My Port Orleans - French Quarter and Beach Club Villas Stay...

Janet, thanks for your review! I can't wait to hear about the BCV's..we are brand new members and I haven't even seen them yet! We are doing almost the same thing as you, but staying at POR first for 3 nights before going to BCV's in April, I can't wait. So please let us know all about your villa stay!!! thanks.
Welcome back! I'm so glad you liked the POFQ. It is one of our favorite resorts. I can't wait to read your report. We will be there in a couple weeks. How was the food court? Are you planning your next trip yet? That always happens to me.
First, some background. My vacation wasn’t scheduled to begin until Thursday, but my company had another layoff during the prior week. It was a nasty layoff and my entire department was decimated (I was fortunate to retain a position within the company). This year alone, my company has lost 50% of its workforce. Each layoff has left me more and more depressed. This last one just about killed me. Since it was Tuesday and my new boss wasn’t due back from Europe until after I was scheduled to leave for Orlando, I decided that the heat in the kitchen was just too much to bear and I had to escape. Or else. So I picked up the phone, called the airline, changed my flights around so that I would depart a day early, and then contacted Dreams Unlimited Travel in order to get another night added onto my Port Orleans – French Quarter reservation. Once everything was set, I called my husband at work to inform him that my daughter & I would be leaving for Florida one day early. My motto was “Orlando or Bust.”

I think at this point I should mention that I still had not made any ground transportation arrangements for Orlando. Gulp! Minybear had been after me for weeks to do that, but I kept putting it off. She sent me one final warning telling me that I must book my ground transportation ASAP, and so I finally followed her advice. I went to the Dis' "Transportation" board to make sure that YourRide was still a Dis Sponsor, found that they were, then went to the YourRide.Net website and filled out my travel information. I figured that since this was such last minute notice, they would probably be all booked up. Luckily for me, Lady Luck was on my side, and I soon got a response from Rabbit telling me that someone would be waiting for me when I arrived in Florida. I was very happy. (Note to my fellow Dis’ers: Do not wait until the last minute to book your ground transportation. Do not follow my horrible example. Follow Minybear’s stellar advice and plan ahead. You’ll sleep better and worry less.)

On Wednesday, after a nice flight from the West Coast, my daughter and I arrived in Orlando. Rabbit was waiting for us at the baggage claim area. Our transportation that evening was a Ford Excursion, with “Monsters, Inc.” playing on the DVD-player. My daughter was in hog heaven. Rabbit and I chatted as we drove to WDW. He is always so pleasant. It was a nice ride.

After the short drive from the airport, my daughter and I arrived at our resort, Port Orleans - French Quarter. I had never seen this resort before, but I had viewed a video clip of it that is found on the Dreams Unlimited website. The resort’s registration area was as pretty in person as it had looked in the video. Our check-in went smoothly and quickly. I was told that our water-view room was located in building number seven, so off my daughter and I went in search of our room.

Building seven was a short walk from the registration building. My daughter and I enjoyed the warm, night air as we wound our way through the “streets” of the resort: Rue D’Baga, Café Au Lait Way, Reveler’s Row, Jazz Alley, Ragtime Alley, Mud Du Lac Lane, and Grand D’Toure. We thought the resort looked especially lovely in the moonlight. The architecture was beautiful and the grounds were impeccable. This was one heck of a resort, and we fell in love with it immediately.

Our room, number 7344, was lovely (click here to view my latest room photos). We really liked how it was decorated. I quickly called Bell Services and requested our luggage. It took about twenty minutes for our luggage to arrive, and once it did, we changed into our bathing suits and set off in search of Doubloon Lagoon (the resort’s pool complex). Our Bell Services’ Cast Member had told us that if we walked along the path that ran next to the river, we’d stumble into the pool area, so that’s the route we chose. No sooner had we made it to Doubloon Lagoon than we saw the Life Guards closing the pool due to a lightening storm in the vicinity. My daughter was disappointed. I told her not to worry, we would swim first thing in the morning, and that made her happy. We walked over to the food court and ate our first real meal of the day. The food was delicious, and the Cast Members working in the food court were extremely nice. We purchased two resort mugs, but we drank only water. Lots of ice-cold water. It was very warm outside and extremely humid. Ice-cold water was exactly what we needed.

After our meal, we walked back through the “streets” of the resort and noted that each resort building had a different musical instrument on its sign: drum, horn, saxophone, etc. It is always little touches like that that make a Disney resort special. Once we made it to our building, we went into our room and unpacked. It had been a long day, so my daughter fell asleep quickly. I stayed up for another hour and listened to a weather information channel on the television. I would like to note that the Port Orleans – French Quarter Resort did not have the “normal” Weather Channel that I found playing on my Beach Club Villas’ television a few days later. The PO-FQ weather information channel was the kind that showed various weather maps of the area, as a computerized voice spouted volumes of data regarding the weather for both land and sea. On this particular evening, the computerized voice was predicting 90-degree weather, high humidity, and storms for the next few days. Oh, well, into everyone’s life a little rain must fall. But that didn’t bother me since I’d make sure that the rain wouldn’t ruin my daughter’s parade. We were finally at Walt Disney World, the Happiest Place On Earth.
That sounds like a great beginning to a lovely trip! I enjoyed your Pics. I am waiting to read more. Thanks for Posting.
Thank you Janet2K for the nice words. Now how was your trip to my beloved (I have never been there) BCV's? I loved your photos of the Port Orleans – French Quarter. I have never been to these resorts. Maybe one of these days when we want a quick trip to WDW we will stay there.
Janet... Thank for the wonderful report. Can't wait till you post your thoughts of BCV. (My home resort which is very dear and near to my heart). I looked at your photos of BCV. Love the view of SE. What room was that... 555? Our first room at BCV had the view of SE, great illuminations view and also overlooked the canel and the service road. Our second room had a great illuminations view but, the rest of the view was woods. The manager told me a lot of people love that woods view because there is no road noise, but I missed our view of SE. I would take the road noise just to get the view of SE again anyday.
I thought we would spend our first full day at WDW exploring the Port Orleans – French Quarter Resort. I was awfully happy that I had tacked on another night at this resort. Had I not done that, we would have transferred over to the Beach Club at 11:00 AM. Since we had a second night, I definitely thought it was to our advantage to relax and see what trouble two wild & crazy girls could get themselves into. Look out Port Orleans, here we come!

I tuned our resort room television to Port Orleans’ version of the weather channel and heard predictions of scattered showers for the next several days. As long as it didn’t thunder & lightening like it did the night before, I didn’t care. We put our bathing suits on and ventured out of our room.

Our first stop was the food court (aka, Sassagoula Floatworks and Food Factory). The seating area was decorated with huge Mardi Gras’ parade props in a sort of warehouse setting. I don’t normally eat breakfast, but today I made an exception since everything smelled so yummy. There were lots of choices for breakfast, too: cereals, Mickey waffles, omelets, biscuits & gravy, eggs, bacon, ham, etc. We had our resort mugs with us and filled them up with ice-cold water. Sheesh, the night before we had paid for unlimited soda, and once again we were filling them up with water. What did we care; we were on vacation!

After breakfast, we headed over to the swimming pool, but not without taking a few photos of the wonderful New Orleans' style jazz band members that lined the walkway to the pool: click here to view one of them.

My daughter and I really enjoyed the French Quarter’s swimming pool. She especially enjoyed the waterslide. I did, too, even though I never went down it. If any of you remember my thread from the end of last year, I actually had this resort booked for a few days of my Christmas vacation. Since Disney had shuttered the resort due to the sagging economy, I had to stay elsewhere. At the time, I had really been looking forward to staying there, especially since many of you had sent me links to your wonderful photos of it. I remembered one photo in particular. It was of Doubloon Lagoon, complete with the Mardi Gras styled dragon waterslide that had King Triton astride it. When I showed that photo to my young daughter, she had said, “Look, Mama; sea-men in the swimming pool!” I got such a kick out of that (I have a silly sense of humor). When I finally got to view that waterslide in person, I said to myself, “Look; there it is; sea-men in the swimming pool.” I had a good chuckle. Click here to view my photo of the waterslide.

After a few hours, it was time for lunch. We put our cover-ups on and walked over to the boat dock. I thought we would take the boat over to the Riverside resort for some lunch, followed by a swim in the pool over there. Our boat skipper was very nice and filled our short ride to Riverside with stories and jokes. Once we got to Riverside, he let my daughter pick a “coin” from his basket as a souvenir of our ride. She was thrilled to do that and picked the shiniest, green coin that she could find.

We walked to the food court to see what was on the menu for lunch. The food court is called Colonel's Cotton Mill and features a working cotton press that is operated by a very tall water wheel (32-feet tall). Even though the food smelled great, I wasn’t very hungry; however, my daughter was famished, so she ordered chicken strips and french fries. Once again we filled our resort mugs with ice-cold water. When she finished her meal, we asked for directions to the pool area and quickly found our way to it.

We had a great time swimming. The pool area at Riverside is called Ol' Man Island. I especially loved hanging out below the waterfall (what a great way to cool off): click here to view a photo.

My daughter wanted to try the waterslide, so we walked over to the area where it was located. I didn’t go down the slide myself, but she did. Over and over and over again. I stayed at the bottom of it with my waterproof-disposable camera and snapped a few pictures: click here to view one of them.

After a few hours, we took the boat back to the French Quarter, went to our room, showered, and changed. When we had checked into the resort the night before, I had inquired about Bob Jackson and his show over at the Riverside. I was told that his show was held on Thursday through Monday (Tuesday and Wednesday were his days off). Since Bob was playing that evening, I wanted to see his show.

I had read many nice things about Bob Jackson and his show via the Internet. When Disney made some cutbacks the year before, Bob was one of them. A “Bring Bob Back to Port Orleans!” letter-writing campaign was started and I joined in. I sent my letter to Disney stating that I had not experienced Bob’s show myself, but had read many nice things about it. I received a phone call and some e-mail correspondence from Disney regarding my letter, and I had read that others did, too. Eventually, Disney made the decision to bring Bob Jackson back to the Port Orleans Resort. When I was adding a night to my vacation itinerary, I chose Port Orleans specifically because of the newly back Bob Jackson. I figured that if I was going to pick a resort to stay in, it might as well be one that would easily allow me to attend a fun show. And so when I checked into the French Quarter the night before, I had inquired about Bob’s show.

My daughter and I decided to walk to the Riverside Resort since our French Quarter room was located in building seven, just a short walk away. The walk took us less than ten minutes and was very enjoyable. When we got to the Riverside, we found the lounge where Bob was playing. I believe the name of the lounge was Scat Cat’s, and it was located next to Boatdwright’s Dining Hall, the only full-service restaurant at Riverside. I asked a hostess if my daughter and I could order a bite to eat in the lounge before Bob’s show began, and I was told that we could. Since Bob’s show was set to begin in approximately thirty minutes, our timing was perfect. We were hungry, so we quickly ordered some food and drinks. Dining two tables away from us was a family with a boy similar in age to my daughter, and our children soon made fast friends. When our food arrived, I noticed that the lounge had filled up with people. It looked to me like most folks knew that Bob was a good entertainer with a great show. I could tell that we were in for a treat that night.

Bob’s show began on time and it was even better than I thought it would be. Not only did Bob get the kids singing and dancing up on stage, he got almost all of the adults winding a conga line through the lounge, myself included. My daughter and I had a ball. It was so much fun. That night I had one of my vacation’s first “It Just Does Not Get Any Better Than This” moments. You know those moments. The priceless ones when you thank the Lord Above for being alive. There I was with my daughter, hanging out in the lounge of a resort, with the two of us singing & dancing & laughing & making fools of ourselves. I’ll never forget that night or the fun that we had. Just us girls. And a hundred or so other vacationers.

After Bob’s show was over, my daughter got an autographed photo of him. (I’ll scan it in and post it so that you can see what he looks like.) I told Bob that I loved his show. I also mentioned that I was part of the letter-writing campaign that helped bring him back, even though I had never seen his show before. Bob thanked me from his heart. I was touched.

I made a quick phone call to my son before my daughter and I left the Riverside resort that evening. I told him that we had just seen Bob’s show. He asked me how it was, and I told him. He said that he wished he could have been with us, but he didn’t sound jealous, just a little wistful. I told him that we would definitely see Bob’s show when we all vacationed together again at WDW. That made him happy. I hung up the phone and my daughter and I walked to the marina. We took a boat back to the French Quarter so that we could drop off our photo of Bob Jackson in our room, then we walked back to the marina and took a boat to Downtown Disney. It was a lovely evening and too early to end it.

We enjoyed a great boat ride to Downtown Disney: click here for photo. Our skipper was hysterically funny. He actually stopped our boat right near the Tree House Villas and asked for everyone’s boat tickets. Since no one had a boat ticket, he told us to all get off, but to be careful swimming to shore because we were in alligator territory. The kids looked at him in horror (wondering, I am sure, “Is this guy for REAL?”) and the adults laughed. The skipper said that we were awfully lucky that he was in such a good mood because he decided not to charge us for the ride after all. He started the boat back up and took us the rest of the way to Downtown Disney, all the while keeping the jokes and Disney quiz questions flowing.

As we pulled into port at Downtown Disney, the skies were threatening us with a distant thunder and lightening storm: click here for photo. I told my daughter that we had less than an hour to shop since I was afraid that the boats would quit running due to the inclement weather (I really wanted to take a boat back to the resort and not a bus). We found the toy store that sold the Mr. Potato Head parts and I found myself buying three boxes of them (including two Mr. Potato Head bodies). I could not resist the cuteness of that toy: click here for photo.

As soon as my purchase was paid for, we quickly went back to the dock and boarded the boat that was heading back to Port Orleans. All in all, it had been a wonderfully full day. No sooner had we gotten back to the French Quarter than it began to rain. Once again, we had great timing.
Sounds like a wonderful extra day was had by you guys! Don't you just love those Disney Moments! It makes you want to cry with happiness! I could just see you and your daughter watching Bob in the lounge and you doing the Congo!!! Great Pictures also! Keep Posting!!!!
I can't tell you how much I enjoyed reading your report. I love the boat driver story. I even called my son over to read it. You've made me feel like I was there.
Glad to see this thread bumped! I missed it the first time around. Glad to hear you had such a nice vacation! :)
Great post ... I really do understand those Disney moments...will be there in a few days. Can't wait.
Thanks for a fantastic review!!!!! Would you believe (look at my signature), that in all the years we have stayed at POR, we've never enjoyed his show. Well, not this April!! I am scheduling a night in just for him. What a great description of your night. Thanks.
Hi Janet2K. Great photos. Now I want a report on your stay at the BCV's ;). Great report for PO-PQ.:cool:
On Day Three, my daughter and I said a sad goodbye to the lovely Port Orleans – French Quarter Resort. We placed a call to Bell Services and asked for our luggage to be picked up and transferred over to the Beach Club Villas. Within fifteen minutes, a Bell Services person arrived at our door. Not only did he take care of our luggage for transfer, he also gave us a ride to the Sassagoula Floatworks & Food Factory (aka, the PO-FQ’s food court). I thought that was very kind of him. At the food court, my daughter and I had a quick bite to eat and then it was off to the bus stop. We felt it was about time that we visited a theme park.

We spent the day in Epcot. My daughter and I commemorated our Mother/Daughter vacation by having a "Leave A Legacy" tile made. After we had our photos taken, I asked one of the Cast Members to locate prior tiles that my family had made to commemorate other vacations. The Cast Member took us to our tiles and then pointed out a series of very special tiles that were located near one of our sets. These special tiles were of the famous Orlando band, *NSYNC: click here to view *NSYNC's tiles. I noticed that these tiles were very worn, no doubt, by the rubbings of a multitude of their adoring fans. My daughter got a kick out of the fact that their tiles were located near our tiles. She’s obviously a fan.

Since we had eaten a late breakfast, we didn’t bother eating any lunch. By the early afternoon, we were getting a little hungry. I walked up to the first pay phone that I could find and dialed “*88” in order to reach Disney Dining for free (note: don’t quote me on the “*88” number, as it might have been a different number; but don’t worry, each of the WDW pay phones states exactly what “*” number to dial in order to reach the Disney Reservation folks). I asked if they had availability for the Ice Cream Social that is held in the Land pavilion’s Garden Grill restaurant, and was told that they did, and so a PS reservation was made. My daughter and I had never attended the Ice Cream Social before, so we were really looking forward to it. I have a few Ice Cream Social photos posted here: click here to view them. We had a nice time with the characters at the social, and the ice cream was very filling.

After the Ice Cream Social, we rode a few more rides, and before we knew it, it was well after 5 PM. I decided that we better head to our resort so that we could check-in.

When we arrived at the Beach Club’s Front Desk, there was no line at all. We were quickly checked in and then told that our room was on the fifth floor, with an Epcot view. We were happy to hear that.

When my daughter and I arrived at our resort room’s door, I commented to her that the door reminded me of something right out of “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.” My daughter agreed: click here to view photo.

Since the Beach Club Villas is a Disney Vacation Club resort, the room that I had reserved for my daughter and myself was a “studio” room: click here for the DVC's BCV accommodations' webpage.

Our room was as pretty in person as it had looked in the many photographs that I had viewed of it. It contained a queen-sized bed, a sleeper sofa, a table and two chairs, a refrigerator, a microwave oven, and a coffeemaker. I noticed that our room also had a full-sized balcony. We went right over to our balcony in order to see our room’s view. We had a great Epcot view: click here to view photo. And click here for a close-up view. As you can see, our view was especially lovely at night: click here to view nighttime view.

I don’t have a lot of room photos posted yet, but I do have some: click here to view my BCV album.

After we had thoroughly checked out our room and taken a few photographs, we called Bell Services and asked for our transferred luggage to be brought up to our room. It arrived fifteen minutes later, and so we changed into our swimsuits and went down to the Beach Club Villas’ quiet pool for a swim (Stormalong Bay had closed for the night). It was a gorgeous evening and we enjoyed our swim in the warm, night air. From the pool we heard Epcot’s fireworks’ show, “IllumiNations: Reflections of Earth.” We had a lot of fun frolicking in the pool, and an hour or so later, we called it a night. Another magical day at the Happiest Place On Earth had come to an end. *Sigh*
Thanks Janet2K for posting about the BCV. I recently received a licence plate of the BC from a friend of mine (;)) who just came back from the BC and I really love it. I cannot wait to go. Maybe I will go over to the BW and get one of their licence plates also and start a collection.

I have heard alot about Bob Jackson but I never knew what he did and how come so many people loved him. Thank you for describing what he does. Now it explains everything.
Thanks for posting your wonderful trip report! Sounds like you and your DD had a very special trip.
The rest of our Beach Club Villas’ stay was wonderful, and Housekeeping always nicely made up our room. We will definitely stay at that resort again, without any hesitation.

My daughter and I didn’t swim in Stormalong Bay until a few days into our Beach Club Villas stay. We always seemed to be somewhere else during the day, and when we’d return back to our resort in the evening, Stormalong Bay was closed (it closed at 8 PM during our stay). That was okay with us since the quiet pool at the Villas was very nice. I just wish the bathhouse had more than one toilet (per sex). Every time I was trying to pull up my wet bathing suit, after having used the facilities, it always seemed to take me at least five minutes (gotta love those wet bathing suits). Thank goodness no one was waiting to use the bathroom after me, but I would think that during the day, having only one toilet could be a problem.

As just about everyone knows, all pools at the Yacht and Beach Club are outdoor and heated. There are three quiet pools and one main one. The main pool is called Stormalong Bay, and it is a three-acre mini water park that has a waterslide, two Jacuzzis, quicksand (really just sinking-sand) and a whirlpool (literally). I had swum in Stormalong Bay during my Yacht Club stay a year or two ago, but I had never discovered the “whirlpool.” I hadn’t even heard of it. This time, however, I swam right into it. And I loved it. While my daughter would be going down the waterslide, I would be floating ‘round and ‘round in the whirlpool. And there were quite a few adults in that whirlpool, too. We all had a ball.

I am sorry to say that I didn’t really take any photos of Stormalong Bay, but here are some links to photos that are shown on the official Walt Disney World website:
Official WDW Website Photo 1
Official WDW Website Photo 2
Official WDW Website Photo 3
Official WDW Website Photo 4

I thought I would mention that when I first walked into my Beach Club Villas’ resort room and saw its view, I immediately had a feeling of déjà vu. Here is my photo of the view: click here to view it. And here is the Disney Vacation Club’s photo of the view: click here to view it (click on that link, select their “Photo Album” link, then index to the fifth photograph and look at the view beyond the balcony doors). I guess we both can see why I had that feeling of déjà vu, eh?!

Since this is the Resorts board, I will keep the following short by only listing a few highlights from the rest of my WDW vacation (click on the links to see more info):

- - - - - - - - - -

* Stayed At Port Orleans - French Quarter Resort (first time)

* Stayed at Beach Club Villas (first time)

* Attended Bob Jackson's Show At Port Orleans - Riverside (first time)

* Attended Princess Storybook Breakfast (first time)

* Attended Ice Cream Social (first time)

* Attended Liberty Tree Tavern Character Dinner (first time - but twice - both times before MNSSHP)

* Met Nutz4Dzny and Spouse at LTT Dinner

* Met Figaro and Spouse at LTT Dinner

* Daughter Got Photo Taken with Wiggles During Halloween LTT Dinner

* Attended “Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party” (twice)

* Daughter Was One of the Grand Marshals for MNSSHP’s “Boo To You Halloween Parade” (first time)

* Daughter Lost Tooth but Met Tooth Fairy at MNSSHP

* Attended “999 Happy Haunts Ball” (first time)

* Met Bonzie1 and Spouse at “999 Happy Haunts Ball”

* Daughter Attended “Grand Adventures in Cooking Class,” “Wonderland Tea Party,” and “Pirates Cruise”

* Visited Tri-Circle-D Ranch (first time)

* Visited Tri-Circle-D Farm (first time)

* Attended Hoop-Dee-Doo Musical Revue

* Went on Carriage Ride at Fort Wilderness (first time)

* Watched (from Resort Room) Disney Test New Fireworks (first time)

* Met Many Wonderful Cast Members Everywhere We Went

* Met Many Wonderful Vacationers Everywhere We Went
- - - - - - - - - -

As you can see, I had a lot of "firsts" this vacation. The most important "first," however, was the fact that this was my first Mother - Daughter Vacation at the Happiest Place On Earth. Our vacation truly was magical. Life just does not get any better than this. I will never forget this vacation. Ever.


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