Not our finest moment as a family..whats yours lol

I love this thread, I'm not alone. I travel with myself (obviously) DS14, DS(almost)11, and my parents. The boys and I also live with my parents, and have for the past 9 years. Long story.

Unlike many of you, we don't confine ourselves to just one meltdown during a trip. No, we have many of them, big and small. I have many times walked around WDW crying thinking it's just wrong to be crying in the happiest place on Earth. But, it happens every trip. By the end of every trip, we swear we're not going on another trip for a good long time, if ever. That never seems to last long.

For all of the tears, fighting, and arguing with do, we also manage to have a wonderful time. I guess that's just the way my dysfunctional family (and what family isn't at least a little) works.
This is awfully embarrassing, but my biggest meltdown happened when I was 21-almost-22. My then DBF (now DH) and I were on our way to Epcot when I casually mentioned that some of our vacations run together sometimes. Well, he decided that meant I thought he was the WORST boyfriend in the history of boyfriends. I have NO idea why he took it this way, but he started going on about how he doesn't appreciate me and blah blah blah. It was the last night of a 9 day vacation, and I think we were just tuckered out. I told him I couldn't believe he was bringing this all up on our last night of vacation. I then proceeded to sit at the entrance of Epcot and cry hysterically for 45 minutes. Hysterically. Apparently, a number of people reported me to security.

Eventually, I calmed down, and a Disney supervisor came over to me. DH and I made up, the supervisor got us into Akershus so I could eat with princesses to feel better, and he gave us a special yellow ticket fastpass. He also led us out of Epcot and let us back in so our last time inside of a park would be fresh. This is probably the worst fight DH and I have EVER had, and it's embarrassing to think about.
This is awfully embarrassing, but my biggest meltdown happened when I was 21-almost-22. My then DBF (now DH) and I were on our way to Epcot when I casually mentioned that some of our vacations run together sometimes. Well, he decided that meant I thought he was the WORST boyfriend in the history of boyfriends. I have NO idea why he took it this way, but he started going on about how he doesn't appreciate me and blah blah blah. It was the last night of a 9 day vacation, and I think we were just tuckered out. I told him I couldn't believe he was bringing this all up on our last night of vacation. I then proceeded to sit at the entrance of Epcot and cry hysterically for 45 minutes. Hysterically. Apparently, a number of people reported me to security.

Eventually, I calmed down, and a Disney supervisor came over to me. DH and I made up, the supervisor got us into Akershus so I could eat with princesses to feel better, and he gave us a special yellow ticket fastpass. He also led us out of Epcot and let us back in so our last time inside of a park would be fresh. This is probably the worst fight DH and I have EVER had, and it's embarrassing to think about.

Sounds like a wonderful supervisor! :wizard:
Our 2012 trip was FULL of these..usually because of my stomach. I got some kind of bug and spent most of the trip in the restroom. I also had mild OCD so spent ages washing my hands afterwards too which angered my mum and she yelled at me to HURRY UP! That or "For goodness sake, you need the restroom AGAIN?"

My worst moment in Disney was on the last day of our 2011 trip. It had been going swimmingly until then- We had 14 wonderful days there, our condo was great, the weather was good- up until our last full day. Us going to Animal Kingdom was probably not the best idea in retrospect. It was of course the hottest day and I got extremely cranky and bored of seeing animals or waiting for my uncle to come off a ride we wouldn't go on. Primeval Whirl was closed, Dinosaur was closed, my feet hurt like crazy from not wearing good footwear and I was NOT having a good day.

Missing the last show of Finding Nemo was the last straw and I went BERSERK. Kicking the bins, screaming and ranting. Goodness knows what people thought of me!

Unfortunately we had a meet with some friends of ours at DTD so off we went. I brought a plush Dory toy ("I HATE Nemo. Dory rules"), got lost in World Of Disney and we got drinks and waited for our friends. It went okay until I decided to have one last restroom stop. Big mistake. That's when berserk moment no 2 happened. I got in a argument with someone and completely lost it! Screaming at the top of my lungs, crying like crazy. Security came over, CMs came over. Extremely embarrassing! We left sharpish (luckily so did the *** who started the argument in the first place -_-) and went to Outback for dinner. I felt much better after eating, probably I was just cranky beyond belief from the days events.

Luckily I can laugh about it now but woah..
I had a few moments on my last trip. AND I find it hilarious that I still have some of the text messages I exchanged with my mom that day when I walked off to get away from it all. I found a nice bench to people watch on! It calmed me down a bit!

I think I would find solo traveling quite nice! At least I can look forward to next fall when I'm planning a vacation for me and my boyfriend! What a big change it will be for me! Going from touring the world with 9 other people, to touring the world with my boyfriend who doesn't know what to expect! Woo!
this past trip (Jan 2012) first trip to Disney for my 2 youngest kids 6 and 3 and I was helping them take in all the sights and wonders my wife and 16 year old spent most of their time on their cell phones one texting her friends( the 16 year old which I could understand abit) but my wife playing words with friends her new addiction was a bit much and over the top....I gave her the silent treatment most of the trip.....but really let her have it when we got home.....considered divorcing her but I am letting herself redeem herself with our upcoming trip in 6 days we are going for our anniversary and her birthday without the kids....our cell phones will be left in the hotel room

Posted from Disney Forums Reader for Android
It's nice to know we are all one big happy dysfunctional family!!:grouphug:

We are pretty laid back, dont over do it, and always say when the kids start getting lethargic to either feed them or take a break, so we have (thankfully) avoided meltdowns on the kids end. However, there is usually one "moment" between DH and I on each trip. I am the "Disney lover"- he is just along for the family vacation. In 2009 we planned a last minute trip. Our DS4 had been diagnosed with epilepsy, and the neuro said if he could go 3 months without a seizure he would probley be in the clear for more seizures. The medicine he was taking worked, which was a relief, but it turned him into a zombie. It was a very stressful 3 months, so I thought a disney trip to celebrate would be a good thing. We didn't have much time to save, so we stayed at ASsp. My non disney loving husband had been spoiled by CBR and AKL on our 1st 2 trips. As soon as we got off the plane and into the resort line he started complaining about the wait. I lost it, but we argued under our breath the entire bus ride. I believe I even said I was never going back with him. Get to resort, package that I shipped with our suits, clothes ect. could not be found (even though I called ahead to verify it made it.)

1st night we decided to leave AK early as to not hit busses at park closing, but apparently thats what the other 100's of people staying at the 3 AS resorts thought. More complaining from DH. That night DS wakes up with a high fever. Mind you this is one of the things the neuro says can lower his seizure threshold, so I panic. I go down to lobby to buy gaterade and tylanol. Mind you I am exhausetd at this point, my hubbs has complained about everything ASsp, and I am worried about my son. When the desk man says "is everything ok maam? I lost it. I started sobbing hysterically in the lobby at 3 am. Poor fella! I finally ask if he can open the gift shop so I can buy the stuff for DS, and ask if there is any chance there was a bigger room avalible at the resort, and how much extra it would cost. We also had a 1yo, so with a double stroller and a pack and play, those rooms were tiny. I figured we would be spending a lot of time in the room until DS's fever broke and wanted a little room for the little guy to move around. He said the computers reprogram overnight, so I should come back down 1st thing in the am and ask. 3 1/2 hrs later, and still no sleep, I head back down to the lobby. The manager (who must have been informed about my breakdown) comes out from behind the desk and informes me that every room and suite at evey AS resort is compleatly booked. I said thank you anyway for checking, we would make due- We were at Disney right!?! I start to walk away and she says "but we do have a room avalible at the beach Club if you are interested." I say, I appreciate it, but I don't have the money to upgrade, and she says- you go enjoy it on us. Your family need to have some smiles.

My jaw dropped and AGAIN- I start bawling. I hug her as I am sobbing, so she probley thinks I am nuts. I am overwhelmed and over tired crying my eyes out in the lobby. I go back to the room, get everything packed up to move, and by now we are about half time for the tylanol, so it is working in full affect. We get down to the lobby and of corse ds SEEMs to be feeling fine chatting happily away with the manager who so kindly did this for us...because he was sick and I was a wreck:eek:

Ds spent a bit recovering,and luckily went seizure free, but we had a wonderful trip. We ALL recouped, and salvaged our vacay. We would have had a great time anyway, but if it were not for that manager, I probley would have shed a few more (not so happy) tears that trip. It was a reminder of how magical Disney truley is, and that is why we (even dh!!) keep going back. He didn't even complain once on our following trip to CBR! We were melt down free!!
The first time we took our girls was in 2005 (they were 4 and 2 at the time). My then 4 year old wanted to see Jo Jo and Goliath while we were at DHS. We get in line, which was very long BTW, and when we got up there, she decided that she only wanted an autograph and not a picture. I was fine with it and gave into her wishes (all the while knowing she would want a picture later with them). So afterwards, my darling 4 yr old started screaming and having a meltdown because she finally decided she wanted a picture with them, and thought we should get right back in line (she wanted to cut right in front of the other patiently waiting guests) so she can have the picture taken. Afterwards, we decided that it was time to head back to the resort for a nap/swim/rest, which all the way to the resort DD was still crying because she didn't get to get a picture. Finally DH, who was being the more rational one (since I was done trying to calm DD down), said that we could go back and get a picture with them later. This had made her calm down and become the happy kid that she was before all of this happened :sad2:.
I'm wondering why Disney doesn't film some of these moments for their commercials. Can you imagine? The OneRepublic song playing in the background, shot of the castle and princesses with children running, and then a couple screaming at each other, kids having tantrums, and the words: "For the TRUE Disney experience" float across the screen :lmao:. Doesn't really have the same punch as the current ads, I guess. :rotfl:

OMG, it's almost midnight here, I'm trying to be quiet to not wake the house, and I'm having fits of quiet laughter. This is priceless! :rotfl2:
My worst moment was probably when i was 9 on a family vacation to
Disney. I wanted nothing to do with my cousins and got so mad at my dad for dragging me along I sprayed him in the crotch with my mister fan. He wasn't happy about looking like he wet his pants for the next hour or so. My cousins still laugh about it to this day. I'm not 21 and taking my bf on his first Disney trip hopefully no melt down from him fingers crossed.
Mine actually isn't as worse as it could have been but I'm still embarrassed about it. Tuesday of our trip was MK day and it seemed nothing went right. The kids got cranky early on and we decided to hit The Chapeau before leaving so we could have our ears personalized before we left and then pick them up before dinner at Crystal Palace. I used the Disney Parks app when we couldn't find it on Main Street and I kept telling DH that it showed it was back near where Frontierland and Adventureland met. We couldn't figure out WHY it would be back there. 2 hours later we discovered I was following the parade route and we had been across the street from The Chapeau before we left Main Street. :sad2:

We head back to the resort and get cleaned up. We left the resort with plenty of time to make our ADR but it took 45 minutes for a MK bus to come and we wound up being 30 minutes late for our ADR. We decide that the next morning we will have a relaxing breakfast and get to HS when we get there. I'm the last one in bed and wake up around 7:30 the next morning to go to laundry while DH and the kids continue to sleep. We eat breakfast at the resort and get to HS around 1 pm. We're try to find the Voyage of the Little Mermaid on the map and I told DH that it we needed to "go this way and to the right". (Remember what happened with my map skills yesterday.) He doesn't let me finish and explain further - just says that "this way" is not a direction. I freak out on him, start crying, throw the map on top of the stroller and tell him to screw off - I'm going back to the resort. I walk off leaving him and the kids to soldier on without me. :lmao:

I went and got me a cold drink and walked around on my own for about an hour feeling sorry for myself. DH called me to tell me they were in line for meeting Jake and was wondering if I could bring the kids' autograph pillowcases because he left them in the stroller. Nothing was ever said about my blow up.In my defense I am the planner and am the last one in bed and the first one up. I'm allowed one blow up a trip. :) It usually means I just need a little time to myself.

aw!!! I think that is SO great.. that you have a relationship that will allow youguys time to yourselves to blow off steam, then get back together , WITHOUT nitpicking and dtailing every bit of the argument, .. the
"nothing was ever said about my blow up". right there, don't you EVER let that wonderful man go!!!(provided it works in reverse, of course)
Loving this thread. Our moment occurred in Toon town at Disneyland around new year 2010. Mine, DH and DD6's first disney visit. We had had a fantastic few days up until then, happily waiting in 1 hour + lines in the rain, just so excited to be there.
We decided to head to Toon town one mid-afternoon. It was very crowded and nothing much took our fancy but we decided to go to Mickey's house to meet him. The line did not look bad from the outside but after being in a while we realised we had made a big mistake! The line seemed to wind on forever, large groups of teens were pushing through to "join their group" ahead, at the corners everyone surged forward at once and it just seemed so claustrophobic. About 45 mins in we asked a CM if there was some kind of emergency exit, she said we would have to go back the way we came. Um no thank you! We eventually made it to have our Mickey picture but we all came close to not making it out of there in one piece. It was the closest I personally came to complete meltdown.
We were so happy to head back to what we called "real Disneyland" to calm down and re-group and vowed never to set foot in Toon town again.... When I begun to plan our September 2012 WDW trip I was thrilled to announce to my family that Toon town had been demolished there :) I'm sure it would have been fine if it had not been such a busy time but we won't be taking any chances!!
The last time we went to Disney, which was our first as a family, my DD was 2 years old, just a month shy of of third birthday. She was at the point where she was potty training, but still wearing pull-ups because she wasn't quite there yet. For some reason on our trip she decided to get all crazy about going on the toilet or in her pull-ups.

One evening we were having dinner at the Sci-Fi Dine-In and she tells us she has to go to the bathroom. One of us takes her and as soon as we put her on the toilet she starts freaking out that she doesn't have to or want to go. So, we take her back to the table to continue dinner. About five minutes later she says she has to go again, repeat the whole thing. She kept doing this over and over. At one point, I just told her to go in her pull-up if she was that uncomfortable using the toilet, I just wanted her to get it over with so we could all finish and enjoy our meal. It just kept going on and on.....

After dinner, we were all miserable and just left the park. We have some pictures of us on our way out and you can see that we look pretty fed up in the pics.:sad2:
I'm sure that we've had many meltdowns over the years. One that stands out is we were at the MVMCP in 2008 eating at the Liberty Inn. The MVMCP was sold out and was packed, we were both tired and cranky. DD is a very picky eater and when they brought out dinner she just starts crying. Nothing I do is helping. OMG, tired and cranky myself, I'm ready to do the "We payed so much money for this vacation and then for this christmas party and you're sitting here crying" spiel, when our waitress comes over to save the day. Asks DD what would she like to eat, that she'll get it for her even if it's off menu. She was able to bring DD chicken nuggets and french fries. :wizard: So, thanks to that great waitress for saving the day!
I'm sure that we've had many meltdowns over the years. One that stands out is we were at the MVMCP in 2008 eating at the Liberty Inn. The MVMCP was sold out and was packed, we were both tired and cranky. DD is a very picky eater and when they brought out dinner she just starts crying. Nothing I do is helping. OMG, tired and cranky myself, I'm ready to do the "We payed so much money for this vacation and then for this christmas party and you're sitting here crying" spiel, when our waitress comes over to save the day. Asks DD what would she like to eat, that she'll get it for her even if it's off menu. She was able to bring DD chicken nuggets and french fries. :wizard: So, thanks to that great waitress for saving the day!

That made me smile. Disney is the best! :wizard:
Whew! For a few pages there, I was afraid mine was going to be the only puking story.

Carry on. It will help me remember to keep a mellow attitude on our upcoming trip. :lmao:
My worst moment was probably when i was 9 on a family vacation to
Disney. I wanted nothing to do with my cousins and got so mad at my dad for dragging me along I sprayed him in the crotch with my mister fan. He wasn't happy about looking like he wet his pants for the next hour or so. My cousins still laugh about it to this day. I'm not 21 and taking my bf on his first Disney trip hopefully no melt down from him fingers crossed.

OMG I can't stop laughing at this one...people at work think im nuts!!! ;)
Mine is from this past December. We were on en extended family trip for 13 and it had been a long day. None of the 5 kids were behaving very well, a few had downright melted down even though we'd had an easy morning and slept in until noon, knowing we'd be out late at Epcot for our CP package.

So everyone was stressed and irritable. Before the CP started, I specifically asked my 6 y.o. If he had to go potty. I think we even had gone about 3 times at the restaurant.

So I was put out when, in the middle of CP, he says he has to go. So I grab his hand, haul him out of the theater across the sidewalk to the bathroom in the American Pavilion. I'm literally dragging him along behind me and to my horror, he trips and wipes out. Really hard. And I'm not sympathetic. All I can do is holler at him to hurry.

In retrospect, I must've looked crazy and likea horrible mom.


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