Oh Sweet Mother of Bread Pudding...What have I got myself into? 9/26 Update!

I love the bakery too! Your review of a cheese Danish actually has me craving it now and I don't normallly even like them! Agreed on the binky, strollers in line and pushy ECV comments as well. That place just doesn't have room in line for all that!
How nice that you guys got to sit and relax and enjoy! DH wants to do more of that when we go back. He doesn't even want to go to the parks but me and the girls aren't going along with that! Maybe if he and I take a short trip someday...
Ugh...the cheese danish in MK eluded me last week- I, too, had wanted to partake due to the recent obsession written about here by our mega-review friend....:) But I never made it, choosing to head out for FPs instead with my sons- but in May with my DISmoms....that danish is MINE!!!!:yay:

Nice rant about the budgers in line- ITA...uber obnoxious!!!:sad2: Why can't the strollers wait with Daddy at the table? Or if you have to bring the kids because you're alone, is it really necessary to drink coffee and text at the same time as you are navigating the line?? :confused3

OK...glad you are feeling better- hope you'll come say hi on my little trippie sometime...:wave:
I am so glad I am not the only one with the binky pet peeve; drives me nuts!

Looks like you found the perfect spot to enjoy a meal. We are going to have to try that!

Loving your review. :)
Hmmm; hadn't really thought about the danish, but now its definitely vying for a spot on my list... great review!
We had passed the alley/sidestreet outside of the crystal shop attached to the Bakery on our way in and knew we would be enjoying breakfast here, listening to the birds, appreciating the floral display on the trees and surrendering our senses to our meal, instead of the crazy rushing inside the bakery itself.

It was just me, Dan and the food.:lovestruc
It was just us, the food and the subtle atmosphere on a MK side-street, a world away from any hint of a crowd and completely immersed in Walt's dream of family enjoyment.
Totally pleasurable and totally a smack in your face, God tapping you on the shoulder and telling you to slow down, moment. :angel:

Hi Thanks for the great review and the hint about eating outside the bakery.
I am totally enjoying your reviews! Your reviews are some of the few I read aloud to the family. My kids are cracking up over the binky and the ECV's. Disclaimer--my stepdad rented one last year. He was mannerly. My DS18 that I was reading this to had a binky until three and he still thought it was hysterical (to make matters worse he looked tall enough to be five). He communicates just fine, FYI...;)
Ok, thanks a lot, now I want a cheese danish! ;) However, I know it won't be as good as that one and then I'll be disappointed :rotfl:
I have to say, I'm mostly a lurker.. popping in to ask a question here or there, and I've been enjoying your review without commenting for lack of spare time (its an effort to find time just to read your posts) but I knew I had to comment on your Main Street Bakery experience... OMG, I was cracking up... the binky thing really bugs me, too! Bravo and thanks for the laugh.

Looking forward to your next post!

BTW - I see a ton of readers but not posters! Give me some feedback so I know how ya like the reviews!!:worship:

well, I've just read this review only, and based off it, and that tidbit of knowledge that it takes restaurant.com certificates, I might consider adding this to my trip in May.... if I can talk a local friend into coming with me.. durn solo trip and certificates that require 2 entrees!!

Looks TASTY!! And good job reporting the parking situation!
Great review of the Main Street Bakery :thumbsup2

The Cheese Danish looks delicious .................. Mmmmm, Cheese Danish or Cinamon Roll :confused3
BTW - I see a ton of readers but not posters! Give me some feedback so I know how ya like the reviews!!:worship:

You are doing great! keep it up please!

The only thing I see missing is price information. as in, anything you ended up paying for OOP. :confused3 then again, you have so much good details on the food items themselves that not putting in prices isn't that big of a deal. :goodvibes
I am ashamed to admit I've never eaten anything from the MK bakery. The lines have always scared me off. I need to remedy that!!!;)
I think the bakery is a great place to grab an early breakfast at MK - DH and I ate there last October on our one day trip; I can't remember exactly what we got, I think a bagel to split and at least one pastry (but probably two knowing DH - he likes his own pastry!:rotfl: and doesn't always want to share). I do remember the pastries were fresh and the portions were large - its a good value for breakfast. We didn't have too many issues in line - but I agree, the lines aren't made for strollers. Way back when my kids were small, DH and I would send one person to get the food and the other took the kids and tried to find a table - how do you carry all that food and pay,etc., with a double stroller to navigate?
Love your reviews. I've never ventured over to any of the Swolphin restaurants but may have to make a point of it now!
The food was well worth the adventure. It also made me think of how I vacation when I am out of the country. I always eat at places the locals eat at and never a chain place like Olive Garden or Mc Donald's so why when at WDW, do I tend to stick to only what I know???:confused3
All the food looked great though. And the menu for BBQ night made my tummy rumbly. I may just have to try there in October. I need you to hurry up with more reviews because my 180 booking window opens soon and I need to know where to eat!
Dan and I need to book our trip and restaurants as well!! Now you have me excited!!
Not to mention the venue; they loved the rotating restaurant and we immediately went on 'The Land' ride afterward. For our visit this year one of the first questions was...'can we go back to that restaurant that went in circles!'
I need to try Garden Grille sometime!
Loving the reviews so far. Our whole family are total Sonic nuts!! Happy Hour indeed!!! I went there 3 days in a row last weekend just to get drinks... I think I may have a problem...
Not drinking my calories is hard with a slushie machine nearby!

I would think the manager would have comped you for your parking since that's what a good manager with any customer service skills would have done.
We did get a comp parking pass for that night but their policy will not change for future visits or anyone else.:confused:
Loved the Garden Grove review! Sounds like a wonderful experience, overall.
It was delish!!
Hopefully my concerns were noted!! Let me know if you decide to contact someone, and what they say in response!
I am writing the letter today and will let ya know if I hear back!
I am enjoying your reviews.
Thanks for replying! I am glad you are here.
Thanks for your thorough and specific review of Garden Grove. Just listened to the DIS podcast and they almost unanimously hated it. Granted, they hadn't eaten there in quite some time. But their comments were opposite of most of yours. That's why I love getting lots of opinions!!
I think I have learned to try things for myself and make my own opinion when it comes to restaurants at WDW. The other part of that is the service ca make or break a meal so what can be bad at a table down the aisle from you can be of no significance to your experience the same night.
Since Dawn is on the road - I can give you a bit of info on the coupon deal.

Hope you brought a jacket!! We're getting some cold weather this week!
SC was windy but much warmer than we had at home!!
Just found your Food Review TR. I'm only 15 pages behind! Time to get reading! If it's anything like your other TRs, it's going to be a fun ride!
I hope you are still dancing at the end of this saga!!
Slight hijack... Just wanted to say Hello to some fellow Minnesotans!
back to the awesomeness that is Dawn's TR... (who is another great Minnesotan of course!!)
I am thinking of mid July for a gathering!!! I will let ya know!
Hi! :) Just wanted to say I'm enjoying your reviews very much! I have been working my way through for a while now and finally caught up. You are a great writer - humorous, witty, detailed, and very entertaining! I think your style is so hard to come by but you do an excellent job. I actually read your TR where your son took his shirt off in Space Mountain (or something like that) but it was either while you were close to the end or completely finished so I never commented. Loved that one too!
Thanks so much for posting and saying hello. You have been with me a long time haven't you!!! I feel like Oprah and I found out I have a long lost sister!! :lmao:

Add another Minnesotan....however, originally from Ohio! Living in Eden Prairie now.
Minnesota in da House!!!

Great start, cant wait to hear more!!!
Hi!!! Dan is from Nebraska ya know!!
Okay okay!!! I will get moving!!:rotfl2:

Great reviews!!! I won't be going back for quite awhile and I've always loved your reports. I live in Tennessee and have a Sonic about 1 mile from my house.....I visit there much too often! I can't imagine not having one!

We love TN...actually think we might end up there after Baylor graduates!!
Love the food reviews.
Thanks Kim!!
I am so taking notes for the late September trip I'm taking with DSis and DStpMom next year! This year is us with the kiddo's though so they wouldnt appriciate Garden Grove
It has a ton of kids options and characters so they might like it while you can looove it!
Have to love a foodie named Dawn. I've laughed out loud several times reading this so far! Thanks for all the time and thought you've put into it!
ohhhhhh...are you a Dawn Marie????
BRING IT ON!! I'm here and ready to drool on my keyboard!!
They do make adult bibs ya know! :thumbsup2 :rotfl:
I didn't want to read and not post (even though I am generally very much the lurker). GREAT reviews...I love your writing style (this coming from an English Major turned Attorney). I can't wait to read more!!!
Well...you and I have something in common! My mom's name is Corinne. Now do you pronounce it Coreene or Corinn? I cannot tell you what your compliment meant to me BTW! :love:
This Dining review led me to your TR's. I have spent the last day and a half (while sick with a double ear infection) reading everything you have wrote. You are such a great writter. I even told DH about you and your family last night.
I feel like I know you all now! LOL

I hope you are feeling better and your family does not think you are as nutty as us now!

I'll have to consider Garden Grove next trip. A little red vino and the antipasto, I'd be a happy camper. You didn't mention, how was the bread?
Very moist and fantastic. I tried not to fill up on bread anywhere we went but this was stellar.
joining in! looking forward to more reviews
Thanks and hope you stay around!
And thank you to the poster who put your jalapeno dip recipe up - I had wanted to try it before, but forgot to write the recipe down.
I have a new cookie recipe to post as well!!! Did you make the dip yet???
Loving the review so far. Wish you had links so I could get right to the yummy reviews! :rotfl:
On the first post is the links!!

that doesn't sound good! I hope you get back on your feet soon! Being sick is the worst, hang in there! I am really loving the reviews.
Starting to feel better!! Thanks for the well wishes.
Oh Dear!!
Welcome home and feel better soon!!!
Thanks and I hope it keeps improving.
Feel better soon!
Muchas Gracias!
Yuck, poor Dawn! I think you need to go on a Disney Cruise to help you feel better!
Sorry to hear you are having such a rough time and hope you feel better soon.
I just need to start taking better care of myself!!

I've been lurking for two years, a member for just under a year, and I have responded to very little up until now but I just had to respond to you! I feel I have found a kindered food spirit!
I am so glad you feel this way!!

Enjoying so far!
I hope your feeling better soon!! Im so sorry to hear that!
On the mend!!

Glad you are back and hope you guys had a good time.
We had a great time and even have some food reviews!!
Sorry you're sick... Hope you're feeling better!!!
Your kind thoughts made it to God's ears!!
Feel better soon! Rest up and we will all be waiting to hear the rest of your report.
Rest is a hard thing to come by as a Mom isn't it!!! :worship:
Thank you so much for your entertaining writing, it's great reading.
I hope to make you laugh a lot this journey!!
I hope you are feeling better today. :hug:
Thanks my favorite Momma!
Oh my! Hope you get to feeling better soon!
I am finally!!!
feel better!!! (only because my selfish self wants to read more of your posts!!)
Your selfish parts made me laugh really hard!!
I don't know how you can live without a Krystal near you :scared1:
Living lighter probably!! :lmao:
If you are ever in the Athens area you need to stop and eat at our Varsity (Not that silly one in Atlanta) Best chili dog and onion rings around! And the Frosted Orange is a must have.
I will have to try it! Only been to the one in Atlanta.
Sorry to hear that you've been sick and sicker but I hope in spite of the 90 year old woman coughing and sinus crud you were able to have some fun in SC.
We did and we decided some big things for our future so that was awesome!
Woman! Get better soon! That's an order!!
Aye Aye captain!! BTW - GiGi's cupcakes in Madison and other locales...the holy grail of cupcake shops we discovered this last trip to SC...review on it's way!!!
Seriously, I'm here in the Twin Cities. If you need anything (from a complete stranger, I know) please let me know. It's no fun being sick.
I will keep you in mind if I need something!! Thanks for such a kind offer.
Anyway, glad that you found such an enjoyable way to start your day off in solitude. I'm going to take some time to try to find a side street myself in October and enjoy my food experience and hope it's half as good as yours sounded.
It was really wonderful.
I am definitely going to try to grab something at the bakery and sit on that side street next trip! You will not regret it!
About the fruit cup--have you ever had one where the honeydew was good? I know I haven't!! Why do they even bother with it when it never tastes like it's supposed to taste?
Totally agree.
My kids prefer the chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwich...they would eat that for breakfast.
Every trip I say I want to try one of those and never have yet!!!
Omg I love cheese Danish!! And that one looks yummmmyyyyyyyy!!! I have CRT ressies for breakfast but not Til 10 maybe I'll share one with dd and db beforehand!
Do ittttt!!!!

I would eat that for breakfast!!!! Lol
As a child care provider, the pacifier is my biggest pet peeve!!! I am glad I am not alone...sorry if I offended anyone but it is a killer for the teeth as well!

Main St. Bakery is the best! I love cheese danishes, so I'll definitely have to try that one! We try to go in the late afternoon-- crowds are much lighter then!
I am drooling just looking at the pic and wishing we would have gone back to get another one that trip!
How nice that you guys got to sit and relax and enjoy! DH wants to do more of that when we go back. He doesn't even want to go to the parks but me and the girls aren't going along with that! Maybe if he and I take a short trip someday...
The parks are just the accessory to the trips nowadays for Dan and I. Relaxing is a new found appreciation!
but in May with my DISmoms....that danish is MINE!!!!:yay:
So jealous of your trip!!
OK...glad you are feeling better- hope you'll come say hi on my little trippie sometime.
I will need to get over there for sure!!
Looks like you found the perfect spot to enjoy a meal. We are going to have to try that!
You all can come too but I am hoping it never gets too crowded now that I opened my mouth!!!:rotfl2:
Hmmm; hadn't really thought about the danish, but now its definitely vying for a spot on my list... great review!
It was bliss in a bun.
Hi Thanks for the great review and the hint about eating outside the bakery.
May we all enjoy the tranquility of a side street!
I am totally enjoying your reviews! Your reviews are some of the few I read aloud to the family. So you believe in cruel and unusual punishment??? I Like you even more!! :lmao:

Ok, thanks a lot, now I want a cheese danish! ;) However, I know it won't be as good as that one and then I'll be disappointed :rotfl:
Expect it to be awful and then you will always be happy!! :laughing:
I have to say, I'm mostly a lurker.. popping in to ask a question here or there, and I've been enjoying your review without commenting for lack of spare time (its an effort to find time just to read your posts) but I knew I had to comment on your Main Street Bakery experience... OMG, I was cracking up... the binky thing really bugs me, too! Bravo and thanks for the laugh.

Looking forward to your next post!
I never know what will make someone come out of the shadows! I bet if I mention mullets and spandex it would be like Woodstock!:rotfl2:
if I can talk a local friend into coming with me.. durn solo trip and certificates that require 2 entrees!!
I hope you can use it!!!
The Cheese Danish looks delicious .................. Mmmmm, Cheese Danish or Cinamon Roll :confused3
I think I can get better caramel rolls elsewhere...Cinnabon for example...so I would stick with the Danish!

You are doing great! keep it up please!

The only thing I see missing is price information. as in, anything you ended up paying for OOP. :confused3 then again, you have so much good details on the food items themselves that not putting in prices isn't that big of a deal. :goodvibes
I will pull my receipts and see what I can help you out with!!! Thanks for the suggestions!
I am ashamed to admit I've never eaten anything from the MK bakery. The lines have always scared me off. I need to remedy that!!!
Yes you do!!!!
Great review of the MK Bakery! :thumbsup2 It's a must do every time we are in the Magic Kingdom. The cinnamon roll and a chocolate croissant is always on our list of must haves. Might have to give the cheese danish a try- sure looks good!

Can't wait to read more. Hope you're feeling better Dawn! :flower3:
Love your reviews!! I have been reading parts of them to DH too. I think it is great that you include the trip there and back, that is a part of the vacation too!!

Our afternoon lunch was at The GF Tea Room. We originally had reservations for 3:30 p.m. but were ready earlier than I had thought we would be. I asked at the podium if we could be seated, it was around 2:30 p.m. and was politely told they were full and we would have to wait for our seating time.

We walked to the shop next to the tea room and as we left, walking past the podium again, we were asked if we would still like to be seated early and we said yes. Turns out someone was a no show so we got there spot!:cool1:

Good luck was in our favor!

We were seated at a table right next to the entrance and were starving! The smells wafting from the nearby tables were decadent and we knew what we wanted almost immediately. We had eaten here a few years back and had been given a tea made of all fruit, served hot, over ice and enjoyed the sandwiches, scones and strawberries that came with a full service tea.



There was a mother/daughter duo in their latter years, next to us, enjoying a hot tea. It always looks impressive with the cozzy they place over the pot to keep it warm. I just cannot bring myself to drink anything hot for very long though. Not even hot chocolate in the freezing temps up here or apple cider. I am also not a tea fan, so finding out that some teas have no tea in it but all fruit based, means I can order something but if it has no tea leaves, how is it called a tea?

We waited politely for our server as other tables were cleared, seated and served.

We waited while the kind woman who had been our server last time, sat a regal looking couple next to us and brought them their tea after the mother/daughter duo finished and left their spot.

I knew we had this male CM and he passed us several times without so much as an apology or a nod to let us know we existed. I was getting mad because this is an OOP experience, so tips are based on 100% service, not the bill and he was looking like he was going to owe us money.

We actually thought about leaving. We looked at the ticket which showed us being seated 20 minutes before and still, not even a blink in our direction.

Finally, Patrick came to the table, offered his apology for the delay and started to ask us what we wanted. He offered no explanation but did put his best foot forward and so Dan and I decided to let it go and did not want to ruin our great day.

We ordered 2 Buckingham Palaces. Total with tax was $41.54 ( I found my receipts! :worship:)

Each comes with our own pot of tea, a platter of sandwiches, a scone and a choice of desserts or a bowl of huge strawberries.

Our tea is called Nobo Whole Fruit and Patrick explained that their water is boiled so hot, it breaks down the tea mixture and allows all the flavors to open up, better than what most people do at home by boiling water on their stove. He assured us since we wanted to drink it cool, that he would bring us plenty of ice in our glasses and keep them refilled often.


As for the sandwiches, we asked for an extra pear/Gorgonzola and not receive the shrimp salad one they usually have. Dan is saying next time he will take one for the team and eat the shrimp sammy so we can give a better review of all of the service/food options. I am wondering how a review of a type of food he hates, will ever be a fair judgment. :confused3


The plate consisted of an egg salad, 2 pear/Gorgonzola, an onion tart, chicken curry and a cucumber spread.

The chicken curry became our new favorite. Loads of flavor. The egg salad was served on an onion bread and that by far was the best of the breads. Each bread had the crusts cut off and were so light that you felt like the experience was meant to be enjoyed leisurely. No hearty meat and cheese like Mom served you after school.

The salad spreads were whipped with mayo, not mixed, so it did not get too heavy on the bread. The pear was not as crisp as we had enjoyed last time but it was also the end of the service time and they may have been made early in the day and now, were wilting. The watercress/cucumber was like tasting a summer breeze. It floated on your tongue and if it were not for the bread holding it together, you would have thought the spread was nothing more than whipped air, misted with a hint of cucumber flavor.

The chicken curry was not powerful enough to stain your fingers or the bread and it gave a normal chicken salad, an earthy, nutty flavor. I made a note I need to add curry to my chicken salad recipe the next time I make it as well.

All of the breads were soft and you could tell it was not made using cheap fillers like high fructose corn syrup. This was bread that was meant to be eaten and enjoyed the day it was made. It did not have a long shelf life and the taste difference when something is made for quality, not longevity, was apparent.

The onion tart though, is a mini piece of pleasure. Caramelized like a pecan pie, but not sweet. Not hearty like a raw onion yet you could close your eyes and know it was onion you were tasting. Like an onion reduction, mixed with butter, poured into a tiny pie crust for your convenience. It could be swallowed in one bite but you force yourself to make it two because it needs to go rounds, to try and figure out why it is so good and even then, you cannot place your finger on it.

Once done, we were given our second plate consisting of a scone, served with a butter cream spread and jam. These scones have bits of white raisins in them and are not biscuit like at all minus the hard outer crust. It resembled more of a cookie in texture and how people have ever complained they needed more condiments for a single scone, I do not know.


The strawberry jelly was sugary enough to make it a dessert on it's own and the strawberry tart sent me over the moon.The tarts crust was not baked as dark as the onion tart and it was soft to bite into. The scone had been buttered on top as it baked, so the appearance glistened in the light of the restaurant and almost looked like the waxy fake foods, shown often as display items.

Too good to be real usually but in this case, amazingly good!

The butter was not salted and not as rich as a typical table butter but again, you would not want it any other way. Too rich and it would have detracted from the sweetness of the scone or the deep fruit tones of the preserve. Again, the real deal, not over sugared and over processed jelly that only looks like strawberries due to it's red color.

We both decided on strawberries for the finale and the amount was overwhelming.


The strawberries were the size of two golf balls. They were almost too big. I think when they grow these super sized wonders, the flavor gets spread too thin. They were ripe, not hard at all but not as flavorful as other times we have enjoyed strawberries on property. It may have just been the time of year they were grown/picked.

The Devonshire Sweet Cream was to die for as always. Actual cream, not artificially enhanced by too much powdered sugar or crystal sugar. They let the cream stand on it's own and again, I was aware of how much American's have created these hyped up versions of whole foods like Cool-whip or spray can whip cream. Why can't we just enjoy the food in it's natural state and enjoy the actual flavor of something without processing the heck out of it or adding enough sugar to it that it needs a coma warning label.

No wonder our kids add sugar to sugared cereals. They have no taste buds left!

Dan was kind enough to buy us a tin of our tea to come home with and after looking up the pricing online, found it to be about the same price as buying direct from the manufacturer. No huge Disney mark-up like I expected. The manufacturer does have some other whole fruit teas we want to try as well though!

Here is the description of the tea from their website:

BLEND NO. 2070
Our fabulous house blend of wild strawberries, aromatic blackberries and raspberries. Refined with a melange of red and black currants. Named for the North of Broadway district of our first Tearoom in Vancouver, first opened in 1994.

AROMA: Sweet berries
PALATE: Full-bodied and rich sweetness
LIQUOR: Light rouge

Certain teas you cannot purchase and are made strictly for the GF tearoom.

For the final review - again, would love to give this a Paula but the service was so bad to start I have to give it an:


The food though has no complaints from either of us and we will make sure this is a regular stop for us on our future visits.

The dress is resort causal vs park causal. I would say no tank tops for men or women and some get more dressed up than others here. It is a special place and you would not want to feel under-dressed. Capri's and a nice shirt for women, shorts and a polo for guys would be the minimums IMO.

Earlier in the day we saw them having a tea party with young girls and being read stories to and sang to. The dad's were all out in the lobby, looking like they wanted to impale themselves on the next umbrella that walked by!:lmao:

As far as normal seating, I think men are very welcome there and I would bring my kids as well now that they are older, even the boys. It is not a place for kids that run around and cannot sit at a table or are not patient enough for at least an hour meal. The food is not rushed and it is made for those wanting to linger over good food and great conversation. :lovestruc

Aye Aye captain!! BTW - GiGi's cupcakes in Madison and other locales...the holy grail of cupcake shops we discovered this last trip to SC...review on it's way!!!

I can't wait to read it! I haven't even heard of it before, I am needing to try Daisy Cupcakery and Cafe. That place gets rave reviews.

And are you going in OCTOBER??? Please say it's so!!
I can't wait to read it! I haven't even heard of it before, I am needing to try Daisy Cupcakery and Cafe. That place gets rave reviews.

And are you going in OCTOBER??? Please say it's so!!

I don't have time to do the review right now...all I can say is I am debating driving 2 hours each way to get cupcakes from Savannah because it is the closest location for GiGi's to our wedding destination.

YOU NEED to go there. You need to go to the website, figure out what cupcakes they have on which day, order them in the morning and they will pull them and have them boxed for you when you can get there. Do not assume you will have many choices left by the end of the day.

She started in 2008 and now has over 50 franchises. :scared1:

I found them by driving by a location in Lexington, noticing the colorful decor on the outside and the fact they had a delivery van. Told Dan we needed to stop and now, I cannot even begin to tell you the addiction it started. Nothing like you have ever had before. BEST cakes and frostings. Made fresh each day and they have like 40 cakes that rotate throughout the week that are totally unique in flavor and style.

I will try and get pics posted later but get yourself there!!!! I love to bake and cook and would never make another cupcake in my life if they were nearby. Why bother trying to make something when perfection is already achieved. Take off half the frosting when you eat it because it is soo rich you will have a sugar coma but the presentation is outstanding.

Here is a link to some pics:
I have to find a rag to wipe off the drool from my keyboard! The girls and I will be making a trip there for spring break next week.

And what about the October trip lady??


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