MR BACK'S & CO home for repeat offenders Part 2

Hi! :wave:
I'm all packed, just have to 'organize' my purse and pack up grooming implements in the morning. PixieMagic is picking me up at 5:45AM !!!:hyper:

Had a VERY busy day at work, but partially because I had a 2 hour lunch! Two bosses took me out for my 25th Anniversary to a great steak place and I got a $100 gift certificate to the Arizona Biltmore Hotel, to use for spa/restaurant/rooms. So maybe I'll do a spa day right before the I could use it in the gift shop too.....have to check that out. THEN in the afternoon we had a gathering for the whole department and had cake. Got a clever gag gift from our GM. When he was new he asked me once how the 'quarter was shaping up' (billing wise) I said after working there 95 quarters....they were all a blurr. So, he gave me a silver gift bag, with silver tissue paper and 100 quarters!

I want all you kids to behave yourselves while we're gone! Don't get into too much trouble in the chocolate vault. I'm sure Nephosaurus will expect you to replace any missing WONKAS!

I may stop back early in the morning if I have time and show you a picture of something (shhhhhh, secret, can't tell till I'm sure all the DIVAS have left town).
When NC Beast and I went to Ireland for a week in 2001---1 big suitcase, camera bag, and 1 or 2 carry-on size bags <----total.

We forgot to pack some umbrellas and it rained all week. Good thing that MIL had extras.:teeth:
I don't let ohanafamily actually pack the suitcase. If I did we'd probably end up with 5 or 6. He just gets to tell me what he wants to take and I actually pack it.

When we went to Korea a few years ago (2000) for a wedding - a formal wedding - we had 2 roll-aboard suitcases, 1 hanging bag with our formalwear, and one laptop backpack. (ohanafamily bought a new laptop with DVD player just for the trip so we could watch our own movies on the plane.) Coming home we just had one extra small shopping bag and managed carry-on the whole way. Now, though with the tighter restrictions on number/size of carry-ons we don't bother pushing it anymore.
Originally posted by ibouncetoo
I may stop back early in the morning if I have time and show you a picture of something (shhhhhh, secret, can't tell till I'm sure all the DIVAS have left town).
If it's what I'm thinking, I could always post it for you after you've left. You could send me a PM and I'll make sure it gets posted for you. ::yes::
Just a real quickie this am (shut up RICKNYC!!! :) )
have a great time all who haven't left. We will miss you-and get going already!!!

GEFFRIC< the BEASTS, CASTLEGAZER, MAD, ODD, and yes, you too, HUGGA, pity party, my house, be there!
Am I not invited to the pity party??:charac2: :sad1:

Have a great trip for all those who are going.
Oh no DANA, I haven't forgot you, You are the guest of HONOR!! You are the gal with the chocolate right!!!! LUV YA!!!
OK, I'll come and bring the chocolate. ::yes::

I'll bring some Cadburys snaps. They look like pringles but are made from chocolate. They are really morish!
Morning! I've just got to jump in the shower, but I wanted to post this. I made this to go on the DIVAS' door at AKL. So Sunday when we go to PI and maybe have a few too many adult beverages, they can find their room! The color in the picture is a little dark, but you'll get the idea.


There's going to be one or two other surprises also.....but you'll hear about those when we get back.

39 CINDERELLA, hope everyone is healthy and your trip is ON!!!!! I'm thinking positively and will say: See you Sunday night!
<img src=''> <font face=chaucer size=8>TAGLIARCHY[color=99ff00]![/color]</font>
Originally posted by cheeringmom
GEFFRIC< the BEASTS, CASTLEGAZER, MAD, ODD, and yes, you too, HUGGA, pity party, my house, be there!
Hey! I wanna come to the party too....can I, can I, can I????? PLEEEEEEEEEEASE???

Good morning (yes today is GOOD) TAGLIARCHY :wave2:

I've been up for a couple hours getting all our stuff together. Now I'm heading into the attic for a couple of suitcases. If I can make myself stick to it, I should be finished packing in just a little while. Then I'll be able to finish my list from yesterday and leave with a clear mind this afternoon. I've arranged for a cousin to pick us up at 3:30 and take us to the airport. It sure is nice to have family around you can count on like that, even if it's not immediate family.
What time does the party start??? I can bring the whine tee hee wine.... and of course some additional chocolate for our sundaes and brownies and chocolate chocolate chip cookies and muffins and chocolate turtle pie and fudge!!!!

I'll start decorating the room and check out the inventory. I want to make sure that the is enough variety of chocolate - white, dark, milk and all with lots of rich creamy taste but no fat, no carbs, no calories:teeth:
:sunny: Good afternoon! I'm watching the Texas-OU game.

Chocolate would be good right now.

Hey, about ready to go now... Need a quick shower, and a little lasy ,imute packing. The Kids are ready in their BackPack, and yes, the Wonkas are counted.....

Have fun while we are gone..;. Oh, and we have suprizes too.....

Worked today but took Whit ( my DD) with me so it went a little faster or so it seemed .
You know how kids are you dont get to see them when you want you get to see them when "THEY" want .
I'm telling you the best way to see your kids when you want is DONT BUY THEM A CAR !!!!
If you do buy them a car dont buy sports cars cause then you spend all your time working to pay for insurance . Why I ever bought a Mustang and Camaro for 2 teenagers I will never figure it out.

off to take my niece and nephew to eat dinner . Nothing like kids 2 and 4 to remind you of why you are glad yours are older
ok I posted the 1st day of my trip on the trip report board. Go on and take a look it is not as good as Ricks was last year but I am trying :teeth:
Good morning to all those who have not gone to WDW :charac2: :charac2:

So what do people have planned for today? I have a rehearsal at the theatre for our next show. Today we have a dance and singing rehearsal. If it is anything like Thursdays rehearsal I will be shattered as the dances are quite fast (and we have to sing at the same time!)
I guess after that I should do some planning for my school work next week.
Oh well, I'm off to find some breakfast.

:wave2: Good morning, Danauk. :sunny: I am watching some tv before going to bed soon. We don't really have plans except to make sure that we go to bed early Sunday night---NC Beast has a physical therapy session scheduled---he is mending nicely. I should do some house cleaning and bathe Jessie. I might watch today's NASCAR race. I need to get my first exchange ready this week (the DIS calender exchange) and print out recipes for the Holiday recipe exchange. Supper might be leftovers (honey dijon chicken and mock mashed potatoes or chili or BBQ or pot roast.

mornng..:wave: I am cleaning, laundry etc today.. but must run some errands first... and help with an Eagle project..

be back soon
Boy it sure is quiet here whilst the others are enjoying themselves at WDW :charac2: (I'm going to see how many times we can use the pitty us smilie before the others get back!!)
I have just got back from the theatre. We started our rehearsals for our christmas show last week. I only wanted a small part this time but I have been given 2 parts, one with more lines to learn that what I had hoped!! So far we have learned 2 dances and 5 songs (not bad for 2 rehearsals!) I have been given a small solo part in one of the songs (the strawberry seller in 'who will buy?' from Oliver.) I guess now I am home I should sort out dinner and put some loads of washing in.
I'll be back later.


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