so I can get caught up before I leave for 2+ weeks of vacation.

You're definitely on top of things! Haircuts, sunglasses, sunscreen, and McDonald's! The next week is definitely going to be a fun one as the days get closer.

Speaking of which, your post reminds me that I should be doing something to get ready. Although honestly, I can't think of anything that needs to be done. I have some clothes in the dryer, if that counts. :rotfl:

Ahem... if I had been around earlier I would have told you tick tock laddie (got it right this time) you need to get to packing!! :rotfl2:

And yes... fun is just around the corner. :banana:

I love your pampering ritual, Brenda! The sunglasses are stunning and classic.

Thanks Rosey! Hope you are enjoying all of your trip planning and of course your delicious baking and photography. I'm glad that you are sharing it all with us!
:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: for a girls day of salon, shopping etc. I LOVE the both look great.

I'm with you...I eat McDonald's and wonder how much I'm going to have to walk to get all that fat out.

Fun day...and you are at six days now.

Hi Kathy! Thanks for the hair compliment. I shouldn't admit this but I have NOT changed my hairstyle in gosh - ever! I'm too chicken to try something new and exciting. :rolleyes1

Glad you understand the whole fast food thing! (Not that I don't actually like the food - that's the problem, I actually do!)

Joining in here! Great PTR! I'm excited to hear more ::yes:: I'll be checking into YC the day after you check out of BW. Just think...this time next week you'll be in Disney!

Hi there AuroraNJ!! Thanks so much for stopping by and saying HI!! :) How exciting that your trip is only, what, a week away?? I will be at YC a few times to eat! We stayed at BC resort a couple of years ago and LOVED it. I hope you have a great time.

:woohoo: for the "girl's day out"! LOVE the new shades, too! :thumbsup2 You both look fabulous!

We actually did not have a "host" per se. A CM asked us if we wanted to be in the parade, we said sure, she asked us to meet back at City Hall. When we did, a photopass photog was waiting, we were rush-rush-rushed into the car (it was raining), and we didn't see her again after that! We didn't even catch her name! We went back to City Hall on our way out to find out who she was, but the CMs there said it could have been any number of people. :( So unfortunately, we never got to properly thank her for the wonderful experience.

The surprise? No, I'm no closer to finding out anything ... but I did catch him surfing on the Disney Florist website. :rolleyes1

At least you had the excitement of being IN the parade. I'm sure you have great memories nonetheless and a few photos I'm sure! We had a couple of days to anticipate the experience since our first gig was cancelled!

I am soooo looking forward to hearing about the surprise. At least it is narrowed down to something Disney related. :laughing:

You two are so cute!:)

I can't believe your trip is on Saturday! I can't wait for your return so I can get some food updates! Haha, no just joking. I hope your trip doesn't go too fast for your sake. You look forward to these trips for so long and then they just go past in a blink when you are there!

Hi Rachel! And I looking forward to eating so that you can read all of the reviews!!!! :rotfl2:

In the words of Billy Crystal..."You Look Marvelous"!!! :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

I must though admit that looking at these pictures today made me just a little bit sad, as yesterday I took my Emily back to college. And I'm missing her already. :worried:

But on a happier note...Only 4 more days!!! :woohoo:

Awww.. the mom in me gives you this ---->>>:hug: I read your update and although you made it all seem hilarious at times, I know the ride home was a bit melancholy. :sad2:

Thanks for the compliment. I now have that Billy Crystal line stuck in my head! ;)

BTW: I already commented on your Narcoosees Part II review but I showed my DH your photos of the lobster and the filet and he commented that he wants 2 lbs of lobster now!!! I'll just have to use that to bribe him into agreeing to a return trip.
Stupid work!!! Although my calendar is cleared pretty much through the first week of September I am counting down to only a couple days before I officially begin my vacation. The closer I get to actually saying sayonara for the next couple of weeks the more I get sucked into the craziness of pre-vacation madness! Sheesh! I can't wait to record the following message on my voice mail:

As you may be aware, I will be out of the office for the next 18 days which, if you can't tell by the desperation in my voice, is a much needed break. If you choose to leave a message, I may return your call when I sort through my 999+ emails, the 20 sticky notes on my desk, and the pile of requests overflowing in my in-box. Also, just so you know, before I get back to you I will need to make sure that my boss didn't decide to re-organize yet again and not tell me that another team of people now report to me which would surely guarantee that I will not have time to return your call. There is also the possibility that on the day I return I will find that someone messed with my office and are holding my "kids" hostage or taped the keys together for my keyboard. So if you still want to take a chance that you will actually hear back from me please feel free to leave a message.

So that my fellow Disers is why I've had limited time on the Boards the last few days. Argh!

HOWEVER ..despite work interferring with my vacation planning and Dis'ing....
I'm pretty pleased that I drug out the suitcases tonight to start packing a few things! Yep, bags are out but that is as far as I have made it. :rolleyes1


As you may be aware, I will be out of the office for the next 18 days which, if you can't tell by the desperation in my voice, is a much needed break. If you choose to leave a message, I may return your call when I sort through my 999+ emails, the 20 sticky notes on my desk, and the pile of requests overflowing in my in-box. Also, just so you know, before I get back to you I will need to make sure that my boss didn't decide to re-organize yet again and not tell me that another team of people now report to me which would surely guarantee that I will not have time to return your call. There is also the possibility that on the day I return I will find that someone messed with my office and are holding my "kids" hostage or taped the keys together for my keyboard. So if you still want to take a chance that you will actually hear back from me please feel free to leave a message.

:lmao: Hang in there! Vacation is amost here! :hourglass
BEST "away" message ever.:thumbsup2

Hang's so close now.

Oh, and I've not changed my hair style in 20+ years...went a little shorter once, but that is it.
Sounds like this vacation is very much needed! Hopefully you are able to get enough stuff resolved at work so you can FORGET about it while on vacation!

I still need to UNPACK my bags from my trip to CO. Once that is done I will be throwing in my shorts (that are currently a size too small that I hope will fit by the trip.) And my Disney shirts that I hope are not to big by the trip! The rest will come later but at least I will have started!
emmysmommy said:
Stupid work!!! Although my calendar is cleared pretty much through the first week of September I am counting down to only a couple days before I officially begin my vacation. The closer I get to actually saying sayonara for the next couple of weeks the more I get sucked into the craziness of pre-vacation madness! Sheesh! I can't wait to record the following message on my voice mail:

As you may be aware, I will be out of the office for the next 18 days which, if you can't tell by the desperation in my voice, is a much needed break. If you choose to leave a message, I may return your call when I sort through my 999+ emails, the 20 sticky notes on my desk, and the pile of requests overflowing in my in-box. Also, just so you know, before I get back to you I will need to make sure that my boss didn't decide to re-organize yet again and not tell me that another team of people now report to me which would surely guarantee that I will not have time to return your call. There is also the possibility that on the day I return I will find that someone messed with my office and are holding my "kids" hostage or taped the keys together for my keyboard. So if you still want to take a chance that you will actually hear back from me please feel free to leave a message.

So that my fellow Disers is why I've had limited time on the Boards the last few days. Argh!

HOWEVER ..despite work interferring with my vacation planning and Dis'ing....
I'm pretty pleased that I drug out the suitcases tonight to start packing a few things! Yep, bags are out but that is as far as I have made it. :rolleyes1

Oh I hear you loud and clear!!

This could have been written for me :)
I may have to steal this when I set my out of office in a couple of weeks!
Stupid work!!! Although my calendar is cleared pretty much through the first week of September I am counting down to only a couple days before I officially begin my vacation. The closer I get to actually saying sayonara for the next couple of weeks the more I get sucked into the craziness of pre-vacation madness! Sheesh! I can't wait to record the following message on my voice mail:

As you may be aware, I will be out of the office for the next 18 days which, if you can't tell by the desperation in my voice, is a much needed break. If you choose to leave a message, I may return your call when I sort through my 999+ emails, the 20 sticky notes on my desk, and the pile of requests overflowing in my in-box. Also, just so you know, before I get back to you I will need to make sure that my boss didn't decide to re-organize yet again and not tell me that another team of people now report to me which would surely guarantee that I will not have time to return your call. There is also the possibility that on the day I return I will find that someone messed with my office and are holding my "kids" hostage or taped the keys together for my keyboard. So if you still want to take a chance that you will actually hear back from me please feel free to leave a message.

So that my fellow Disers is why I've had limited time on the Boards the last few days. Argh!

HOWEVER ..despite work interferring with my vacation planning and Dis'ing....
I'm pretty pleased that I drug out the suitcases tonight to start packing a few things! Yep, bags are out but that is as far as I have made it. :rolleyes1

LOL!! Love the away message!! mine are usually very, boring and very predictable. LOL!
Love your "away from the office" message, Brenda! :thumbsup2 Just one more day there and then you will leave all the madness behind...for 18 days, anyway. ;) As of Saturday, all you will have to worry about is what you are going to have to eat and will you remember to take a picture before you take a big 'ole bite out of it??? :rotfl:
:rotfl::rotfl:You leave tomorrow!!!:dance3:

Have a wonderful vacation. I will be anxiously awaiting trip reports upon return!
Love your message! :rotfl:

I have a very serious question...Do you guys ALWAYS look that good?! Do you ever bum around in jeans with your hair up and no makeup on?! I'm a little jealous:blush:
Have a safe and wonderful vacation! :goodvibes Look forward to details when you return! pixiedust:
Since the kids are coming in for the weekend and Alisha and I are going dress shopping for "my dress", I'm not sure when I'll get back on here. But I had to be sure to wish you safe travels and a most magical vacation. I can't wait to read all about it when you get back.

I can't believe I fell so far behind!:flower3:

First of all please let me say thank you for your son's service and the sacrifice he and all of you make.:hug: Will def be keeping you all in thoughts & prayers. BTW my husband's name is Chad.

I love you & your daughter's pre trip rituals. Looks like you two have such fun together. I love the sunglasses!

BLT with TPV?:cloud9: Please post some pics!

I hope you & your family have a safe and magical vacation!
I've already posted this message over on my Dining Report thread, but in case you don't get over there tonight I thought I'd post it here too. Hopefully you will check-in here to sign off on your PTR before you leave tomorrow. :thumbsup2

Hi Brenda! :wave2:

Last night I attempted to begin writing my last review but it was bringing me down too much, so decided to do something more fun instead. ;) For your Disney trip, I have composed a list of Demands/Instructions/Recommendations/Suggestions??? or whatever you would like to call them. :lmao: Since you are leaving on the 18th and are going to be away from your office for 18 days, 18 seems to be the magic number for this vacation.

Therefore, here is my list of 18 items:

1) Take lots of pics at any DISmeets you have with DDW, GoofySon’s Mom, PrincessBetsy, or anyone else. :)

2) Also take lots of pictures of your TPV at BLT.

3) Try something with Nutella, but preferably the Sleepy Hollow waffle and not the overpriced dessert at Tutto Italia. :mad:

4) Eat your whole order of Pineapple Macadamia Nut Pancakes at Kona. :eek:

5) Have some egg rolls at Yak & Yeti, but don’t forget to save room for the wonton dessert. :thumbsup2

6) Have at least one avocado margarita from SAI/La Cava/La Hacienda. :drinking1 (If you stop by SAI, don’t forget the chicken tostadas.)

7) Catch a performance of the Hat Lady at the Rose & Crown Pub.

8) Have something other than the filet at Le Cellier (I’ll count it if Emily does and shares ;)).

9) Try the blueberry croissant bread pudding at Sunshine Seasons.

10) Share an order of zeppole with Michael at Via Napoli.

11) Stop in at Beaches & Cream, even if it’s just to get ice cream to go.

12) Have the filet and mashed potatoes at YSH, but either skip the cheese plate or ask for it without the jar of “goo”. :crazy2:

13) Get breakfast from the Boardwalk Bakery at least once.

14) Mess with the guy at the BW Pizza window in an attempt to get him to smile. :teeth:

15) Check out Leaping Libations to see if they now have a Specialty Drink menu or if it is still the standard Disney pool bar menu. Have at least one drink to sip while you are relaxing by the pool. :beach:

16) Then have a pic taken of you being spit out of the mouth of the clown at the BW pool. :rotfl:

And these last two are the most important…

17) Forget about all the craziness at work…leave that all behind. :thumbsup2

18) But don’t forget about your DIS friends and check-in here every now and then, because we will miss you. :hug:

Oh, and feel free to send me pics as evidence of the completion of any or all of the above items. I'll PM you with my phone number (if I can figure out how ;) ) :lmao:

And so…

(plus any other good adjectives I’ve missed)

and most importantly, DELICIOUS TRIP!!!

(Oh, and please pass on my best wishes to Emily and Michael, too! ;))


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