OMG - That Duggar woman is pregnant again

That doesn't make it right for the children. People having children for free labor is what is sounds like to me. Again, I had chores and helped around the house. But I was not lined up to be the parent of a child before he or she was even born. Big difference in helping take care of the babies and parenting that child. That is what they have them doing. It is just wrong. And since they are publicly putting themselves out there, then I can give my opinion.


I've known women telling child #1 that the new baby
(child #2) is "their's"....go figure....
I think someone needs to tell them about a modern invention called birth control.
I realize that that many kids seems odd to many people. I have two and sometimes feel overwhelmed. :)

However, before you pass judgment on the Duggars, keep in mind that the Duggars are really nice people. Michelle is so very calm and loving to all of the children, and the children are THE MOST WELL BEHAVED kids I have seen. They were debt free before any of the news coverage started. They also built the house they currently live in pretty much on their own -- I think they did hire electricians to wire the house for safety reasons.

For those who wondered about why Michelle isn't on birth control. When they first got married, she was on the pill. She got pregnant and then miscarried. The doctor told them that the pill can cause miscarriages if a preganancy occurs. Michelle basically felt like it was her fault the baby didn't make it. They decided to never take the pill again and accept the babies God gave to them. They never had this many kids in mind!! They have just been blessed. :)

As far as being subsidized by the tax payers, it's simply not true. While they may enjoy tax benefits from having so many kids, they do not receive any more special privileges than if one of us had that many kids. Using the subsidy line of thought... since I only have two kids, those of you who have 3 or more are being subsidized by me. That just doesn't make sense to me. :)

Just my two cents. :)
I am not sure how many have seen the GMA or Today show spot that they were on (can't remember which show it was). But, Michelle did get a new hairdo!!!! :worship: She seems to be growing out her bangs which were the size of Utah and all curled up with the curling iron. She is finally growing out those bangs and put down that cursed curling iron!!! She actually looked really pretty.
I don't have a problem with anybody having as many children as they want. However, it is not the parents raising these children. It is the older children having to take care of the younger children. And that is the part I have a problem with. If you have children, then YOU AS PARENTS need to take care of them. And if you can't, then you need to stop having them. That is the problem I have with it. They can't be children themselves for having to be the "parents" to the younger kids.


I agree with this completely.

I think it is more than "watch the kids, I have to take a shower." The older kids are completely responsible for the younger child they are assigned to, including getting up with them in the middle of the night. That just isn't right.
I realize that that many kids seems odd to many people. I have two and sometimes feel overwhelmed. :)

However, before you pass judgment on the Duggars, keep in mind that the Duggars are really nice people. Michelle is so very calm and loving to all of the children, and the children are THE MOST WELL BEHAVED kids I have seen. They were debt free before any of the news coverage started. They also built the house they currently live in pretty much on their own -- I think they did hire electricians to wire the house for safety reasons.

For those who wondered about why Michelle isn't on birth control. When they first got married, she was on the pill. She got pregnant and then miscarried. The doctor told them that the pill can cause miscarriages if a preganancy occurs. Michelle basically felt like it was her fault the baby didn't make it. They decided to never take the pill again and accept the babies God gave to them. They never had this many kids in mind!! They have just been blessed. :)

As far as being subsidized by the tax payers, it's simply not true. While they may enjoy tax benefits from having so many kids, they do not receive any more special privileges than if one of us had that many kids. Using the subsidy line of thought... since I only have two kids, those of you who have 3 or more are being subsidized by me. That just doesn't make sense to me. :)

Just my two cents. :)
They do not pay taxes on their home. They have declared it a church. So yes, we are paying for them. They did not furnish their home. It was "donated" as well as a designer that "donated" their time. Please. They also had their pantries stocked full of donated food. They show it on their show. I do not find them amazing because they have so many kids. Anyone can have a bunch of kids. They might be nice people and all but the truth is that Michelle and Jim Bob are not raising those kids. The kids are raising the kids. Check their website. There is no time to be a kid in their daily schedule. I don't care what her hair looks like etc. but I do find it strange that a 19 year old is dressing like his 2 year old brother.:confused: But hey- to each their own. At 9 you should not be thrilled to get a new washing machine and dryer. Sorry but that is not right. Helping around the house is one thing. Being an indentured servant is another. As for birth control, well there is natural family planning.
I think someone needs to tell them about a modern invention called birth control.

If you go to their website it says that they first used the birth control pill before they had their kids (or maybe after one or two) which did not fully work and the pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage. Apparently this is the whole reason behind having so many children, because they felt guilty about that one.

There are other methods of birth control though. ;)
If you go to their website it says that they first used the birth control pill before they had their kids (or maybe after one or two) which did not fully work and the pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage. Apparently this is the whole reason behind having so many children, because they felt guilty about that one.

There are other methods of birth control though. ;)

I´m pretty sure they´re well aware of the various methods available...
They did not furnish their home. It was "donated" as well as a designer that "donated" their time.

You do realize that the people who “donated” things did it for a reason? 1) They get the tax write off. 2) They get product placement; aka, FREE ADVERTISING! They are not being generous simply because “those people have so many kids”. They are getting big pay offs. It might make their hearts feel good, but it’s a company and it comes down to making money. If you (general you) don’t like it, don’t watch the show. The ratings will go down and the payoff for the network and advertisers (those who donate in addition to having their ads aired during the show) will walk away.

At 9 you should not be thrilled to get a new washing machine and dryer.

My kids jump up and down when we get new appliances. I can’t figure it out, but they love it. They like shopping for them even. DS7 asked if he could stay home from school the day we were getting a new dishwasher. I thought that was the weirdest thing, but neighbors told me their kids love new appliances too. I think to kids, it’s exciting because it doesn’t happen often.

I mentioned earlier that they were debt free before they were on TV. I never said that being debt free made them great parents. Maybe someone else did, I am not sure. We are in no way debt free and I know we are great parents.

I just find it amusing that so many people have such strong opinions on people they dont know. I also find it amusing that people are judging them by the way they dress and do their hair. I have Mennonite friends who dress different and have their hair different but unless someone points it out, I never think about it. I also have Pentecostal friends who have long hair and only wear dresses. I dont but I respect that they do. I want dd to be exposed to different people with different backgrounds and I want her to know someone from what is in their heart and not what is on their body or on their head.

I would feel bad bashing people I dont know. We all know that TV only lets us see one side. We all know she is not happy all the time. None of us are. We all live differently and believe different things but do we want to be bashed?

:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

I am sure there are many things I could probably pick apart about the posters on the DIS, but who am I to judge? People in glass houses, you know…
You do realize that the people who “donated” things did it for a reason? 1) They get the tax write off. 2) They get product placement; aka, FREE ADVERTISING! They are not being generous simply because “those people have so many kids”. They are getting big pay offs. It might make their hearts feel good, but it’s a company and it comes down to making money. If you (general you) don’t like it, don’t watch the show. The ratings will go down and the payoff for the network and advertisers (those who donate in addition to having their ads aired during the show) will walk away.
While this may be true- I was pointing it out because some people were so impressed with the stuff they had and wondered how they were able to afford it. FTR- I do not watch their show anymore. I saw a few episodes and that was enough for me. YMMV.

My kids jump up and down when we get new appliances. I can’t figure it out, but they love it. They like shopping for them even. DS7 asked if he could stay home from school the day we were getting a new dishwasher. I thought that was the weirdest thing, but neighbors told me their kids love new appliances too. I think to kids, it’s exciting because it doesn’t happen often.

I get what you are saying about the whole excitement of something new in the house but the child was actually excited because it made her job easier! Come on now! Your kids were excited but it wasn't because they no longer had to hand wash the dishes.

:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

I am sure there are many things I could probably pick apart about the posters on the DIS, but who am I to judge? People in glass houses, you know…

Sure you can pick apart just about everyone. The only difference is that we don't go on TV for the world to see. They like to talk about how they are so organized etc. and give all these great "tips" but in reality the older kids are raising the younger ones there.
Sure you can pick apart just about everyone. The only difference is that we don't go on TV for the world to see. They like to talk about how they are so organized etc. and give all these great "tips" but in reality the older kids are raising the younger ones there.

Again, that has nothing to do with the NUMBER of kids. That is their parenting style. There are people who parent like that with one or two kids. Heck, there are all those career-minded and having-to-work-two-job-just-to-make-ends-meet people out there with latch-key kids who never see their parents that do the exact same thing.

There are so many people on here complaining about them, so why do they watch? Want to get rid of what you disapprove of so much? Stop watching! TV is all about ratings. Low ratings = low advertising dollars. Low advertising dollars = c-ya!

You're putting yourself out on the Internet for the world to read. It's really not that different, but, hey, they're getting something for it. Good for them.

Plus, as I've said before, this isn't "The Truman Show" or "Ed TV". You are seeing what the producers want you to see. They edit to bring in the talking factor--controversy, in this case. They want people interested. They want ratings. Right now, there is probably someone who doesn't watch the show (like me) who will be checking out at least one episode (not like me) just to see what all the talk is about. Ratings up. You learn that in the first media class you take. You learn that in your first internship. It's all about ratings.
However, before you pass judgment on the Duggars, keep in mind that the Duggars are really nice people. Michelle is so very calm and loving to all of the children, and the children are THE MOST WELL BEHAVED kids I have seen.

And here's my point exactly -- how do you know they are "really nice people"? How do you know "Michelle is so very calm and loving to all the children" and how do you know "the children are THE MOST WELL BEHAVED kids?" Do you know them personally, or are you taking what you see on TV at face value? They seem like the Stepford family and I think, in many ways, those kids are being abused, emotionally at least. I don't see how this is any different than a cult. The girls are raised to be barefoot, pregnant and tied to a brood of kids. The boys are raised to believe they can do anything they want, as long as Dad approves. They don't honor their children and the children shouldn't feel any need to honor their parents, because their parents are actually their siblings. They have no outside interaction that isn't scheduled by mom and dad -- they're home schooled, they home worship, and they travel in a pack. That holier than thou crap, I just don't buy it. God wants them to have all these children? Are you kidding me? I hope they feel that way when mom dies because she bleeds out during one of her pregnancies or deliveries. Apparently the well-being of her family is not foremost in her mind, because she's taking too many chances with having more and more kids. Do you really think Jim Bob will step in if she dies and take care of those kids? He doesn't seem the nurturing, fatherly type, but rather a shrewd businessman who really has no emotional connection to those kids.
This is a strange thread to be so hot. I have watched interviews and read various stories and while I don't know them personally, I also don't know Brittney Spears or the Osbornes or any of the other families on TV. I am guessing that the Duggars kids will probably turn out better than most of those. There are no neighbors that speak negatively about them, no relatives with dark secrets, in the end they are just a big, religious family. I don't care if Kellogs donates cereal to them, they pay their own way which is more than I can say for many large families that I do see and know on a personal basis. They don't run out and buy stuff on credit, they wait and save up. I watched a few episodes where they lived in a tiny house while they built the big one by hand. It took them years and Sponsors finally stepped in and did it for them but they would have been content with the old house. It is a fact that tight knit communities and kibbutzs are healthy for the children. I can't imagine what harm a self-sufficient family can do to the general population. I bet they are taking economic downturns in stride better than most. I don't have cable, but I would much rather my children watch them than any other reality show on tv.
And here's my point exactly -- how do you know they are "really nice people"? How do you know "Michelle is so very calm and loving to all the children" and how do you know "the children are THE MOST WELL BEHAVED kids?" Do you know them personally, or are you taking what you see on TV at face value?

I am basing my thoughts/opinions on real-life personal interactions that have occurred over the years. I do not consider myself a "friend" but I do know them and have spent time with them.
This is a strange thread to be so hot. I have watched interviews and read various stories and while I don't know them personally, I also don't know Brittney Spears or the Osbornes or any of the other families on TV. I am guessing that the Duggars kids will probably turn out better than most of those. There are no neighbors that speak negatively about them, no relatives with dark secrets, in the end they are just a big, religious family. I don't care if Kellogs donates cereal to them, they pay their own way which is more than I can say for many large families that I do see and know on a personal basis. They don't run out and buy stuff on credit, they wait and save up. I watched a few episodes where they lived in a tiny house while they built the big one by hand. It took them years and Sponsors finally stepped in and did it for them but they would have been content with the old house. It is a fact that tight knit communities and kibbutzs are healthy for the children. I can't imagine what harm a self-sufficient family can do to the general population. I bet they are taking economic downturns in stride better than most. I don't have cable, but I would much rather my children watch them than any other reality show on tv.

Again, that has nothing to do with the NUMBER of kids. That is their parenting style. There are people who parent like that with one or two kids. Heck, there are all those career-minded and having-to-work-two-job-just-to-make-ends-meet people out there with latch-key kids who never see their parents that do the exact same thing.

There are so many people on here complaining about them, so why do they watch? Want to get rid of what you disapprove of so much? Stop watching! TV is all about ratings. Low ratings = low advertising dollars. Low advertising dollars = c-ya!

You're putting yourself out on the Internet for the world to read. It's really not that different, but, hey, they're getting something for it. Good for them.

Plus, as I've said before, this isn't "The Truman Show" or "Ed TV". You are seeing what the producers want you to see. They edit to bring in the talking factor--controversy, in this case. They want people interested. They want ratings. Right now, there is probably someone who doesn't watch the show (like me) who will be checking out at least one episode (not like me) just to see what all the talk is about. Ratings up. You learn that in the first media class you take. You learn that in your first internship. It's all about ratings.

I think we actually agree on a lot of points but perhaps are coming at it wrong. I agree that the number of kids is not the issue at all. You are right that it is a parenting style. Editing does come into play big time.
One thing that made me cringe was that she is just 6 weeks pregnant...and 41! I just think it's a bit early to be announcing a pregnancy, but I guess I'm just careful that way! Nobody knew I was pg until after 12 weeks. It's amazing to me that she hasn't had any children with disabilities (that we are aware of) or more failed pgs (that we are aware of), or pg complications. They definitely have good strong genes!
One thing that made me cringe was that she is just 6 weeks pregnant...and 41! I just think it's a bit early to be announcing a pregnancy, but I guess I'm just careful that way! Nobody knew I was pg until after 12 weeks. It's amazing to me that she hasn't had any children with disabilities (that we are aware of) or more failed pgs (that we are aware of), or pg complications. They definitely have good strong genes!

But why shouldn´t she tell? Even if something goes wrong, she might want people to know. Many women like the fact that they would probably recieve a lot more support in case of a miscarriage if people know about it, than if the whole pregnancy had still been a secret.


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