Prince Charmsalot to Accompany the Damsels This Trip But You Must Pose w/ Princesses

Hey Brenda, I finally got a few minutes to myself this afternoon and had the opportunity to catch up with some pre (and post) trip reports.

Just loved your latest update and your trip down memory lane. You sound as thought you are, understandably, very proud of Chad and you have every right to be. What a wonderful young man. I hope and pray he stays safe in Afghanistan. My DH is ex-RAF and I still remember how awful it was when he was deployed to Iraq so let me tell you that I know just how you will be feeling on December 15th (and the whole time he is there) :hug:

Onto more positive thoughts and the fact that you will be leaving very soon for your trip. Can't wait to meet you for a couple of cocktails (please try not to look too glamorous that day, though, as I am fairly sure I will already feel incredibly fat and frumpy next to you and your gorgeous Emmy) ;)

Have a wonderful vacation and I will see you very soon :)
I popped over and saw your ADRs - we are at Ohana the same night (we're 8:30pm) I didn't post mine - they keep changing so they would be obsolete by now!

I'm definitely going to be on the look out for any LGMH!

I will keep a look out for your lovely family as well. Since our ADR is for 8pm, we should still be there when you get there. My mom and dad will be with our family that meal and we are celebrating our anniversary and my mom and dads as well. Hopefully I will get to see you and say HI :wave2:
:wave2: Thanks for dropping by my PTR!

I'm insanely jealous - FIRST CLASS? :worship: I so hope you enjoy it - what a wonderful surprise for your family!

You were in the Celebrate A Dream Come True parade too? :eek: You got to ride in the open car though - we had to ride in the carriage style car because it was raining. :( They made us wear ears!

Loved your photos of the Dream Suite and VIP tour. Again, insanely jealous!

Had to laugh over the whole Biergarten thing. It was the one and only ADR my DH insisted on for our upcoming trip! :laughing:

The clothes photos and food porn ... :teeth: 'Nuff said.

You have a lovely family, Brenda. Thank you for sharing your photos. Thank your son for his service to our country ... and to you for raising a son who is willing to serve. I will say a prayer for him and your family. :hug:

I wish I had found this sooner so I could have been following all along instead of having to read it all in one marathon session! Can't wait for more updates - your trip is so close! :yay:
Just finally finished reading through the rest of your posts.

I love your pre-trip ritual shopping and the pedicures are a great idea!

I'm still having trouble with comfortable shoes that aren't hideous. I tried getting some new shoes for a trip to San Francisco but I wasn't really in love with them.
Cant believe you leave in a week!! :yay:

I am so excited to see all of your reviews when you get back!

How great you were able to get TPV @ BLT!!
You must be SO proud of your son!! Thank you for sharing your wonderful family photos! I will be sending you and your family lots of good thoughts and pixie dust on December 15th!

I haven't been to DL since I was 6, I'd love to go back someday! How fun that you're so close!!

Thanks Sara. :goodvibes

So much has changed at DL since you were little and now that there is Ca Adventure, it is a much better experience. Still doesn't compare to WDW in my opinion.

The photos of your family really brought a tear to my eye. Thanks for posting those and we will all be thinking of you on December 15th.

On a happier note, you inspired me to visit Forever 21 on my lunch break and I couldn't get anywhere near the checkout as the lines are so long at that time. So yesterday I tried a new strategy which was to sneak away from my desk right at 10 am when they opened and it worked like a charm! I got three cute new shirts!

Not long now Brenda! It's almost time to start packing!

Thanks Tracy! I appreciate the kind thoughts.

As for Forever 21 - sounds like you mastered a great strategy! Glad that worked out!

I am so glad I inspired your to try YM, I hope you get a great server and not that disaster of one we had in May. We aren't going to YM but boy am I going to miss it.

It's so funny but I recall less about the steaks from your review but the service you received and your headache. :headache: We'll definitely try to avoid an older blonde server. :laughing:

Sounds like you have a great plan in place.

Thank you jcrochet - Lisa Joy? I love that the good people on the Disboards helped form and shape those plans with all the great advice and most especially the dining reviews!!! :woohoo:

I see that you are going in August as well and staying at WLV. What are your dates?

Hey Brenda, I finally got a few minutes to myself this afternoon and had the opportunity to catch up with some pre (and post) trip reports.

Just loved your latest update and your trip down memory lane. You sound as thought you are, understandably, very proud of Chad and you have every right to be. What a wonderful young man. I hope and pray he stays safe in Afghanistan. My DH is ex-RAF and I still remember how awful it was when he was deployed to Iraq so let me tell you that I know just how you will be feeling on December 15th (and the whole time he is there) :hug:

Onto more positive thoughts and the fact that you will be leaving very soon for your trip. Can't wait to meet you for a couple of cocktails (please try not to look too glamorous that day, though, as I am fairly sure I will already feel incredibly fat and frumpy next to you and your gorgeous Emmy) ;)

Have a wonderful vacation and I will see you very soon.

Ahhh Joh, I am so excited to meet you. Sorry I didn't check back before you left but I wish you safe travels and a wonderful pre-WDW trip. :goodvibes

Oh, how stressful that your DH was in Iraq. I'm sure it was such a relief when he returned home. I have an image of the RAF being modern day knights of the UK... that may not be a realistic image but I'd like to think that at least they are still your heros. ::yes::

You silly lass! By the time we meet up I will have had 8 days of unchecked eating and likely zero running so if I fit into any of my clothes by then it will be a good thing. :worried:

I will keep a look out for your lovely family as well. Since our ADR is for 8pm, we should still be there when you get there. My mom and dad will be with our family that meal and we are celebrating our anniversary and my mom and dads as well. Hopefully I will get to see you and say HI :wave2:

Thanks DMF!! Yes, look for us at 'Ohana although I can completely understand if you can barely make eye contact with your own table mates considering the abundance of food that will be paraded to your table!! :laughing: You may hear me instead of see me because I will be the person at the table MMM MMM-ing really loud when I try their food. :banana:

:wave2: Thanks for dropping by my PTR!

I'm insanely jealous - FIRST CLASS? :worship: I so hope you enjoy it - what a wonderful surprise for your family!

You were in the Celebrate A Dream Come True parade too? :eek: You got to ride in the open car though - we had to ride in the carriage style car because it was raining. :( They made us wear ears!

Loved your photos of the Dream Suite and VIP tour. Again, insanely jealous!

Had to laugh over the whole Biergarten thing. It was the one and only ADR my DH insisted on for our upcoming trip! :laughing:

The clothes photos and food porn ... :teeth: 'Nuff said.

You have a lovely family, Brenda. Thank you for sharing your photos. Thank your son for his service to our country ... and to you for raising a son who is willing to serve. I will say a prayer for him and your family. :hug:

I wish I had found this sooner so I could have been following all along instead of having to read it all in one marathon session! Can't wait for more updates - your trip is so close!

Hi there BCFan!! Thanks for reading. I told you we had a lot in common!! :laughing: Was Mr. Dean your Grand Marshal host? Such a wonderful memory and we still stop by to say hi to Dean whenever we are in the park.

Honestly, I wouldn't have ever booked 1st class for airfare without using my frequent flier points. I had a ton of them so it worked out well.

Are you any closer to unraveling the mystery of the surprise?? I'm going to stay tuned so I will be excited to see what your DH has planned. :goodvibes

Cant believe you leave in a week!!

I am so excited to see all of your reviews when you get back!

How great you were able to get TPV @ BLT!!

Hi there debra! (I'm shortening everyones user name tonight so if your name is really deb rapagliasotti then my apologies!! :lmao:)

I will be sure to report back on all of the excitement. And if it's not that exciting I will make something up!! :stir:

Just finally finished reading through the rest of your posts.

I love your pre-trip ritual shopping and the pedicures are a great idea!

I'm still having trouble with comfortable shoes that aren't hideous. I tried getting some new shoes for a trip to San Francisco but I wasn't really in love with them.

Thanks for reading and catching up. :)

Last trip I bought some Dr. Scholl's tennies that were really comfortable and cute. I also bought some slip on Sketchers but Em says they look ahem "not attractive".

Alright... I am FINALLY here!! Can't wait to read all about your plans and then your trip!!

Hi Paula! How's your plans coming? Isn't it funny that when we read other people's PTR we want them to hurry back and fill us in but when we ARE the authors of those reports we don't want to hurry back!! We want time to slow down so we can enjoy it and make it last longer. :lovestruc

Disclaimer: This is a total chick update so you guys likely will want to keep moving along! :rotfl2: Ok, but don't say I didn't warn you. :cool2:

Today was a fun day of getting our hair done, doing a little shopping, having a girl's only dinner, and trying to contain our excitement of only 7 more days until we are in WDW!!!

I think I mentioned in an earlier post that I really don't get my hair cut often so before we go on trips I figure that's a good time to get a trim and fix the damage that I've done by giving myself interim cuts. Yes, I admit that I'm totally unskilled in this task so much so that when Em was 6 yrs old I trimmed her bangs so short and lopsided that she cried when she saw her hair in the mirror. DH was the hero and took her to the hair salon the next day to try and make it better. :flower3:

I was going to do a before picture but we were too rushed but here's our after photo at the hair salon:

Em mid beautification:

After our hair appointment we just happened to be next door to a Forever 21. :rolleyes1 So..... we did a little shopping. We also went to a few other places looking at handbags and comfortable shoes for Em - she wants a new pair of flats. We weren't as successful with either the handbags or the shoes but tomorrow is another day as Scarlett would say.

One other item on my shopping list was getting new sunglasses. I haven't had to buy sunglasses in years since my middle son worked for Oakley. Well, now he doesn't and my old sunglasses were so scratched that Michael said they looked like they had stucco on them. So after trying on about 15 different sunglass and not being able to decide if I wanted polarized or not, do I prefer modern round styles or a more traditional style, I finally chose these Bvlgari's.



Em and I finished the day by going to the drug store to pick up about 3 different kinds of sunscreen (I like lotion, Em likes spray on, Michael likes super duper strength for his lily white skin) and some magazines and other travel necessities. Of course we forgot Burt's Bees lip balm so we'll need to make a return visit. Em uses that stuff All day Every day! :p

And finally, we had a super fancy dinner at a very popular Scottish restaurant...... McDonalds!!! :lmao: I hate eating fast food (not that I hate the food, I just hate to think of how far I have to run after I eat it!) but we had been out all day and Em insisted that she was craving McDonalds. At least I said no to an apple pie.

And that my friends, was our Saturday at the 7 day mark! :upsidedow

Whoo hoo your trip is almost here! I always am enough around like a crazy person the day before getting nails done, last minute shopping, and cleaning around the house.
Yay for 7 days! Love the new 'dos!! We leave Saturday to fly to my sisters so even though it is 11 days til Disney, it is only 6 til the start of our trip so I spent the weekend organizing the packing and making lists! Only a few things to still purchase and we will be set!
Wo-Hoo!! for 7 days!!!!

You both look Fabulous!!

I have a pair of B'vlgari sunglasses! mine are prescription though! (I had lasik 4 years ago and my eyes are starting to deteriorate again.. I've gotten prescription sunglasses but stayed away from regular glasses. Thinking of getting a pair for my trip though :worried:)

You are so right that we all wish for everyone else to get back from their trips so we can here all about it but our own trips we hope the days go at a snail pace!
You're definitely on top of things! Haircuts, sunglasses, sunscreen, and McDonald's! The next week is definitely going to be a fun one as the days get closer.

Speaking of which, your post reminds me that I should be doing something to get ready. Although honestly, I can't think of anything that needs to be done. I have some clothes in the dryer, if that counts. :rotfl:
:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: for a girls day of salon, shopping etc. I LOVE the both look great.

I'm with you...I eat McDonald's and wonder how much I'm going to have to walk to get all that fat out.

Fun day...and you are at six days now.
Joining in here! Great PTR! I'm excited to hear more ::yes:: I'll be checking into YC the day after you check out of BW. Just think...this time next week you'll be in Disney!
:woohoo: for the "girl's day out"! LOVE the new shades, too! :thumbsup2 You both look fabulous!

We actually did not have a "host" per se. A CM asked us if we wanted to be in the parade, we said sure, she asked us to meet back at City Hall. When we did, a photopass photog was waiting, we were rush-rush-rushed into the car (it was raining), and we didn't see her again after that! We didn't even catch her name! We went back to City Hall on our way out to find out who she was, but the CMs there said it could have been any number of people. :( So unfortunately, we never got to properly thank her for the wonderful experience.

The surprise? No, I'm no closer to finding out anything ... but I did catch him surfing on the Disney Florist website. :rolleyes1
You two are so cute!:)

I can't believe your trip is on Saturday! I can't wait for your return so I can get some food updates! Haha, no just joking. I hope your trip doesn't go too fast for your sake. You look forward to these trips for so long and then they just go past in a blink when you are there!

In the words of Billy Crystal..."You Look Marvelous"!!! :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

I must though admit that looking at these pictures today made me just a little bit sad, as yesterday I took my Emily back to college. And I'm missing her already. :worried:

But on a happier note...Only 4 more days!!! :woohoo:


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