Prices just hit my threshold :-(

It's not that it's unattainable for us because of the AP price increase. It isn't. We just don't see the value in it that we used to, so we'll vacation elsewhere.
I'm really surprised people are actually ignoring this part of the equation. Disney isn't the only company that's guilty of doing things like this either. Just look at telecom companies who reduce value and increase cost. People end up switching off their cable because of it. It's all well and good if you can afford it but the basic economic principle is "willingness and ability to pay" so people have to be willing, you know? I'm not personally in a position to purchase an annual pass to Disney due to my location but if I were, I probably would not considering the cost.
It's not that it's unattainable for us because of the AP price increase. It isn't. We just don't see the value in it that we used to, so we'll vacation elsewhere.

And that is a completely reasonable reaction. We all make choices day in and day out about what items make sense to buy and all of our situations are different. For us being AP holders isn't feasible because of our distance from Disney and the fact that we only go once every few years as we like variety in our vacation destinations. In a market based economy people will vote with their feet, if too many people vote with their feet then perhaps Disney will change their minds on price increases but I don't see that happening.
Gotta love the "everyone feels entitled" and "I make more money because I work hard and am successful, and if you do the same maybe one day you too could visit WDW and not care about increases" reactions to pricing increases, all from the view of a FREE Club Level DVC room!!! Has to be one of the greatest internet fails of all time. Bless his heart. :rotfl2:
I thought about buying extra points too but now, I'm looking at selling the ones I have. A couple of months ago, I bought 4 5 day passes. We'll use those for a trip and then we'll be done for a while- a long while. After the FP+ implementation, I decided not to buy APs anymore. Our trips went from 3-4/year to 2. Now, it will be when our grandkids (DGS 2, and 1 expected in Dec. and another in Feb.) are older, we'll bring them. Our 2 yr. old grandson has been 2x but his yet to be born baby brother and yet to be born cousin will probably go when they're 4 or 5 if my husband and I are footing the bill. After that, it will be up to their parents.
It isn't a question of affordability but of paying more and getting less.
I have 2 older boys (14/10) who benefited from going to WDW usually twice per year up until now. Now I have a LO (9m) who won't visit as often or have those same memories as his older bros. That makes me sad. However, as much as I hate to admit it... the lack of new stuff definitely makes me feel like its not worth the cost after this increase. We will continue to go, not as often, and will enjoy the DVC resorts. We genuinely do enjoy the resorts so we will just spend more time there and offsite at nearby spots!
The funny thing is all the people complaining about the costs going up also want a raise every year.
My AP was raised $120 which equates to a 22.6% increase. The TIW card was raised by 50%.

If I asked for either for either a 22.6% or 50% raise during my review. I'd be laughed at...and then fired. Which is what I predict many of the people on this thread may do to WDW.
They needed to eliminate that escape hatch before implementing the new plan.

Unfortunately I think this is only step 2 of 3.

I still think tiered pricing is on its way. Soon.

I just heard it on the news and I am sure they will be doing this. When we were down last month. Couple of CMs were talking about it. I still think it is nothing but greed on Dsney. I realize it is a business but if they keep raising prices many families won't be able to come. Just my view
Don't worry. You have this right. When some people don't like what they see here, they tend to dismiss it as the meaningless musings and rants of a non-representative sample, and that the "rest of the world" thinks differently. But the truth is, the people here are hard corp Disney fans. They want to believe in the best that Disney has to offer. They want to support everything Disney does. And they want to continue in their beliefs that WDW is the best of the best. So when this crowd has reached the boiling point, you can imagine that the "rest of the world" actually feels more strongly about these issues. They just don't come here to post about it. If someone who goes to WDW three times every year for 20 years is fed up, imagine what someone thinks who is not at all financially or emotionally invested in Disney. It only gets worse, and not better. Nothing could be less true than that this Board, (and others like it) are non-representative. When you anger your best customers, you can pretty much be assured that you angered everyone.

Man Jimmy, you hit the nail directly on its head. I am the poster child for Disney around here. We purchased our dvc with the intentions of vacationing until for life. we go annually as a family and usually I'll sneak down for a girls weekend or solo trip, so it baffles me when people imply that I must "hate" Disney
My kids grew up going here.
I'm probably more sad than anything. I really had vision of bringing my grandbabies here. I would love, love, love to find that magic again.
I am not trying to make light of anyone's situation here, but man has this thread made me laugh!

To me, It freaking sucks that some families have been priced out. Who cares if they were on the "threshold" or not. The wonderful thing about our country is we can choose to live on any threshold we please. :p

I mainly feel bad that a lot of families may not be able to give their children the experience that got so many of us started on Disney to begin with. The way my girls light up when we pull onto Disney property, I wish all families could give that to each other, despite how successful they are. Do I think all families are entitled to go? No, of course not. But to preach the "work hard, life sucks" speech is just sad when we are talking about a place that is so darn magical to families. Sometimes a little bit of compassion goes a long way.

My family has not been priced out of Disney, and we are planning on going in December to see the Osborne lights, and will go again next year for a large family trip just before Christmas. The price increase doesn't even really bother me personally, besides the fact that I love saving money and it sucks when I know I will be spending more of it lol. But i definitely won't tell anyone here, whom I do not know, to work harder to afford the things that my family can afford. That is really sad. I am thankful every day that I am in the position I am, because I watched my parents work their hearts out, work overtime, cut corners, etc. just to make ends meet and I would NEVER wish that on anybody. HARD work alone doesn't equate success. Its a combination of work, education, and a bit of luck, with a whole lot of other crap mixed in. My point is Disney attracts ALL different incomes not because people feel they deserve to be there, but because they want to experience the same magic that they hear/see so many other families talk about. Obviously people on these boards have felt that magic at one point, and now feel it is being taken away from them. Sure, they could be thankful they got to go at all, which I am sure they are, but I don't think anybody here can say they would be ok with that feeling. Why would anyone want that experience to be more "exclusive"? Besides to benefit yourself and create shorter lines, I can't see the appeal of taking other peoples happiness with their families away. That freaking sucks and I am sorry it is happening to so many people (whether that number of people is significant to Disney or not) and I hope Disney listens to the complaints.

Also, I am in the same crowd of someone who prefers Disney to a Beach type vacation, but that doesn't mean I want Disney to become a luxury type vacation. It just means I enjoy an expensive, relatively clean theme park to a beach because I get bored easily. :flower1:
Gotta love the "everyone feels entitled" and "I make more money because I work hard and am successful, and if you do the same maybe one day you too could visit WDW and not care about increases" reactions to pricing increases, all from the view of a FREE Club Level DVC room!!! Has to be one of the greatest internet fails of all time. Bless his heart. :rotfl2:

And only on the DIS, do "wealthy" people celebrate the fact that price increases don't matter to them. Most wealthy people I listen to, say something about "Spend your money wisely. Pay for value. And just because you could pay for something doesn't mean its worth buying." You think Warren Buffett is running around overpaying for companies or stocks, even though he's the 2nd wealthiest person in the world? Any money-smart person would be constantly evaluating the price they pay vs the value they receive, and be unafraid to drop something like a hot potato when something didn't make sense anymore. And they should be happy to see others doing the same, but in this context, that's "entitlement."

And remember their are a number of steps between "happy with my purchase" and "no longer a customer." Most people don't jump from step 1 immediately to step 10. They take them one or sometimes 2 at a time. So all the "if you don't like it, don't go," fails to recognize that just because someone hasn't quite reached step 10 yet, that all the people crowding on steps 7, 8 & 9 isn't a good thing. Business want people at step 1, and always say they want feedback from their customers BEFORE they get to step 10; then it's too late (or requires significant investment to change).
Funny? Most people are lucky to get a 2-4% increase in their salary a year...and many raises are tied to performance reviews. If I were you, I'd abandon this particular comparison. LOL. No good will come of it.
As a business owner that's just not true.

Even If I gave my employee a one dollar per hour raise.

There are other cost's like matching 401k cost of health insurance etc.

Which in turn raises my cost to do business and lowers my profit margin so guess what I do ?

I raise prices.

No business owner says well I'd like to make less.
As a business owner that's just not true.

Even If I gave my employee a one dollar per hour raise.

There are other cost's like matching 401k cost of health insurance etc.

Which in turn raises my cost to do business and lowers my profit margin so guess what I do ?

I raise prices.

No business owner says well I'd like to make less.
What are your honest thoughts on raising the cost of your product by 22.6% overnight? I'm sincerely interested? What do you sell and is 22.6% a reasonable increase? Because in my company, if we raised the cost of our services 22.6%... EVERY. SINGLE. CUSTOMER we have would cancel our contract immediately. BAR NONE.
I am not trying to make light of anyone's situation here, but man has this thread made me laugh!

To me, It freaking sucks that some families have been priced out. Who cares if they were on the "threshold" or not. The wonderful thing about our country is we can choose to live on any threshold we please. :p

I mainly feel bad that a lot of families may not be able to give their children the experience that got so many of us started on Disney to begin with. The way my girls light up when we pull onto Disney property, I wish all families could give that to each other, despite how successful they are. Do I think all families are entitled to go? No, of course not. But to preach the "work hard, life sucks" speech is just sad when we are talking about a place that is so darn magical to families. Sometimes a little bit of compassion goes a long way.

My family has not been priced out of Disney, and we are planning on going in December to see the Osborne lights, and will go again next year for a large family trip just before Christmas. The price increase doesn't even really bother me personally, besides the fact that I love saving money and it sucks when I know I will be spending more of it lol. But i definitely won't tell anyone here, whom I do not know, to work harder to afford the things that my family can afford. That is really sad. I am thankful every day that I am in the position I am, because I watched my parents work their hearts out, work overtime, cut corners, etc. just to make ends meet and I would NEVER wish that on anybody. HARD work alone doesn't equate success. Its a combination of work, education, and a bit of luck, with a whole lot of other crap mixed in. My point is Disney attracts ALL different incomes not because people feel they deserve to be there, but because they want to experience the same magic that they hear/see so many other families talk about. Obviously people on these boards have felt that magic at one point, and now feel it is being taken away from them. Sure, they could be thankful they got to go at all, which I am sure they are, but I don't think anybody here can say they would be ok with that feeling. Why would anyone want that experience to be more "exclusive"? Besides to benefit yourself and create shorter lines, I can't see the appeal of taking other peoples happiness with their families away. That freaking sucks and I am sorry it is happening to so many people (whether that number of people is significant to Disney or not) and I hope Disney listens to the complaints.

Also, I am in the same crowd of someone who prefers Disney to a Beach type vacation, but that doesn't mean I want Disney to become a luxury type vacation. It just means I enjoy an expensive, relatively clean theme park to a beach because I get bored easily. :flower1:
I 100% agree!:)
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What are your honest thoughts on raising the cost of your product by 22.6% overnight? I'm sincerely interested? What do you sell and is 22.6% a reasonable increase? Because in my company, if we raised the cost of our services 22.6%... EVERY. SINGLE. CUSTOMER we have would cancel our contract immediately. BAR NONE.
That would depend. my customers have no choice but to use me as no one else provides what I do in the US.

In 2013 my brothers lawn care business had a very hard time getting salt but when he finally got his order the price had tripled so what could he do other then raise the price.

I don't have access to Disney's books but I will say they have a lot of expensive projects to pay for.
In 2012 after sandy hook gun's and ammo doubled overnight. That to me is price gouging and I will not spend my money with the company's who did that.

However in this case I do not believe Disney is doing this just because they can.

I truly believe they have increased cost's and its time to raise the prices.
My opinion is that Disney execs don't want us regular repeat customers. Why, because we know all the "tricks" to going often and saving money. Potentially, we:

- only go with a discount
- pack lunches
- go during slower times
- get cups of water
- minimal souvenir shopping
- couple of TS unless free dining
- possibly eat in room with DVC
- don't do special events like Dessert Party, or tours
- buy APs so our "per day" ticket cost is significantly lower with multiple trips

The first time/only time visitor does it to the hilt, spends money everywhere. That family of four probably spends at least $1,000 more than my family of four due to all the "experiences" they must have.

We talked last night about possible off-site condo rental vs. on-site. We will still go, we have a very long history back to 1986 so believe me, we've seen all the changes, price increases, closings and openings. But it's still a special place to us, so we'll figure out how to justify the money lol.

I think this stay at OKW could be our last DVC stay, though. Even with renting points, the cost is pretty high.

THIS x1000000.


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