My PC, GF, VWL, BCV, VWL, and SSR vacation…

Wow! More posts from Janet2K! I hadn't checked in a while--what a great surprise!

And it sounds like the PERFECT evening at Summerside.

I wondered if Mickey was actually speaking as well???

:wave: :wave: :wave:
Originally posted by Janet2k
My daughter had the honors of the first photo. Mickey asked her if he looked okay for the picture and she told him that he did. He then held out his arm for her to take. After a quick kiss to the top of her head, it was time for the photographer to snap their picture.

Oh, how I wish I could share the video with you of the interaction between Mickey Mouse and my daughter. If you could view it, you, too, would hear Mickey asking my daughter how he looked -- his hair, his shirt, and his tie. What did Mickey's voice sound like? Why, take a look and hear it for yourself:

How’s my hair look?
Do I have any stray hairs?
Does my shirt look okay?
Is my tie on straight?
Please take my arm…
My daughter shyly took Mickey’s arm…
Now smile for the camera…

Even though those words were spoken without ever uttering a sound, my daughter heard Mickey Mouse loud and clear.
those were great pictures... and it's so true... mickey can speak volumes w/out ever uttering a sound... great pics of your daughter and the big cheese, errr, i mean, mouse... those will be cherished for a lifetime...

now... give us more! MORE! MORE! MORE! LOL! cannot wait to hear the details of the dinner (my tummy is already grumbling at the thought... how pooh of me!) as well as the dessert party surprises!
WOW!! :earseek:
Janet, I found this thread last night and was up to 1am to reading it.

You are amazing!! That is a wonderful party. Thank you, Thank you for allowing us to re-live the experience with you.

Patiently waiting for the next addition....:hyper:
Cindy in NY
I can't wait to read more! I am loving your trip report! And Janet - your black sandals looked great with your outfit! I hope you weren't too uncomfortable afterwards.

Ah well, fashion before comfort!

Don't know how long I can wait for my next "fix" LOL:tongue:

Thank you Janet for such a wonderful escape to Disney. I felt like I was there standing off to the side watching everything!

Cant wait for more, pleeeeeease hurry!!! JK

The Mickey pictures are just adorable! I could even see the pixie dust swirling everywhere!!! What a magical moment for your daughter to have the place of honor to help Mickey get ready for his photo meet and greet with the guests.

What a magical evening for the guests to enter Never Never Land, toss their cares away, and enjoy the happiness of life.

Mickey is definitely a very special kind of guy, oh, I mean mouse! ::MickeyMo

Thanks for taking time to capture and preserve the magic through your wonderfully detailed posts.
I just wanted to add my thanks for your absolutely wonderful trip report, Janet! You are such a gifted writer, your report is a joy to read!

Now, we are all patiently waiting for more!:hyper:


P.S - I was tempted by that cool Pentax Waterproof Camera on QVC as well, and your pictures may just have made my decision for me (and my DH)! Thanks for the links to your great photos as well!:D
As always, your trip report is amazing!! You manage to have the most magical times of all at WDW!! I love hearing about the special events you have take that Disney Magic that extra step beyond. princess: I can't wait to hear more. And your pictures are fabulous! You are making me want to go back to WDW (as soon as the hot summer season is over!)

And floridafam...I've been "off" the boards since right after the 1/2 IM...hope your DH had a good race. I enjoyed it, and PR'd. I would love for them to have that race again, but I understand there were logistic issues that may or may not be resolved. I would do the Olympic distance race coming up in Sept. at WDW, but I have a schedule conflict. Now...isn't your DH doing an Ironman (Florida?) this year? Good luck to him! I did IMLP and it was amazing!

Your pictures are absolutely wonderful. I was finally able to view them. The Grand Floridian is my favorite resort and those pictures make me want October to be here already. I can't wait to read more of your trip report. Its amazing how you can share your trip with us. Makes us feel like we're right there with you. Those family pictures are great. The kids looked so excited to see Mickey, can't wait to see that look on my childrens faces again in October.-Stacey
As I write this post, I realize just how hungry I am. The fact that someone in my neighborhood is barbequing right now (and the aroma is making my stomach growl) isn’t helping any. And with such an appropriate opening, it is only fitting that I begin this post.

(Merriam-Webster OnLine Dictionary)
Variant(s): also bar·be·que
Function: noun
Etymology: American Spanish barbacoa framework for supporting meat over a fire, probably from Taino
1 : a large animal (as a steer) roasted whole or split over an open fire or a fire in a pit; also : smaller pieces of barbecued meat
2 : a social gathering especially in the open air at which barbecued food is eaten
3 : an often portable fireplace over which meat and fish are roasted

The second definition is my personal favorite: "a social gathering especially in the open air at which barbecued food is eaten." Ms. Merriam Webster sure was one smart cookie when she added that definition to her dictionary. And I was one smart cookie when I decided to use her definition as the framework for my dinner party. "A social gathering especially in the open air at which barbecued food is eaten." I really liked that one.

Let’s take a look at some photographs that the Disney photographer took at the dinner party to see if any match Ms. Webster’s definition. I think this one might do: click here. That is definitely a “social gathering especially in the open air,” don’t you agree? And what about the second part of Merriam’s definition: “at which barbecued food is eaten”? Will this one do: click here? Yes, I think that one will do quite nicely [typed as Janet’s stomach continues to growl with hunger].

Let’s get off the subject of food for a moment (before I have to crash my neighbor’s barbeque) and check back in with my Banquet and Events Order (BEO) to see how closely reality had been mimicking theory at the Summerhouse dinner party. Page 2 had listed the following schedule:

- - - - - - - - - -
Event Agenda:

……………4:30 PM Power Drop & Set Up
6:00 PM – 6:30 PM Arrival time of Guests
6:15 PM – 6:20 PM Character arrives at Marina for Float Boat
……………6:30 PM Event starts
……………6:35 PM Character arrives via Float Boat at Summerhouse
6:35 PM – 7:05 PM Traditional Mickey Appearance
……………7:05 PM Character departs via Trolley
7:05 PM – 8:20 PM Dinnertime
8:30 PM – 8:45 PM Depart for Marina West
……………8:30 PM Bartender Departs for Next Set
8:45 PM – 9:30 PM Desserts at Marina West

- - - - - - - - - -

Theory vs. Reality, Part 2…

The schedule had Mickey Mouse visiting the Summerhouse from approximately 6:35 PM to 7:05 PM. Since that was exactly what he did, reality had once again matched theory. I think by now it should be pretty obvious that my Grand Floridian Convention Services Cast Member and his wonderful team certainly knew their stuff when it came to planning a private function. Their timing was right on the mark.

I should take a moment to note that there was no dire need to match the BEO schedule exactly. When I had first set foot on the patio of the Summerhouse, my Convention Services Cast Member had approached me. He knew that Floridafam’s husband had participated in the Florida Half-Ironman Triathlon earlier that day and was going to be attending an afternoon triathlon ceremony with his family. Because of that simple fact, there was a real possibility that his family wouldn’t be able to make it to the dinner party by the official starting time of 6:30 PM. Since my Cast Member knew how important it was that all of my guests were present for Mickey Mouse’s arrival, he told me that he could hold off on Mickey until after the family had arrived. I can’t tell you folks how relieved I was to hear that. It would have broken my heart if Floridafam’s son and daughter had missed Mickey Mouse. And wouldn’t you know it, as soon as the pressure had been taken off regarding Mickey’s arrival, Floridafam’s family had arrived at the Summerhouse. And early to boot. The party’s schedule was able to move forward as planned.

Once Mickey Mouse had departed the Summerhouse for the Magic Kingdom, it was time for everyone to get down to the important business at hand – dinner (click here). According to the BEO, dinner was scheduled from approximately 7:05 PM to 8:20 PM. An hour and fifteen minutes may sound like a lot of time for eating but this was a summer barbeque and there were plenty of vittles to chow down on. Plus, our vittles were being prepared specially to order and that added a little overhead to the chow time. The one thing my party had in its favor was that my dinner guests were hungry (click here). (You can almost hear their stomachs growling in that photo.) And knowing that they were hungry gave me the assurance that I needed – an hour and fifteen minutes was going to be sufficient time to completely fill their bellies full of food.

The patio area was soon filled with the delicious aromas of freshly grilling meats and vegetables: click here. With smells like that leading the way, it didn’t take long for everyone to find their way to the dinner table. And even though our waiter was more than willing to serve us, everyone grabbed their own plate because that is how it’s supposed to be at a barbeque – help yourself.

Some folks began filling their plates at the salad table: click here. While other folks went straight for the gusto and began at the grill: click here. You couldn’t go wrong no matter where you started – the food was delectable.

Speaking of the food stations, I thought I’d describe how they were decorated. The salad table was topped with a wooden barrel, an animal skull, a bale of hay, and a milk can: click here. The grilling station was decorated with a wooden barrel, an animal skull, and various plants: click here. Both food stations were awash in color with their checkered linens: click here. Those red and white linens looked striking against the green landscaping and the blue lagoon. My Convention Services Cast Member and his staff had outdone themselves. I was definitely tickled pink with how beautifully suitable everything looked. If I had decorated the patio area myself, I could not have done a better job. Again, when the details are left in the hands of the professionals, wondrous things will happen.

It’s time for another theory versus reality check. I assure you, I had fun with this one.

Theory vs. Reality, Part 3…

Page 2 of the BEO stated the following information:

- - - - - - - - - -
Catering Food & Beverage
6:30pm – 9:30pm: SUMMERHOUSE BBQ

Mixed Garden Greens with Assorted Dressing & Toppings
Grilled Spicy Shrimp (Prepared on Stage)
Vegetable Kabobs
Blackened Chicken Salad with Cavatappi Pasta
Traditional Southern Cole Slaw
T-Bone Steaks (Prepared on Stage and to guest orders)
Roasted Chicken
Smoked BBQ Ribs
Baked Potatoes with all the Fixins
Three Bean Salad
Roasted Corn on the Cob (Pulled Husk still attached – Prepared on Stage)
Corn Bread
Baked Beans with Cured Bacon
Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee, Assortment of Hot Teas, Iced Tea
*Please note several items prepared on stage

- - - - - - - - - -

I was itching to find out how closely reality would match theory in the food department. And believe me, folks, I was only doing this for you. If it weren’t for you folks, I probably wouldn’t have eaten a thing that night (and if you believe that, I have some swampland to sell you in Florida).

I’ve already mentioned that there was a chef stationed at our dinner party. What I haven’t told you was what a wonderful cook he was: click here. He prepared everyone’s T-bone steaks to order: click here. If you looked at that last photo, you might have noticed that the T-bones were large. And talk about that old oxymoron – jumbo shrimp. There was nothing puny about those shrimps. They were huge. But Texas-sized steaks and shrimp weren’t the only choices for the main entrée. Also on the menu were vegetable kabobs, baked potatoes, roasted corn, smoked chicken, and barbequed ribs: click here. Like I’ve stated before, we easily had enough food to feed an entire nation of It’s A Small World dolls. As our chef prepared all that food, he made sure that everything was perfection: click here. He was a wonderful cook and very easy to talk to – my guests loved interacting with him: click here.

Besides the main entrees, there were all the fixin’s appropriate for your average Summerhouse barbeque: mixed garden greens with assorted dressings & toppings, blackened chicken salad with cavatappi pasta, traditional southern coleslaw, three bean salad, corn bread, and baked beans with cured bacon: click here. Believe me, with all that food, my Convention Services Cast Member had assured that no one walked away from the barbeque hungry.

Once everyone’s plates were full, they sat down to eat. The dinner conversation that ensued was relaxed and laid-back, exactly what you would expect at an outdoor party. I think it was at that point in time that I realized my goal for the evening had been achieved – a relaxing evening spent with friends. All was right with the world.

The barbeque food was so good that I think everyone went back for seconds of one sort or another. Our poor waiter didn’t get much of a chance to wait on any of us. We were having too much fun going back to the salad table and the grill in order to discover what other goodies were yet to be tasted. There honestly was so much food that I had a hard time deciding what to try next. But as hungry as I was, I found that I only had enough room to sample the steak, baked potato, vegetable kabob, baked beans, and barbequed ribs: click here. I think between all of us, though, every food item was sampled at least once or twice (or three times…or four times…). Besides the T-bone steaks, the spicy grilled shrimps were a big hit with everyone (except for me – I’m allergic to seafood/shellfish – but I wished I weren’t that night as I listened to my guests rave about them).

So let’s get back to the Theory vs. Reality, Part 3 bit. How did the actual barbeque food stack up against what I had envisioned it would be? I can honestly tell you that it was beyond your typical American barbeque fare. Yes, I am stating for the record that it was better than baseball, hot dogs, apple pie, and Chevrolet. But I must admit that I wasn’t at my usual barbeque location (the patio of my townhouse), either. I was at Walt Disney World’s flagship resort, the Grand Floridian Resort. And nothing less than completely exceeding my expectations would do for my Convention Services Cast Member and his team. With the Summerhouse barbeque dinner that they had prepared for me, they had ruined me for life. I was never going to touch another one of my husband’s charbroiled (as in burnt) hot dogs again. No, sir-ee. Only the finest steaks, chicken, and ribs would do for me from here on out. How could I possibly ever settle for less? (Now, if only I could talk my husband into hiring a personal chef for our next home cookout.)

Once dinner had been completed, the children decided it was time to burn off some energy by playing games on the beach. My daughter rolled up her pants and hit the sand with Floridafam’s son and daughter. With their shoes off, the children got to feel the sand between their toes: click here. And feel the sand they did as they raced each other along the beach: click here. They stopped just long enough to pose for a photograph on the Grand Floridian’s catamaran: click here. Then it was back into the sand for some more beach fun: click here. Floridafam’s daughter obviously felt the same way about the beach as my daughter felt – I love this photo of the two of them sitting in the sand doing things that only kids can do: click here. And there was truly no finer place to do those kid things at than the Grand Floridian Resort.

As the sun continued to set, our photographer asked us to pose for one last group photograph at the Summerhouse: click here. We’d all had a relaxing evening and I think the photograph captured that.

With our dinner finished, our evening had drawn to a close. Or had it? Stay tuned.
As the sun continued to set, the lights at the Summerhouse were turned up accordingly: click here. The spotlights highlighted specific areas of the patio: click here. They cast a beautiful glow upon the dinner table: click here. And even the salad table: click here. The ambience was wonderful.

After our group photograph had been taken (click here), everyone wandered back to the dinner table: click here. As we stood around it chatting, I could hear “When You Wish Upon A Star” playing in the background. It was then that our waiter approached the dinner table. In his hand was a special letter for the children. He handed it to my daughter: click here. She took the letter (click here) and sat down next to Floridafam’s son and daughter. Floridafam’s son began to read the letter aloud as everyone listened: click here. This is what he read (click here):

Your evening has not yet drawn to an end,
There is still more “Magic” to share with new friends.

These ties we’ve created, we will not sever,
With pictures and memories that will last forever.

Out on the Beach you will find…
A map to a treasure for your heart, soul, and mind.

“X” marks the spot where you should start.
It takes you to a place that will capture your heart.

Enjoy the sweets and special dishes…
As you finish your night with a sky full of “Wishes!”

I couldn’t believe how beautiful the letter was. It took my breath away.

Bonzie1’s husband stated, “A treasure map! We gotta go deal with that!” Floridafam’s son followed that with a joyous, “Let’s go get the ‘X’!” And with that the children ran onto the beach: click here. And so did our Disney photographer: click here. He wanted to make sure that he captured the moment on film for me (it was one of the special requests on the “shot” list that I had given to Disney Event Productions a week before the party began).

What followed was too cute for words. Luckily, I had captured it with my camcorder – I wish I could share that video footage with you. Since I can’t, I’ll do my best to describe it with photos and words.

The children hit the beach and were looking for an “X.” What they should have been looking for was the treasure map. It was on that map they would find the "‘X." But until they figured that out, they searched high and low all over the beach for an illusive "X": click here. We adults chuckled over that one for a little bit because it was simply precious listening to the children yelling out to each other, “Where’s the ‘X’? Where’s the ‘X’?!”

I think the children ran all the way down to the Grand Floridian’s theme pool before they turned around and headed back towards the Summerhouse. As they ran back to us, they continued to yell to each other, “Where’s the ‘X’? Where’s the ‘X’?!”

I informed them that they had to search the whole beach. I casually pointed to the area where the map was hidden. My daughter then stated to Floridafam’s children, “Okay, we separate. You go that way! I go this way!” Floridafam’s son exclaimed, “I’ll search over here!” It was so much fun watching the children search the beach with their typical childlike abandon.

After a short while Floridafam yelled out to the children, “It might not exactly be an ‘X’.” I decided to put them out of their misery so I said, “It’s a map, guys.” With that, Floridafam’s daughter repeated, “It’s a map!”

The children wandered into the area where the map was located. They didn’t know it yet but the map was contained inside of an old bottle: click here. If you look closely at that photograph, the bottle with the map is leaning against the white trash receptacle.

With the adults’ prodding, eventually the children found the bottle with the treasure map: click here. My daughter pulled the map out of the bottle and began to read it out loud: click here. “A treasure to your heart and soul – where’s the rest of it? Where’s the rest of it?” She thought the map was missing a piece. Floridafam’s son looked into the bottle and said, “What’s in here? Looks like a compass inside here.” My daughter exclaimed, “A compass?” and began peering into the bottle. The adults began to laugh (click here) as Floridafam’s son said, “No, it’s a clock. When I first looked in there I thought, ‘no, it’s a clock’ ‘cause I saw the Roman Number thingies.” His imagination was just wonderful and everyone got such a kick out of him.

My daughter began to read the map again: click here. She found the "X" and she found the word “Begin.” She gave the map to Floridafam’s son and together they attempted to figure out what to do with it. I asked my husband to help them out a little bit. He stated that he didn’t have his reading glasses with him – that was basically his way of telling us that he would be worthless with the map because he couldn’t read its small writing. The adults got a good chuckle out of that.

Would my husband find his reading glasses? Would the children figure out how to read the map? Would we ever be led to the “treasure for our heart, soul, and mind?” Stay tuned.
Having a blast reading about your wonderful dinner party....WOW!!!
WOW! WOW! WOW! I'm overwhelmed just reading this report let alone actually being there and living it.
I'm in awe, what a wonderful wonderful writer you are. Yahoo is experiencing problems so I can't view the pics but I can't wait to see them all (although I did see the iron)
Hurry and complete the evening!!!

and thank you! you brought us all there with you!


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