Mr Potato Head- Once upon a Toy

Don't be affraid to ask the CM's for assistance. They will help you get as many parts in that box as possible. The rule use to be, as long as the box closes. I've had many bulging boxes.
I have a huge collection of them at my house for my granddaughter to play with. I buy the holiday potato heads ( Christmas, Valentines, Easter, etc.) at Target for about $5.99 and then when I am at Disney I fill up a box of just the Disney parts I don't have, such a good idea not to take up so much space in the box with the potato body for $'s getting to be quite a collection and lots of fun! Have fun collecting them, like everything else Disney, it is addicting!
we bought the big mr potatoe head to fill at 45.99...did it in sooooo much crammed in there. of course the kids fought over one sturdy plastic gigantic mr potato head! so we did it again last weekend at dtd...which was great since last year we got bits an piecces of costumes. we added some new pieces this year and finished some. sadly ariels body and the buzz costume were not going in there. dh and i grab what we need/want for the kids. then we stategically place the parts in...making the kids grab some small parts, earrings, teeth, eyes to drop in in spots where theyll drop into air pockets. love it!
It looks like we might not have time to get to DTD, is the Potato head selection at Toon Town as extensive as at DTD?

I'm definitely bringing our own head to get more parts!
It looks like we might not have time to get to DTD, is the Potato head selection at Toon Town as extensive as at DTD?

I'm definitely bringing our own head to get more parts!

I know in 2008 it was NOT as extensive at TT. (I know because I bought mine at TT & then found the store at DTD and was SO mad at myself....)
We are going to do the big plastic contained for our trip and I plan to bring DD one or two bodies from here at home.
Here what I picked up on the last trip to give you an idea of how much $20 can buy you:

Thanks for posting a picture! I was wondering what kind of box you all were talking about since I hadn't seen it before. My son loves Mr. Potato head and we are definitely planning on doing this, this summer. Are the hands different than the ones that come with the traditional Potato head?
Thanks for the picture, that is awesome! Those accessories, so fun! I can't believe how excited I am about Mr. Potato Head ;)

And DD will want My Little that only at DTD or at ToonTown as well?
Are the hands different than the ones that come with the traditional Potato head?


There's also a left and right hand. You need them to hold the various Disney pieces. I would suggest getting at least two lefts and two rights, so the kids can make more than one potato head
After looking at the pic again, I'm thinking I should bring eyes and ears and a nose too with the head to save space for more accessories and we can play while we are down there.:cheer2:

Thanks for the tips on the right/left arm too.
I had to post back and show my Potato Head Parts...I went to the Toon Town shop at the MK since we didn't go to DTD, I wish I had a better selection of accessories (pretzel, soda) though.

I got about 40 pieces. The Mary Poppins umbrella did not fit but a CM told me it didn't have to go into the box. I paid an extra $2.45 for it. Fairy wings did fit.

I did not get a head, so these were just pieces in a VERY stuffed box, it barely closed and was bulging but the CM said it was fine and in fact asked me if another CM had help me stuff it (nope, just advice from the internet). ;)


Note the bottoms of the mickey feet are very spacious and I stuffed some pieces inside before placing them in the box (name tag and earrings). I have multiple items since I just crammed whatever would fit.

So I was disappointed that while at Disney, DD5 was not that interested in the MPH. I think it was just too much after a hard day!

Anyway after we got back from our trip, I would make a new MPH each night and set it on the kitchen table for her to see in the AM. She loves it now. I wish I had thought to do this at our resort as a surprise for her in the morning. She would have gotten a kick out of it. Maybe also hide it in various places (closet, bathroom/shower).

But MPH has helped us with our Disney withdrawal this week ;)
Thanks for the suffing advice, and the advice to get a basket, then fill the box. I started a box last year, then got so overwhelmed by all the options (and stymied by some biggies like Ariel's tail) that I gave up and we just got ponies. Maybe this year we'll try Potatoes again! We have plenty of bodies. I also decorate small sugar pumpkins with MPH pieces every year at Halloween so it would be fun to add to the variety!
They do still sell the giant, plastic Mr. Potato Head at Once Upon a Toy in DTD. I think it was $46 or something like that... you'd think I'd remember since we bought one just over 2 weeks ago.

The Mary Poppins umbrella and a Buzz Lightyear base could not possibly fit into the MPH (can't get it through the opening), but the CM said it was ok and did not charge us extra for those 2 pieces.

I thought I had fit a lot into my MPH until the CM was pointing out all of the extra space. One of her tips was to put the shoe pieces into the bottom first.

We also did My Little Pony for DD2 and I was so proud of myself for fitting a bed and 3 ponies, and clothes, etc. into the box but the CM told me to go get 2 more beds because I should have been able to get those to fit too.

Have fun and if you're challenged like I am, see if you can find a CM help you pack it all in!


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