Prices just hit my threshold :-(

Am I the only person not really bothered by this?

I mean, it's not as if it's unprecedented, or that WDW is anything but a completely luxury and whimsical want, not a need, not a right, certainly not owed to anyone. Frankly, I'm perfectly ok if a bunch of people don't go due to prices, I am willing to pay the prices and if it means I get less crowds for the higher price, all the better. Would I prefer it were cheaper? Sure, probably, unless it meant the crowds got even worse, than it starts to not be so clear cut.

The nice thing about luxury things is that you get them because you work for them, I like the idea of WDW being a higher end vacation place, I work hard for my money, and I earn the option to spend it on a trip like this. If I'm being totally honest I'm ok with it being a bit more exclusive, and the same goes for tiered ticketing/FPs. If I can work harder and get a better experience for my family and myself, I'm all for it. I frankly don't love the idea that my vacation is somewhat limited by a perceived need to cater to people that don't have the same disposable income. I'm not saying those people shouldn't have access, but I think it's perfectly reasonable to have value levels of the vacation for them, just as they have value resorts. Life isn't fair, and while some of my available funds are good fortune, it's mostly effort, and even the good fortune required the right skills and effort to leverage.

I'm sure this isn't going to be a popular opinion, but that's how I feel about it!


Its a by-product of the entitlement culture that has been created in this country - I want to go to Disney and have the same experience as those other people, therefore I have a right to.
Am I the only person not really bothered by this?

I mean, it's not as if it's unprecedented, or that WDW is anything but a completely luxury and whimsical want, not a need, not a right, certainly not owed to anyone. Frankly, I'm perfectly ok if a bunch of people don't go due to prices, I am willing to pay the prices and if it means I get less crowds for the higher price, all the better. Would I prefer it were cheaper? Sure, probably, unless it meant the crowds got even worse, than it starts to not be so clear cut.

The nice thing about luxury things is that you get them because you work for them, I like the idea of WDW being a higher end vacation place, I work hard for my money, and I earn the option to spend it on a trip like this. If I'm being totally honest I'm ok with it being a bit more exclusive, and the same goes for tiered ticketing/FPs. If I can work harder and get a better experience for my family and myself, I'm all for it. I frankly don't love the idea that my vacation is somewhat limited by a perceived need to cater to people that don't have the same disposable income. I'm not saying those people shouldn't have access, but I think it's perfectly reasonable to have value levels of the vacation for them, just as they have value resorts. Life isn't fair, and while some of my available funds are good fortune, it's mostly effort, and even the good fortune required the right skills and effort to leverage.

I'm sure this isn't going to be a popular opinion, but that's how I feel about it!


I feel the same as you. I'm not bothered at all. There are some (ok many) things in life I can't afford to do, such is life. No biggie. I'm grateful that Disney still offers lots of options at different price points, if that changes then we'll go somewhere else. But I am one of those that can only afford to go every few years.
There is little, on this board, more rude and dismissive than the response of "so what if you stop going? 10 more will be waiting to take your place..." or "first world problems..."

Yes, those who have been priced out KNOW that Disney doesn't care. They KNOW others are perfectly fine, willing, and able to pay what the mouse demands...but it doesn't make it any less painful, sad, or frustrating that something they loved is now unattainable (in a span of only 24 hours). Every one has a breaking point and there is NO SHAME in admitting you've hit yours for whatever reason, be it financial or ethical etc.

When the day comes that we are priced out (and I'm sure that day will come) I'll be sad, frustrated and complaining too.
My opinion is that Disney execs don't want us regular repeat customers. Why, because we know all the "tricks" to going often and saving money. Potentially, we:

- only go with a discount
- pack lunches
- go during slower times
- get cups of water
- minimal souvenir shopping
- couple of TS unless free dining
- possibly eat in room with DVC
- don't do special events like Dessert Party, or tours
- buy APs so our "per day" ticket cost is significantly lower with multiple trips

The first time/only time visitor does it to the hilt, spends money everywhere. That family of four probably spends at least $1,000 more than my family of four due to all the "experiences" they must have.

We talked last night about possible off-site condo rental vs. on-site. We will still go, we have a very long history back to 1986 so believe me, we've seen all the changes, price increases, closings and openings. But it's still a special place to us, so we'll figure out how to justify the money lol.

I think this stay at OKW could be our last DVC stay, though. Even with renting points, the cost is pretty high.
There is little, on this board, more rude and dismissive than the response of "so what if you stop going? 10 more will be waiting to take your place..." or "first world problems..."

Yes, those who have been priced out KNOW that Disney doesn't care. They KNOW others are perfectly fine, willing, and able to pay what the mouse demands...but it doesn't make it any less painful, sad, or frustrating that something they loved is now unattainable (in a span of only 24 hours). Every one has a breaking point and there is NO SHAME in admitting you've hit yours for whatever reason, be it financial or ethical etc.

When the day comes that we are priced out (and I'm sure that day will come) I'll be sad, frustrated and complaining too.

None of the price changes here should have made this unattainable in 24 hours. If these increases were enough to put you over the breaking point, you've been right on the edge of it for a long time.
My opinion is that Disney execs don't want us regular repeat customers. Why, because we know all the "tricks" to going often and saving money. Potentially, we:

- only go with a discount
- pack lunches
- go during slower times
- get cups of water
- minimal souvenir shopping
- couple of TS unless free dining
- possibly eat in room with DVC
- don't do special events like Dessert Party, or tours
- buy APs so our "per day" ticket cost is significantly lower with multiple trips

The first time/only time visitor does it to the hilt, spends money everywhere. That family of four probably spends at least $1,000 more than my family of four due to all the "experiences" they must have.

We talked last night about possible off-site condo rental vs. on-site. We will still go, we have a very long history back to 1986 so believe me, we've seen all the changes, price increases, closings and openings. But it's still a special place to us, so we'll figure out how to justify the money lol.

I think this stay at OKW could be our last DVC stay, though. Even with renting points, the cost is pretty high.

I think that is the case for some repeat customers. But there are many of us who go frequently and still do a lot of TS, shopping, not getting cups of water, etc. When I go to Disney I am on vacation and I am going to live it up.
I think that is the case for some repeat customers. But there are many of us who go frequently and still do a lot of TS, shopping, not getting cups of water, etc. When I go to Disney I am on vacation and I am going to live it up.

Yes that's why I used the word "potentially". Businesses now market to a "persona", so someone in Disney Marketing sat there and sat "who is that repeat customer" and came up with characteristics, like what the "majority" of people do. You know they read the DISboards, and get skewed opinions about us and our vacation styles lol.
None of the price changes here should have made this unattainable in 24 hours. If these increases were enough to put you over the breaking point, you've been right on the edge of it for a long time.

I know nothing about anyone else's financial situation or choices. But if this latest round of changes is what pushes it out of someone's level of attainability for whatever reason then who am I to judge? A sympathetic "that stinks" seems better.
I think that is the case for some repeat customers. But there are many of us who go frequently and still do a lot of TS, shopping, not getting cups of water, etc. When I go to Disney I am on vacation and I am going to live it up.

I agree, when I go I know Disney is making money on me, hand over fist probably, and I've done the discount trip with the lemonade packets to mix in to the free water, packed lunches, all of that. I am grateful I had the chance, but now that I have the option to splurge and live it up, I am certainly going to. It's all about personal value, for me the money is better used having fun on my trip, for others that may not be the case, which is completely valid. The problem though is that peoples seem to think Disney is obligated to keep providing ways for them to do things on the cheap. They've been accommodating in the past for the same reason they're raising prices now, because it helped business. If they think they can do better overall by aiming for bigger wallets instead of enabling smaller ones, this trend will continue. It's not evil, or wrong, or mean, it's just smart business.

I agree, when I go I know Disney is making money on me, hand over fist probably, and I've done the discount trip with the lemonade packets to mix in to the free water, packed lunches, all of that. I am grateful I had the chance, but now that I have the option to splurge and live it up, I am certainly going to. It's all about personal value, for me the money is better used having fun on my trip, for others that may not be the case, which is completely valid. The problem though is that peoples seem to think Disney is obligated to keep providing ways for them to do things on the cheap. They've been accommodating in the past for the same reason they're raising prices now, because it helped business. If they think they can do better overall by aiming for bigger wallets instead of enabling smaller ones, this trend will continue. It's not evil, or wrong, or mean, it's just smart business.


Completely agree.
What? What? Those are some rude thoughts going on here. "Oh, I make enough money, so I can afford it and don't mind." Or, "you should get a good job and better yourself, then you can afford a trip." I have a great job, you should get a great job, that's what it's all about? Not to go there "because you can't afford it, but I can so the parks will be less crowded?", that's about as classist statement as I have ever heard. Go on vacation and live it up - classist statement

Disney built value hotels - think they didn't want families who didn't want to spend that much? They offered free dining - think they weren't aiming for the family crowd? Now, a typical family doesn't earn that much. In fact, there are a lot of working poor in the good ole'USA than ever. And they deserve a vacation. And not to go all "what would Walt do", but his theme parks were designed for the whole family. He wanted an affordable family vacation. And now Disney/Iger has effectivly priced out the typical Disney family. Business be darned, Iger and his prices have done that. That's just it. IDC if "prices needed to be raised because it business" - it's not good practices, how's that? It's not family practices. It has prices out a lot of customers. Sure, they will come - money saved like good little Disney folk, but - gah - it's just not right, business or not. Not right.
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What? What? Those are some rude thoughts going on here. "Oh, I make enough money, so I can afford it and don't mind." Or, "you should get a good job and better yourself, then you can afford a trip." I have a great job, you should get a great job, that's what it's all about? Not to go there "because you can't afford it, but I can so the parks will be less crowded?", that's about as classist statement as I have ever heard. Go on vacation and live it up - classist statement

Disney built value hotels - think they didn't want families who didn't want to spend that much? They offered free dining - think they weren't aiming for the family crowd? Now, a typical family doesn't earn that much. In fact, there are a lot of working poor in the good ole'USA than ever. And they deserve a vacation. And not to go all "what would Walt do", but his theme parks were designed for the whole family. He wanted an affordable family vacation. And now Disney/Iger has effectivly priced out the typical Disney family. Business be darned, Iger and his prices have done that. That's just it. IDC if "prices needed to be raised because it business - it's not good practices, how's that? It's not family practices. It has prices out a lot of customers. Sure, they will come - money saved like good little Disney folk, but - gah - it's just not right, business or not. Not right.

No one DESERVES a vacation. A break yes, time off work yes, a trip that on average costs thousands - no. Thats what hard work is for. Disney isn't a charity they are a business.
Its not a matter of it being unattainable. (And for the record I work very hard for my vacation dollars - as do most people on this board I would assume.) The elitist attitude is a sad demonstration of the "I deserve better and I'm glad I'm now in a higher echelon" attitude that so often rears its ugly head in society. But I digress... The costs are not unattainable now (for me or most, I'd assume). We're talking about a disposable (vacation!) budget... I go on several vacations per year. Disney is only 1 of them (or a few of them if multiple visits in 1 year) - and as someone else put it very well - the cost now outweighs the benefit. I'll still go to WDW. Just less often - and more of my vacation dollars will go to all-inclusives, or new experiences, etc. Disney used to own about 50-75% of my vacation budget annually. They just moved from 75/25 split with other maybe a 25/75. I'll go less often and spend my disposable income on other experiences. I realize that's my thoughts... but they're mine and valid. Just like the thoughts of the elite, special snowflakes, now who are excited that these moves might result in them not having to share their vacation space with the horrid, upper-middle class, families that might choose to spend their (equally hard earned) dollars sipping a fruity umbrella drink in the Caribbean somewhere :-)
No one DESERVES a vacation. A break yes, time off work yes, a trip that on average costs thousands - no. Thats what hard work is for. Disney isn't a charity they are a business.

Not having enough money to afford a Disney trip doesn't mean the people in question aren't working hard.

The lack of empathy in these financial threads is staggering.
All the price increases to me, make the value a lot less than other types of vacations. For us, Disney is easy. It's a nice little packaged vacation. We've been dozens of times, so while we have to plan, we don't have to research. For us, there was value in that. We don't feel the need to see everything, because we will be back. Well.....we leave in less than two weeks. Because of the increased costs, this is the first time in years that we are staying moderate rather than deluxe. (the no balcony make kill my husband). We won't be doing many table service restaurants, because the cost has just gotten outrageous, especially when we have a son that is considered a Disney Adult, although there is NO WAY he eats $30 more food! But with all the closures, upcharges on food, all the expensive hard ticketed events that close the parks early, and the twice a year ticket price increases....we are seeing the value diminished, and some of our enjoyment. So....will there be another family to take our place....probably. Which is fine, because I'll now be on a cruise ship....and NOT a Disney one. Don't even get me started on those prices! lol
How about this: people deserve a chance to afford a Disney vacation? And everyone - not just the rich or wealthy middle class.

And they have that chance.

Its not a matter of it being unattainable. (And for the record I work very hard for my vacation dollars - as do most people on this board I would assume.) The elitist attitude is a sad demonstration of the "I deserve better and I'm glad I'm now in a higher echelon" attitude that so often rears its ugly head in society. But I digress... The costs are not unattainable now (for me or most, I'd assume). We're talking about a disposable (vacation!) budget... I go on several vacations per year. Disney is only 1 of them (or a few of them if multiple visits in 1 year) - and as someone else put it very well - the cost now outweighs the benefit. I'll still go to WDW. Just less often - and more of my vacation dollars will go to all-inclusives, or new experiences, etc. Disney used to own about 50-75% of my vacation budget annually. They just moved from 75/25 split with other maybe a 25/75. I'll go less often and spend my disposable income on other experiences. I realize that's my thoughts... but they're mine and valid. Just like the thoughts of the elite, special snowflakes, now who are excited that these moves might result in them not having to share their vacation space with the horrid, upper-middle class, families that might choose to spend their (equally hard earned) dollars sipping a fruity umbrella drink in the Caribbean somewhere :-)

It has nothing to do with "higher echelon" or anything like that. It has to do with the entitlement culture in this country that seems to think everyone should be able to do whatever they want. If they want something they should have it. Thats not how life works.
I agree, when I go I know Disney is making money on me, hand over fist probably, and I've done the discount trip with the lemonade packets to mix in to the free water, packed lunches, all of that. I am grateful I had the chance, but now that I have the option to splurge and live it up, I am certainly going to. It's all about personal value, for me the money is better used having fun on my trip, for others that may not be the case, which is completely valid. The problem though is that peoples seem to think Disney is obligated to keep providing ways for them to do things on the cheap. They've been accommodating in the past for the same reason they're raising prices now, because it helped business. If they think they can do better overall by aiming for bigger wallets instead of enabling smaller ones, this trend will continue. It's not evil, or wrong, or mean, it's just smart business.

Why do you keep implying that people are upset because they can't go to disney "on the cheap"? I have a SIGNIFICANT investment in DVC, and have been an AP holder for 9 years. I don't do WDW "on the cheap" NOR am I complaining that it's no longer cheap. I'm venting because this specific change hurts its most loyal customers ..the AP holders and DVC members. Do you always assume that those people who choose to spend their money differently than you are not as financially comfortable than you?
Aw, yes, the old thinking that those with more money work harder than those with less. And I never thought of making more money, what a great idea! That would certainly help! Thanks!

Some people are more successful than others. Life isn't fair, but I am not going to feel bad about my success. Nothing was handed to me, I've worked my butt off to get where I am.


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