Prices just hit my threshold :-(

You and these invisible people that have given up aren't required to correct everyone else. It seems stressful to even try.

Not stressful at all. I enjoy debating and have no stress about what people on a message board think of me because I couldn't care less.
Who wants to bet that a certain someone most likely works for their FIL? But, I'm sure its deserved..... It's off topic, I know, but it is incredibly disingenuous to parade around that you have worked harder than everyone, and your success has allowed you to not care/encourage price increases, while that could not be farther from the truth.
Its been stated over and over because it is true.

Not stressful at all. I enjoy debating and have no stress about what people on a message board think of me because I couldn't care less.

What exactly is it that you're trying to accomplish in this thread by needing to have the last word...even with Moderators? Make a point and let it go. It you want to debate, go start your own thread.
Who wants to bet that a certain someone most likely works for their FIL? But, I'm sure its deserved..... It's off topic, I know, but it is incredibly disingenuous to parade around that you have worked harder than everyone, and your success has allowed you to not care/encourage price increases, while that could not be farther from the truth.

I don't work for my FIL or any member of my family. I started at the bottom and have spent a career working my way into management and a salary that puts me in the top 10% of wage earners. I have paid for many vacations before and will pay for more still, and my FIL paying for this one has nothing to do with my ability or willingness to pay for my vacation. He decided he wanted to take the entire family.
What exactly is it that you're trying to accomplish in this thread by needing to have the last word...even with Moderators? Make a point and let it go. It you want to debate, go start your own thread.

Because no one that is responding to me wants the last word... right
I don't work for my FIL or any member of my family. I started at the bottom and have spent a career working my way into management and a salary that puts me in the top 10% of wage earners. I have paid for many vacations before and will pay for more still, and my FIL paying for this one has nothing to do with my ability or willingness to pay for my vacation. He decided he wanted to take the entire family.

Why don't I believe you? Top 10 % of wage earners? :rotfl2: Why don't I believe that? Call me crazy.....
And in my example you would be in group #2. If something is the "straw that broke the camels back" you were already on the fence.

But we never wanted to be on the fence in the first place. Disney is our "laughing place" and it has always been a place where we could go and forget our worries. And while it is a luxury to vacation at all, we felt we received good value for the prices we paid. They have consistently chipped away at the value they provide, all the while raising their prices and telling us that it's for our own good. As others have said, make a significant investment in DVC and come back 10-15 years from now and tell us all how you feel. As long as you're vacationing (even if only partially) on someone else's dime, you don't have a leg to stand on.
But we never wanted to be on the fence in the first place. Disney is our "laughing place" and it has always been a place where we could go and forget our worries. And while it is a luxury to vacation at all, we felt we received good value for the prices we paid. They have consistently chipped away at the value they provide, all the while raising their prices and telling us that it's for our own good. As others have said, make a significant investment in DVC and come back 10-15 years from now and tell us all how you feel. As long as you're vacationing (even if only partially) on someone else's dime, you don't have a leg to stand on.

I have two legs to stand on just like anyone else. Just because my hotel is being paid for on one vacation, means nothing. This is not my first and will not be my last trip to Disney.
I don't work for my FIL or any member of my family. I started at the bottom and have spent a career working my way into management and a salary that puts me in the top 10% of wage earners. I have paid for many vacations before and will pay for more still, and my FIL paying for this one has nothing to do with my ability or willingness to pay for my vacation. He decided he wanted to take the entire family.
I have been following this thread since yesterday and finally have a chance to chime in. We are DINKs and we can well afford to vacation even with the price increases. But, I am in the camp of the value is no longer there. Price increases are a part of business, and I have no problem paying the increase as long as the product I am buying remains, at the very least, the same quality of which I started purchasing it. We have chosen to spend our vacations for the last 10 years almost exclusively at WDW. In all of those trips we have never ventured off property, we had no desire to, as everything we wanted was there; great food, adult beverages, live entertainment (Off Kilter, Mo’Rockin’ and Mulch, Sweat and Shears to name a few), unique souvenirs , all with great quality.
However in the last few trips I have been seeing the decline in the quality. The quality of the merchandise is deplorable. I bought a Tower of Terror mug on our May 2015 trip and the lettering is already coming off. We are DVC owners at BCV and the maintenance of the villas is not what it was 10 years ago, but yet my maintenance fees have increased. They have eliminated all of the live entertainment (that mattered to me at least) . This deterioration has been met with increasing prices. For the first time since 2001 I do not have a trip planned.
I love Disney and I am allowed to be disappointed in the recent direction they have gone. I don’t think they “owe” me anything other than to maintain my investment with them at BCV. Will I go again, absolutely, but my trip (whenever that will be) will be split now with US/IOA as I would like to see what the dark side is doing. So, for those that believe that voting with my dollars will not amount to a hill of beans, well you are entitled to your opinions as I am to mine. And for those who believe that Disney does not monitor these boards as well as the other popular boards, you are mistaken as the owner of these boards has said as much in his earlier podcasts.
And for those who believe that Disney does not monitor these boards as well as the other popular boards, you are mistaken as the owner of these boards has said as much in his earlier podcasts.

I am sure they monitor them. I just don't think they care about the complaining unless it is reflected in their bottom line.
I am sure they monitor them. I just don't think they care about the complaining unless it is reflected in their bottom line.
there have been changes as a result of the Disney community, I just can't think of any off hand as it has been sooooooo loooooonnggg ago, like when Disney actually cared about Show.
You have forgotten a very large group...those that love Disney, who have significant time and money spent, but who are disappointed in the way Disney is making changes. Yes, it's a business. No, not everyone can afford to go. We get that. And yes, we know things change. But.....when Disney increases prices, yet makes it a lesser experience, all while telling us they are making changes to provide their guests with a better experience? Yep. Some of us see through that, and are so disappointed in Disney. Many of us have been through this same type thing with Disney over the years. And most of the time, it has not been 'better'. I could give you many examples. I just don't have the time at the moment.

Great post! Exactly how I feel.
At one time, Disney was considered a vacation for those who were, if not wealthy, then certainly comfortable. Seems that is the direction they're heading again because with the price increases, only those people will be able to afford it OR Disney will once or maybe twice in a lifetime trip for most.

When was that? We've been going since the early 80s and it's only been in the last 5 years or so that the prices have climbed at a ridiculous rate.
Wow.............this thread is a microcosm of what's going on in America today. I must say I'm torn as I read. There have been valid points on both sides, yeah I'm riding the fence o_O. The thing I do find troubling is the lack of empathy of some. While I agree a vacation to WDW isn't a "right" it should be something that everyone can have a shot at...........without being considered a lesser being. And those who can't shouldn't be made to feel bad about themselves. I didn't have my first visit to WDW until I was in my 30's, because my parents couldn't make it work.....and that doesn't change my feelings of love for them in any way....:D

Doug :goofy:
And in my example you would be in group #2. If something is the "straw that broke the camels back" you were already on the fence.

And people call me snarky and disingenuous.
Nope. Believe it or haven't come up with an accurate breakdown.

I swear i wont complain about the price increases if:

1. The bathrooms are, from this day forward, immaculate.

2. CMs return to the type of training they used to get with a week of Traditions instead of a day....are paid decently...and the CP is kept to a minimum.

3. NEW attractions get built in a timely manner that shames the competition both in speed of production and the actual product.

By all means Disney, take my money. Charge me up the wazoo! But for the love of pixie dust at least attempt to make it look like we're getting something in return. Dont spit on my cupcake (free photopass with an AP) and call it frosting!
I'm right behind you!!!

Im not paying for the hotel portion of ONE vacation. Ive paid for plenty and will pay for plenty more.

I don't work for my FIL or any member of my family. I started at the bottom and have spent a career working my way into management and a salary that puts me in the top 10% of wage earners. I have paid for many vacations before and will pay for more still, and my FIL paying for this one has nothing to do with my ability or willingness to pay for my vacation. He decided he wanted to take the entire family.
All this by the age of 32? Very impressive. Doesn't necessarily make you all knowing in things Disney though. I highly doubt you come close to the number of trips some of us have taken to WDW/DL. Our experiences count for something. And we get to verbalize don't need to agree.

I am sure they monitor them. I just don't think they care about the complaining unless it is reflected in their bottom line.
Oh, but they do! Many changes have come about due to guest dissatisfaction. Both for regular guests as well as DVC guests. You get enough complaints and you start to worry about your bottom line. Word of mouth is an incredible tool. I can't begin to tell you how many people I talked to, in person, over the weekend about this situation. And they all said it would impact how they did WDW in the future. Will there be those filling in empty slots? Sure. But, those people are going to be getting a less than stellar experience. But heck, they won't know any better...they're at WDW, life is good. They won't have any idea of the way it used to be when CMs got fully trained, when bathrooms were spotless, when housekeeping did a terrific job on rooms, when CMs went out of their way to do something special for a guest. Nope, they won't have any idea. But that's okay, because they'll see what they get now and think it's terrific....having nothing to compare it with. Those of us that have many trips to WDW/DL under our belts do miss these little things!!! And believe me...some of them aren't so little when it's you standing in a bathroom, trying to find a clean area!!! The things I've seen in WDW bathrooms in the last few years would curl your hair.

But you go right ahead...keep saying that if we don't like it, we don't need to go. It's because of people like us, that talked to Disney in large groups, that got some things changed that others benefit from today. I'm pretty much done. This is a very circular conversation. I have no interest in trying to continually defend the way I feel.


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