our secret green club? Part 10

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Hey Mary!!! Pearl has on her new teddy bear dress again. I swear I can't keep that out of the wash.. Thats her favorite.
Well the best part of yesterday was I did finally finish the Harry Potter book! :woohoo:

Yesterday morning I decided to sleep in a little so I had dh and ds drive me to work. :banana:

Get a call about an hour or so later, dh and ds stopped to play a little bit of soccer in the front yard when they got home. One of them kicked the ball out & dh went to get it & found


only he found it with his foot. He & ds heard a huge POP!!!!!! :eek: :scared:

Long story short dh ended up breaking his right ankle on both sides of his ankle & tearing his tendons. The drs wanted him to stay in the hospital so they could flush out the swelling today & operate tomorrow to put in a plate and some screws-- getting released on Saturday!

Sounds good right!:thumbsup2

They rebroke his ankle and set it in a soft cast while they were waiting for more x-rays.

Not to dh, he had a FIT (major understantement). He absolutely refused to stay in the hospital. I was sorry I ever came, he kept following me around--walking on his ankle arguing with me--even when I was even talking. :sad2: No one could get him to see how important it was for him to stay. At one point he even slammed his bad foot on the floor twice in a temper. (DUMB :eeyore: )

Finally we ended up going home. Only to have him announce in the car how sorry he was & that he was dumb and should've just stayed in the hospital!!!! :mad: He called today as directed to set up an appointment for surgery next week. For a while there was a chance that he could've gone back into the hospital today, but someone else took his spot. So Monday he goes to see the Orthopedic Specialist and they will set something up from there. He promised to keep it elevated last night & he wasn't doing that either!

I think he knows he ticked everyone off cuz he's trying to be really loving & sweet today! :guilty: Hopefully he'll be scheduled for surgery soon & can really start recovering.


Well the best part of yesterday was I did finally finish the Harry Potter book! :woohoo:

Yesterday morning I decided to sleep in a little so I had dh and ds drive me to work. :banana:

Get a call about an hour or so later, dh and ds stopped to play a little bit of soccer in the front yard when they got home. One of them kicked the ball out & dh went to get it & found


only he found it with his foot. He & ds heard a huge POP!!!!!! :eek: :scared:

Long story short dh ended up breaking his right ankle on both sides of his ankle & tearing his tendons. The drs wanted him to stay in the hospital so they could flush out the swelling today & operate tomorrow to put in a plate and some screws-- getting released on Saturday!

Sounds good right!:thumbsup2

They rebroke his ankle and set it in a soft cast while they were waiting for more x-rays.

Not to dh, he had a FIT (major understantement). He absolutely refused to stay in the hospital. I was sorry I ever came, he kept following me around--walking on his ankle arguing with me--even when I was even talking. :sad2: No one could get him to see how important it was for him to stay. At one point he even slammed his bad foot on the floor twice in a temper. (DUMB :eeyore: )

Finally we ended up going home. Only to have him announce in the car how sorry he was & that he was dumb and should've just stayed in the hospital!!!! :mad: He called today as directed to set up an appointment for surgery next week. For a while there was a chance that he could've gone back into the hospital today, but someone else took his spot. So Monday he goes to see the Orthopedic Specialist and they will set something up from there. He promised to keep it elevated last night & he wasn't doing that either!

I think he knows he ticked everyone off cuz he's trying to be really loving & sweet today! :guilty: Hopefully he'll be scheduled for surgery soon & can really start recovering.



Oh no!! Im sending :wizard: and pixiedust: (lots) you're families way. Keep us updated :)
I can't get a wii....dad thinks i'll let go of the cordless controller and send it flying into the tv. Where would he get an idea like that? I mean...come on im not that clumsy *knocks over lamp* right?
I can't get a wii....dad thinks i'll let go of the cordless controller and send it flying into the tv. Where would he get an idea like that? I mean...come on im not that clumsy *knocks over lamp* right?

The wrist straps are MANDATORY in my house... we have a 42" LCD....flying remotes won't be good.

9 more........
The wrist straps are MANDATORY in my house... we have a 42" LCD....flying remotes won't be good.

9 more........

u have a wii now. well here we must wear the strap because we have a 60 inch tv.
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