New TTC Thread

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I was totally scared when I first came off the pill. I didn't know if we were making the right decision, if we could afford it... heck, I wasn't even sure if I even truly WANTED a baby because I was so freaked out by the whole idea!

Now that we've been trying for almost a year, though, I'm not really scared anymore. I guess because being able to get pregnant isn't as easy as I thought it would be, it's hard for me to imagine actually being pregnant and having one!

I was never really scared because my journey started before I was really even trying. I went off the pill in November (1994) and still had not gotten a period in August (1995), so I went to my doctor. She ran some tests and didn't find anything conclusive. She also mentioned I would probably have a tough time getting PG.

I had always figured that as soon as I wanted to get PG, I would be able to. Heck, we have been told all these years that we can control our fertility. So I freaked out and decided that was not going to happen to me, and we started on our journey. No fear, just determination.

I had a couple of losses, lots of treatment with some breaks in between, lots of pain, doubt and sadness, and found out I was PG with Hannah in January, 1999 - she was born in September. The doctors told me I would probably not get PG again without intervention, I was nursing and I had not gotten my period yet, so I didn't figure that I would find out I was pregnant before Hannah was 4 months old. Oops!

Yes, I have a Clear Blue monitor and I got pregnant both times using it for just 1 or 2 months. I love the monitor! The M button is what you press to start the cycle. Just hold it down until you see a "1". That is the first day of your period/cycle. If you period comes around 4pm on a given day, you don't want to press the M button until the next morning. You want to set it in the morning so that it asks you for the urine stick between 5am - 11am, or somewhere around then. You need morning urine.

Does this make sense? Feel free to PM me if you have more questions. I feel like I'm kind of an expert. Those things actually worked for me, big time!!!

Yeah you helped clear that up. I was just confused about what time of the day to press it, but it makes sense to wait until the next morning after I start.
I'm hoping it works quickly! We plan to start trying in May, but I'm going to start using the monitor this month, just to get a feel for it. Thanks for the help!
Soooo.... :rolleyes1

I um, disappeared for a while, had a baby, come back, find my TTC thread is being carried on (you guys rock) and see that lots of my TTC gals have had some babies!!:woohoo:

How is everyone?
Soooo.... :rolleyes1

I um, disappeared for a while, had a baby, come back, find my TTC thread is being carried on (you guys rock) and see that lots of my TTC gals have had some babies!!:woohoo:

How is everyone?

Yay! You're back! How's Vaylie doing?
So, a question for you all... I'm on CD 42, and it looks like I O'd sometime last week. i know there are issues with odd lengths of luteal phases, but is there any issue with taking that long to O (other than seriously trying my patience.....)

Vaylie is perfection in a teeny tiny package! She'll be a year old Feb. 28th! Can you believe it?

I'll post some pics soon.
Allison, I agree, that is a great pic of your boy :teeth:

I admit it took us over a year and a half to get a viable pregnancy, and it still scared us to death. Heck it scares us now that we'll mess up our little one. I think though, I was more scared than my DH was/is.

One book I had my DH read was actually Jenny McCarthy's book (I think it is Belly Laughs). I know it wasn't for the dads, but it really helped him get a better perspective. She said all that I was worried and fearing as well, but in a way he got it.

Diana, good luck with TTC. A friend of mine was on Depro and had a hard time getting pregnant afterwards. Apparenty it really messed up her cycle. I would try talking to your doctor to see if you'll "need help" like she did.
As for Pre-natals, wish I could help. I was never able to stomach them so my doctor just made sure I got enough Folic Acid. I started off with just regular vitamins that had 400mcg and then switched to chewables since it was all I could stomach and added in a Folic Acid suppliment of 800mcg. Never once was I able to take them, so as long as you get *at least* 400mcg in your vitamin you are fine.

What kind of problems did she have? I've never seemed to feel back to normal since I got off of Depo. I've been off since June 2005 and am a little concerned that I haven't became pregnant. I am going to try for 3 months and then I'll talk to my doctor.
Diana, she never had a regular period. She had issues with horrible cramps and flows when her period would come. She just felt like she was totally off. She claimed she never had issues before she went on Depo. She started going to a new doctor when she moved and the doctor was actually very upset that her previous one would suggest Depo to someone who wanted children (she hadn't had any yet). Apparently my doctor suggests the same because of some research she found from Canadian doctors. I hate to say bad things, but I'm only saying what I have discussed. I switched jobs so I never found out what happened to the friend of mine from work. I hope she was able to conceive.

Becky, it is so wonderful to see you here too!!! I see the little pic of Vaylie in your sig and she is adorable!!! I can't believe how old she is!
I was on the Depo shot for about 2 years. I gained 50 lbs. Other than that- I loved it. But, I had no problems whatsoever concieving. I got pg my 2nd cycle off birth control, but that was two years after I stopped Depo... After I stopped it I didn't get my period for months, but once I did it was back to normal quickly.
Vaylie is perfection in a teeny tiny package! She'll be a year old Feb. 28th! Can you believe it?

I'll post some pics soon.

Howdy Becky! Vaylie is beautiful. It is so nice to see you!

Hi, Becky! I had been wondering about you. I can't believe my b-day buddy will be 1 already! She is so cute! We've missed you!

I am pregnant with # 2 and just found out last week that we are having a boy. We are very excited and of course can't agree on boy names but we'll eventually get there.
Hi Tasha and Denae!

I tell you what ladies. After the pregnancy that I had, I didn't think I'd ever want to do it again, but I'm getting baby fever again. I guess it's because V's going to be 1 in two weeks, and I feel like she's not a "baby" anymore. I miss having a teeny tiny little being to take care of. Dh and I have talked about trying for #2 starting next summer... We have a lot of planning to do before then, though, in case I get sick again.
Diana, she never had a regular period. She had issues with horrible cramps and flows when her period would come. She just felt like she was totally off. She claimed she never had issues before she went on Depo. She started going to a new doctor when she moved and the doctor was actually very upset that her previous one would suggest Depo to someone who wanted children (she hadn't had any yet). Apparently my doctor suggests the same because of some research she found from Canadian doctors. I hate to say bad things, but I'm only saying what I have discussed. I switched jobs so I never found out what happened to the friend of mine from work. I hope she was able to conceive.

Becky, it is so wonderful to see you here too!!! I see the little pic of Vaylie in your sig and she is adorable!!! I can't believe how old she is!

Well, that makes me feel a little better. I have been off depo almost 3 years and started my period about 4 months after I stopped the shot. I have been regular for about 2 years. I still feel off and can't really explain it. I never had PMS before the shot, but I do now. I also experience a lot of nausea and wonder if that has something to do with my hormones. I am pretty sure that I am ovulating because I do get symptoms of it and it seems to be around the 14th day. I bought a Clear Blue Ovulation Test and I'm going to start testing on Sunday. I signed up for SheSpeaks and qualified for a home conception kit. I may try it if I have problems getting pregnant after 4 months.
On the old thread, AllyandJack posted about an upcoming Tyra Banks show
(don't know how to quote from a closed thread):

I wanted to pass on a note about a Tyra Banks show. Her people put out a call for people struggling with IF. They got Resolve involved, as well as a bunch of national IF organizations. Then, they started soliciting for guests using this.....


Do you know a woman who is obsessed with becoming a mom? Have you seen and heard her struggle for years, felt her unvoiced jealously and seen her desperation first hand? Have you watched silently for too long as she gets her hopes up only to be disappointed and heartbroken when she can’t conceive? Has she tried extreme methods and spent a lot of money to get pregnant with no luck? Do you want to finally tell her she needs to stop the emotional and physical stress on her body and seriously consider adoption or a surrogate alternative? If you know a woman who is obsessed with becoming a mom and getting pregnant, then SUBMIT BELOW.

She's basically preparing people to ambush infertile women to tell them to get over it and stop trying - as if it's anyone else's business. You'd think she was talking about people obsessed with exercising or people obsessed with shoes and, oh, won't it be funny to tell them that they need to quit with the obsession?

Anyway, I don't find it entertaining to have women who are hurting enough confronted on TV and told to get over it or "just adopt". I sent a nice letter to the show expressing my opinion.

This show is on today and then again on the 29th. I generally find Tyra distasteful, but I am curious how this one will play out.
Ugh. Tyra is an idiot. Plain and simple. It isn't something you just get over like a craving for Thai food.

DId anyone watch the show?
Hi Becky! It's good to see you back! :goodvibes Can you believe how much your thread has grown? And that Carla is pregnant again?

Princess Vaylie is adorable, by the way. My Alex just turned 1 today, and it seems like just yesterday you started the original TTC thread. Time sure flies!
Hi Becky! It's good to see you back! :goodvibes Can you believe how much your thread has grown? And that Carla is pregnant again?

Princess Vaylie is adorable, by the way. My Alex just turned 1 today, and it seems like just yesterday you started the original TTC thread. Time sure flies!

:cake: I can't believe it!! Happy Birthday to Alex! He's a cutie!

I know- I'm so glad to see the thread still going and that so many of us have been successful and that more women are here to talk and get support- I loved having you guys to go through it with!

And yes, it kills me that Carla is preggers again!! :woohoo: After all she went through!
Ugh - yet again, not this month :guilty: So I guess I get to go see the doc on Monday to talk about what to do next. I can't do another month of the Clomid. i'm horrible when I'm on it. i can't even stand myself, let alone figure how DH stands me. Wish me luck...
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