No masks at Walmart?

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If I see someone tell the Wal*Mart employee "no" and keep walking, I don't think "there goes a thief", I think "there goes someone who knows his rights".

If I see a customer defy a minimum wage worker's job duty that is a simple-to-comply-with polite request, I definitely think something about that customer, but I assure you it's neither of those things.
You can not trespass someone who is already leaving.
You definitely can. Numerous businesses use this tactic to prevent problematic customers from returning. People have been trespassed from Disney for stuff they put on youtube.

ETA: If I see someone tell the Wal*Mart employee "no" and keep walking, I don't think "there goes a thief", I think "there goes someone who knows his rights".
And I think "there goes someone who looks down their nose at minimum wage employees"
Care to elaborate? How does saying no and walking away mean you're "looking down your nose" at the employee? Totally don't get that one.

I am curious about a couple of things. First, I have seen stores Like Wal-Mart ask for a receipt when people walk out with large items like TV's. Do you still look at them like they are a useless POS and tell them "No." or do you show your receipt? And second, some stores (especially around Christmas) have uniformed police at the entrance/exit. Do you tell them "No." when they ask for a receipt?
You realize that, by law, saying "no" and walking away does NOT give reasonable suspicion that a crime has been committed, right? Now, realistically, what do you think the store is going to do when someone walks out without presenting their receipt? 99.9999% chance the answer is "nothing".

While your second sentence is pretty spot on, your first sentence isn’t necessarily. I would say there have been sufficient lawsuits challenging detainment by security guards to make it less likely than it used to be (many from actual shoplifters, by the way), but it is still a somewhat gray area in some places.
You don't really understand that everyone around him assuming I am a thief makes no issue with me. I'm already out the door going to my car and driving away. I couldn't care less what some random retail worker thinks as I walk out the door with items that are legally mine.

Tackle me at Walmart, now I have to defend myself and they may realize that stating they ban open carry firearms was useless.
Your family must love shopping with you. :guilty:
I totally agree with you, and wish that you WOULD have made a big deal about it. Walmart (the business) has announced a policy saying customers do not have to wear masks. Those of us who want to be done with the masks have to say something when others try to prevent us from returning to normal life. At a minimum, I suggest sending an email to Walmart’s corporate office and calling/emailing the offending store. Please don’t let others bully you into keeping silent.

Eye Glass & Pharmacy locations are not exactly owned by WalMart, more like managed. They fall under different rules. As others have mentioned, masks in health care settings are still a thing, and both of these qualify as health care. I don't think people are trying to bully people into keeping silent. I think it's just the common sense of masks simply aren't lifted in 100% of the settings, nor are they required to be. It's valid for those areas to still require masks.
I am curious about a couple of things. First, I have seen stores Like Wal-Mart ask for a receipt when people walk out with large items like TV's. Do you still look at them like they are a useless POS and tell them "No." or do you show your receipt? And second, some stores (especially around Christmas) have uniformed police at the entrance/exit. Do you tell them "No." when they ask for a receipt?
Considering I don't look at ANYONE like they are a useless POS, I don't know why saying "no thank you" implies that. Maybe you are used to looking at others like that and assume everyone does?

Second, as I said earlier in the thread, I've been in ONE Wal*Mart that asked for a receipt. But yes, I feel comfortable in my rights that police, without reasonable suspicion that I'm committing a crime, don't have a right to see my receipt either. And saying "no" when asked, does NOT equal suspicion of a crime.

You go to a store, purchase a TV, put it in your vehicle and drive home. A police officer driving by sees you unloading the TV and says "Sir, can I see the receipt for that?" Is that OK?
Considering I don't look at ANYONE like they are a useless POS, I don't know why saying "no thank you" implies that. Maybe you are used to looking at others like that and assume everyone does?

Second, as I said earlier in the thread, I've been in ONE Wal*Mart that asked for a receipt. But yes, I feel comfortable in my rights that police, without reasonable suspicion that I'm committing a crime, don't have a right to see my receipt either. And saying "no" when asked, does NOT equal suspicion of a crime.

You go to a store, purchase a TV, put it in your vehicle and drive home. A police officer driving by sees you unloading the TV and says "Sir, can I see the receipt for that?" Is that OK?
Apples and Oranges and you know it.

Speaking from experience as a former police officer I can tell you that yes, you DO need to stop and provide the receipt on that TV you are wheeling out of the store if asked by that police officer. If you would like to debate this then I would suggest you try this maneuver and then debate with the police officer as they are physically stopping you to see your receipt.

Annnnnnnnddddddd, I am done.

Eye Glass & Pharmacy locations are not exactly owned by WalMart, more like managed. They fall under different rules. As others have mentioned, masks in health care settings are still a thing, and both of these qualify as health care. I don't think people are trying to bully people into keeping silent. I think it's just the common sense of masks simply aren't lifted in 100% of the settings, nor are they required to be. It's valid for those areas to still require masks.
Agreed, no one is trying to make someone silent. If it were me I'd want to make sure I was in the right before storming off (metaphorically) to complain to someone. I do know that not everyone is like that. My days in retail made me very aware of that one. My days as a call center employee further cemented it.

There just wasn't enough in the OP for us to determine this eye care place inside the Walmart was in the wrong and my default (probably because of the e-mail several weeks ago I got when my county's mask mandate lapse that my eye care place will still be requiring masks) is a place like that will more than likely require it. And as other posters have pointed out the relationship between eye care centers inside Walmart is not so cut and dried.
um, I don't. I just assume they think I'm attractive and want a closer look. :rotfl2:

ETA: If I see someone tell the Wal*Mart employee "no" and keep walking, I don't think "there goes a thief", I think "there goes someone who knows his rights".
I dunno...

it’s within my rights to go cheerlead or crank up my music and dance out on my lawn from 7a-10p 7 days a week, keep a barrel of dung burning all month, or always wait 30 seconds before accelerating at any red light or stop sign, etc.

What I wouldn’t expect is my community to think: “There is a person who knows her rights.”

Many things are within my rights but are a matter of civility. We share a community. There’s nothing to prove to an employee that wouldn’t be better served by discussing with manager or owner.
The directive here in NC is that the mask has been lifted but individual businesses can still require them. Our local mall is open, no mask, but about 50% of the stores still require them, and they can. I wore it the first few times out but not because I was concerned for me, I'm completely vaccinated, but for those mule heads that haven't just to be a nice person and not spread it to them.

I noticed the first day I went to the store I'd have to say that one out of 100 were not using them. A couple of days later when I returned, I'd have to say about 30% were not. Many of us have just gotten used to it and don't have a problem with wearing one. In other words we are not living in fantasy land. That said, however, I have stopped caring about people that don't take care of themselves. I'm safe now, they are the ones at risk so if they get it and get seriously ill or worse, that's on them. They need to take responsibility for themselves. I've done what is needed to protect myself, I honestly do not care what happens to them. Why should I? They don't care. Hopefully, they will not contract anything, but I kind of like my life and refused to just play Russian roulette with it.

I do get completely ticked off at that grouping of people that think the they should dictate to us if we want a mask or not. Somehow, it is a loss of freedom if someone asked them to wear one, but is perfectly OK if they feel like insisting someone not wear one. Just another asinine human reaction of hypocrisy concerning freedoms. Only one person, throughout this entire thing has been said to me, as I was leaving my apartment building and that was this week. Other way around though, a lady who was masked asked me were mine was. I don't wear it in the building because 90% of everyone here has been fully vaccinated. So I simply said, I'm vaccinated and not a threat. She said she wasn't and I asked if she couldn't get one. She replied I didn't want to get one because it had side effects. Then, I said, well that my dear is your problem. You decided that getting Covid was a lesser risk then the vaccine and now you have to live with the mask. Your choice, your problem. Have a nice day. Not only was she the only person around for 100's of yards, even I was over 20 feet away.

I went to our local Walmart here yesterday and every single person in there was using their mask. I tend to follow the lead of other people. If I see most wearing them, so will I and vise versa.
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Agreed, no one is trying to make someone silent. If it were me I'd want to make sure I was in the right before storming off (metaphorically) to complain to someone. I do know that not everyone is like that. My days in retail made me very aware of that one. My days as a call center employee further cemented it.

There just wasn't enough in the OP for us to determine this eye care place inside the Walmart was in the wrong and my default (probably because of the e-mail several weeks ago I got when my county's mask mandate lapse that my eye care place will still be requiring masks) is a place like that will more than likely require it. And as other posters have pointed out the relationship between eye care centers inside Walmart is not so cut and dried.
Correct they are independent businesses and not owned and operated by Walmart. Independents can require masks and you can wear one or not go to it. Your choice. Isn't it wonderful to live in a country that allows choice.
I wore it the first few times out but not because I was concerned for me, I'm completely vaccinated, but for those mule heads that haven't just to be a nice person and not spread it to them.
Wear it, don't wear it. It's up to you. But don't wear it as a vaccinated person to keep from spreading it to someone. Because you won't.
You definitely can. Numerous businesses use this tactic to prevent problematic customers from returning. People have been trespassed from Disney for stuff they put on youtube.
Yeah, I was talking more the criminal act of trespassing. You are not engaged in trespassing if you are actively engaged in leaving the store, that would be impossible. Banning someone from the premises doesn't have anything to do with my post.
I am curious about a couple of things. First, I have seen stores Like Wal-Mart ask for a receipt when people walk out with large items like TV's. Do you still look at them like they are a useless POS and tell them "No." or do you show your receipt? And second, some stores (especially around Christmas) have uniformed police at the entrance/exit. Do you tell them "No." when they ask for a receipt?
Why do you assume one looks at them like they are a useless POS just because they don't want to have an unreasonable search by someone who just plain old has no authority? And it is my belief that you can tell the uniformed officer no as that would also be an unreasonable search by authority which is definitely unconstitutional per the 4th Amendment.
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