Ot Need To Vent 1st Bump in the Road What Do I Do?


Jul 16, 2008
Ok so we have planned this nice family vacation for the four of us for our 2 DD's B-day, planned for a year and made all of our dinning ressies 6 mos in advance, never mind the fact tat we are spending a fortune even with the discount. :headache:
DMIL and DSIL with her DD 2 1/2 surprised us and will be coming for a few days when we will be celebrating. So I called to add the three of them on to the birthday dinner at CM's and was told it can't be done. And they won't let me bring my niece into CRT to sit on my lap on that same day. Now what do I do they are making this trip for my girls and I can not include them. I spent over an hour on the phone with Disney and all they would say was sorry.

I am so pissed off, and them on top of it when I finally gave up trying I said " just put me through to your survey system and let me off the phone" so the CM put me through to a supervisor ( on hold for 5 mins) and she had the nerve to ask me what is my issue. Well I lost it and Said" I have been on hold forever so don;t try and play dumb like you don't know my problem. :eek: I didn't ask for a supervisor, but I you can help me fine." She said no! I proceeded to rant and rave that this is supposed to be the year of what you will celabrate and I can't even celabrate my girls birthdays after spending close to ten thousand dollars total for all of this.

Please Help does anyone have any suggestions?:confused3 :sick: :sad1:
I'm sorry that you feel this way, but it is really not Disney's fault. These reservations, especially CRT, must be made as far in advance as possible. Why should they let your group in and not others?:confused3
not looking for the group just one kid to sid on my lap.

as far as Chef Mickeys, I have already ordered the cake and everything these ressies have beenin place for six months and Paid for in advance.
Every body that goes in to each restaurant counts in the reservation, even a baby. That's just how it works at Disney, and the CMs can't change that in their reservation system. You can show up with the extra person for your reservation time, but they have the right to not accomodate your larger party (I assume that you are going from 4 people to 5, thus need the next larger size table) if they are already booked full with other families also celebrating their own special days.

How about eating at Akershus and seeing the princesses there instead? They may be able to accomodate your larger group, and I'm sure that the girls won't notice the difference.

Basically, it seems like you can do one of two things: change your reservation to a location that can accomodate your group, or go to the CRT meal without the late additions to your party. Which one will make your kids happiest?

Sorry, but fortunately you were able to get such a tough reservation for your girls' birthday! If you decide to go, I hope that they enjoy it as much as you hope they will!

ETA: Sorry, I had CRT on my brain and thought that you were doing the birthday dinner there. CM is pretty ordinary IMO (and the food is bleh) - how about choosing a different character meal? We love the character interaction at Garden Grill
If they're full, they're full. I know it stinks, but I don't see a reason to get mad at the people on the phone- they can't add 3 more people if there are not seats for them (but the waiting for 5 minutes, that would get me a little upset).

If you really want them to join you, I would suggest trying for a dinner elsewhere in Disney that might be less crowded, or off property. Then you cal all eat together! You can also just bring them with you to Chef Mickeys or CRT, and see what they can do- but be prepared for them to be turned away.
I agree with the previous poster. It really isn't Disney's fault that your plans have changed.

None of the restaurants allow "lap sitters". Everyone in the group is counted & must have their own chair.

CM is a hard ADR to get & is usually booked way in advance. You pretty much have 2 options:

1) Keep your ADR & have dinner w/o the latecomers (maybe you all can have lunch together instead somewhere else?)

2) Cancel your CM ressie & eat somewhere else.

You can also keep calling to see if you can change to a larger table.
I know that things like this can be frustrating. I have had to learn that what other places (ie resturants) will allow Disney just will not. When we were first planning on going I thought that we could all stay in a value since DS3 usually ended up in my bed at home. It was very frustrating. I also found it very frustrating to make my DD10 pay for the same amount of food as DH. I really had to calm down and say these are the rules. I don't agree with all of them but if I wanted to go to Disney I must follow them. What if you plan another location to eat at with all of the family. I am sure that there are a few resturants that are still available. They may not be your choice but at least the whole family would be together.
In my mind I know everything you are saying because I was one of those people up at five am prepairing for the phone call to make my reservations, and up till 1 am the night before making sure everthing was in order so it is just frustrating.

I actually just cancelled my askerhouse because friends went over the summer and said it was not worth it. and my children have been talking about cinderella table for ever and a day. they live and breath the castle. I even have a gigantic castle taking up my living room. I just need to vent. I could have taken all this money and paid for a very relaxing vacation for my entire family but I decided to spend every extra dime I have on disney and bypas everthing else for a year. So a little understanding would be nice, and again the extra is a 2 1/2 year old I could see if I wanted to add all 3 of them and change the reservation to seven understandable. I just want her to see the princesses with my priceses since the have reservations at the BBB right before this meal. Planned with tears and now feel guilty I have to say no to a little girl it is just not right.
At this point you can keep calling, try changing the day or times, go without her, or cancel.

That is how it works. You may not like it, but it's not Disney's fault one bit that your plans changed.
Ok so we have planned this nice family vacation for the four of us for our 2 DD's B-day, planned for a year and made all of our dinning ressies 6 mos in advance, never mind the fact tat we are spending a fortune even with the discount. :headache:
DMIL and DSIL with her DD 2 1/2 surprised us and will be coming for a few days when we will be celebrating. So I called to add the three of them on to the birthday dinner at CM's and was told it can't be done. And they won't let me bring my niece into CRT to sit on my lap on that same day. Now what do I do they are making this trip for my girls and I can not include them. I spent over an hour on the phone with Disney and all they would say was sorry.

I am so pissed off, and them on top of it when I finally gave up trying I said " just put me through to your survey system and let me off the phone" so the CM put me through to a supervisor ( on hold for 5 mins) and she had the nerve to ask me what is my issue. Well I lost it and Said" I have been on hold forever so don;t try and play dumb like you don't know my problem. :eek: I didn't ask for a supervisor, but I you can help me fine." She said no! I proceeded to rant and rave that this is supposed to be the year of what you will celabrate and I can't even celabrate my girls birthdays after spending close to ten thousand dollars total for all of this.

Please Help does anyone have any suggestions?:confused3 :sick: :sad1:

I understand you may be frustrated right now. But I think your anger is misguided. CRT has LIMITED seating. (And is one of the hardest places to get into). I'm sorry that you are not getting what you want, but what do you expect the CM to do-kick someone out? The CM's have a limited number to work with- once that number is reached-there is nothing they can do. Each body counts. Laws must be followed. Yelling, ranting and raving is not going to help.

As far as Chef Mickeys perhaps they have an opening for your total group size at a different meal or even on a different day? The cake should be easy to transfer to the new meal.

I agree with the others about trying to get a spot at the Princess meal in Norway-or even the Cinderella dinner at GF. Either of those may be able to seat your entire group.

I hope your princess has a great birthday trip!
I just want to agree with the PP, we ate at both the Castle and Akershus and I liked Akershaus much better....especially since we took our DD who was 2 and she had more room to roam.
Have you thought about Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique appointment so your girls still get the castle experience and then eating some where else?
I understand your fustration, I tried for months prior to our trip to get change our times for CM without any success. I figured it's just another excuse to make another trip to the World! :cool1:
I understand you frustration, but like others have said it's not Disney's fault. With that said, I would call everyday and see if someone canceled. My sister was able to get in by calling the night before, so there is always hope. For now, I would tell the other party what has happened, and what you are trying to do. If it doesn't work out, at least you tried. :hug:

If all else fails, why not take the others to 1900 Park Fair at the Grand Floridian for dinner. The girls would LOVE it. :)
I just wanted to add too...that it seems like a big deal now but you will be experiencing so many magical times with your family while you will there that you will forget all about this as soon as you get there! Your girls are very lucky to have your DMIL, DSIL, and Neice to celebrate with them and a mother that is so dedicated sharing a great time with them. So enjoy your pending trip! you will have a great time no matter what you do!
OK, I'm going to offer a sympathetic ear (and may get flamed for a suggestion or 2).
CRT has booth/tables (one side is bench & one side is chairs)...POSSIBLY you could request that sort of table and the kids could squeeze together.
Watching the boards for Christmas it seemed that CRT was one of the more popular resturants that gets canceled closer to dates, soo keep trying and something may become available.
Check the reservation swap board...someone may be abel to help you on there.
Obviously CM was really important to you (or your girls)...I say stick with it and let the other family members meet up after supper (maybe take the cake with you to share with them)--watch the fireworks from one of the resorts perhaps?!?!
Otherwise just keep calling (I know it can get expensive) and see what becomes available. If you get one CM that doesn't mesh with you, call back for another one.
Good luck! I know it is very frustrating when you spend Buko$$$$ for a perfect trip and someone/something beyond your control rushes in.
DH and I have discussed leaving her out for CRT because I will not take that away from my children being selfish I say they should have decided to surprise us earlier. but I will Keep trying for chef mickeys since we may be able to get last minute changes/ cancelations. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Even more frustrating they have table which are 4-5 top table with families of four sitting at them and when I asked can you change me to a 4-5 from a 4 topper they said we can't see that in our system so again going through my mind is money and what they take in they must have this amazing system so id she just BSing me to shut me up.

I must be and idiot or everyone thinks that. I am really not that big of a [edited]
That is very frustrating. I would just keep calling. Try not to get upset, just call every day and ask for CRT during the time period that you will be there.

We booked about 45 days prior to our mid-June trip. I tried to get CRT but it was booked. I called every couple of days, not really thinking that I would get it. After about 4 calls, we were able to get in.

FWIW, I loved eating in the castle but my kids favorite character meals were Ohana and Garden Grill.

If you are all going to be in the park anyway, then I would ask even once you arrive. It never hurts to ask nicely! :goodvibes

I am sorry that it is so frustrating. When you spend so much, you want everything to be perfect. Unfotunately, with our without this reservation, the trip will NOT be perfect. Try to relax and enjoy the trip and not get stressed. I wish you the best!:)
I have to agree with PPs. If all else fails try to book somewhere else. I'm sure your added guests would understand that with all the prebooking it just sometimes doesn't work to even add 1 person to the hardest-to-get reservation. Maybe they won't even be upset by this as you are. (I know being the planner of any group can be extra stressful - you want everyone's holiday to be perfect! When really they won't know what they're missing - it's not worth the upset)
And please - I know you are upset now - so once you calm down...do not become one of those families that screams at CMs how much $ you spent and therefore you deserve more than what you are given. Everyone around you has spent all they can afford for their holidays and no one is given special treatment based on that. Yelling and getting upset didn't get you any different outcome than saying - "thanks for trying" - and not losing your cool.
thank you all for all of your responses.

I am so looking foward to this trip just to see the reactions of my girls. I just think about it and start to tear up. both of my children are miracle babies and they are old enough to truely know what is going on. the extra family will only be there for two days during our trip so it limits what we do.

theplans for this specific day starts out at BBB mk quick snack the early lung at crt play around the park looking fo pic oportunities and going to dinner at CM for the official Bday dinner. and when the girls see the planning video and the travel channel specials on disney they go nuts over all of these things so no matter what I am sure I will be an unforgettable vacation,

I will get over this and DH plans to call everday multiple times a daytrying isnce it is his family.
I am sorry OP-but your having a hissy fit over something that is not Disneys' fault.

You should be thankful you even GOT the first ressie at CRT- a lot of people don't.

Chef Mickeys is not a big deal-there are tons of Mickey character dining restaurants-pick another one.

The ressie system will only bring up your name and ressies-not other peoples. It does not bring up a map of the restaurant on that night. It simply brings up a table size and a time and the call center CMs fill it. They CANNOT tell who is going to be where on a certain night.

A 2 1/2 year old child is not going to be upset about not going to the castle-especially if you don't tell her.

Do you think that if Disney could allow your niece in for another $30 something dollars-they wouldn't? What do you think they are just out to piss you off?

And last-what makes your money any better than someone elses money who is already booked for that same time? Why should someone else suffer for your SIL poor planning-for that matter why are YOU suffering for it.

Either make new plans or stick with what you got and deal.

never said anything about my money being better then anyone elses just stating frustration. I did follow all the rules to the T and made my reservations exactly when I was supposed to I am not saying i want anyone else to suffer the point being no one knows where they are sitting. Point being is that right next to me may be a 5 top table with 4 people sitting there and I may be at a 4 top table just swith the table no one looses thier ressies because of me. Seriously who would even think about doing that to anyone.

The reason I got the ressie in the first place is because I was up at the crack of dawn in the morning watching the world clock and dialing the phone at 10 seconds to seven like I was supposed to. I am not trying to be play all high and mighty, but alittle understanding would be nice. More looking for some options without haveing to rearrnge the whole trip.


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