Official London / Paris / Disneyland Paris Thread

Kevin, you brought a tear to my eyes this morning.
You are very lucky to do something so cool for a living, and I am thankful that you are my friend and can share in these exceptional experiences.
THANK YOU!:tinker:
:hug: Thank you for sharing this amazing trip with us - I am so glad you had such a great experience.:)
Well our journey included an unscheduled bonus night at the Dulles airport. We barely made our flight out of Paris and then were stuck in atrocious customs and security lines at Dulles so we missed our connection by about 10 minutes (along with Tobi and half of the Philadelphia symphony who missed their connection as well). We were on standby for a 10pm flight. Tobi made it on but we didn't. We were supposed to get out at 8am this morning but have been delayed until at least 11:30 for unspecified mechanical issues. I'm tired and cranky and there is no breakfast buffet here!

Still at the airport but I've located the Starbucks so I'm less cranky. I've just finished reading this thread. Mike, I bow to your photography skills! I was also thinking that before the trip what I was looking forward to were things - the Crown jewels, Kate's dress etc. But the moments I treasure now that the trip is over are the experiences I had - a romantic walk through Mont Marte with Brian, the first evening in Paris at the Arc de Triomphe and cafe, great conversations with new friends over lunch and dinner, listening to Adam Landon and Fred's obvious passion for Disney. The trip surpassed my wildest dreams!

Back to surfing for information about the Esprit de France trip. I have to go back and I'm not even home yet!

Woke-up late today and had went to Le Petit Clar for lunch. It was right in the middle of a street market and jost oozed "Paris." The food was great. The company was better. And the atmosphere was Oo La La. Christy then went and hit Lauduree to stock-up on goodies. Then is started to rain. We purchsed our obligitory "I Love Paris" umbrella and went on our way.

Kevin, I had a street person try and pull the "I found your ring" gag. I pushed him away and watched him very carefully. Fresh out of the Disney Bubble, I was still very aware of where my wallet is at all times here.

We then navigated to Printemps to do some shoppingm, but they were closed. So have come back to the apartment via the Metro and are getting ready to have dinner at a local bistro.




Still at the airport but I've located the Starbucks so I'm less cranky. I've just finished reading this thread. Mike, I bow to your photography skills! I was also thinking that before the trip what I was looking forward to were things - the Crown jewels, Kate's dress etc. But the moments I treasure now that the trip is over are the experiences I had - a romantic walk through Mont Marte with Brian, the first evening in Paris at the Arc de Triomphe and cafe, great conversations with new friends over lunch and dinner, listening to Adam Landon and Fred's obvious passion for Disney. The trip surpassed my wildest dreams!

Back to surfing for information about the Esprit de France trip. I have to go back and I'm not even home yet!


Awww that's lovely, thanks for sharing and safe journey home!
More great pictures - Thank you so much for sharing!

Kevin - beautiful sentiments. I think you really captured how I want to feel after my trip next year. You clearly soaked it all in, and appreciated the beauty and feelings of the cities you were in.

Welcome home!!

I will be downloading your next podcast as fast as I can!!!!
Cathy and I returned home yesterday, dog tired but with no travel issues.

We would like to thank all of our fellow travelers for sharing this great adventure together.

We were glad to see old friends and even happier to make new ones.

What an incredible trip!

Thanks also to the DIS/Dreams Unlimited for orchestrating the trip of a lifetime, can't wait for the next adventure!

Woke-up late today and had went to Le Petit Clar for lunch. It was right in the middle of a street market and jost oozed "Paris." The food was great. The company was better. And the atmosphere was Oo La La. Christy then went and hit Lauduree to stock-up on goodies. Then is started to rain. We purchsed our obligitory "I Love Paris" umbrella and went on our way.

Kevin, I had a street person try and pull the "I found your ring" gag. I pushed him away and watched him very carefully. Fresh out of the Disney Bubble, I was still very aware of where my wallet is at all times here.

We then navigated to Printemps to do some shoppingm, but they were closed. So have come back to the apartment via the Metro and are getting ready to have dinner at a local bistro.



We are having a fabulous after-the-adventure adventure in Paris. Believe me, adventure is the appropriate term! We have had many magical moments on our own. Our lunch was at La Petit Cler on Rue Cler. Yes, it is a magical street and yes, you can pick out the Americans as they walk by!:rolleyes:

The first picture Mike posted is the view out of our apartment window. He looked out just in time to see a horse drawn buggy going by.

More to come later!
Many thanks to all who posted on this thread. We loved being able to share this adventure as it was happening. It looks like Dreams Unlimited really outdid themselves with this add-on!!:thumbsup2If it wasn't for school, we'd be on the next one!

Kevin, I am so happy that you had such a wonderful time in Paris and was moved by your experience. Thank you for sharing such personal thoughts and feelings with us. :goodvibes
Still at the airport but I've located the Starbucks so I'm less cranky. I've just finished reading this thread. Mike, I bow to your photography skills! I was also thinking that before the trip what I was looking forward to were things - the Crown jewels, Kate's dress etc. But the moments I treasure now that the trip is over are the experiences I had - a romantic walk through Mont Marte with Brian, the first evening in Paris at the Arc de Triomphe and cafe, great conversations with new friends over lunch and dinner, listening to Adam Landon and Fred's obvious passion for Disney. The trip surpassed my wildest dreams!

Back to surfing for information about the Esprit de France trip. I have to go back and I'm not even home yet!


Well said Laurie. (so sorry about your travel nightmare! :scared1:)

I am still in a bit of a fog, having had to come home and work yesterday. Some early thoughts of the trip...

The time in London was full of exploration and history that moved me more than I would have ever imagined. Standing next to the 1,000 year old windows at the Tower of London was particulary moving, especially considering the beauty of them.

That first night in Paris, coming up from the tunnel to see the Arc is something I will never forget. That was my "Wow! I'm really in Paris!" moment. Sitting at the cafe just sharing that moment in our lives together was exceptional. And to think, that entire night was on a whim. :cloud9:

As I sit here waiting to take Parker to the bus stop, I am still feeling both surprised that we are already home, and surreal that we actually did all those things and didn't dream them.

I can't wait to go through the pictures and relive this experience.

I hope to see you all again real soon. I'm missing you already. :hug:
We are in the last stage of our trip.

We arrived in NJ Saturday afternoon, made it until approximately 8:30pm before we passed out (We are party animals).

On Sunday, we drove to to the northwest part of NJ for John's Dad's 80th birthday. It was great getting to see John's family, who we don't get see nearly enough.

Today, we are driving to Newark airport. After hearing horror stories about security lines, we are leaving extra hours to give us a cushion.

While I love traveling, I am at the point where I miss home and the dogs.

I'm looking forward to sleeping in
my own bed tonight and having my own coffee tomorrow morning.

The world is a great place to visit, but there is no place like home.
We are in the last stage of our trip.

We arrived in NJ Saturday afternoon, made it until approximately 8:30pm before we passed out (We are party animals).

On Sunday, we drove to to the northwest part of NJ for John's Dad's 80th birthday. It was great getting to see John's family, who we don't get see nearly enough.

Today, we are driving to Newark airport. After hearing horror stories about security lines, we are leaving extra hours to give us a cushion.

While I love traveling, I am at the point where I miss home and the dogs.

I'm looking forward to sleeping in
my own bed tonight and having my own coffee tomorrow morning.

The world is a great place to visit, but there is no place like home.
Safe travels home. I'm sure your dogs will be thrilled to see you and John!
Well our journey included an unscheduled bonus night at the Dulles airport. We barely made our flight out of Paris and then were stuck in atrocious customs and security lines at Dulles so we missed our connection by about 10 minutes (along with Tobi and half of the Philadelphia symphony who missed their connection as well). We were on standby for a 10pm flight. Tobi made it on but we didn't. We were supposed to get out at 8am this morning but have been delayed until at least 11:30 for unspecified mechanical issues. I'm tired and cranky and there is no breakfast buffet here!

ACK! I feel so guilty! But I was actually getting sick, and spent yesterday in a fog that was way more than jet lag! I'm assuming you got back around 12:30pm yesterday, according to

Still at the airport but I've located the Starbucks so I'm less cranky. I've just finished reading this thread. Mike, I bow to your photography skills! I was also thinking that before the trip what I was looking forward to were things - the Crown jewels, Kate's dress etc. But the moments I treasure now that the trip is over are the experiences I had - a romantic walk through Mont Marte with Brian, the first evening in Paris at the Arc de Triomphe and cafe, great conversations with new friends over lunch and dinner, listening to Adam Landon and Fred's obvious passion for Disney. The trip surpassed my wildest dreams!

Back to surfing for information about the Esprit de France trip. I have to go back and I'm not even home yet!

That first night at the Arc de Triomphe was so amazing! I almost went to bed! I'm *SO* glad I did not! SO much fun! And I *did* get some fabulous pics! Sharing it with all of you was the best!

We are in the last stage of our trip.

We arrived in NJ Saturday afternoon, made it until approximately 8:30pm before we passed out (We are party animals).

On Sunday, we drove to to the northwest part of NJ for John's Dad's 80th birthday. It was great getting to see John's family, who we don't get see nearly enough.

Today, we are driving to Newark airport. After hearing horror stories about security lines, we are leaving extra hours to give us a cushion.

While I love traveling, I am at the point where I miss home and the dogs.

I'm looking forward to sleeping in
my own bed tonight and having my own coffee tomorrow morning.

The world is a great place to visit, but there is no place like home.
Safe travels, Kevin!

Today is our last day in Paris. This morning we woke up and had a serious need for caffeine, so we stopped in the Starbucks just down the street. We also made a stop in the small local grocery store and found Fleur de Sel - fancy salt, a bottle of Creme de Cassis so I can make Kir at home, and a liter of Coke. Interestingly enough, Coke in a restaurant is far more expensive than wine. Mike usually harasses me about being an expensive date, however the shoe is definitely on the other foot!

After some serious shopping, we stopped in La Bucherie, just across the street from Notre Dame. This restaurant was recommended by Kevin because their large cokes come with fireworks! I'm sure Mike will post pictures and video shortly.

This evening we are packing and looking forward to getting home tomorrow. As much as we have enjoyed all of our adventure, we miss home - Ian, dogs, cats, our bed, and American air-conditioning!


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