No masks at Walmart?

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The thing that I laugh at is they look at or scan your receipt but DO NOT LOOK IN THE BAGS. They aren't verifying that I got my items and they are not checking to see that I don't have something I didn't pay for. So what does looking at or scanning my receipt do? At least at Costco they are "supposedly" looking at the items in your cart to verify you got everything.
I believe the purpose, like most security measures, is not really to find stolen items in your bags but to give the impression that they are taking security seriously. This would do two things. 1. Possibly deter people from stealing (since customers know their receipt will be checked and the person might look in their bags) 2. To slow you down on your way out the door so they can observe you to see if you are acting suspiciously.
I wouldn't. But it was announced on the news that Walmart's policy was no masks. So I was only saying that some people might have argued with him.

What rules are you referring to that I refuse to follow? Now I'm really sorry I even posted the original comments. I was just pointing out that although a particular store announced "no masks" ON THE NEWS. that some local stores are doing different rules and wondering if anyone else has a similar experience. Instead I feel like I'm being attacked. I hope the moderators will come along and close this thread.
It's probably not WHAT you said that ticked off some people but HOW you said it. Especially emphasizing that you could have made an issue out of it, make you sound like a person who goes looking for arguments. And, lack of a better word, a bit like a Karen.

Final tip, the news is not 100% reliable as there can always be exceptions. If you want to know the rules at a company, or a specific store, check the company website/call them.
The news is not a representative of a company.
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I believe the purpose, like most security measures, is not really to find stolen items in your bags but to give the impression that they are taking security seriously. This would do two things. 1. Possibly deter people from stealing (since customers know their receipt will be checked and the person might look in their bags) 2. To slow you down on your way out the door so they can observe you to see if you are acting suspiciously.

Just number 1. I have worked in Loss Prevention and the person checking receipts at the doors is only there to deter potential theft. #2, doesn't make much sense since the person there is not Loss Prevention and is not trained to look for suspicious behavior. Not even Loss Prevention can stop someone for acting suspicious. They have to actually see the item be concealed and they cannot lose eyesight of them for even a second. I have seen many LP staff stop someone who did not have anything on them after witnessing them conceal something. They lost eyesight of the person for a moment and that person dumped the item. That is at least a $35k lawsuit. The person checking receipts at the front is not allowed to stop a person that they think is acting funny. They are only there to give the appearance of security. Just like a store employee is instructed to approach people shopping to make eye contact and ask if they need any help. It lets the potential shoplifter know they have been seen.
Walmart and a whole slew of other businesses have said that masks aren't required if the person is vaccinated, but it all depends if the state mandates. Governor Dewine announced last week that vaccinated Ohio residents no longer need to wear a mask. Each business has the right to require meals though. I was in Walmart the other day and I can count on both hands the amount of people wearing masks. Some were not, including a few employees. I got some weird looks for not wearing mine.
My husband went to a Walmart yesterday, with a sign stating that the vaccinated could go maskless, now permitted in our state. He was asked by the greeter to show proof of vaccination.
I kind of expected someone to try and ask me.
Required by whom?
Last I checked, Walmart wasn’t owned by the government.
So you're ok with a business detaining someone despite a lack of (and I mean ZERO) suspicion that they've committed a crime? I thought keeping someone against their will was called kidnapping.

And the Wal*Mart "policy" of checking receipts is not a corporate policy. I've been through one Wal*Mart that has asked to see my receipt. I said nope and kept walking. Nothing happened. Unless they're going to check your receipt vs what's in your bag/cart, it's not even a loss prevention tool.

So you're ok with a business detaining someone despite a lack of (and I mean ZERO) suspicion that they've committed a crime? I thought keeping someone against their will was called kidnapping.

And the Wal*Mart "policy" of checking receipts is not a corporate policy. I've been through one Wal*Mart that has asked to see my receipt. I said nope and kept walking. Nothing happened. Unless they're going to check your receipt vs what's in your bag/cart, it's not even a loss prevention tool.

Oh, nobody is "detaining" anyone. They are asking and it's just a courtesy to oblige. As you have said, you can keep walking. Nobody's rights are being violated. Nobody is accusing anyone of a crime. In my experience they only check if something is not bagged, like a large item or something. It's just not that big of a deal and I can't understand why it offends some people so much. The poor greeter is just doing their job.
Oh, nobody is "detaining" anyone. They are asking and it's just a courtesy to oblige. As you have said, you can keep walking. Nobody's rights are being violated. Nobody is accusing anyone of a crime. In my experience they only check if somethign is not bagged, like a large item or something. It's just not that big of a deal and I can't understand why it offends some people so much. The poor greeter is just doing their job.
I agree with everything you say. There is no need to be rude to the greeter. A simple "no thank you" and keep walking. Where Wal*Mart would get into trouble is IF they don't accept the "no", and stop the customer from leaving the store because of the refusal to show the receipt. And yes, it's happened. A simply Youtube search will find a bunch of videos.

Now, IMO, if a) a customer does not have to stop and show a receipt b) they're not comparing the receipt to what's in the cart/bag, I have to ask "what's the point"? Of course, they're a business and they can have employees do what they want (for the most part).
I agree with everything you say. There is no need to be rude to the greeter. A simple "no thank you" and keep walking. Where Wal*Mart would get into trouble is IF they don't accept the "no", and stop the customer from leaving the store because of the refusal to show the receipt. And yes, it's happened. A simply Youtube search will find a bunch of videos.

Now, IMO, if a) a customer does not have to stop and show a receipt b) they're not comparing the receipt to what's in the cart/bag, I have to ask "what's the point"? Of course, they're a business and they can have employees do what they want (for the most part).

In some states, not stopping could give the store some probable cause to ask you to stop and detain you. That being said, I’d be quite surprised if a store like Walmart ever took it that far. I suspect they specifically train their folks to not detain In that situation. They aren’t doing it to catch shoplifters, they are doing it to deter shoplifters.
Last I checked, Walmart wasn’t owned by the government.
How about authority to detain you, when was the last time you checked that? No one has the authority to detain someone who isn't law enforcement. That's the point. As I said, they can only tell you to leave their property and upon not doing so, can call authorities on trespass charges. You can not trespass someone who is already leaving.
How about authority to detain you, when was the last time you checked that? No one has the authority to detain someone who isn't law enforcement. That's the point. As I said, they can only tell you to leave their property and upon not doing so, can call authorities on trespass charges. You can not trespass someone who is already leaving.

In many states, they can detain you in certain circumstances.

So you're ok with a business detaining someone despite a lack of (and I mean ZERO) suspicion that they've committed a crime? I thought keeping someone against their will was called kidnapping.

And the Wal*Mart "policy" of checking receipts is not a corporate policy. I've been through one Wal*Mart that has asked to see my receipt. I said nope and kept walking. Nothing happened. Unless they're going to check your receipt vs what's in your bag/cart, it's not even a loss prevention tool.

Wrong. It IS. Just because they did not tackle you after you viscously told the greeter "No." and walked away it does not mean that they did not speak to Loss Prevention. If you HAD done something then yes, you may have been tackled. It IS a LP tool. It is designed to make the amateurs think twice before stealing. The ones that do it often will always get past the greeter. By telling the greeter "No." and walking away you just made yourself look like a thief. LP will not stop you unless they actually see you conceal something but what you did was notify that greeter and anyone around you that you stole something (even though you didn't). Good job with that.
Guilty until proven innocent.

Yet another reason to politely say no thank you and go about my business.

You don't really understand how Loss Prevention works do you? If it was "Guilty until proven innocent." then they would have tackled him. By telling the greeter "No." he just made everyone around him assume he is a thief. Not exactly the same thing. Arrogance has drawbacks. If you did nothing wrong then just show them the receipt and go on about your business. Either that or don't shop there.
Wrong. It IS. Just because they did not tackle you after you viscously told the greeter "No." and walked away it does not mean that they did not speak to Loss Prevention. If you HAD done something then yes, you may have been tackled. It IS a LP tool. It is designed to make the amateurs think twice before stealing. The ones that do it often will always get past the greeter. By telling the greeter "No." and walking away you just made yourself look like a thief. LP will not stop you unless they actually see you conceal something but what you did was notify that greeter and anyone around you that you stole something (even though you didn't). Good job with that.
You realize that, by law, saying "no" and walking away does NOT give reasonable suspicion that a crime has been committed, right? Now, realistically, what do you think the store is going to do when someone walks out without presenting their receipt? 99.9999% chance the answer is "nothing".
You don't really understand how Loss Prevention works do you? If it was "Guilty until proven innocent." then they would have tackled him. By telling the greeter "No." he just made everyone around him assume he is a thief. Not exactly the same thing. Arrogance has drawbacks.
And you know what happens when you assume, right? Who cares what someone THINKS?
You don't really understand how Loss Prevention works do you? If it was "Guilty until proven innocent." then they would have tackled him. By telling the greeter "No." he just made everyone around him assume he is a thief. Not exactly the same thing. Arrogance has drawbacks.
You don't really understand that everyone around him assuming I am a thief makes no issue with me. I'm already out the door going to my car and driving away. I couldn't care less what some random retail worker thinks as I walk out the door with items that are legally mine.

Tackle me at Walmart, now I have to defend myself and they may realize that stating they ban open carry firearms was useless.
Then go with God speed. Just don't ask someone what they are staring at when you do this.
um, I don't. I just assume they think I'm attractive and want a closer look. :rotfl2:

ETA: If I see someone tell the Wal*Mart employee "no" and keep walking, I don't think "there goes a thief", I think "there goes someone who knows his rights".
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