My Heart is Broken

My heart is broken for you. I am so sorry for your loss.

Right now your feelings are very raw, but please do not blame yourself for anything. You were doing the best that you could to make sure he was getting the care he deserved. (I'm sure that he knows that as well).

If possible (not sure if its too late or not), I would see if you could have autopsy done. It could reveal some sort of problem that he had that no one knew about that could explain his sudden decline in the hospital. I would also have an independent party review his hospital records to make sure that there wasn't negligence on their part that led to his death. In either case, the results wont bring him back, but perhaps it will bring you closure.

Again, so very sorry for your loss.
So sorry for your loss. Praying for strength for you and your family. :hug:
I am so sorry you lost your husband. It's all the worse knowing that it was untimely and with all the questions you have about the circumstances. Please don't beat yourself up about it. :hug: You didn't know about the circumstances, you put your trust in those that are supposed to know.

I agree with a pp that it is time to grieve. But it may help you to grieve to find out some answers to your questions. Have you contacted the hospital's patient advocate? I don't know, but that may be a good place to start. Somehow you have to sort through your feelings and finding answers may be the place to start. It seems like it would be hard to go through the grieving process when you don't know what exactly happened.

My thoughts and prayers are with you. :hug:
So sorry for the loss of your husband. Prayers and hugs for you and your family.
Oh my, I am so sorry for all you and your DH went through..........and with a not so happy ending.
I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
I am the Janet part of the OP's username. This was my daddy. He loved Disney so much. He worked for them when they opened. He worked for them when he died. He was a seasonal bus driver. He would find so many little things to make children smile. When we adopted our children 2 years ago, he purchased 20 stuffed Mickeys. He gave one to each child in the Children's Home and gave them some extra for kids that came to the home. He had such a loving heart. It will not be the same without him.
I'm so sorry for your loss. My dad died suddenly in the hospital at 59. He was getting chemo for lung cancer and all the sudden had a massive stroke. They asked my brother if we wanted an autopsy, he said no. But later my mom wishes she would have looked into the circumstances, things just didn't seem to add up. Not that she wanted to sue to get money but just to get answers.


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