pick a pearl setting

Quick warning about some of the eBay cages - I got one of the crown ones, and within two weeks the silver plating had worn off the back of the charm, where it rubbed against my sweater. I'm not sure if there are solid sterling silver ones on eBay, but you might want to consider those if they're there. I have not tried the Cinderella coach ones - they may be by a different manufacturer. Maybe others can comment on those?

Edited to add: I just went back onto eBay to refresh my memory, and it was the white gold plated (WGP) charm that lost the plating so quickly. There were some cute sterling silver ones - I'd recommend sticking to those.
I have a question my girls and I had done the PAP in Japan last Dec. I picked 2 wanting to make earings for my DD but one was 8 mm and pink the other was 7 and cream so she decided to just make a necklace wiht the large one. I thought I had lost the other one but just discovered it the other day. DH and I are going to WDW for our anniversary and I want to do the PAP if I get one that matches the other one would they set both of them or just the one that I picked when I am there then? It would be cool to surprise my DD with the earings she wanted.
Quick warning about some of the eBay cages - I got one of the crown ones, and within two weeks the silver plating had worn off the back of the charm, where it rubbed against my sweater. I'm not sure if there are solid sterling silver ones on eBay, but you might want to consider those if they're there. I have not tried the Cinderella coach ones - they may be by a different manufacturer. Maybe others can comment on those?

Edited to add: I just went back onto eBay to refresh my memory, and it was the white gold plated (WGP) charm that lost the plating so quickly. There were some cute sterling silver ones - I'd recommend sticking to those.

I read on this thread, I think, that clear nail polish on the WGP carriage charm should slow down the wearing off of the plating.
My DD4 loves unicorns. :lovestruc She would be thrilled if we could pick a pearl and put it in a unicorn setting. Does anyone know of anything available at WDW? We would love to see a picture if possible.

I have a question my girls and I had done the PAP in Japan last Dec. I picked 2 wanting to make earings for my DD but one was 8 mm and pink the other was 7 and cream so she decided to just make a necklace wiht the large one. I thought I had lost the other one but just discovered it the other day. DH and I are going to WDW for our anniversary and I want to do the PAP if I get one that matches the other one would they set both of them or just the one that I picked when I am there then? It would be cool to surprise my DD with the earings she wanted.

You definitely don't have to have them set immediately after you do the PAP. During our 2009 trip, we picked pearls on a couple of different days and then had a necklace and earrings made on yet another day. We had the same issue with wanting 2 pearls that matched in size and colour for the earrings.

If you have the original plastic bag with the size and date on it, it would be worth taking it along and asking. The worst they can say is that they can't do it!
My dd got one this trip and she chose to set it on a "cell-phone charm". I fussed a bit and pointed out that she does not own a cell phone. Bright child that she is, she informed me that the charm is clipped to the cell phone "leash" part and that the charm clasp is identical to her charm bracelet jewelry. So, now she has one "real" charm and tons of cheap "fake" ones! And she bought all of this with her own spending money.
I have done this twice and have a necklace and a ring. Both are great and have held up really well. Does anyone know if they have a bracelet you can have the pearl set on?
I picked my pearl at DTD. They were pretty friendly, but I was getting frustrated because I wasn't sure what kind of setting I wanted. I just wanted to take some time to browse through the selections but the girl helping me kept showing me things I didn't like :confused3

It has 3 diamonds in a gold setting. Total cost was $191. She waved the pearl fee because she told me the wrong price. It was a fun experience :)

I need 3 more posts to be able to post an image, but I'll come back and post it soon!
I've done the pearls with my boys several tmes and at Japan and BC. Has anyone done it several times and found better pearls, such as color or size at one location over the other?
Can you have it made into a charm for a Tiffany Bracelet? You know, one of those bracelets that are silver with the dangling charms? Thanks!
We picked 3 in Japan at Epcot and 2 at Blizzard Beach. The ones at Blizzard beach were put into simple post earrings and the 3 from Japan - 1 black, 1 gold and 1 pure white (all the same size and so pretty) are all put away for my boys to have set in settings for their significant others (when they have them :))
I've read the complete thread. And I am hooked :) I really really really want to pick my own pearl in Epcot in October. Maybe 2 pearls or 4 *blush*

Make it a complete set: ring, earrings, necklace. Ive seen a couple of them that I really like.

I'm looking forward to more pictures and prices :)
Just did this with DD's 17 & 11. Each picked their own....DD17 got twins and DD 11 got a silver blue...CM made a big fuss as it is rare to get twins and then to open the other one to find the rare silver blue one....they then made a Mickey head with them...beat the drums and show everyone how lucky the girls were to get these pearls. Have brought them home to have them set at DH's uncle's jewelery store. Looking for ideas as the twins owner doesn't wear earings.
I have not just read this whole thread over a span of two days, and I did not buy Cinderellas carriage on ebay to hold my pearl :rolleyes1

Or maybe I did :rotfl:

I'm excited to pick a pearl in june!!!!
After 84 pages...........I really really want to do this!!!
I want to order the Cinderella carriage cage. My DH said no, b/c he does not trust ebay! :confused3
So i'm hoping to order them off topearl.com
Has anyone order from them before and did they like what they got??
Should i order the chains as well??
After 84 pages...........I really really want to do this!!!
I want to order the Cinderella carriage cage. My DH said no, b/c he does not trust ebay! :confused3
So i'm hoping to order them off topearl.com
Has anyone order from them before and did they like what they got??
Should i order the chains as well??

I recently ordered 3 of the Cinderella carriage cages off ebay and received them with no troubles. The price was unbeatable and the shipping one of the fastest I've seen. I understand your DH's hangups about ebay, but I did not have any trouble at all. And the carraiges I got came with chains. I got them for my nieces so the chains should be good enough. If it were for me I'd probably buy a nice chain at home to put it on.
i ordered 2 cages from ebay last year - no problem at all.

actually i've ever had a problem ordering anything off ebay. mind you i only buy from people who have tons of good reviews.

eve when there's been a problem with something i've ordered (a dvd) it's been replaced asap

i wouldn't worry about ordering something from ebay
I was very weary of eBay as well. Honestly, the buyers have more "protection" than the seller. I use paypal to pay and have never had a problem. I ordered the cinderella coaches and they were wonderful. The chains are a bit cheap but, hey...what do you want for free??? I think I got it in 3 days. I only buy from people with 99% or above positive rating. Go for it.:cool1:
Not only am *I* really excited about doing this, we've decided (since we're going to Disney with my MIL) to have her pick out a pearl and setting as her mother's day gift. (We're leaving FLorida on Mother's Day.)


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