Oct 3, 2009 Wester Carribean

Doing the Happy Dance!!!! Got out cruise docs!!!:banana::banana::banana::cool1:
Sigh....we're on the west coast. Well, as long as I get them today, I don't care when! (Not true, but I keep telling myself that anyway)

I was already planning on taking DS' pirate costume, so I think he'll just wear it twice, if Halloween stuff is different from pirate night. However, I've been talking to DD, because I'm not certain about taking a whole costume for her. I asked her if she wanted to wear her new Justice Halloween shirt (the Justice monkey wearing a witch's hat) and maybe her Pirate Mickey ears, but she wants to try to figure something out. I'm thinking I'll run to Savers (resale of donated stuff, but seems to be better than Goodwill) today or tomorrow to see if they have anything. I think a gypsy would be cute, but I'd have to find a long skirt and 2 scarves (one for head and one for waist).

Have a great Monday, everyone, and let's see those Docs arriving!!!
Michelle, I'm supposed to have the sinus surgery. I just keep putting it off because it would mean me being down for about a week. And with my schedule, it's not really an option. We don't have any family here to help, because THEY ALL LIVE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE COUNTRY (that was directed at Laura and Tommy-if anyone was curious);) I will get around to it eventually, until then I get a sinus infection about every three months or so. It used to be every month until I started to doing the sinus rinse everyday.

OK, enough about boring sinus infections...onto the cruise. I am getting so excited too! I'm not sure if Riley is going to dress up for MNSSHP. She wants to wear her pirate costume, but it's not of the highest quality and I don't want it to rip or anything before she gets to wear it to pirate night, so I'm not sure yet. :confused3 I think she will dress up for Halloween on the ship though, I just don't know yet if she's going to be a pirate or something else. Bailey is going to be Belle, and Ashley is going to be a disgruntled teenager with attitude, No wait, that's what she was dressed up as yesterday! :headache:

I'm really excited for all the first time cruisers! Speaking for myself, this is the best vacation ever and you all will LOVE it! :lovestruc

I know we're getting really close because my DH has actually started talking about it and he doesn't do that until we are about ready to leave. I guess I better start packing. I have a bunch of stuff stacked in the room with the suitcase, it's just not organized or packed yet.

Well, off to take the girls to school. Can't wait to check back in and see how many people got their docs!
I JUST RECEIVED MY CRUISE DOCS :rotfl: ON A SUNDAY:worship: CAN YOU BELIEVE IT...OKAY..GOTTA GO AND LOOK AT THEM... Hope everyone gets theirs tomorrow...:cutie:

Okay..you guys ready for this one? Wait..here it comes..I guess my cruise docs came on Friday and they were sitting on the front porch for two days:rotfl2: I am blonde..sorry Michelle..Dell is correct, UPS does not deliver on Sunday. My daughter brought them to me on Sunday after my DH found them on the porch:lmao: Anyway..we got'em..that's what counts..I'm not in charge of anyone's things (or children) on the boat:rotfl:

See you real soon :cheer2:
Hi all! :)

Norma - okay you had me laughing lots on that one. :lmao: Too funny. Sounds like something I'd do.

Well, my BFF (schmoopiecat) said her docs arrived at her home (although she won't get it til later tonight) but mine haven't arrived yet. :( The ups website says they are due to my house today. I told Trina (the BFF) that if by 7pm tonight the package isn't at the house I'm calling ups to complain. :( If it says delivery should be today then I'm wanting it today! :) Okay, thanks for letting me vent.

Well I'm heading to Trina's office tonight to work on magnets and such. She works at a reprographic type place so they've got all the good stuff I need. I even sent her an order earlier today so I could bring it home tonight with me. :woohoo:

This is basically the last of the stuff I need to do. After this I can truly start to pack. :banana::banana::banana:

Well, it's been a slow day here at the office (which makes the day go slow). I'm gonna see what I can do to make the day move faster. Have a great evening all and if I get my docs I'll try to get on to share. Otherwise you know I'm pouting and can't come to the computer. :rotfl2:

Talk to you later! Kristi
Norma, that is funny! :lmao: Which is yet another reason why I was camped out by my front door. I don't use my front door because I park in the garage and I was afraid my docs would sit out on my doorstep all alone with me not knowing they were there. That would have been so sad. :sad2:
Well, I was hoping to get the stuff to finish my FE's today, but no such luck. I got the house ALL clean yesterday and did about 7 loads of laundry, even the bathrooms are clean and the floor mopped. So since I can't work on FE gifts today I think I might decorate for Halloween. I want to do it before we leave since we wont be getting back until the 11th and I'll be exhausted from our relaxing vacation. :rotfl:
I'm still waiting for all you Monday docs people to start chiming in!
The UPS guy is tired of me. 3 packages today including our cruise docs. :cheer2:
Last week there were 3 or 4 packages that came in & I'm still expecting 3 more. One of them is my SM gift so it better get here soon. Still not sure how much dressing up we'll do for Halloween. There is all ready too much to pack for Pirate Nightpirate: We may just make do with street clothes & a couple of wigs.
Talked to my TA today and she said we probably will not get our documents until the end of the week. I am so ready to get them! They have to come to her before I get them.

Hope everyone has a great week. So much to do and so little time left. I've got all but about 5-6 FE gifts complete. I'll get those finished tonight. DH came in last night and asked how I was going to get all my FE gifts to the ship. I told him I was going to take them in a carry-on bag. It will be a tight fit, but I'll make it work.

Have a great Tuesday everyone!

Hey all! Got our cruise docs today. :) Woo Hoo!!! :) Even my DH was really excited. Hard to believe we'll be outta here in 18 days. Wow. :)

As far as the Halloween stuff is concerned, we're going to go low key. Trina can tell you that we really don't participate in too much Halloween stuff here. We've taken Lilli out a few times to trick or treat but our church usually has a Harvest party with no costumes and lots and lots of candy and games. They kiddos have a blast. :) Richard and I aren't going to dress up. Just too much to add yet another item to our packing list. The kiddos will participate in the trick or treating but we'll keep it low key. We'll have fun no matter what. :)

Well I hung with Trina tonight for awhile after work and we printed out most of the magnets. :) Very cool!!! I started to cut some of them tonight. Got more to cut but plenty of time to do it. :)

Well, gotta go. Lilli just came down in tears from sleep. Guess she had a nightmare. DH is dealing with her but I know I'll have to take the next step and get her back up in bed.

Talk atcha all later. :) Kristi
Hey all! Got our cruise docs today. :) Woo Hoo!!! :) Even my DH was really excited. Hard to believe we'll be outta here in 18 days. Wow. :)

As far as the Halloween stuff is concerned, we're going to go low key. Trina can tell you that we really don't participate in too much Halloween stuff here. We've taken Lilli out a few times to trick or treat but our church usually has a Harvest party with no costumes and lots and lots of candy and games. They kiddos have a blast. :) Richard and I aren't going to dress up. Just too much to add yet another item to our packing list. The kiddos will participate in the trick or treating but we'll keep it low key. We'll have fun no matter what. :)

Well I hung with Trina tonight for awhile after work and we printed out most of the magnets. :) Very cool!!! I started to cut some of them tonight. Got more to cut but plenty of time to do it. :)

Well, gotta go. Lilli just came down in tears from sleep. Guess she had a nightmare. DH is dealing with her but I know I'll have to take the next step and get her back up in bed.

Talk atcha all later. :) Kristi
Hey all. Sorry about the double entry last night. My computer was not cooperating at all with me. Grrrrrr. :)

Hope everyone has a great day filled with lots of pixie dust. :) Kristi
Good Morning all!! WOw I could use more sleep..:angel:..yesterday was emotionally exhausting, but Grandma is now laid to rest , oh who am I kidding, she's not resting...she's giving God a hard time already! :rotfl:

Anyhow....so I saw that my documents were to be delivered so I called AAA and they said no they hadn't gotten them and that my TA would wanna go over them with me...well I said Umm 3rd cruise dont need ya to go over anything with me :sad2:, I just want my docs!!!! :banana: SOOO I get home and check the UPS sight and it shows that actually they were delivered and who signed for them.....well please dont lie to me cause now I am printing that confirmation and taking it in and pointing out to them I know they lied and I don't appreciate it!!! I am the customer and I decide if I want you to chit chat over the docs with me...hello customer ALWAYS right!!!! Yeah not thinking they thought I was smart enough to see the confirmation!!!! Maybe someone should call and warn them!! LOL

Other then that off to work, I am sure there is tons waiting for me since I took yesterday off for the funeral. As for the Halloween on the boat, Nelia and my niece Ally have Cinderella and ariel costumes they were bringing for the princess gathering so they can trick or treat in them.
We are getting soooooooooooooo close.....I hope these are the fastest weeks ever and then after Oct 1st it can drag on and on and on!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day.:lovestruc.....no one call my TA cause I wanna see their faces when I show my print out and they realized I know they lied...GGRrrrrrrrrr

I know we're getting really close because my DH has actually started talking about it and he doesn't do that until we are about ready to leave. I guess I better start packing. I have a bunch of stuff stacked in the room with the suitcase, it's just not organized or packed yet.

That is exactly what my husband does! He just started talking about what he needs to do before we leave. We are going to WDW a little early so we leave exactly two weeks from today!!! :cool1:

Michelle, that is SO AWFUL what AAA did to you! I would definately take the confirmation with me. Tell us what your TA does! I have been using AAA for all my cruises, up to now and I have just had the WORST experience with my TA this last time around. I have already put in a request to DU for my next cruise I am booking onboard! They are really great! :thumbsup2

Three weeks from right now, we will be in the Buena Vista theater waiting to get our tender tickets! Have a great day everyone!
Michelle, that sucks! I can't wait to hear what they say.

We are leaving two weeks from tomorrow! :cool1::banana::cool1::banana:
I am really getting anxious for my FE stuff to get here. I think I'm going to try to organize it a little more today so that when the stuff does come I can put it together faster.
Well, my grand plan to decorate for Halloween before our trip because it's such a "chore" and I would be too tired to do it when we get back was a crack up. Apparently we don't have as many Halloween decorations as I thought we did and I think I was all done in 6 minutes. :rotfl: Oh well, at least it's done.
I have to get to the seamstress to have her "fix" a couple of the dresses we have. Ashley's semi-formal dress needs to have the straps shortened and Rileys formal dress needs to be let out a little. I just don't know when I'm going to be able to get Ashley in there during business hours. She doesn't get home until between 7 and 8 each night and we have soccer games all day Saturdays. :confused3 I'm thinking I might pull her out of school during her PE period (after all, between tennis and soccer she is getting PLENTY of exercise). I think I'm going to have to do the same thing for her to take her permit test at the DMV.
Hope everyone has a great day!
WOOHOO!!!! Cruise docs cruise docs!!!!

Well went into AAA and spoke to another very nice TA!!!
who gave me the docs and I wasn't nasty just told her I was upset that the other TA(not my personal one) lied to me!! She understood and went over everything and that was that.....some more awesome news is MY SIL got an UPGRADE to an oceanview!!! SO I WILL CHANGE HER ROOM # ON THE FE LIST TO 5000. JUST MAKE SURE EVERYONE CHECKS THE LIST ONE LAST TIME BEFORE YA LEAVE.

I texted my SIL and told her and she said "how did that happen" and I said" tinkerbell sprinkled some pixie dust" :tink:and the crazy girl said "nu-uh" Sheesh doesn't she know the Disney Magic??

Ok tried for another upgrade for us, but to upgrade to a balcony is $1400 so I guess I will wait till the port and see if they are offering anything.
Off to figure something out for dinner!! TTFN:wave:
First of all I want to say a big thank you to those of you who PMed me the details of the 2011 cruises. I was a little disappointed that the Panama Canal crossing is already in early January. I was really hoping for mid February, but if we can get on the cruise, we can make this work.

not sure if i posted this already, but we got our cabins assigned as 6100 and 6102...

so we are:
me, Cathi
DH, Jeff
DD, Alassia,9
DS, Zachary,7 (autism spectrum, multiple food allergies)
DD, Victoria, just turning 5 (this is her birthday present.....nice, huh?) wish someone would take me on a cruise for my birthday!

we are flying in fri night before the cruise and we are going to WDW for 1 night after the cruise, staying at AKV, Kidiani, 1br savannah view. got everything don- including DING fares (from Islip, NY)- except where to stay the night before the cruise and budget is soldout of minivans at capecanaveral on 10/10 :confused:

just got to pack and....wow i still have alot to do!

Cathi, I really rather urgently need to know what Zachary's favourite Disney character is.

Michelle, I was so sorry to hear about your grandmother. You and your family will be in my prayers...I know how tough it is to lose someone that close. I have decided today that is cruise is a celebration of life, family and friends...On Friday I learned that I needed to have a lumpectomy of my right breast. My husband, (my own private physician, convinced me to go see a fellow physician) one test lead to another and today I had surgery. It's been a long day...I had to be at the hospital at 7:30..they were getting me ready to inject me with a radioactive medication and realized the meds weren't there and wouldn't be until 11:30 or 12:00,,they took me back up to pre-op. At that time I decided I could go and get a few hours of work in and be back at 11:30. I returned , got my IV, got my injection and and began the wait...after much waiting at 5pm I went back for surgery. By 6:30 was on my way home..I Praise the Lord that it seems all lymph nodes are clear and the tumor was the size of a walnut...all the Path should be back tomorrow and we continue to pray that there continues to be good news... But as I talked to my Anestheologist (who is going on the cruise with us)...we decided that life is so fleeting,,take every opportunity to tell those you love how special they are not only in words but in action. So now my dilemma is will I be able to do the Castaway 5K..!

Was a little busy and didn't get to check if my DOCS showed up!! Since I'm the TA, I shouldn't have to wait much longer.. to give you another HA! HA! my father-in-law had his knee replaced yesterday so my wonderful husband was at the hospital with him all day yesterday, went with me for scans, had a wisdom tooth cut out....meet with the insurance adjustor about his car, he had a run in with a 350 lb. black bear last Wed. night and did $7,000 + damage to his car....then my whole day today and while I was in surgery my 17 year old daughter was in a car wreck in a car she received last week from my best friend and hwr husband. (luckily she was not hurt...but the car was.) So I am close to being exhusted and thin I'm going to hit the hay...and pray that I don't get struck by lightning, with my luck. Praying that I might feel well enough to go into the shop and do some paperwork and hopefuuly pick up my DOCS!!! Thanks for letting a total stranger vent!!

I am sorry to read that you had such a rough week. I hope that you will get the all clear.

Our docs left Oakland at 3:57am and are "out for delivery". Now, if I just knew where that truck was! So, is anyone going to book Alaska or Mexican Riveria? It's funny to read all the complaints about how hard it would be to travel all the way accross the country with kids to do one of those cruises. Well, what do you think us West Coasters have been doing all these years to get to Orlando? :confused3
I got the girls pillow cases from Tiffany today. :cool1: They turned out really cute. I'm going to suprise them on our first night on the ship and have them on their pillows when they come back from dinner and the show. :ssst:

When did you order your pillow cases? I can't wait to get mine and my new Fish Extender.

Our documents are here!!!!

Now we need some prayers for my grandmother. She is in ICU with chest pains. They are hoping she will get moved to a regular room tonight. I am hoping she is doing better by the time we leave for the cruise.


Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

Well, it looks like both FIL and MIL will have to cancel the cruise (have I mentioned that they were coming with us?). FIL had some stuff going on that was probably going to prevent his coming with, but MIL was holding out hope. But, FIL's condition is a bit more serious than what we originally thought, so it looks like she'll be staying home with him. I'm sad for them, even though I know we'll still have a great trip. And now, FIL and MIL have AK to look forward to in 2011 (if we can get a stateroom, that is, as lowly silvers).

I am so sorry that your MIL and FIL probably won't be able to make the cruise.

Corinna- If you get a chance I would love the link to have the horn on my I phone.

Hope everyone has had a great weekend, and hope all get there docs on Monday.

Off to church.


Corinna: can I get that horn too?

Still waiting for that UPS truck..I wonder if he got lost :confused3 Well tomorrow is Monday, so hopefully ;) Hope everyone is having an awesome weekend...TTFN
Here is the link from which I downloaded my Disney ring tones:


and here is the link for the horn:


WOOHOO!!!! Cruise docs cruise docs!!!!

Well went into AAA and spoke to another very nice TA!!!
who gave me the docs and I wasn't nasty just told her I was upset that the other TA(not my personal one) lied to me!! She understood and went over everything and that was that.....some more awesome news is MY SIL got an UPGRADE to an oceanview!!! SO I WILL CHANGE HER ROOM # ON THE FE LIST TO 5000. JUST MAKE SURE EVERYONE CHECKS THE LIST ONE LAST TIME BEFORE YA LEAVE.

I texted my SIL and told her and she said "how did that happen" and I said" tinkerbell sprinkled some pixie dust" :tink:and the crazy girl said "nu-uh" Sheesh doesn't she know the Disney Magic??

Ok tried for another upgrade for us, but to upgrade to a balcony is $1400 so I guess I will wait till the port and see if they are offering anything.
Off to figure something out for dinner!! TTFN:wave:

I am glad that you have your cruise documents and congratulations to your SIL for the upgrade.

I got my documents today as well. They had tried to deliver them on Friday and yesterday, but I was not at home. So today they delivered them to my work address.

I had to laugh earlier on tonight. I had originally asked DH if he would wear matching t shirts with our cruise meet logo for embarkation day and he pronounced this a very silly idea. He told me that I could go for it if I wanted, but there was no way that he would join in. So I ordered a t shirt just for myself. Today he took the laundry down. He suddenly came up to me carrying a black t shirt and asking me if he could have this. I initially thought it was my Pirates In The Caribbean shirt that I bought on the Magic last year and that has ended up in his drawers more than once. I suddenly realised that he was holding my embarkation t shirt. He decided that this is really cool and that he really wants one. After I gave him a good telling off for refusing to wear the t shirt in the first place and then changing his mind, I went and ordered him one. All going well, it will be here this time next week. So looks like we will be wearing matching t shirts after all.

Corinna.....do you get charged anything to ur cell for premium messaging and getting those ringtones??? Some do charge even though they say no fees....just wanted to know before I send them to my phone? Thanks
Corrina, I ordered my pillow cases either the day she came back, or day after. I know she has gotten quite a few orders from our cruise. Terri (Minfan55) is also waiting for a FE and a pillow case and Tiffany said she should have them to her sometime this week, and she ordered the same day I did.

I had a hair appointment this evening and Ryan had to switch cars with me and he walked into the salon and said, "I thought you were going to get your hair done right before we go on the cruise." To which I replied, "THIS IS RIGHT BEFORE WE GO ON THE CRUISE!" Men, sheesh! :rolleyes:

Well, I'm still waiting for the rest of my FE stuff to get her so I can finish that off. However, I did buy something today for the little kids (under 2 years) since what I'm giving to the rest of the kids isn't that great for babies. I actually found exactly what I was looking for, so that was a success.

OK, off to bed for me. Chat with you all tomorrow...
Is anyone doing Nachi Cocum excursion booked with Island Marketing in Cozumel?

Anyone have any non-water recommendations for Cozumel? My mother and her sistar and BIL don't really do beach things. As for me, we will be at the beach.


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